dallas cop killer is a terrorist
what's your point
I'm wondering the same thing?
dallas cop killer is a terrorist
what's your point
You always talk about the black race......Jeter the 1st black to buy a baseball team.....Blacks getting attacked today....Blah,blah,blah....You must be black.
Mr.Fucking know it all.
I'm white.
Always huh? 2 times I have brought it up ... 2
Your raging hard on for me is cute ... I could careless about your pictures / videos / in-game threads with you talking to yourself / your copy and paste MMA commentary you rip off from twitter and most of all any opinion you have.
You are viewed as a clown by many here ... not some great asset
Debate the topic, not the poster
Get away from me.
Be careful messing with greenbacks, he might post more pictures that add a ton of value to the thread
I think whether it is terrorism or not is semantics (atleast for the sake of conversation, perhaps not to an agency like Homeland Security) I'm not sure what value there is in perfectly defining the term.
But an attack on police is an attack on the institution of law enforcement in this country, hard not to label that a terrorist attack.
You can't use absolutes. What if a guy is unemployed, out of money and angry at cops because he's had some bad experiences in the past? Doesn't mean he's committing terrorism. Murder? Yes.
Terrorism or not just seems like semantics.
The guy was obviously trying to take out those who disagreed with him in a ruthless and violent way.
Some people probably would be against that, others would call it Patriotic. It depends who you ask.
Look, this attack may have been carried out by a right-wing nut. All I'm saying is why don't we wait and see before we make blanket statements on who he/she is and what their motive is?
That's all I'm saying.
Even if it wasn't intentional, he probably goes to jail for manslaughter.
Unless he has a hell of a lawyer.