The One Size Fits All Friendly Muslim Thread

Sep 21, 2004
Around 1,200 cars were burned by rioting Muslims on the New Year’s Eve in France, where the mass burning cars in the national holidays are kind of tradition among Muslim residents of the disadvantaged suburbs of immigrants.


Aug 6, 2006
[h=1]Mother jailed for killing son over Koran learning
[/h] LONDON (AFP) Monday, January 07, 2013 10:44:23 AM

/South Wales Police/AFP
A South Wales Police photo shows Sara Ege, 33, a mother who has been jailed for a minimum of 17 years for beating her seven-year-old son to death for failing to learn the Koran by heart.

A mother who was convicted of beating her seven-year-old son to death for failing to learn the Koran by heart was jailed in Britain for a minimum of 17 years on Monday.
Sara Ege, a 33-year-old mathematics graduate from India, battered her son Yaseen with a stick in July 2010 when he failed to memorise Islamic texts and burned his body to hide the evidence, Cardiff Crown Court in Wales heard during the trial.
Ege collapsed as she was sentenced and was led sobbing from the dock.
"Yaseen was subjected to prolonged cruelty," Judge Wyn Williams told her a she passed sentence.
"I am satisfied that, over three months, you beat him on a number of occasions."
The judge said that until the final three months of Yaseen's life Ege had been "a very good mother" in many respects. He also acknowledged that she had suffered prolonged periods of depression.
Yaseen was initially believed to have been killed in a fire at the family home in Pontcanna, Cardiff, but tests later revealed that he was dead before the blaze began.
A jury found Ege guilty last month of murder and perverting the course of justice.
She had confessed to the murder but later retracted the confession, saying her husband and his family had forced her into it.
Her husband, Yousef Ege, 38, was cleared in December of failing to prevent the death.
The judge said Yaseen had suffered "serious abdominal injuries" on the day he was killed, when Ege had kept the seven-year-old at home to study the Koran.
"On that day Yaseen must have failed in some way because I am satisfied that it was that failure which was the trigger for the beating," he said.
"That is what you told the police in the course of your confession in July 2010 and I see no reason to doubt what you then said was true."
He added: "There can be no doubt that you set fire to his body in an attempt to evade the consequences of what you had done."
Ege had told police that she could not stop herself beating her son and had repeatedly pledged to God before Yaseen's death that she would not do it again, but that her good intentions only lasted a few days.
The court heard that she was sent to a psychiatric unit for several months after her son's death. She claimed several times to have been motivated by voices from the devil.


Sep 21, 2004
Mother jailed for killing son over Koran learning

LONDON (AFP) Monday, January 07, 2013 10:44:23 AM

/South Wales Police/AFP
A South Wales Police photo shows Sara Ege, 33, a mother who has been jailed for a minimum of 17 years for beating her seven-year-old son to death for failing to learn the Koran by heart.

A mother who was convicted of beating her seven-year-old son to death for failing to learn the Koran by heart was jailed in Britain for a minimum of 17 years on Monday.
Sara Ege, a 33-year-old mathematics graduate from India, battered her son Yaseen with a stick in July 2010 when he failed to memorise Islamic texts and burned his body to hide the evidence, Cardiff Crown Court in Wales heard during the trial.
Ege collapsed as she was sentenced and was led sobbing from the dock.
"Yaseen was subjected to prolonged cruelty," Judge Wyn Williams told her a she passed sentence.
"I am satisfied that, over three months, you beat him on a number of occasions."
The judge said that until the final three months of Yaseen's life Ege had been "a very good mother" in many respects. He also acknowledged that she had suffered prolonged periods of depression.
Yaseen was initially believed to have been killed in a fire at the family home in Pontcanna, Cardiff, but tests later revealed that he was dead before the blaze began.
A jury found Ege guilty last month of murder and perverting the course of justice.
She had confessed to the murder but later retracted the confession, saying her husband and his family had forced her into it.
Her husband, Yousef Ege, 38, was cleared in December of failing to prevent the death.
The judge said Yaseen had suffered "serious abdominal injuries" on the day he was killed, when Ege had kept the seven-year-old at home to study the Koran.
"On that day Yaseen must have failed in some way because I am satisfied that it was that failure which was the trigger for the beating," he said.
"That is what you told the police in the course of your confession in July 2010 and I see no reason to doubt what you then said was true."
He added: "There can be no doubt that you set fire to his body in an attempt to evade the consequences of what you had done."
Ege had told police that she could not stop herself beating her son and had repeatedly pledged to God before Yaseen's death that she would not do it again, but that her good intentions only lasted a few days.
The court heard that she was sent to a psychiatric unit for several months after her son's death. She claimed several times to have been motivated by voices from the devil.


