The One Size Fits All Friendly Muslim Thread



Aug 6, 2006
Gee RT you just called me a racist. Yet you wonder what triggers me so often to tell you to fuck off. I ignored a few snide remarks you made about me and Israel when I wasn't even posting last year. But no more. Not this shit. If I'm a racist we're all in a lot of trouble. What I posted on this page is easily verifiable. Also, if in fact the bombs contained nails, shrapnel, or ball bearings that's page 11 of the al queda manual, "How To Build A Bomb In The Kitchen Of Your Mom."


I'm from the government and I'm here to help
Sep 21, 2004
Gee RT you just called me a racist. Yet you wonder what triggers me so often to tell you to fuck off. I ignored a few snide remarks you made about me and Israel when I wasn't even posting last year. But no more. Not this shit. If I'm a racist we're all in a lot of trouble. What I posted on this page is easily verifiable. Also, if in fact the bombs contained nails, shrapnel, or ball bearings that's page 11 of the al queda manual, "How To Build A Bomb In The Kitchen Of Your Mom."

and the information i presented about true terrorists in this country is also easily verified. might want to start with the study from 2011 at Duke U on the findings of 10 years of terrorism in the USA since 9/11. but we all know you won't look it up because it will counter what your racist beliefs tell you is truth...and i'm not going to spoon feed you the facts again only for you to overlook it and continue down your path of ignorance and misinformation


Aug 6, 2006
Zit, what does it say that you and I can VEHEMENTLY DISAGREE on certain issues, yet never get to the point of trying to intentionally piss the other guy off? Actually, as much as we disagree we never cross the line with each other personally. But this guy.....
Sep 21, 2004
Zit, what does it say that you and I can VEHEMENTLY DISAGREE on certain issues, yet never get to the point of trying to intentionally piss the other guy off? Actually, as much as we disagree we never cross the line with each other personally. But this guy.....

Yeah, I can't figure him out...


I'm from the government and I'm here to help
Sep 21, 2004
Scott, just ignore him - everyone in here knows you are not a racist.

good stuff ... the biggest islamophobe doesn't consider the 2nd biggest islamophobe to be an islamophobe

didn't see that one coming
Sep 21, 2004
good stuff ... the biggest islamophobe doesn't consider the 2nd biggest islamophobe to be an islamophobe

didn't see that one coming

It's pretty clear that you aren't a student of history. It's also pretty clear that you don't know the definition of racism.

Do yourself a favor and educate yourself on Islam's violent history (past and present) before you continue making a complete fool out of yourself.
Sep 21, 2004
This one is for rolltide:

Picture of the Week

The Religion of Peace at work in Somalia.
(The targets of this bombing were humanitarian workers)
Islam's Latest Contributions to Peace
"Mohammed is God's apostle. Those who follow him are harsh
to the unbelievers but merciful to one another"
Quran 48:29

2013.04.15 (Fallujah, Iraq) - A Fedayeen suicide bomber takes out two innocents along a city street.
2013.04.15 (Habibiya, Iraq) - At least ten Iraqis at an auto mall are taken out by Mujahid car bombers.
2013.04.15 (Kamaliya, Iraq) - An al-Qaeda bombing near an elementary school leaves four dead.
2013.04.15 (Mali Zai, Afghanistan) - Seven civilians are pulled into pieces by Taliban bombers.
2013.04.14 (Gulshan-i-Iqbal, Pakistan) - Sectarian Jihadis murder a father and son at a mobile phone shop.
2013.04.14 (Mogadishu, Somalia) - Twenty-nine civilians are sent to Allah when six suicide bombers storm a courthouse.


New member
Oct 20, 2005
Zit, its obvious your just doing what you are told to do by your almighty. And since we are quoting Qur'ans and Bibles...

Don’t associate with non-Christians. Don’t receive them into your house or even exchange greeting with them. 2 John 1:10
Shun those who disagree with your religious views. Romans 16:17

Its easy to see why you hate Islam so bad and make any/all attempts to point out its flaws (and rightfully so) but conveniently ignore your own book of hatred/fairy tales.


New member
Jan 9, 2009
Any religion that considers non-believers to be infidels is founded on intolerance. The extremists take it as far as they can. Regardless of whether you believe in God or don't and regardless of which God(s) you choose to believe in most if not all Americans are tolerant, maybe too tolerant when it comes to terrorism. Terrorism is still in it's infancy in this country and tolerance could be a stumbling block to dealing with terrorism when all is said and done. Some times you simply have to draw a line.

Regardless of who is responsible for what transpired in Boston all Americans need to become more vigilant. That is where the line should be drawn. For way too long we have had a pass and now we are threatened on our on soil. Vigilance is a responsibility, tolerance is a choice. At this point and time we have no choice but to be vigilant.


I'm from the government and I'm here to help
Sep 21, 2004
Sure. Then maybe I'll change my estimate from 99% to 98.5%. Have fun.
speaking of educating the ignorant let's give it a shot since you're having to pull articles of violence from 3rd world countries (as if you really give a fuck if one brown person is killing another brown one!)

