I'm not a big Fiorina fan, but "career loser"? She may not have had the greatest run at HP, but you don't end up where she did as a "career loser". I'm going to go out on a limb and guess your resume doesn't exactly stack up to hers. Unless you consider former "friend" of Trump to be the pinnacle of achievement.
I wonder how your resume would stack up with mine in regard to college & business, no need to respond.
So here is my position on Fiorina & it's a long one. If any of the other candidates on either side moved
& lived next me me I'd try to be neighborly. Even if you moved closeby I'd deal with it afterall you
just seem silly not really an irritant. If Fiorina bought property next to me I'd move! I've been following
Fiorina since I lost a bunch on World Com way back, looked up Bernie Ebbers & found Fiorina name next
to his in 'Horrible Bosses: The Worst Tech CEOs Of All Time'
1) Fiorina Called the Outsourcing of American Jobs "Right Shoring."
"I know how to create jobs," And as for her knowing how to create jobs, that's largely true but only
if you are referring to job growth in China. And India. What she leaves out is that what she doesn't
know is how to build a company -- because under her watch, the value of HP stock plummeted 52%.
Before she was fired. Fiorina has a long track record of saying things that are cringeworthy. And getting fired.
As Head Of HP, Fiorina Undercut U.S. Foreign Policy of sanctions.
Forbes: Hewlett-Packard Exported Goods To Dubai To Open Up Markets In Iran. In the
April 12, 2004 issue a Forbes magazine story titled "Trading With The Enemy" reported.
Fiorina's pattern. Get whatever she can for herself, and everyone else be damned. But then,
what else can you expect from someone who cut 30,000 jobs and then takes a $42
million gold parachute for failing? The mystery of Carly's "achievements" was solved by many
other people years ago. Biggest asshole moment: Forced soon-to-be fired
employees to train their outsourced replacements.
2) When she was an advisor to the McCain presidential campaign, she embarrassed the candidate
twice and was dropped like a rock. Fiorina became later a talking point for Democrats" who focused on
Fiorina's severance package and her management style. Rothenberg concluded that Fiorina was
"like a dream come true" for Democratic opposition researchers.
3) Finally, November 2009, Fiorina formally announced her candidacy in the 2010 Senate.
Fiorina had contributed a total of US$6.5 million to her own race. Even more so than is usually
the case, the candidacy seemed to be all about the candidate. She yearned to silence forever all
of the naysaying about her stewardship of Hewlett-Packard, to be validated by voters.
Then she has the nerve to run for the senate.
So, Carly Fiorina's two big supposed credentials for being a U.S. Senator are that she was
1) a CEO and 2) an advisor to a presidential campaign. And she was fired from both.
In 2010 when the voters produced a Republican landslide Fiorina failed, and she failed big,
She had some nerve attempting a presidential bid!!!!!!!!!