Things you didn’t know about the Bible

Aug 17, 2019
AU, I mock religion for the same reasons that I mock people that think vaccines cause autism, that praying cures illness and not doctors (call me the next time someone prays an amputee's arm back on), that cutting off a part of an infants penis is part of god's plan, etc...I could go on, and on, and on.

It is because the ideas are worthy of ridicule and must be mocked. As long as people use a The Goat Grder's Guide to the Galaxy as a moral guide despite the morals of said guide being abominable, I'll continue to mock it. Again, if it offends you, I suggest you turn off the internet - no one is forcing you to come and read this thread.

Autism is developed in the mother's womb due to a lack of minerals and vital nutrients mostly attributed to processed foods and GMOs. This also causes deformity in the normal cognitive thinking as well as the spinal chord and nervous system. which results in heightened sensitivity.

Vaccines DO NOT cure anything they claim to... they are part of a bigger picture plan designed to keep you sick. All vaccines are very toxic and contain very harmful metals designed to overload your immune system, ultimately breaking it down and making you sick(er). Who stands to profit from you being sick? Big Pharma, of course. And how do they drive you to line up for vaccines? FEAR, of course, with threats of diseases that aren't even real or don't exist... always happening in a land far far away.
Nov 17, 2007
Autism is developed in the mother's womb due to a lack of minerals and vital nutrients mostly attributed to processed foods and GMOs. This also causes deformity in the normal cognitive thinking as well as the spinal chord and nervous system. which results in heightened sensitivity.
Lies, lies, and more lies. Absolutely NONE of this is backed up by any peer-reviewed studies BigPharma is trying to make money but it isn't through vaccinations.
Vaccines DO NOT cure anything they claim to... they are part of a bigger picture plan designed to keep you sick. All vaccines are very toxic and contain very harmful metals designed to overload your immune system, ultimately breaking it down and making you sick(er). Who stands to profit from you being sick? Big Pharma, of course. And how do they drive you to line up for vaccines? FEAR, of course, with threats of diseases that aren't even real or don't exist... always happening in a land far far away.
You are absolutely right that vaccines don't cure disease but you're playing semantics again...they build up immunity and PREVENT disease.

Why is it do you think that polio, mumps, measles, rubella, bacterial influenza, hepatitis A & B, Hib, whooping cough, pertussis, rotovirus are no longer health problems. People like you are fucking dangerous.
Aug 17, 2019
You're playing semantics here. I didn't say doctor's are healers, I said they are more effective than prayer. I didn't mention meditation, you did, and as for prayer working you're really just saying meditation twice.

Let me be more specific since you are so fond of semantic games. Doctor's do infinitely more good in caring for and helping sick people to get well than praying to a god who subsequently answers your prayer in the form of "healing" you. There has NEVER been any scientific evidence for this happening. There has never, ever been any scientific evidence of a miracle. Period. Never.
I don't hate your POV by any means aside from your stating it as the absolute truth - no one has that. We are all on a long and hard personal journey and everyone is fighting their own personal battles. I 100% agree with you that the metaphorical kingdom of heaven is in you, and that the collection of stories that man has told over the ages are representative of a greater spiritual story that is true for all and that by studying all of them we can come closer to finding that. It is much easier to point to a story book and say I love Jesus everyone else is wrong, than actually do the work to find your own truth. I'll be the first to admit that I'm not even close but I am working on it.FTFY

I understand prayer and meditation are the same but many do not.

Again, I strongly encourage you to study the works of Dr. Joe Dispenza and Dr. Bruce Lipton. Their work is extensive and proven medically and scientifically. They have openly invited the top doctors in the world to attend their forums and workshops to allow them to see it firsthand... countless have accepted the invitation and all walked away speechless. This has caused many to change how they practice in their own fields now. This is good because major change is needed in the medical field. We need medical doctors to break away from the Luciferian control and do what they are supposed to do... TEACH and HEAL.
Aug 17, 2019
Lies, lies, and more lies.You are absolutely right that vaccines don't cure disease but you're playing semantics again...they build up immunity and PREVENT disease.

Why is it do you think that polio, mumps, measles, rubella, bacterial influenza, hepatitis A & B, Hib, whooping cough, pertussis, rotovirus are no longer health problems. People like you are fucking dangerous.

You are absolutely wrong. Vaccines have been proven to cause more harm to the immune system than good. Most vaccines contain ZERO substances that are even relevant to the disease they allegedly prevent. This is public knowledge and I encourage you to do some research.

For example, the number of flu shots administered increases each year but so do the number of flu cases... something is wrong with this picture. If flu shots worked it is only reasonable to expect the number of cases to drop. So this leads to the question.. what is really in those vaccines and why isn't it really helping top prevent the flu... and then, of course, why are people getting sicker? Eventually, a light bulb has to go off!
Nov 17, 2007
and you constantly attack anyone that says they are Christian .
This is an 100% bald-faced lie. I have not attacked one single person in this thread, least of all you. Stop lying and if you feel so attacked by what I've posted, or written, STOP COMING INTO THE THREAD. FFS.
Nov 17, 2007
and then, of course, why are people getting sicker? !
LOL, they're not. For example, these diseases have been eradicated because of vaccines:

polio, mumps, measles, rubella, bacterial influenza, hepatitis A & B, Hib, whooping cough, pertussis, rotovirus
Nov 17, 2007
Again, I strongly encourage you to study the works of Dr. Joe Dispenza and Dr. Bruce Lipton. .
I will check them out - have already googled DJP - I'm interested everyone has good information if you know where to look.