[h=2]Domestic terrorismStudy shows more non-Muslim terrorists in U.S.[/h]Published 15 February 2011More Sharing ServicesShare|Share on emailShare on facebookShare on twitterShare on linkedin

A new report found that the number of American Muslims involved in terrorist acts dropped by more than half compared to 2009; in 2010 twenty American Muslims were arrested for terrorism, down from 2009’s peak of forty-seven; in 2010 there were more than twenty plots by non-Muslims compared to the ten Muslim Americans arrested for domestic plots; the report supports the argument that fears of domestic radicalization are exaggerated, and was released after the American woman calling herself “Jihad Jane” pled guilty to recruiting terrorists to kill a Swedish cartoonist; Representative Peter King is preparing for domestic radicalization hearings in the House’s Homeland Security committee

There's no shortage of non-Muslim terrorist organizations // Source:

A new report found that the number of American Muslims involved in terrorist acts dropped by more than half compared to 2009. It also revealed that more non-Muslim Americans were involved in terrorist plots than Muslim Americans.
The study, conducted by the Triangle Center on Terrorism and Homeland Security at Duke University, showed that last year twenty American Muslims had been arrested on charges of terrorism, down sharply from 2009’s peak of forty-seven.The spike in 2009, which has raised fears of increasing domestic radicalization, was largely an aberration due to the arrest of a group of seventeen Somali-Americans who had joined al-Shabaab in Somalia.
The number of plots by Muslim Americans against domestic targets dropped from eighteen in 2009 to ten in 2010.
Last year there were more than twenty plots by non-Muslims including Joseph Stack who crashed an airplane into an IRS building in Texas.
David Schanzer, director of the Triangle Center, said that the study, “puts into perspective the threat presented by domestic radicalization of Muslim Americans.”
He adds, “Americans should take note that these crimes are being perpetrated by a handful of people whose actions are denounced and rejected by virtually all the Muslims living in the United States.”
The study comes as Congressman Peter King (R-New York), the new head of the Homeland Security committee, is preparing for hearings on the radicalization of U.S. Muslims.
Representative King has rebuffed requests from Democratic lawmakers, including the committee’s ranking Democrat, Representative Bennie Thompson (D–Missippi), to “broaden the scope” of the hearings to include non-Muslims.
King said the investigation will remain “focused on the radicalization and recruitment of people within the American Muslim community by foreign Islamic terrorist groups, primarily al-Qaeda.”
The scheduled hearings have also drawn criticism from many Muslims across the country including those living near King’s district.
In Queens, New York, minutes from the portion of Long Island that King represents, Muslims say that the hearings are unfair.
Ghias Bhuiyan, a member of a mosque in Queens, says, “Congressman Peter King, what he says is very offensive and this is not fair. What he’s saying is going to jeopardize Muslim livelihood.”
While Jamaica, New York resident Menah Eltouby, says “you don’t have to be Muslim to be a terrorist. Terrorists come in every religion, culture. There are Americans who are terrorists.”
Just one day before the release of the Triangle Center report, Philadelphia housewife Colleen LaRose admitted that she had used the screen name “Jihad Jane” to recruit Islamic holy warriors over the Internet to kill a Swedish cartoonist.
In a statement on his Web site, King explains, “There’s a disconnect between outstanding Muslims who contribute so much to the future of our country and those leaders who — for whatever reason — acquiesce in terror or ignore the threat. It is this disconnect that threatens the security of us all.”
The Triangle Center notes in its report that with “Muslims comprising about 1 percent of the American population, it is clear that Muslims are engaging in terrorism at a greater rate than non-Muslims — though at a low level compared with overall violence in the United States.”
Since 9/11 thirty-three people have been killed in the United States in terrorist attacks — or roughly three deaths per year. This compares to the approximately 150,000 murders committed in the United States since then.


I'm from the government and I'm here to help
Sep 21, 2004
after that give this one a try...

as a January 2011 terrorism statistics report — compiled using publicly available data from the FBI and other crime agencies — from the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC) shows, terrorism by Muslim Americans has only accounted for a minority of terror plots since 9/11. Since the attacks on the Twin Towers and Pentagon, Muslims have been involved in 45 domestic terrorist plots. Meanwhile, non-Muslims have been involved in 80 terrorist plots.In fact, right-wing extremist and white supremacist attacks plots alone outnumber plots by Muslims, with both groups being involved in 63 terror plots, 18 more plots than Muslim Americans have been involved in. Here is a breakdown of attacks by group, along with a few examples of plots by some of these groups:
Anti-Government/Anti-Tax Extremists: There have been 36 plots by right-wing extremists since 9/11. These attacks include Joseph Stack’s suicide attack on a Texas IRS building and Joshua Cartwright, who became enraged after the election of Barack Obama and “believed that the US Government was conspiring against him.”
KKK/NeoNazi/White Supremacist: There have been 27 plots by white supremacists since 9/11. These attacks include a 2004 letter bombing of the Arizona Office of Diversity and Dialogue that injured three employees.
Unknown/Miscellaneous: There were five attacks that federal crime officials did not categorize.
Christian Extremists/Anti-Abortion: There were three attacks by anti-abortion extremists and Christian extremists. The killing of abortion provider George Tiller is the most prominent of these attacks.
Black Supremacist Cults: There were two plots by black supremacist cults.
Jewish Extremists: There were two plots by Jewish extremists. The most prominent of these was a plot by Robert Goldstein to attack a local Islamic center with home made C4 and other explosives.
Extreme Anti-Immigrant: There were two plots by anti-immigrant extremists. One of these was the attack by Shawn Forde, who murdered a Queens deli clerk and was motivated by racist and anti-immigrant feelings.
Anti-Jewish: There was one plot by an anti-Semitic extremist. Norman Leboonmade anti-Semitic threats against Rep. Eric Cantor (R-VA).
Anarchist: There was a single plot by an anarchist. Joseph D. Konopka “wreaked havoc in 13 counties by setting fires, disrupting radio and television broadcasts, disabling an air traffic control system, selling counterfeit software, and damaging the computer system of an Internet service provider.”
Given the fact that non-Muslim terrorists account for almost twice as many plots as Muslim terrorists in the United States since 9/11, King’s justification that he is targeting Muslims because they represent the primary threat seems hollow.


I'm from the government and I'm here to help
Sep 21, 2004
ok so the muslims aren't doing much in the USA so must be Europe, eh?

