I forget - does Vito have a wife? can u imagine ur husband sitting on a Internet forum starting fights all day - jayzus she must be some prize herself
you guys blaming GW for 911 ??
You really think Obama had anything to do with Killing Bin Laden ? or would it be better said that he was the President at the time of his Killing ?
just my 2cents and would say that No matter Who the President was at the Time
V why dont you give Trump a damn chance, come back in a yr and we will talk for real, now all you do is blow smoke out of your ass.im sick of the crap you post on this topic
"Ronald Reagan is rolling over in his grave"
obama showed today how much knowledge and detail goes into being president. Incredible job by him today.
Now we got a guy who says this:
" I don't need security briefings every day, I'm a smart guy"---Trump
any wonder why Putin hacked the election? Can't believe this country elected an orange tinted reality personality to run the country.
thankfully trump is calling obama for advice. Hope he listens
So even though Julian Assange confirmed that the Russians were not responsible for the leak you still keep saying that the Russians were involved?
V why dont you give Trump a damn chance, come back in a yr and we will talk for real, now all you do is blow smoke out of your ass.im sick of the crap you post on this topic