Things you didn’t know about the Bible


Nov 16, 2007
Why do people who don’t believe, put so much effort in to making people not believing, or making fun of those who do? You have been given a choice. I respect whatever choice you decide to make. I don’t wish you hell, nor will I ever say you’re going there. I might be going there. But I won’t be going there by making fun, or putting stupid pictures of Jesus as a knock knock joke. Jesus is not a joke, whether you want to believe in him or not.
I am no better than you for believing in him. Again, I may not make it to heaven, but I hope I and everyone else does. Don’t put down the faith. It’s really not a fairytale.

Nov 16, 2007
Has anyone noticed the length of the posts disputing Christianity?
You haven’t mentioned Muhammed, Buddha, or any other idols. Why does everyone hate the Christ Jesus? Why is he so easy to make fun of? They were doing the same thing, right before they lashed and lashed him. And you know the rest. If it didn’t happen, than why hate him? You aren’t pissed at Buddhists. Why aren’t you bitchin about Muhammed? The hate for Jesus, which some of you don’t believe, is what’s bringing him back to prove you wrong.

Jan 13, 2019
ACookie , I wanna try and find out why you hate God? I know this will probably take a few days to go back and forth as I and mabe you too have a job and a family to take care of, but if you wanna have a serious discussion on why you believe the way you do and why I believe the way I do, I’d like to engage in this discussion. You see I know that people believe different things all around this world and of course everyone believes they are right. Some believe in God, some don’t, unfortunately those who believe in God do not always agree on who God really is. But before we get deep into the weeds, I want you to know that everyone who says they are a Christian isn’t a True Born again Christian . There are a TON of Hypocrites who say one thing but live a total different life. They are Liars and the Truth is not in them, and they will be exposed one day. So You gotta know that every time you heard a tv preacher or somebody else talking Bible, please don’t lump us all in together . Well if you’re up for the challenge, but let’s try and take one topic at a time. I’ve read alota stuff from you over the last few days and their is several things I wanted to address, so I’d first like to know what was the tipping point for you that caused you to say “I’m done with God” let’s start here.........

AU FAN, it looks like Aliaster made his choice long ago. I think it is good that you are trying to figure out where he is coming from. This place we live in did not just create itself with everything so perfect for us to be able to exist and sustain life. Us and our world are here by intellegent design. Nobody knows why we are here or why many cruel injustices are allowed to happen. Our creator is in a different realm and maybe we will know the answers in the afterlife if he wants us to. I do not belong to any organized religion but have always been a follower of Jesus.

Other peoples NDE's are a huge part of why I keep my faith. None of the stories I have heard about them are anything like Sportsbookdatas. One of my lifelong friends had an NDE when he was four years old. He fell and busted his head open and died for a short time. He said he was so young that he really had no concept about god or religion. He was in heaven sitting on Gods lap. God asked him if he wanted to stay there with him or go back. He said he was scared and crying and wanted to go back to his mom, and he is still here 50 years later. I also watched the series of Nathan Wheelers called "Truth Me Free". He had an NDE, went to heaven, and came back on a mission. He spent some time with and experienced every major religion, and then some to try to discover what the real true one is. Some of them he tried and discarded as fundamentally flawed include Buddism, Mormonism, Islam (This one only took a couple hours), and hanging with an Apache shaman. He now has his own ministry called "The Yeshua Network".
He said that his primary concern was for those who have never read the Bible or ever will they would take what NDE people say as Gospel… New Age gospel.

Sep 6, 2014
I don’t believe blindly in anything and in my early twenties attending college - we de debated hotly on theses very topics - I was a skeptic and entertained atheism n agnosticism and of course deism the latter was that God exists but he does not involve himself in human affairs - but after many years of research the evidence for me pointed to the God of the Bible Jesus Christ who created all things as John said in his Gospel. I have a Masters degree in Astronomy n Minor in Cosmology along with a degree in World Religions . Most young people when they look up in the sky,say who made all of that or where did it all come from- here we are in a speck in a vast universe so huge it’s incomprehensible.yet without sentient beings how could it even be understood- without us there would be Nothing to understand. As Atheist turned Christian CS Lewis said God is the only answer for why anything exists at all.

Sep 6, 2014
And what about right and wrong? Surely mankind doesn’t set that standard - someone higher had to do that!

Jan 30, 2008
Does anyone else find it ironic that this debate for and against Christianity and religion is happening on a gambling forum? I know religions frown upon gambling or outright denounce it. Just a thought.