Islamophobes have been popularizing the claim that “not all Muslims are terrorists, but (nearly) all terrorists are Muslims.” Despite this idea becoming axiomatic in some circles, it is quite simply not factual. In my previous article entitled “All Terrorists are Muslims…Except the 94% that Aren’t”, I usedofficial FBI records to show that only 6% of terrorist attacks on U.S. soil from 1980 to 2005 were carried out by Islamic extremists. The remaining 94% were from other groups (42% from Latinos, 24% from extreme left wing groups, 7% from extremist Jews, 5% from communists, and 16% from all other groups).But what about across the pond? The data gathered by Europol strengthens my argument even further. (hat tip: Koppe) Europol publishes an annual report entitled EU Terrorism Situation and Trend Report. On their official website, you can access the reports from 2007, 2008, and 2009. (If anyone can find the reports from earlier than that, please let me know so we can include those as well.)The results are stark, and prove decisively that not all terrorists are Muslims. In fact, a whopping 99.6% of terrorist attacks in Europe were by non-Muslim groups; a good 84.8% of attacks were from separatist groups completely unrelated to Islam. Leftist groups accounted for over sixteen times as much terrorism as radical Islamic groups. Only a measly 0.4% of terrorist attacks from 2006 to 2008 could be attributed to extremist Muslims.

Perception is not reality. Due to the right wing’s influence and propaganda, people mistakenly think that Islamic terrorism is the greatest threat to the Western world. It is even a commonly held belief that Islamic terrorism poses an existential threat–that the very survival of the Western world is at stake. Of course, the reality is that there are other groups that engage in terrorism on a much larger scale, yet these terrorist incidents are minimized. Acts of terrorism committed by Muslims are purposefully sensationalized and focused upon, culminating in the idea that “(nearly) all terrorists are Muslims.” :howdy:
Terrorism from Islamic extremists is certainly a cause for concern, but it need not be an issue that creates mass hysteria. Nor should it be allowed to be such a critical issue that we are willing to sacrifice our ideals or civil rights for fear of it. Neither should we be reduced to a status of absolute sissitude. We have analyzed data from America and Europe (a good portion of the entire Western world), and the threat from Islamic terrorism is much more minimal than commonly assumed; in the U.S., it accounts for 6% of terrorist attacks, and in Europe not even half of a percent.It is only through sensationalism and fear mongering that the topic of Islamic terrorism is allowed to be used to demonize a religious community that happens to be a minority in the West. When confronted by such lunacy, we ought to respond with the facts and the truth.


I'm from the government and I'm here to help
Sep 21, 2004
ok, so nothing recently but i bet in the last 40 years them damn Muslims have been stirring the pot big time! let me take a look at FBI notes....

here's 1980-2005
FBI records show that only 6% of terrorist attacks on U.S. soil from 1980 to 2005 were carried out by Islamic extremists. The remaining 94% were from other groups (42% from Latinos, 24% from extreme left wing groups, 7% from extremist Jews, 5% from communists, and 16% from all other groups).

