This all reminds me of the haters "dems"who talk shit about the starting QB "trump" in high school.
He wins
Has a hot woman
Obama started as QB for the USA for the past 8 years. His team was not picked when they were the favored. Tens of millions spoke. EVERY SINGLE ONE must be stupid and racist per Vitterd's standards.
Let's start the comparisons then talk after the 1st quarter. facts vs. fantasy. Obama's legacy will fade slowly in time before the country even gives the new president a chance.
Regardless if he is a clown or whatever I find it disturbing the amount of Demos boycotting if it be sore losers , don't like him, whatever it is these so called leaders need to stand behind and at least show up to help unite
He has many bankruptcies.....that's not winning or success
he has a hot woman because he had a rich dad and doesn't spend money on things that others paying his bills. If he didn't have money, he'd be banging the girls you get
He is not confident.....he's the most think skinned, insecure man alive.
He is not his twitter
the guy is a clown
Actually Trump has 0 bankruptcies, I keep pointing that out to you, but you keep lying about it.
But that's nothing new for you.
# of Trump personal bankruptcies (Chapt. 7 or Chapt 11): ---> ZERO
# of businesses which Trump had at least partial ownership filed Chapt 13 restructuring: 4
Let's see if you can comprehend it this time, and stop lying about it.
Lets see if you can understand this:
Trump companies have filed for bankruptcy 4 times....which says is the most by any company in decades.
1) Trump Taj Mahal 1991
2) Trump Castle Associates 1992
3) Trump Hotel and Casino Resorts 2004
4) Trump entertainment Resorts 2009
now listen close because I know you're a fucking moron. Chapter 11 allowed him to stay open while he stiffed banks, suppliers and employees. This is a total scumbag move and he's done it 4 times.
The excuse that it's not personal bankruptcy is so pathetic....even for you.
The guy is a stiff......and a disgrace. Now go crawl back in your hole of delusion or I will keep smacking that marble filled head of yours
Lets see if you can understand this:
Trump companies have filed for bankruptcy 4 times....which says is the most by any company in decades.
1) Trump Taj Mahal 1991
2) Trump Castle Associates 1992
3) Trump Hotel and Casino Resorts 2004
4) Trump entertainment Resorts 2009
now listen close because I know you're a fucking moron. Chapter 11 allowed him to stay open while he stiffed banks, suppliers and employees. This is a total scumbag move and he's done it 4 times.
The excuse that it's not personal bankruptcy is so pathetic....even for you.
The guy is a stiff......and a disgrace. Now go crawl back in your hole of delusion or I will keep smacking that marble filled head of yours
Lets see if you can understand this:
Trump companies have filed for bankruptcy 4 times....which says is the most by any company in decades.
1) Trump Taj Mahal 1991
2) Trump Castle Associates 1992
3) Trump Hotel and Casino Resorts 2004
4) Trump entertainment Resorts 2009
now listen close because I know you're a fucking moron. Chapter 11 allowed him to stay open while he stiffed banks, suppliers and employees. This is a total scumbag move and he's done it 4 times.
The excuse that it's not personal bankruptcy is so pathetic....even for you.
The guy is a stiff......and a disgrace. Now go crawl back in your hole of delusion or I will keep smacking that marble filled head of yours says is the most by any company in decades?
You're such a fucking joke.
here you go, take a look:
It's not even a real site, you stupid lying fuck.
Stop lying in here bitch, I will call you out on it every fucking time.
Everything bankruptcy I cited is 100 percent true. Stop trying to protect your orange god....he's a stiff
Nope, 100% wrong.
You said "Trump has many bankruptcies"
That is a lie. He has never filed for personal bankruptcies.
Companies that he has had partial ownership have filed for restructuring chapt 13.
Got it now bitch?
You are so desperate. Why would he ever have a personal bankruptcy? He can disguise his nonsense behind his company name and stiff everyone and just pocket the profits.
Its like the movie Goodfellas....."ya take a 200 dollar of booze on credit and you sell it out back for doesn't matter, it's all profit because nobody is paying for it anyway"
but its funny watching you trying to defend his sham empire
I'm desperate? ROFL. What a fucking gay thing to say. Desperate for what?
I'm just stating facts, and you're all butt hurt, because you know I'm right.
Can't wait for the inauguration party this weekend.
Making America great once the worst President in history leaves in shame.