Things you didn’t know about the Bible


Sep 6, 2014
Jesus is the Christ the Messiah! He told the lady at the well that HE it

Sep 6, 2014
Animals cannot even come close to a human being.Gorillas dont ponder the Universe and they know very little.We as humans can understand the universe around appears that the Universe was for US to come.THere are so many things that must be possible for any Human to even exist. the Parameters are so small that if gravity was off by an extremely small amount we would not exist.The universe is so fine tuned for life that we are here by no accident or chance.Light the fastest moving substance and the cosmic speed limit travels 186,000 miles per in a blink of an eye light would go around the earth 7 times!! Our Galaxy is 100,000 light years long so it would take you 100,000 years going the SOL to travel from one side to the other. WE have over 500 million galaxies in our area lol and the nearest one Our Sister G Andromeda is 2 1/2 million miles away! Light that you see on a clear night left that galaxy 2 1/2 million years ago!! SO condsider aliens that might have visited us say 3/4 of the way in our Galaxy,it would still take them traveling the speed of light 4-6000 years.And they would not even be able to go back and tell thier people! so its doubful that they even exist unless they can go faster than light which is impossible because the faster you go in any movement ,walking,running,car jet ,rocket you GAIN weight or mass.Going light speed is 99% of mass , so you get so heavy you cannot exceed light speed!!one last thing.the faster you go Time slows down for you.So if you go 3/4 the speed of light years go by and your only gone minutes,its no trick but fact.So even if you could go fast as light,again you could not go back to tell anyone,in minutes for you, many years go bye where you left!!

Sep 6, 2014
Jesus provoked the Pharasees and said ,for which good work do you want to stone me,they said we dont want to stone U for any good deed,but for Blasphemy,you are a mere Man, and you make yourself Equal to God! if you have seen me you have seen the father!

Jan 23, 2012
And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also. -Jesus talking to His deciples , NO WHERE in the Bible does He say the Christ Consciousness is coming! Your spreading NewAge lies, you do not preach the gospel of the Bible, I pray God opens your eyes and removes the veil that has been put over your eyes by Satan! Take the Bible and it Only and read it, it is the only Book that has stood the test of time and is the MOST printed book in the world, no other book comes close, if you will stick to it as your only source of TRUTH you will not be led astray!

Sep 6, 2014
PAUL said jesus was the visible image of the invisible GOD! Jesus was the Messiah, an Equal in Nature with GOD and the Holy Spirit! all 3 GOD.Jesus was born in TIME but his goings forth were from old from everlasting! only GOD fits that bill..we might not Comprehend that as humans but we can Apprehend it from Scripture!

Jun 4, 2018
Sportsbookdata is walking straight into hell & doesn't even know it , lol ....oh wait .... their is no hell right sbd
Nov 17, 2007
Of course Jesus said he was coming back.when the apostles looked up as Jesus was ascending into the sky-two angels said why are looking up,this same Jesus will come again in power and glory.
2000 years later ... he must be due any second
Nov 17, 2007
Again, he NEVER said he (JESUS) was coming back, he said THE CHRIST was coming back. Again, the self-proclaimed Christians always think "Christ" and "Jesus" are one-in-the-same... they are 100% NOT!

Jesus, or Jezwah, was "Christ-ed" like Buddha and others who reached Christ Consciousness, therefore, became "Jesus THE Christ". Christianity removed "the" and referred to him as "Jesus Christ" and this is why the confusion by so many Christians. If you can't understand this simple truth you will NEVER understand the truth of what you are reading and quoting from this storybook titled "Bible".
also never said he was God.
Aug 17, 2019
*there* and yes, this is correct. There is no hell, so smile and stop threatening people with it.

"The Kingdom of Heaven is IN YOU".. so why is everyone still looking up in the sky and waiting for Jesus to knock at their doors?

Heaven (and "Hell") are states of mind you achieve through higher (or lower) consciousness. Stop living your life in fear and with this pressure of "I don't want to go to hell". The way to heaven is through love, compassion and non-judgement... live this way and you will experience "Heaven on Earth" and continue to experience "heaven" when you "die". If you hate, have no compassion for others and judge others you will experience "Hell on Earth" and continue to experience Hell after you "die"... it's this simple!

Sep 6, 2014
look many nubs of the hammers have been worn down trying to disprove the Bible,which is the largest selling book of all time in more languages then any other.Jesus is the most well know name an all correspondance ,all important papers have the date on them which refers back to jesus ad and bc ,albeit many non believers have started to use common era and other ways.AS a Christian i dont live in fear but in Joy,of course there are many 7-11 christians and many who say they are and many false teachers who tarnish the Word and as Jesus said ,many will say to me i did this and that for you,attend church ,honor me with you lips an Jesus said i never knew you oh worker of EViL. SO that does not me Christianity is false no way.but many are.WE are never to Judge anyone but we CAN judge a persons actions.Big Difference.HELL is a real place as Jesus said many times,in FacT hell is mentioned by jesus many many times.But Hell is not a place of Torture,but it is Torment. Paul said no man has any excuse as the Light OF God is in all men.Right and wrong are written on the tablets of all mens Hearts.Objective Moral values do exist whether you believe it or not! Hitler murdered many people cause he thought he was right but HE was Wrong!

