nuckers said the only sensible and intelligent thing in this thread. He's right.Both sides are self righteous and living in a dream world. It's funny if it wasn't so sad. When the Democrats get back in power next election which they inevitably will, this will begin all over again but with the Democrats saying trump was the worst president ever. It's a vicious pattern. I'll admit I voted for Trump but I'll also admit he only won because he was going against a doomed ship in that old hag Hilary. The Democrats will regroup and win it next election and the fighting will continue. I'm a republican but I have no problem voting Democrat if I see the right man for the job. Hilary lost this election,Trump had the benefit of going against a sinking ship. Only reason he is president. I hate always having to vote for the lesser evil instead of a candidate I trust and am excited about but that's how it is.