Active member
Nov 23, 2011
Does anyone else find it ironic that this debate for and against Christianity and religion is happening on a gambling forum? I know religions frown upon gambling or outright denounce it. Just a thought.

Yea, I believe one of Jesus only sign of anger was overturning the tables at the temple

Sep 6, 2014
Well we are all sinners n we are at war with our mind and flesh - Paul said himself why do I do the things I should not do,but the things I should do, I do not . So I find that evil is present within me as will all people / who can save me from this - Thank God thru Jesus we have a way out!

Jan 23, 2012
Yea, I believe one of Jesus only sign of anger was overturning the tables at the temple
That turning the tables incident had nothing to do with money or much less gambling, it was about extortion.....
Nov 17, 2007
Well we are all sinners n we are at war with our mind and flesh - Paul said himself why do I do the things I should not do,but the things I should do, I do not . So I find that evil is present within me as will all people / who can save me from this - Thank God thru Jesus we have a way out!
If you want to declare yourself a sinner that’s fine with me, but let’s not cast that net so wide that you include me or say my three-year-old daughter who is pure goodness encapsulated. She was born that way and anyone who thinks otherwise is demented.

Paul was most likely a schizophrenic who had visions, endorsed slavery and thought women were second class citizens. If he were alive today he’d be thrown into a mental institution. Excuse me if I don’t take moral advice from him.
Nov 17, 2007
AU, I mock religion for the same reasons that I mock people that think vaccines cause autism, that praying cures illness and not doctors (call me the next time someone prays an amputee's arm back on), that cutting off a part of an infants penis is part of god's plan, etc...I could go on, and on, and on.

It is because the ideas are worthy of ridicule and must be mocked. As long as people use a The Goat Grder's Guide to the Galaxy as a moral guide despite the morals of said guide being abominable, I'll continue to mock it. Again, if it offends you, I suggest you turn off the internet - no one is forcing you to come and read this thread.
Nov 17, 2007
That last one was for Ashack1, not AU sorry...also....


I would also point out that some of the "Christians" in this thread are ALSO doing exactly what you are getting upset with me for. They are not only mocking people like myself, or Sal Santorre, or sportsbook data for our beliefs (or POV in my case) but a few of them have called us idiots, faggots and morons. I actually find this to be completely normal from internet "Christians" and it does not bother me in the slightest and I'm not complaining. That's their right as Americans to scream loud and far the stupidest and most vile things that they can think of without fear of repercussion from the government.

However, I've yet to see you respond to any of them and call out their behavior even one time, or even reference it. I have to deduce then, that if a Christian is being hateful and mocking then it is ok with you?
"Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?
Aug 17, 2019
Sports book my guess the book that you are quoting is either something from NewAge writings or the Book of Mormon , or most likely your reading The Great Controversy written by Ellen G. White one of the cult founders of the 7th Day Adventist , a religion that uses Christian language but is clearly a works based salvation and has many teachings that are contradictory to the teachings of the Bible . With that said I will be glad to discuss or dispute what you or I believe the scripture says about Jesus or His teachings using the only true source of Authority The Holy Bible but I can’t accept what you’re saying about Jesus when you are using New Age material, Ellen G White, Book of Mormon or any other source that said “they had a vision from God while they were in a cave or some other “new revelation “ from God. You are being deceived brother! God started writing His book some 6,000 years ago with Moses and finished it with the Apostle John on the isles of Patmos some 2,000 years ago. That’s it it’s finished! There is no New revelation from God! All you need to know on how the world started and how it’s gonna end, to how to live a Purposeful life, and praise God how to be saved from our sins is all found in the pages of that one book! God loves us so much that He gave us an instruction manual on how to navigate this dark sinful world and NOBODY who’s ever breathed fresh air is gonna stand before A Living God one day and point their arrogant finger at Him and say “ I Never Gotta Chance to be Saved” No sir God is not willing that any should perrish , but that All would come to repentance !

Your guess is wrong. I do not follow any organized religion or quote from any text unless I need to as a point of reference.

Also, I do not "hate" Jesus, quite the contrary, nor am I trying to sway anyone from what they believe. My posts simply state the undeniable truth from a deeper level of understanding through esoteric knowledge most do not have access to.