[h=2]35 Years of Terrorism: A Timeline

MARCH 1, 1971: Bombing of U.S. Senate buildings; no injuries
FEBRUARY 5, 1974: Kidnapping of Patty Hearst by Symbionese Liberation Army
AUGUST 5, 1974: Anti-Hijacking Act passed
JANUARY 24, 1975: Bombing of Fraunces Tavern on Wall Street; four killed, 53 injured
JANUARY 29, 1975: Bombing of U.S. State Department building in Washington, D.C.; no injuries
MAY 1980: First FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force established in New York
JANUARY 1982: FBI Hostage Rescue Team established
APRIL 10, 1982: National Security Decision Directive 30 gives lead agency counterterrorism responsibilities to the FBI (U.S. Department of Justice)
FEBRUARY 13, 1983: First recorded attack of right-wing antigovernment group (Sheriff’s Posse Comitatus in Medina, North Dakota)
APRIL 18, 1983: Bombing of the U.S. Embassy in Beirut, Lebanon; 63 killed
SEPTEMBER 16, 1983: Wells-Fargo armored car robbery nets Los Macheteros $7.2 Million
OCTOBER 23, 1983: Bombing of the Marine Barracks in Beirut, Lebanon; 241 U.S. Marines killed
MAY 1984: Comprehensive Crime Control Act gives FBI jurisdiction to pursue terrorists who take Americans hostage
SEPTEMBER 20, 1984: Bombing of the U.S. Embassy Annex in Beirut, Lebanon; 14 killed
DECEMBER 8, 1984 : “The Order” leader Robert Jay Mathews dies in confrontation with law enforcement
SEPTEMBER 14, 1985: TWA 847 hijacked; U.S. Navy diver killed
AUGUST 27, 1986: Omnibus Diplomatic Security and Antiterrorism Act expands FBI jurisdiction to include violence against U.S. nationals abroad
APRIL 16, 1987: First FBI recorded ALF attack in the United States (Davis, California)
JUNE 1987: Fawaz Younis rendered from Cyprus for hijacking a Royal Jordanian Airliner
DECEMBER 21, 1988: Bombing of Pan Am 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland; 217 Americans killed
OCTOBER 13, 1989: Terrorist Threat Warning System (TTWS) established
NOVEMBER 5, 1990: Assassination of Rabbi Meir Kahane, founder of the Jewish Defense League, in New York City
FEBRUARY 26, 1993: Bombing of the World Trade Center in New York City; six killed, 1,000+ injured
JUNE 24, 1993: Arrest of eight subjects plotting to bomb New York landmarks
APRIL 19, 1995: Bombing of the Oklahoma City federal building; 168 killed, 642 injured
JUNE 21, 1995: Presidential Decision Directive 39 confirmed and clarified FBI’s counterterrorism role
APRIL 24, 1996: Anti-Terrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act passed
APRIL 24, 1996: FBI Counterterrorism Center established at FBI Headquarters
JULY 27, 1996: Bombing of Centennial Olympic Park; two killed, 112 injured
JULY 1996: FBI Computer Investigation and Infrastructure Threat Center (CITAC) established at FBI Headquarters
FEBRUARY 26, 1998: FBI CITAC replaced by National Infrastructure Protection Center
AUGUST 7, 1998: Bombing of U.S. Embassies in Kenya and Tanzania; 12 Americans killed, 7 injured
OCTOBER 16, 1998: National Domestic Preparedness Office established
JANUARY 4, 1999: Expanded National Threat Warning System (NTWS) replaces TTWS
NOVEMBER 21, 1999: FBI Counterterrorism Division established at FBI Headquarters
DECEMBER 14, 1999: Arrest of Ahmed Ressam entering the United States from Canada with explosives
OCTOBER 12, 2000: Bombing of USS Cole; 17 killed, at least 40 injured
JUNE 11, 2001: Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh executed; first federal execution in 38 years
SEPTEMBER 11, 2001: Al-Qa’ida operatives hijack and crash four commercial airliners into World Trade Center, Pentagon, and Stonycreek Township; 2,972 killed
OCTOBER 10, 2001: FBI establishes Most Wanted Terrorist list
OCTOBER 26, 2001: USA PATRIOT Act passed into law
DECEMBER 12, 2001: Zacarias Moussaoui indicted on six counts of conspiracy for his role in 9/11 attack
SEPTEMBER 23, 2001: Executive Order 13224 enacted, blocking terrorist assets
FALL 2001: Anthrax-tainted letters sent through U.S. Postal system, first criminal use of a biological toxin; 18 infected, five deaths
OCTOBER 7, 2001: United States begins military action in Afghanistan
JUNE 21, 2002: Creation of the FBI Fly Team
JULY 2002: Creation of the National Joint Terrorism Task Force
SEPTEMBER 13-14, 2002: Arrest of Lackawanna Six terror cell members
OCTOBER 4, 2002: John Walker Lindh sentenced to 20 years in prison after pleading guilty to terrorism charges
OCTOBER 12, 2002: Jemaah Islamiyya bombing of nightclub in Bali, Indonesia; 202 killed
NOVEMBER 8, 2002: Symbionese Liberation Army member James William Kilgore arrested in Cape Town, South Africa
NOVEMBER 25, 2002: Homeland Security Act of 2002 officially establishes the U.S. Department of Homeland Security
MARCH 1, 2003: Khalid Sheik Mohammed, al-Qa’ida operational commander and mastermind of 9/11 attack, captured in Pakistan
MARCH 20, 2003: United States and coalition partners begin military action in Iraq
MAY 12, 2003: Bombing of residential compounds in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
MAY 31, 2003: Eric Robert Rudolph arrested and charged in connection to several bombings, including a bombing at Centennial Olympic Park in Atlanta, Georgia
AUGUST 5, 2003: Jemaah Islamiyya bombing of JW Marriott Hotel in Jakarta, Indonesia; 11 killed
FEBRUARY 9, 2004: Final sentencing in Portland terror cell case
MARCH 11, 2004: Bombings of the Madrid transit system; 191 killed and approximately 1,700 wounded
JULY 22, 2004: The National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States publishes The 9/11 Commission Report
SEPTEMBER 29, 2004: Sentencing in USS Cole bombing
APRIL 6, 2005: Creativity leader Matthew Hale sentenced to 40 years in prison for solicitation of violence and obstruction of justice
APRIL 24, 2005: Zacarias Moussaoui pleads guilty to six charges in connection to the 9/11 attack
APRIL 26, 2005: Ali Al-Timimi, spiritual leader of the “Virginia Jihad” group, convicted on terrorism charges
JULY 7, 2005: Bombings of the London transit system; 52 killed and approximately 700 injured
JULY 18, 2005: Eric Robert Rudolph sentenced to life in prison
AUGUST 30, 2005: Sean Gillespie sentenced to 39 years for firebombing a synagogue in 2004

To ensure that the most current terrorism-related information is available to the American public, the FBI continually evaluates, and, when investigation warrants, updates terrorism statistics presented in theTerrorism series. In this issue, the following two acts, which were committed during 1998 and 1999, have been added to the concluding chronological summary of terrorist incidents.
June 27, 1998
Oso Complex Fire
Espanola, New Mexico
(One act of Domestic Terrorism)

On June 27, 1998, a wildfire originated by arson began in the Espanola Ranger District, 10 miles northwest of Espanola, New Mexico. Known as the Oso Complex Fire, the blaze reached within eight miles of Los Alamos and burned a total of 5,185 forested acres, including on Santa Fe National Forest and Santa Clara Pueblo lands. The cost to suppress the fire was $3,433,983. In November 1998, the Albuquerque Journal received a letter claiming the wildfire on behalf of a local militia group, the Minutemen, as a statement against the killing of gray wolves. Associates of the group are suspected of arsons and threats targeting federal and state land use and environmental advocacy groups over apparent disagreements with environmental causes during the late 1990s.
March 19, 1999
Pipe Bombing
Santa Fe, New Mexico
(One act of Domestic Terrorism)

On March 19, 1999, a pipe bomb improvised explosive device (IED) was discovered in a mailbox at Forest Guardians in Santa Fe, New Mexico. The pipe bomb failed to detonate apparently because the cigarette intended to initiate the IED burned out before igniting the fuse. Forest Guardians is a nonprofit group devoted to stopping commercial logging in national forests, and other environmental issues.
On February 14, 2003, law enforcement officers with the FBI, U.S. Forest Service, and Espanola, New Mexico Police arrested Raymond Anthony Sandoval for setting the June 27, 1998, Oso Complex Fire and the attempted March 19, 1999, Forest Guardians bombing. On June 25, 2003, Sandoval pled guilty to manufacturing a destructive device, possession of an unregistered firearm, arson on federal land, and willfully injuring property of the United States. On October 7, 2003, Sandoval, was sentenced to 84 months incarceration and ordered to make restitution payment of $3 million.
The following Chronological Summary includes all of the terrorist incidents recorded in theTerrorism/Terrorism in the United States series. The statistical information contained in the following summary supports the graphs and charts presented in this publication.
Chronological Summary of Terrorist Incidents in the United States 1980-2005
DateLocationIncident Type
1/7/1980San Juan, PRPipe BombingAnti-Communist Alliance