What a nice friendly Muslim. Nice religion of peace. Nice and friendly.


Aug 6, 2006
Zit/Everyone - This is gonna shock ya. But these people do exist. Some even speak up!

Israel's Jihad Is Mine - Qanta Ahmed (Times of Israel)

  • [*]While Gaza and the Muslim Arab world continue to claim victory in the recent Israel-Hamas conflict, for the sane observers among us, there is only the defeat of morality in the desecration of a great religion. While most Muslims laud Hamas and scorn Israel, for me, an observing Muslim, Israel's war against Hamas remains my struggle - my jihad.
    [*]While Muslims define Israel as the enemy, we ignore Assad, and diabolically laud Hamas. Hamas is never sated - each year it devours ever more Palestinians, regardless of age or gender. If Israelis lose fewer citizens than the Palestinians in these conflicts it is for the same reason Israel exchanges more prisoners for each captive soldier: quite simply Israel values human life more than does Hamas, which relishes ground operations taking place among densely populated civilian areas.
    [*]Coloring their fascism with Islam, Hamas claims religious legitimacy to openly seek destruction of the Jewish state and eradication of the Jewish people. Hamas does not represent me, or other believing Muslims. Yet instead of condemning Hamas, and recognizing them as imposters among us, the Muslim world celebrates them, even as Hamas violates the most profound Islamic principle: the sanctity of life.
    [*]As a Muslim, my loyalty is with Islam, and therefore explicitly with justice for all humanity, a humanity that must include Jews. To be loyal to Hamas is to abandon Islam. It is Muslims who must take the first steps to expose Hamas as the ruthless nihilists they explicitly announce themselves to be.

    Dr. Qanta Ahmed is Associate Professor of Medicine at the State University of New York (Stony Brook).


Aug 6, 2006
I put some of "her" photos in Google image search. They all led to that one profile. Maybe "Katie" had her boobies enhanced just before she decided to pursue her dream man FZ?
Sep 21, 2004
[ Nice, friendly Muslim rapes, burns and murders his 5 yr old daughter, spends a few months in jail and is freed ]
[h=1]Celebrity Saudi preacher 'raped' and tortured his five-year-old daughter to death[/h]
  • Lama al-Ghamdi's back was broken and she had been raped and burned
  • She died in October from her injuries after ten months in hospital
  • Her father Fayhan al-Ghamdi, a prominent Islamist preacher, admitted beating her but was freed after agreeing to pay £31,000 compensation
  • Campaign to give women and children better protection gaining momentum
By Becky Evans
PUBLISHED: 07:18 EST, 4 February 2013 | UPDATED: 14:26 EST, 4 February 2013

A Saudi preacher who tortured his five-year-old daughter to death has been released after agreeing to pay 'blood money', activists said.

Lama al-Ghamdi died in October having suffered multiple injuries including a crushed skull, broken ribs and left arm, extensive bruising and burns.

The child had also been repeatedly raped and the burned.

Lama suffered multiple injuries including a crushed skull, broken ribs and back, bruising and burns. She had been raped repeatedly and died of her injuries in October

Her father Fayhan al-Ghamdi, a prominent Islamist preacher who regularly appears on television in Saudi Arabia, served only a few months in jail despite admitting having used a cane and cables to inflict the injuries.
Activists from the group Women to Drive said the preacher had doubted Lama's virginity and had her checked up by a medic.


Randa al-Kaleeb, a social worker from the hospital where Lama was admitted, said the girl's back was broken and that she had been repeatedly raped.

Her injuries were then burned.

Rather than the death penalty or a long prison sentence, the judge in the case ruled the prosecution could only seek 'blood money', according to activists.

The money is compensation for the next of kin under Islamic law.

Saudi preacher Fayhan Ghamd was given a £31,000 fine despite admitting beating his daughter with a cable

Activists said the judge ruled the few months al-Ghamdi spent in prison since his arrest in November was sufficient punishment.

He has reportedly agreed to pay £31,000 ($50,000), which is believed to have gone to Lama's mother.
The amount is half that would have been paid if Lama had been a boy.
Activists say under Islamic laws a father cannot be executed for murdering his children. Husbands can also not be executed for murdering their wives, the group say.
Three Saudi activists, including Manal al-Sharif, who started the women's right to drive campaign, have raised objections to the ruling.
A social media campaign is now gaining momentum after the ruling was publicised.
Manal al-Sharif has launched a campaign on Twitter using the hashtag 'Ana Lama', which is translated as I am Lama, calling for better protection for children and women.
Local reports say public anger in Saudi Arabia is also growing and authorities have said they will create a 24-hour hotline to take calls about child abuse.

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