
New member
Sep 21, 2004
So, just like last year you talk a big game and ridicule other's picks or anyone with dissenting opinion from yours -- and then you lose bigger than anyone else did.

Professional gambler... That's a riot. Is that what you tell your mother when you come up from the basement when she asks when she'll be getting her rent money?

You've proven to know nothing about movie betting, ride on other's coattail's in every other major sport, and have no record of your own to show for anything... That's not called a professional gambler jcambert, that's called a joke

New member
Sep 20, 2004
I think Kapusta should be added to the list, or at least his 5* picks.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
SOS, I don't think anyone around here wants to hear your opinion on my movie betting. Please keep that to the forum where it belongs. If you don't intend to help, please stay out.

Professional At All Times
Dec 3, 2003

I first want to wish you success in your endeavor to create a list of quality handicappers. That being said, I think it is fair for me to ask you a question because you asked me a question a couple of days ago as to whether I do this for a living and I responded openly and honestly. I am also aware that you have asked others on this forum as well as other sites the same question thus seemingly gathering information for some reason.

My question is this: You have stated in numerous threads that you do this professionally for a living. Why would someone who is already a professional want a list of selections from other handicappers? Second, when Co-Captain called you out to post your plays since you have clearly stated that you are a professional, why did you not respond and begin to post your plays for all to see? Is it possible that you are attempting to trap our fellow posters as they publicly and freely post in your thread?

Everyone who has read my threads on these forums knows that I do not believe or partake in bashing anyone but I would like to see a response from you as so many of us have openly responded to your past questions. Please address these questions specifically and carefully.

New member
Sep 21, 2004

Very fair questions. I know you were asking jcambert, but I'll answer as honestly as I can (without bashing) the answers as I see them, based on seeing jcambert post for over a year now:

First off, he hates to be questioned. He treats anyone thats has a dissenting opinion from his as someone who is questioning his intelligence. For some reason he feels his opinions are better than anyone else, despite not having a single bit of proof to show for that.

He has long claimed to be a "professional gambler", as well as "dating a dancer for the Miami Heat" and all these other type fantasies. Here's the facts that show this to be a complete lie:

1) The inordinate amount of time he spends handicapping box office totals and movies. A professional gambler certainly doesn't devote a large sum of his time and energy to wagers that have $200 limits at most books.

2) Every time he's ever taken a large stance on any one of his selections in Other Sports, it has failed miserably. Normally, you'd feel sorry for the guy, give him a pat on the back and say "hang in there". But the manner in which he posts his selections, he comes off as an arrogant prick, and if you dare take any side of a wager other than the side he took, you're a dumbass and he lets you know it. Check out other sports and the "jcambert, professional gambler" topic to see how much of a jackass he was 6-7 months ago on a side of a bet he was taking -- and that side ended up losing big. He then disappeared for 5-6 months and reappeared at Oscar time to act in the same fashion -- ridiculing, boasting, and dripping with arrogance, only to go 0-10 on his Oscar selections.

3) As you said, he claims to be a professional gambler, yet a quick search shows he rides the coattails of REAL handicappers in almost every major sport. A professional gambler doesn't ride other's plays in every sport.

4) He's never produced any kind of documented record. I don't claim to be a "professional gambler", but I can produce a documented record -- strange how he can't.

5) You only see him post about taking a side on a few different games -- more or less hitting around 50% on those sides he does take.

The list goes on and on. This guy is living in a fantasy world, and uses the "Do you do this for a living? Well I do, so shut the hell up" quote anytime he feels like someone is questioning his picks. The beauty of the quote is that it doesn't have to have any PROOF to back up his claims, we're just supposed to take his word for it that he's a professional gambler, despite the majority of the selections he's posted for everyone to see being big losers.

I don't have a problem with people riding others picks. I don't have a problem with people being losing gamblers. I don't have a problem with people being confident about their plays, even if they end up losing.

I do have a problem with people that ridicule other's selections, have an arrogant tone about them, and will bash any opinion that is different from there own. Jcambert is that person in a nutshell. The guy is a complete joke.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
I'm not sure I understand your question. Trap fellow posters into doing what? They don't have to post if they don't see fit. As to why I read other's posts...I will say...why not? Oftentimes, someone will turn me onto a game that I hadn't previously considered playing, or off from a game that I WAS considering playing.

It's a fair question. As to why I dont' post, I'll answer this. I hit in the 55% range pretty consistently, however, I'm a bit like Co Captain and Kodiak in that I have sort of a quick fuse and, I know that these boards are filled with flamers, and, I don't know if I could put up with it the way Co Capt and Kodiak do. It's a fair and honest question, Ted, however, I'm still curious as to what you mean when you say "trap" fellow posters into posting in my thread? Trap them into what? I honestly dono't follow you. That being said, if you don't want me to do this, say the word, and I won't. I will continue to read YOUR plays, and Kodiak's plays, and Co Cap's plays, etc. etc. etc. only it will be ab it harder than just having it all in one thread.