1/13/1980New York, NYBombingOmega 7
1/13/1980Miami, FLBombingOmega 7
1/19/1980San Juan, PRBombingOmega 7
3/12/1980Hato Rey, PRArmed AssaultEjercito Popular Boricua Macheteros
3/15/1980Chicago, ILHostile Takeovers (2)Armed Forces of National Liberation
3/17/1980New York, NYBombingCroatian Freedom Fighters
3/25/1980New York, NYAttempted BombingOmega 7
4/19/1980Chattanooga, TNShootingJustice Knights of the Ku Klux Klan
4/30/1980New York, NYAssaultRevolutionary Communist Party
6/3/1980Washington, DCBombingCroatian Freedom Fighters
6/3/1980New York, NYBombingCroatian Freedom Fighters
7/14/1980Dorato, PRMultiple Bombings (2)Organization of Volunteers for the

San Juan, PR
Puerto Rico Revolution
7/14/1980Ponce, PRMultiple Arsons (2)Organization of Volunteers for the

Mayaguez, PR
Puerto Rico Revolution
7/22/1980Hato Rey, PRMultiple Bombings (4)Revolutionary Commandos of the People,

Santurce, PR
Ready and at War

Rio Piedras, PR
8/20/1980Berkeley, CAPipe BombingIranian Free Army
9/11/1980New York, NYShootingOmega 71
10/7/1980New York, NYAttempted BombingInternational Committee Against Nazism
10/12/1980New York, NYBombingJustice Commandos of the Armenian Genocide
10/12/1980Hollywood, CABombingJustice Commandos of the Armenian Genocide
10/14/1980Fort Collins, COShootingLibyan Revolutionary Committee
12/21/1980New York, NYPipe BombingArmed Forces of Popular Resistance
12/30/1980Hialeah, FLAttempted BombingOmega 7
1/8/1981Santurce, PRMultiple IncendiaryBombings (3)People’s Revolutionary Commandos

Ponce, PR

Rio Piedras, PR
1/12/1981San Juan, PRBombingEjercito Popular Boricua Macheteros
1/23/1981New York City, NYBombingCroatian Freedom Fighters
1/26/1981San Francisco, CABombingJewish Defense League/American Revenge

2/2/1981Los Angeles, CAAttempted Bombing3-Oct
2/9/1981Eugene, ORAssaultRevolutionary Communist Youth Brigade
2/22/1981Hollywood, CABombingArmenian Secret Army for the Liberation

of Armenia
3/15/1981San Juan, PRAttempted BombingArmed Forces of Popular Resistance
4/21/1981Santurce, PRRobberyEjercito Popular Boricua Macheteros
4/27/1981Washington, DCIncendiary BombingIranian Patriotic Army
5/16-18/81New York City, NYMultiple Bombings (5)Puerto Rican Armed Resistance1
6/25/1981Torrance, CAIncendiary BombingJewish Defenders
6/26/1981Los Angeles, CABombingJune 9 Organization
7/30/1981New York City, NYHostile TakeoverLibyan Students
8/7/1981Washington, DCHostile TakeoverPeople’s Mujahedin Organization of Iran
8/20/1981Washington, DCArsonBlack Brigade
8/20/1981Los Angeles, CABombingJune 9 Organization
8/27/1981Carolina, PRBombingGrupo Estrella
8/31/1981New York City, NYHostile TakeoverJewish Defense League
9/3-4/81New York City, NYMultiple Bombings (2)Jewish Defense League
9/9/1981Washington, DCAssaultConcerned Sierra Leone Nationals
9/11/1981Miami, FLMultiple Bombings (2)Omega 7
9/12/1981New York City, NYBombingOmega 7
9/22/1981Schenectady, NYBombingCommunist Workers Party
9/24/1981Miami, FLAttempted BombingOmega 7
10/1/1981Hollywood, CABombingArmenian Secret Army for theLiberation of Armenia

10/25/1981New York City, NYIncendiary BombingJewish Defense League
11/11/1981Santurce, PRBombingEjercito Popular Boricua Macheteros
11/14/1981Glen Cove, NYShootingUnaffiliated Extremists
11/20/1981Los Angeles, CABombingJustice Commandos of the Armenian Genocide
11/27/1981Fort Buchanan, PRShootingNational Liberation Movement
11/27/1981Santurce, PRMultiple Bombings (2)Ejercito Popular Boricua Macheteros

Condado, PR
12/24/1981New York City, NYAttempted PipeJewish Defense League

1/28/1982Los Angeles, CAShootingJustice Commandos of the Armenian1

2/19/1982Miami, FLMultiple Bombings (2)Omega 7
2/19/1982Washington, DCBombingJewish Defense League
2/21/1982Rio Piedras, PRPipe BombingAntonia Martinez Student Commandos
2/28/1982New York City, NYMultiple Bombings (4)Armed Forces of National Liberation
3/22/1982Cambridge, MABombingJustice Commandos of the Armenian

4/5/1982Brooklyn, NYArsonJewish Defense League17
4/28/1982New York City, NYMultiple Bombings (2)Jewish Defense League
4/29/1982San Juan, PRMultiple Bombings (2)Provisional Coordinating Committee of the

Bayamon, PR
Labor Self-Defense Group
4/29/1982San Juan, PRShootingProvisional Coordinating Committee of the

Labor Self-Defense Group
5/4/1982Somerville, MAShootingJustice Commandos of the Armenian1