What I do find interesting is that most self-proclaimed Christians never read any other religious text in their life and yet they believe they are scholars on Religion. I have read all religious texts available on this planet including ancient texts you most will never find or have access to. In reading these texts several things became apparent, primarily four things; 1. The underlying stories are virtually identical, it's only the character faces and names that change, 2. They are written in metaphors to hide the truth from the simple-minded man, 3. The metaphors are all astrological references, and 4. The Bible is by far the most manipulated religious book with complete sections removed and text altered to instill fear. Fear was necessary by the Roman Empire to gain and maintain power and control. And they knew that making you afraid of God was the ultimate in controlling you.. and it worked because look around you, and even here, listen to yourself and read what you are writing and referencing... "judgement", "hell", "eternal damnation"... all words that create FEAR but these are NOT words of God, instead, words of demi-gods and satan. Fear is still the basis of our society today and the mass media is the weapon of mass destruction!

It's often been said "seek truth and you will find God".... are you seeking truth or just believing one story you read?
Aug 17, 2019
AU, I mock religion for the same reasons that I mock people that think vaccines cause autism, that praying cures illness and not doctors (call me the next time someone prays an amputee's arm back on), that cutting off a part of an infants penis is part of god's plan, etc...I could go on, and on, and on.

It is because the ideas are worthy of ridicule and must be mocked. As long as people use a The Goat Grder's Guide to the Galaxy as a moral guide despite the morals of said guide being abominable, I'll continue to mock it. Again, if it offends you, I suggest you turn off the internet - no one is forcing you to come and read this thread.

Doctor's are not healers, nor do they cure disease. Sure, doctor's can give an amputee a fake limb but that doesn't qualify them as a healer. The Latin meaning of "Doctor" is Teacher but western world doctors are not teachers, instead, they subscribe to a system that pays them very well for following a system controlled by Big Pharma. They prescribe medications to shut off pain receptors, giving you the illusion you are healed....but this is not the case! These medications cause far more harm to the human body than any good claimed by the medical industry.

Prescription drugs are now the #1 cause of death in the U.S.... why? Because they don't work and are deadly! But the brainwashing through mass media tricks you into thinking you can't live without them! Truth is everything you need to heal yourself will never be found at a pharmaceutical company or doctor's office... it's found in Mother Earth. Plant medicine is what heals and the Indigenous people of our world understand this better than anyone.... surely it's not coincidence that these Indigenous tribes live longer than any other race on this planet... they don't even know what disease is!

The underlying root of ALL disease is inflammation... nothing more, nothing less. Why else do you think your doctor prescribes an anti-inflammatory for everything? That anti-inflammatory which you can get naturally without harmful, even deadly, pharmaceutical drugs, provides the foundation to getting healthier.

Prayer and meditation have been medically and scientifically proven to cure all diseases including cancer. I suggest checking out the works of Dr. Joe Dispenza and Dr. Bruce Lipton who are at the forefront of this proof. Their work is documented and has been scrutinized by the best doctors in the world... nobody can discredit their work because it's real... not even the medical industry can ignore it anymore.

"The Kingdom of Heaven is IN YOU"... so is the POWER TO HEAL YOURSELF! THIS was the main message Jesus was trying to teach you!
Nov 17, 2007
ACookie , I wanna try and find out why you hate God?
If you mean why do I hate the god of the bible - I could no more hate the god of the bible than I could hate Voldemort, though Voldemort seems like a good guy in comparison. If you want to know why I find that particular character in the bible to be repulsive, you could start by reading my posts.

I'm not convinced you want to have a discussion, I think you want to quote scripture and tell me the good news. I've heard it and I think it's just a bunch of allegory and fable made up by bronze age semi-literate peasants living in small desert trying to make sense of the universe.
let's start here
This thread is full of posts I've made about the bible for a starting point for you.
Nov 17, 2007
Doctor's are not healers, nor do they cure disease.
You're playing semantics here. I didn't say doctor's are healers, I said they are more effective than prayer.
Prayer and meditation have been medically and scientifically proven to cure all diseases including cancer.
I didn't mention meditation, you did, and as for prayer working you're really just saying meditation twice.