I will give you one example as to what I'm playing tonight. I'm on Seton Hall, and Middle Tennessee State tonight, on my own. However, because of this board, and the quality cappers on it, I'm strongly considering Western Michigan as a play, as a couple of the cappers that I respect on these boards seem to think it's a good play.

Is that fair? By the way, the fact that I do this for a living does NOT mean that I'm not willing to learn, and possibly follow a hot capper who is successful, much as I am. I don't know that one thing has anything to do with another.

Does that answer part of your questoin? Please advise.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
SOS, I won't continue this with you. Ted posed a civil question to me and I answered it. His intention is an honest one. Yours isn't so admirable. You wish to ruffle my feathers and get into a pissing contest, and, I'm not gonna do it (for a change). YOU are the type of person that is precisely the reason that I don't post here.

Ted, you wanna know why I don't post here? Check Sound of Silences' post in another thread in this very forum (CBB) about my HORRENDOUS night last night with the ACademy Awards. That should answer your question as to why I don't post on here.


Professional At All Times
Dec 3, 2003
Sound of Silence:

Thank you for your response. I think the forum now awaits the response from jcambert. The ball is in your court sir. We have responded to you openly and honestly. Show us the integrity to do the same.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Ted, our posts must have gotten crossed up. I have already resopnded, prior to your even making this last post.

Professional At All Times
Dec 3, 2003

We crossed paths while replying too each other. I will tell you this. If you were a professional gambler, you would know exactly what I meant by trying to trap fellow posters. I will except your response as you have stated it to the forum and allow the members to decide for themselves how they feel. Again, good luck with your endeavor.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
I honestly don't know what you mean by "trap" fellow posters, and, I am a professional gambler, and, frankly, I have nothing to gain by convincing you of same, so, believe what you will. Again, as stated, if you don't wish that I make the thread each day, that's fine, and, I won't, but, whether or not I'm a professional has nothing to do with it. Again, I have nothing to gain from having you believe that, as I don't sell my picks or otherwise care, one way or the other.

Good luck tonight.


New member
Sep 21, 2004
Ted, I'll add one more thing with regards to your comment about letting people "decide." Decide what? I'm not out to convince people that I'm a professional sports investor. I don't care one way or the other. So, I'm not sure what people have to decide. Anyway, I wish you the best of luck, as you are one of the classiest guys on these boards, win or lose, and, I do look at your plays on an almost daily basis.


New member
Sep 21, 2004
ALL of these latest posts are why i thought someone like the GENERAL should do about leaving the past in the past and giving cambert a chance..whats the worst that could happen??..maybe jcambert can show he's only trying to help the RX..he's always online here..give him a chance to contribute in a positive way!!

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Precisely, Dano. I fail to see how a thread like this one could be anything BUT positive. I will continue to do it, and, anyone like SOS who doesn't approve, can simply refrain from reading it.


Professional At All Times
Dec 3, 2003

I've excepted your comments as you have stated them. No further discussion is required. Once again good luck with your endeavor. Hopefully, it will result in something positive for this forum, it's members and the viewers.

New member
Sep 21, 2003
Tokens is simple start the thread...but do not be so presumptious as to dictate who can & cannot post....

personally I would consider it ridiculous without Ted's plays as I know he is a good capper & I trust his judgement, I have gottent to know him quite well.

Ted is one of only 5% of Cappers that keeps an honest running tally of his plays every day...others do not do this...others have strange unit ratings that no one understands...others buy 1/2 points & full points to make their record look inflated....

Sure you may get a few extra cappers than you lile but who cares...ask each capper to keep a running total in the thread....Your 'list' is very subgjective & does not do justice to many people here...which is why I beleive you are getting some tension....

New member
Sep 21, 2004
If anyone can post to the thread, then the thread is useless, as it's the same as not having a thread and having to scroll through a million threads for the better posters. AGain, we will go with it for now and tweak as we go along.


New member
Sep 21, 2004
If this thread works: would you consider updating with the ytd's for everyone posting in this thread since start of thread?

New member
Sep 21, 2004
It someone is willing to do the detailed record keeping, I would gladly post it, or have them post it, but, that would simply be too time consuming. I'd be open to suggestions on this, though.


Shaman; Prophet; Seer
Sep 21, 2004
Just have to remark to SportsSavant that although I do buy the hook, it is to make money and not to inflate my record. I would imagine this would apply to most others as well. I frankly could give a crap about my record, but I do keep an accurate one so that others will have an honest idea of how much value to give my plays. When I have no idea what a poster's record is, I have no idea how to consider his plays.

Anyway, as to this thread, I can see the merits of it, but I hope it does not cause people to ignore a particular capper's thread, as a lot of info is often presented that would not fit into a thread like the one discussed. Also, for those really interested in the community here, we get to know each other's personalities through their threads.

Just a thought or two.

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