I'll also not be responding to any more of the debate back and forth in this thread, which was started to post things about the bible that the lay person isn't really aware of. If anyone wants to start their own thread debating the existence of god or the kingdom of heaven, feel free to start a new thread.

Jan 13, 2019
Didn't say you did - I said you were silent when others did.

The rest of all of this is just drivel. Have a great day.

Why should he not be silent? You are a satanist POS! Of course most satanists dont believe in god or satan so the whole religion thing is a big joke to them. Some believe they will rule in hell and have slaves of those they murdered in this world. You call yourself Allistair? Man, woman? Or Crowley wannabe? Carry on with your dumbassery because it is all about mind over matter. I dont mind because you dont matter!

Jan 23, 2012
Acookie , Thats it then..I know your reason...well I hope you keep reading the Word as part of your mission, you never know the God you hate may pierce your heart and remove the scales from your eyes that the enemy has placed.....but I will make it my mission to pray for you by name that my God will open your eyes,He's able to save to the uttermost ......if you ever wanna serious talk about anything I will PM you my phone number.... but I usually just guest visit i dont login much so if ya wanna get my attention just start a thread " Hey AU FAN' LoL ! Have a great new year ! Peace !
Aug 17, 2019
LOL, they're not. For example, these diseases have been eradicated because of vaccines:

polio, mumps, measles, rubella, bacterial influenza, hepatitis A & B, Hib, whooping cough, pertussis, rotovirus

Did these diseases really vanish because of vaccines or were they never really a threat in the first place? And why are diseases like measles and hepatitis being talked about again?

The American people have never been more sick. We are the one of the sickest nations in the world. We have great diagnostics equipment but we fail to treat properly because of Big Pharma.

I'm not here to debate with anyone just here to share truth and knowledge.
Aug 17, 2019
Did these diseases really vanish because of vaccines or were they never really a threat in the first place? And why are diseases like measles and hepatitis being talked about again?

The American people have never been more sick. We are the one of the sickest nations in the world. We have great diagnostics equipment but we fail to treat properly because of Big Pharma.

I'm not here to debate with anyone just here to share truth and knowledge.

On the topic of sickness, the life expectancy in the USA dropped for the first time in more than 50 years... how is this possible with cutting edge state-of-the-art technology to diagnose diseases earlier and vaccines that allegedly prevent diseases? As a nation we consume 80% of all pharmaceuticals in the world... not a typo... and yet our life expectancy is dropping while other nations, specifically SPIRITUAL nations, are increasing<insert light bulb>! Read between the lines!
Nov 17, 2007
Acookie , Thats it then..I know your reason...well I hope you keep reading the Word as part of your mission, you never know the God you hate may pierce your heart and remove the scales from your eyes that the enemy has placed.....but I will make it my mission to pray for you by name that my God will open your eyes,He's able to save to the uttermost ......if you ever wanna serious talk about anything I will PM you my phone number.... but I usually just guest visit i dont login much so if ya wanna get my attention just start a thread " Hey AU FAN' LoL ! Have a great new year ! Peace !
And I hope that you will one day have the courage of your conviction to speak out against your fellow Christians when they actually do attack people like the post just before yours that you once again ignored.

I also hope that one day you have the courage to apologize to me for saying that I've attacked people without evidence of it, while staying silent when people like rwjr or sport60 hurl vile comments and insults.

Call them out for their hatred, and I'll go back and forth with you as long as you want. Otherwise, only what I've said just previous.

Jan 13, 2019
And I hope that you will one day have the courage of your conviction to speak out against your fellow Christians when they actually do attack people like the post just before yours that you once again ignored.

I also hope that one day you have the courage to apologize to me for saying that I've attacked people without evidence of it, while staying silent when people like rwjr or sport60 hurl vile comments and insults.

Call them out for their hatred, and I'll go back and forth with you as long as you want. Otherwise, only what I've said just previous.

Allistair Crowley says...sniff, sniff go beat up those mean people that picked on me for demeaning and making fun of their god...or I I I aint gonna play with you no more. Waaa waaa waaa. Crybaby satanist!

Let's go Brandon!
Nov 6, 2012
I was having a somewhat ''civil' dialogue with two J-Dubs when they were ordered to leave by Mr. Tough Guy whom said he was not going to talk to me and then tried to stare me down.


Jan 13, 2019
"Their god"

LOL thanks for at least acknowledging that it is your god and that there are many different ones. At least we agree.

I never said there are many ones, ya cry baby. You dont acknowledge him so he is obviously not your god. Satan is! Allistair!
Nov 17, 2007
I never said there are many ones, ya cry baby. You dont acknowledge him so he is obviously not your god. Satan is! Allistair!

OMFG! I started this thread to poke fun at the bible stories and all you have done is bitch and moan about my making fun of your god and call me names and insult me for it - and I'M the cry baby?? Do you have any self-awareness at all or are you a 13 year-old who got sent away to jesus camp?

Irony fucking explosion. You fucking religious snowflake - if you don't like this thread or what I say in it, STOP CLICKING ON IT.

You republicans are just as bad as the democrats. You bitch and moan about democrats being snowflakes and as soon as someone makes fun of YOU, you get your panties all up in a bunch and cry blasphemy and STOP INSULTING MY ALL-POWERFUL GOD HE'LL SEND YOU TO HELL IF YOU DON'T.


Jun 4, 2018
Hope u like it HOT cookie cause your headed to hell :pope:in a handbasket

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