So when Bush took us into economic disaster , all the usual suspects told us it was the fault of "dem controlled congress". Are the latest sluggish numbers due to republican controlled congress or did you hypocrites flip positions on that?
Name a single Bush policy responsible for this "economic disaster"
The so-called "disaster" you keep harping on was YEARS in the making, courtesy of the social justice warriors on the left who think exactly like you do: owning a home is a civil right, especially for minorities. face)(*^%
Bad POLICIES crash economies, not presidents. Constitutionally, the president has very little authority and power over the economy. At least that's how it was until the 'progressive' era: the era of executive overreach from which we have yet to recover.
If social security collapsed tomorrow would you blame the current POTUS in office or the people who created it? If the president happened to be Republican, liberal lemmings like you would play politics.
The economic collapse under Bush's watch had nothing to do with Bush. In fact, Bush and other Republicans repeatedly warned of the danger of extending loans and mortgages to people who couldn't afford them, but like good little socialists, Democrats resisted and kept to the party line.
Democrat POLICIES (years in the making) crashed the economy. Bush had nothing to do with it.