Um, the religion that you worship Neo-Darwinism claimed to have "proved" that man evolved from a common ancestor to the modern ape because they "claimed" that our DNA is 98% alike. A couple problems:
1. That turned out to be a complete lie, and the so-called "junk-DNA" part of the DNA actually has more functionality to the non-JUNK-DNA
2. They have NEVER FOUND even ONE transitional fossil from the so-called common ancestor between man and the modern ape, and the modern ape. Dawkins admits this in his latest book.
3. Your step-by-step statement is total horse-shit lie. Explain how fully formed fossils magically appear in the Cambrian layer, with scientists having absolutely no clue how they got there?
You need to stop worshiping at the religion of Darwinism and listening to their lying false prophets.
I won't even get into the faked transitional whale fossils that got exposed at the Smithsonian recently.
so every scientist in the world, except a vast minority of so called religious scientists (an oxy-moron), that studies and deals with evolution with an open mind, are all wrong. the entire scientific community accepts it as proven fact. modern day evolution admits Darwinism is not all factually correct and has many faults. that is not what i am talking about. you are so far behind the curve that you don't realize it was not proven by Darwinism, but by indisputable evidence and endless research. it's called proving something. that is lost on you.
so if it is a scam, every scientist in the world would not acknowledge it as such and places like Harvard, Duke, Stanford and every other other reputable college in the country would teach it as fact?? why don't they teach intelligent design???? not a shred of evidence. why doesn't science acknowledge intelligent design???? not a shred of evidence. everyone qualified to make such conclusions takes one thing as fact and one as nonsense, but you know better than they do.
who teaches intelligent design??? prestigious colleges like Liberty U, Jerry Falwell founder. he was a great and scientific man, huh????? Bob Jones, who teaches the earth is 10,000 yrs old and doesn't let students kiss. Oral Roberts, who is known to be on the cutting edge of science. how bout BYU, a Mormon school. Mormon theology makes radical Islam look sane.
so move over educated scientists, professors and the countries most prestigious Universities who all agree on the same scientific fact, Festering Zit and the half dozen bat shit crazy colleges are doing to dispute you with faith, no evidence or facts needed, to prove intelligent design. Jerry Falwell would be proud.