STEP 1... I would deport all foreignors back to there country...that means ALL EVEN THOSE WITH GREEN CARDS AND PROPER PAPERS THEY WOULD HAVE TO REAPPLY AS I WOULD HAVE A NEW CRITERIA THEY WOULD HAVE TO MEET TO COME HERE TO WORK....I would have the military start in the farest point north east and have them link up with the state police and police and sheriffs from town to town city to city...county to county... state to state and work their way right accross america all the way down to florida accross to texas all the way over to califorina...and any man woman or child that wasnt a usa citizen would be deported back to the country they came from. AND ANY ONE HELPING OR HIDING OR HINDERING THE OPERATION WOULD BE SENT TO TENT CITY IN ARIZONA TILL DEPORTED.
STEP 1... I would deport all foreignors back to there country...that means ALL EVEN THOSE WITH GREEN CARDS AND PROPER PAPERS THEY WOULD HAVE TO REAPPLY AS I WOULD HAVE A NEW CRITERIA THEY WOULD HAVE TO MEET TO COME HERE TO WORK....I would have the military start in the farest point north east and have them link up with the state police and police and sheriffs from town to town city to city...county to county... state to state and work their way right accross america all the way down to florida accross to texas all the way over to califorina...and any man woman or child that wasnt a usa citizen would be deported back to the country they came from. AND ANY ONE HELPING OR HIDING OR HINDERING THE OPERATION WOULD BE SENT TO TENT CITY IN ARIZONA TILL DEPORTED.