5/16/1982San Juan, PRShootingEjercito Popular Boricua Macheteros/13

Group for the Liberation of Vieques
5/17/1982Union City, NJIncendiary BombingOmega 7
5/19/1982Villa Sin Miedo, PRShootingEjercito Popular Boricua Macheteros112
5/20/1982San Juan, PRAttempted BombingEjercito Popular Boricua Macheteros
5/25/1982San German, PRKidnappingGrupo Estrella
5/30/1982Van Nuys, CAAttempted BombingArmenian Secret Army for the Liberation of

6/10/1982Carolina, PRMultiple Bombings (3)Armed Forces of Popular Resistance
7/4/1982New York City, NYMultiple PipeCroatian Freedom Fighters

Astoria, NYBombings (2)
7/5/1982New York City, NYMultiple PipeJewish Defense League

Bombings (2)
8/20/1982Old San Juan, PRBombingArmed Forces of National Liberation
9/1/1982Naranjito, PRAttempted BombingEjercito Popular Boricua Macheteros
9/2/1982Miami, FLBombingOmega 7
9/8/1982Chicago, ILBombingOmega 7
9/20/1982New York City, NYBombingArmed Forces of National Liberation
9/25/1982Miami, FLAttempted BombingOmega 7
10/15/1982Washington, DCHostile TakeoverIslamic Extremists
10/22/1982Philadelphia, PAAttempted BombingJustice Commandos of the Armenian

11/4/1982New York City, NYSmoke BombingJewish Defense League
11/16/1982Carolina, PRMultiple Robberies (2)Ejercito Popular Boricua Macheteros1
12/8/1982Washington, DCAttempted BombingNorman David Mayer1
12/16/1982Elmont, NYMultiple Bombings (2)United Freedom Front
12/21/1982New York City, NYAttempted PipeBombingJewish Defense League

12/22/1982McLean, VAHostile TakeoverPeople of Omar
12/31/1982New York City, NYMultiple Bombings (5)Armed Forces of National Liberation
1/11-12/83Miami, FLMultiple Bombings (3)Omega 7
1/28/1983New York City, NYBombingRevolutionary Fighting Group
2/13/1983Medina, NDShootingSheriff’s Posse Comitatus24
2/15/1983Killeen, TXHijackingHossein Olya
2/19/1983Washington, DCPipe BombingJewish Defense League
3/20/1983San Antonio, TXBombingRepublic of Revolutionary
4/26/1983Washington, DCBombingArmed Resistance Unit
4/27/1983Miami, FLAttempted Bombings (4)Haitian Extremists
4/29/1983Rio Piedras, PRHostile TakeoverEjercito Popluar Boricua Macheteros
5/12/1983Uniondale, NYBombingUnited Freedom Front
5/13/1983New York City, NYBombingUnited Freedom Front
5/27/1983Miami, FLBombingOmega 7
7/8/1983Miami, FLKidnappingEjercito Revolucionario Del Pueblo
7/15/1983Rio Piedras, PRRobberyEjercito Popular Boricua Macheteros1
8/8/1983Detroit, MIAttempted IncendiaryBombingFuqra

8/8/1983Detroit, MIShootingFuqra1
8/9/1983Detroit, MIArsonFuqra2
8/16/1983Los Angeles, CAHostile TakeoverCarlos Martinez
8/18/1983Washington, DCBombingArmed Resistance Unit
8/21/1983New York City, NYBombingUnited Freedom Front
8/27/1983Washington, DCIncendiary BombingUnknown
10/12/1983Miami, FLPipe BombingOmega 7
10/30/1983Hato Rey, PRRocket AttackEjercito Popular Boricua Macheteros
11/7/1983Washington, DCBombingArmed Resistance Unit
12/13-14/83East Meadow, NYMultiple Bombings (2)United Freedom Front
New York City, NY
1/29/1984New York City, NYBombingUnited Freedom Front
2/23/1984New York City, NYBombingJewish Direct Action
3/19/1984Harrison, NYBombingUnited Freedom Front
4/5/1984New York City, NYBombingRed Guerrilla Resistance
4/20/1984Washington, DCBombingRed Guerrilla Resistance
5/9/1984New York City, NYAttempted AssassinationBashir Baesho
8/22/1984Melville, NYBombingUnited Freedom Front
9/26/1984New York City, NYBombingRed Guerrilla Resistance
9/26/1984Mount Pleasant, NYBombingUnited Freedom Front
12/10/1984Levittown, PRMultiple Bombings (5)Organization of Volunteers for the

Rio Piedras, PR
Puerto Rican Revolution

Ponce, PR

Mayaguez, PR

Cayey, PR
1/25/1985Old San Juan, PRRocket AttackEjercito Popular Boricua Macheteros/Organization of Volunteers for the Puerto Rican Revolution

2/23/1985New York City, NYBombingRed Guerrilla Resistance
5/15/1985Northridge, CAPipe BombingJewish Defense League
8/15/1985Paterson, NJBombingJewish Defense League11
9/6/1985Brentwood, NYBombingJewish Defense League
10/11/1985Santa Ana, CABombingJewish Defense League17
11/6/1985Bayamon, PRShootingOrganization of Volunteers for the Puerto Rican Revolution

1/6/1986Cidra, PRMultiple Bombings (4)Ejercito Revolucionario Clandestino/ National Revolutionary Front of Puerto Rico

Toa Baja, PR

Guanica, PR

Santurce, PR
3/17/1986Ponce, PRAttempted BombingCommando Rojo
4/14/1986Rio Piedras, PRBombingOrganization of Volunteers for the Puerto Rican Revolution

4/29/1986San Juan, PRShootingOrganization of Volunteers for the Puerto Rican Revolution11