Let me be more specific since you are so fond of semantic games. Doctor's do infinitely more good in caring for and helping sick people to get well than praying to a god who subsequently answers your prayer in the form of "healing" you. There has NEVER been any scientific evidence for this happening. There has never, ever been any scientific evidence of a miracle. Period. Never.
I don't hate your POV by any means aside from your stating it as the absolute truth - no one has that. We are all on a long and hard personal journey and everyone is fighting their own personal battles. I 100% agree with you that the metaphorical kingdom of heaven is in you, and that the collection of stories that man has told over the ages are representative of a greater spiritual story that is true for all and that by studying all of them we can come closer to finding that. It is much easier to point to a story book and say I love Jesus everyone else is wrong, than actually do the work to find your own truth. I'll be the first to admit that I'm not even close but I am working on it.
THIS was the main message that every central savior character in all the holy books has been trying to teach everyone!

Jan 23, 2012
That last one was for Ashack1, not AU sorry...also....


I would also point out that some of the "Christians" in this thread are ALSO doing exactly what you are getting upset with me for. They are not only mocking people like myself, or Sal Santorre, or sportsbook data for our beliefs (or POV in my case) but a few of them have called us idiots, faggots and morons. I actually find this to be completely normal from internet "Christians" and it does not bother me in the slightest and I'm not complaining. That's their right as Americans to scream loud and far the stupidest and most vile things that they can think of without fear of repercussion from the government.

However, I've yet to see you respond to any of them and call out their behavior even one time, or even reference it. I have to deduce then, that if a Christian is being hateful and mocking then it is ok with you?
"Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?
Have I called you or anyone else on this forum an idiot,faggot or moron? NO ! Like i said everyone that proclaims to be a Christian is not a Christian ! You have a problem with God obviously, and you constantly attack anyone that says they are Christian . My guess is you use to study the Bible,probably even attend church, and you may have even called yourself a believer . But something happened mabe someone you prayed for died or mabe someone close to you died tragically., and that caused you to be angry with God and now your anger has consumed you , and turned into all out hatred.Or nothing tragic happened and you went off into a reducation camp (college) and some liberal professor changed your thinking. Either way youve made it your mission to contradict the Bible and speak out against anyone that calls theirselves a Christian! Hence the reason you started this thread. All I wanna know what caused you to take this mission on, but you dont seem to wanna come clean , all you continue to do is constantly throw insults at the Bible or Jesus, your really starting to sound like a talking mouth piece on CNN , You want everyone to hear what you gotta say but you really dont wanna have any real dialogue or debate. You have brought up about 30 different topics on the Bible but you wont answer the one question Ive asked . So if you wanna have a real discussion we can, otherwise your no different than internet bully, you know the people you like to criticize, you just keep spouting off stuff just trying to get a response, but when someone calls you out to answer a question you cant , I said CNN mouth piece . YOUR so smart and knowledgeable of the Bible , why dont you and I have some dialogue?

Jun 4, 2018
Have I called you or anyone else on this forum an idiot,faggot or moron? NO ! Like i said everyone that proclaims to be a Christian is not a Christian ! You have a problem with God obviously, and you constantly attack anyone that says they are Christian . My guess is you use to study the Bible,probably even attend church, and you may have even called yourself a believer . But something happened mabe someone you prayed for died or mabe someone close to you died tragically., and that caused you to be angry with God and now your anger has consumed you , and turned into all out hatred.Or nothing tragic happened and you went off into a reducation camp (college) and some liberal professor changed your thinking. Either way youve made it your mission to contradict the Bible and speak out against anyone that calls theirselves a Christian! Hence the reason you started this thread. All I wanna know what caused you to take this mission on, but you dont seem to wanna come clean , all you continue to do is constantly throw insults at the Bible or Jesus, your really starting to sound like a talking mouth piece on CNN , You want everyone to hear what you gotta say but you really dont wanna have any real dialogue or debate. You have brought up about 30 different topics on the Bible but you wont answer the one question Ive asked . So if you wanna have a real discussion we can, otherwise your no different than internet bully, you know the people you like to criticize, you just keep spouting off stuff just trying to get a response, but when someone calls you out to answer a question you cant , I said CNN mouth piece . YOUR so smart and knowledgeable of the Bible , why dont you and I have some dialogue?
Cookie just got bitch Slapping-silly90))

Jan 23, 2012
Acookie you can fool alota people , but you cant fool me, this world is full of people who dont believe in the God of the Bible , and they sail through life not worrying about it. But when someone takes on the mission youve takin its for reason, mabe the tragity i talked about or mabe its because you dont like the thought of having to be held accountable one day for the life you chose to live and having to answer to a Living God and so you dont like that so you choose not to believe it, so which is it?

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