Nov 16, 2007
AC, I have admitted you are a well read/educated person. But you show the same aggression towards believers. You don’t like them, and get angry at the believers, who defend their beliefs. I respect your beliefs, but I don’t agree. Intelligence, would tell you to let others believe what they may. If you choose not to believe in the Christ, that’s up to you my friend, but the knock knock, was straight up blasphemy. Now I know you don’t believe in blasphemy, but some of us do. I kinda like your stern, intelligent, stance. But I disagree in my heart, your beliefs. I do know you have the right to believe what you want. I don’t agree with all the religions out there, beyond Christianity, but I know better than to degrade beliefs.
Jan 11, 2008
AC, I have admitted you are a well read/educated person. But you show the same aggression towards believers. You don’t like them, and get angry at the believers, who defend their beliefs. I respect your beliefs, but I don’t agree. Intelligence, would tell you to let others believe what they may. If you choose not to believe in the Christ, that’s up to you my friend, but the knock knock, was straight up blasphemy. Now I know you don’t believe in blasphemy, but some of us do. I kinda like your stern, intelligent, stance. But I disagree in my heart, your beliefs. I do know you have the right to believe what you want. I don’t agree with all the religions out there, beyond Christianity, but I know better than to degrade beliefs.

Nice post !! Thanks !!
We all have the right to believe what we want to believe.
Personally, I believe in God but I also believe every individual has the right not to believe.
I don't condemn those that don't believe in God, and I would hope that those that don't believe don't condemn me.

I hope every one has a safe and Happy New Year !!
Nov 17, 2007

First of all, wasn't Jesus put to death for blasphemy? It was stupid then, and it's stupid now. Blasphemy is a victimless crime, if it is a crime at all. With all due respect, I'm sick of believers telling me that God gets mad because I make fun of him. The creator of the whole entire universe is going to throw a temper tantrum because some mere mortal (that he created KNOWING that he would make jokes and EXACTLY WHICH JOKES) makes jokes about him? Is he a first grader? Did he drop his ice cream?

How about this omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient god go into a childhood leukemia ward, or give children in Flint, Michigan clean water, or tell the USA to stop bombing everybody, or tell Muslims that gay people and blasphemers don't deserve to die?

Doesn't he have better things to do? Or how about he just make himself known once and for all and show the whole world which is the right religion because right now about 2 billion muslims think YOU are going to hell, and another 3 billion people think you are insane.

As for my "aggression", I am posting literal quotes from the bible with admittedly a bit of smart-ass commentary, but who cares? Is that aggression? Is your faith so fragile that a bit of mockery puts you off? Instead of attacking my delivery, why don't you address the ridiculousness of the passages. If the almighty Yahweh, didn't know what the woman in the next room was thinking considering he created the universe, or that Adam and Eve were able to hide from him in a garden that he created, or he just simply sat down with a couple of angle buddies to a lamb barbecue with someone, well, that's comedy and I'm sorry if you're offended by your god's impotence.

I keep asking why the Trickster Yahweh is so worthy of worship when not only is he an incredible idiot (see previous passages, and more will come) he most unpleasant character in all fiction: jealous and proud of it; a petty, unjust, unforgiving control-freak; a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent bully. He's a genocidal maniac who according to the bible killed literally over 2 ½ million people of which one must assume at least 1.5 million were women and children under the age of 10 years old - but that's ok, right? Because they were wicked? All those wicked two year-olds!

Then if that wasn't enough, he told the Devil to kill 8 more just to prove a point. Apparently, according to the answers in this thread and others - if I don't repent and worship this sicko, well then the sicko is going to send me to hell forever. "Love me or else," sounds much more like a threat than an invitation.

If all of that offends you, then I suggest you either address the passages in the bible or don't come to the thread instead of worrying about whether or not I'm a blasphemer. And for anyone else who think threats of hell are going to convince me of anything, think about how you would feel if I told you Santa Claus weren't going to bring you any presents this year because you were a bad boy, and that's exactly how I feel.

Happy New Year!

Jan 23, 2012
Sports book my guess the book that you are quoting is either something from NewAge writings or the Book of Mormon , or most likely your reading The Great Controversy written by Ellen G. White one of the cult founders of the 7th Day Adventist , a religion that uses Christian language but is clearly a works based salvation and has many teachings that are contradictory to the teachings of the Bible . With that said I will be glad to discuss or dispute what you or I believe the scripture says about Jesus or His teachings using the only true source of Authority The Holy Bible but I can’t accept what you’re saying about Jesus when you are using New Age material, Ellen G White, Book of Mormon or any other source that said “they had a vision from God while they were in a cave or some other “new revelation “ from God. You are being deceived brother! God started writing His book some 6,000 years ago with Moses and finished it with the Apostle John on the isles of Patmos some 2,000 years ago. That’s it it’s finished! There is no New revelation from God! All you need to know on how the world started and how it’s gonna end, to how to live a Purposeful life, and praise God how to be saved from our sins is all found in the pages of that one book! God loves us so much that He gave us an instruction manual on how to navigate this dark sinful world and NOBODY who’s ever breathed fresh air is gonna stand before A Living God one day and point their arrogant finger at Him and say “ I Never Gotta Chance to be Saved” No sir God is not willing that any should perrish , but that All would come to repentance !

Jan 23, 2012
ACookie , I wanna try and find out why you hate God? I know this will probably take a few days to go back and forth as I and mabe you too have a job and a family to take care of, but if you wanna have a serious discussion on why you believe the way you do and why I believe the way I do, I’d like to engage in this discussion. You see I know that people believe different things all around this world and of course everyone believes they are right. Some believe in God, some don’t, unfortunately those who believe in God do not always agree on who God really is. But before we get deep into the weeds, I want you to know that everyone who says they are a Christian isn’t a True Born again Christian . There are a TON of Hypocrites who say one thing but live a total different life. They are Liars and the Truth is not in them, and they will be exposed one day. So You gotta know that every time you heard a tv preacher or somebody else talking Bible, please don’t lump us all in together . Well if you’re up for the challenge, but let’s try and take one topic at a time. I’ve read alota stuff from you over the last few days and their is several things I wanted to address, so I’d first like to know what was the tipping point for you that caused you to say “I’m done with God” let’s start here.........

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