5/14/1986Phoenix, AZSabotageEarth First Organization
9/2/1986New York City, NYTear Gas BombingJewish Defense League
9/15/1986Coeur d’Alene, IDPipe BombingAryan Nations
9/29/1986Coeur d’Alene, IDMultiple Bombings (4)Aryan Nations
10/20/1986New York City, NYIncendiary BombingJewish Defense League
10/28/1986Bayamon, PRMultiple Bombings (7)Ejercito Popular Boricua Macheteros

Fajardo, PR

Mayaguez, PR

Aguadilla, PR

Santurce, PR

Fort Buchanan, PR
11/4/1986Puerta De Tierra, PRAttempted BombingEjercito Popular Boricua Macheteros
12/28/1986Yauco, PRMultiple Bombings (2)Ejercito Popular Boricua Macheteros

Guayama, PR
4/16/1987Davis, CAArsonAnimal Liberation Front
5/25/1987Caguas, PRMultiple Bombings (7)Guerrilla Forces of Liberation

Carolina, PR

Mayaguez, PR

Cidra, PR

Aibonita, PR

Ponce, PR
11/9/1987Flagstaff, AZSabotageEvan Mecham Eco-Terrorist

International Conspiracy
1/12/1988Rio Piedras, PRMultiple IncendiaryPedro Albizu Campos Revolutionary Forces

Bombings (2)
5/26/1988Coral Gables, FLBombingOrganization Alliance of Cuban

7/22/1988Caguas, PRPipe BombingEjercito Popular Boricua Macheteros
9/19/1988Los Angeles, CABombingUp the IRS, Inc.
9/25/1988Grand Canyon, AZSabotageEvan Mecham Eco-Terrorist International

10/25/1988Flagstaff, AZSabotageEvan Mecham Eco-Terrorist International

11/1/1988Rio Piedras, PRMultiple Bombings (2)Pedro Albizu Campos Revolutionary Forces
4/3/1989Tucson, AZArsonAnimal Liberation Front
6/19/1989Bayamon, PRMultiple Bombings (2)Ejercito Popular Boricua Macheteros
7/3-4/89Lubbock, TXMalicious Destruction of Property
Animal Liberation Front
1/12/1990Santurce, PRMultiple Pipe Bombings (2)Eugenio Maria de Hostos International Brigade of the Pedro Albizu CamposRevolutionary Forces

Carolina, PR

2/22/1990Los Angeles, CABombingUp the IRS, Inc.
4/22/1990Santa CruzCounty, CAMalicious Destruction of PropertyEarth Night Action Group

5/27/1990Mayaguez, PRArsonUnknown Puerto Rican Group
9/17/1990Arecibo, PRMultiple Bombings (2)Pedro Albizu Group Revolutionary Forces

Vega Baja, PR
2/3/1991Mayaguez, PRArsonPopular Liberation Army
2/18/1991Sabana Grande, PRArsonPopular Liberation Army
3/17/1991Carolina, PRArsonUnknown Puerto Rican Group
4/1/1991Fresno, CABombingPopular Liberation Army
7/6/1991Punta Borinquen, PRBombingPopular Liberation Army

4/5/1992New York, NYHostile TakeoverMujahedin-E-Khalq
11/19/1992Urbana, ILAttempted FirebombingMexican Revolutionary Movement
12/10/1992Chicago, ILCar Fire and AttemptedBoricua Revolutionary Front

Firebombing (2)
2/26/1993New York, NYCar BombingInternational Islamist Extremists61042
7/20-22/93Tacoma, WAMultiple Bombings (2)American Front Skinheads
11/27-28/93Chicago, ILFirebombings (9)Animal Liberation Front

3/1/1994New York, NYShootingRashid Najib Baz13
4/19/1995Oklahoma City, OKTruck BombingTimothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols168754

(Michael Fortier found guilty of failing to alert authorities of plot)

4/1/1996Spokane, WAPipe Bombing/Bank Robbery
Spokane Bank Robbers
7/12/1996Spokane, WAPipe Bombing/Bank Robbery
Spokane Bank Robbers
7/27/1996Atlanta, GAPipe BombingEric Robert Rudolph2112
1/2/1997Washington, DCLetter BombingUnknown

Leavenworth, KS(Counted as 1 incident)
1/16/1997Atlanta, GABombing of Abortion Clinic
Eric Robert Rudolph
2/21/1997Atlanta, GABombing of Alternative Lifestyle Nightclub
Eric Robert Rudolph
1/29/1998Birmingham, ALBombing of Reproductive Services Clinic
Eric Robert Rudolph11
3/31/1998Arecibo, PRBombing of Superaqueduct Construction Project
Ejercito Popular Boricua Macheteros
6/9/1998Rio Piedras, PRBombing of Bank Branch Office
Ejercito Popular Boricua Macheteros
6/25/1998Santa Isabel, PRBombing of Bank Branch Office
Ejercito Popular Boricua Macheteros suspected

6/27/1998Espanola, NMArsonRaymond Anthony Sandoval
10/19/1998Vail, COArson Fire at Ski Resort
Earth Liberation Front
3/19/1999Santa Fe, NMAttempted BombingRaymond Anthony Sandoval
3/27/1999Franklin Township, NJ
Bombing of Circus Vehicles
Animal Liberation Front
4/5/1999Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN
Malicious Destruction and Theft
Animal Liberation Front
5/9/1999Eugene, ORBombingAnimal Liberation Front
7/2-4/99Chicago, ILMultiple ShootingsBenjamin Nathaniel Smith28

Skokie, IL

Northbrook, IL

Bloomington, IN
8/10/1999Granada Hills, CAMultiple ShootingsBuford O’Neal Furrow15
8/28-29/99Orange, CAMalicious Destruction and Theft
Animal Liberation Front
10/24/1999Bellingham, WAMalicious Destruction and Theft
Animal Liberation Front
11/20/1999Puyallup, WAMalicious DestructionAnimal Liberation Front
12/25/1999Monmouth, ORArsonEarth Liberation Front
12/31/1999East Lansing, MIArsonEarth Liberation Front
1/3/2000Petaluma, CAIncendiary AttackAnimal Liberation Front
1/15/2000Petaluma, CAIncendiary AttackAnimal Liberation Front
1/22/2000Bloomington, INArsonEarth Liberation Front
5/7/2000Olympia, WAArsonRevenge of the Trees
7/2/2000North Vernon, INArsonAnimal Liberation Front
7/20/2000Rhinelander, WIVandalismEarth Liberation Front
12/1/2000Phoenix, AZMultiple ArsonsMark Warren Sands
12/9-30/00Suffolk County, Long Island, NY
Multiple ArsonsEarth Liberation Front
1/2/2001Glendale, ORArsonEarth Liberation Front
2/20/2001Visalia, CAArsonEarth Liberation Front
3/9/2001Culpeper, VATree SpikingEarth Liberation Front
3/30/2001Eugene, ORArsonEarth Liberation Front
4/15/2001Portland, ORArsonEarth Liberation Front
5/17/2001Harrisburg, PABank RobberyClayton Lee Waagner
5/21/2001Seattle, WAArsonEarth Liberation Front
5/21/2001Clatskanie, ORArsonEarth Liberation Front
7/24/2001Stateline, NVDestruction of PropertyEarth Liberation Front
9/9/2001Morgantown, WVBank RobberyClayton Lee Waagner
9/11/2001New York, NYAircraft AttackAl-Qa’ida2972est. 12000

Washington, DC

New Cumberland, PA
9/01-11/01New York, NYBacillus anthracisUnknown517

Washington, DCMailings

Lantana, FL
10/14/2001Litchfield, CAArsonEarth Liberation Front
11/12/2001San Diego, CABurglary and VandalismAnimal Liberation Front
3/18/2002Erie, PAVandalismEarth Liberation Front
3/24/2002Erie, PAArsonEarth Liberation Front
5/11-12/02Harborcreek, PAVandalism/Destruction of Property
Earth Liberation Front/ Animal Liberation Front

7/4/2002Los Angeles, CAShootingHesham Mohamed Ali Hedayat2
8/02-10/02Henrico and Goochland Counties, VA
Vandalism and Destruction of Property
Earth Liberation Front
8/11/2002Warren, PAArsonEarth Liberation Front
9/15-16/02Harborcreek, PAVandalism/Destruction of Property
Earth Liberation Front/ Animal Liberation Front

11/26/2002Harborcreek, PAArsonEarth Liberation Front/ Animal Liberation Front

1/1/2003Girard, PAArsonEarth Liberation Front
3/3/2003Chico, CAVandalismAnimal Liberation Front
8/03-9/03San Diego, CAArsonEarth Liberation Front
8/22/2003West Covina, CAVandalism and Destruction of Property
Earth Liberation Front
8/28/2003Emeryville, CABombingDaniel Andreas San Diego Suspected

9/26/2003Pleasanton, CABombingDaniel Andreas San Diego Suspected

1/19/2004Henrico County, VA
ArsonEarth Liberation Front Suspected

4/1/2004Oklahoma City, OKArsonSean Michael Gillespie/Aryan Nations
4/20/2004Redmond, WAVandalism and ArsonEarth Liberation Front
5/04-7/04Provo, UTVandalism and ArsonAnimal Liberation Front
12/27/2004Lincoln, CAAttempted ArsonEarth Liberation Front
1/05-2/05Auburn, CAAttempted Arson and Arson
Earth Liberation Front

Sutter Creek, CA

4/13/2005Sammanish, WAArsonEarth Liberation Front
7/7/2005Los Angeles, CAAttempted ArsonAnimal rights extremists Suspected

9/16/2005Los Angeles, CAAttempted ArsonAnimal Liberation Front
11/20/2005Hagerstown, MDArsonEarth Liberation Front
Sep 21, 2004
Zit, its obvious your just doing what you are told to do by your almighty. And since we are quoting Qur'ans and Bibles...

Don’t associate with non-Christians. Don’t receive them into your house or even exchange greeting with them. 2 John 1:10
Shun those who disagree with your religious views. Romans 16:17

Its easy to see why you hate Islam so bad and make any/all attempts to point out its flaws (and rightfully so) but conveniently ignore your own book of hatred/fairy tales.


This was one of your weakest posts ever.

First of all, it doesn't take a rocket scientist nor a Christian to figure out that Islam has always been a religion of violence, and is still stuck in the middle ages.

Secondly, shall we take a closer look at the quotes you found with Google? Interesting now with Google, everyone thinks they're an expert on everything.

Romans 16:17 - Paul is writing to the church at Rome and tells them to avoid false teachers inside the church
2 John 1:10 - John is talking about false teachers coming to your door, and says don't listen to them

Very weak Fletch.


I'm from the government and I'm here to help
Sep 21, 2004
the facts aren't going to change anyone's opinion around here because you guys are so pigeonholed into the right wing / left wing paradigm and digest the wrong information on a daily basis.

and, zitty, if you honestly don't believe your're not an Islamophobe and racist i've got about 25 pages of a thread detailing your ignorance. At least Scott has some hardcore religious issues that make him hate the Muslims but what's your excuse?

and as far as your dumbass Somalia article...religious fighting takes place daily in 2nd/3rd world countries because religion is used as a way to control the masses and give the less fortunate something to live and fight for. It was like that in the Crusades and will always be like that in poor countries


New member
Jan 9, 2009
Is it just me but I have not heard any large group claiming responsibility for the Boston bombing. That is unusual. You would think an organization would claim it.
Sep 21, 2004
Hey Rolltide,

If you want me to read your blather, you can cut out the bullshit racist innuendos towards people in here that aren't even close to being racist.

It makes you look like a total troll.

"(as if you really give a fuck if one brown person is killing another brown one!)"

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