BLM was founded on a lie Defying. BLM was founded after Ferguson which is 100% bullshit.
233 black men were killed by cops last year. Under 15 of the 233 were unarmed.
Tell me again why BLM exists? It's a bullshit lie.
Defying, take the car thing away from this situation.
Tell me what is wrong with a legit planned protest and tell me why they aren't allowed to assemble in protest? I don't condone their message but KKK or not, they have a right to do it. Why was it violent today? It's only ok to protest if you like the message?
So you believe that black people are treated equally? by whites? by police? by society?
If yes, then your 100% clueless. If no, then there ya go, that's why BLM exist, for equality.
End of Conversation.
They are allowed but there was nothing peaceful about them harassing churches, shouting racist rhetoric at people and taking torches thru a campus which should be a safe space for students. You have to not want to see it to believe that they were acting in a manner that was peaceful. Just because they hadn't driven a car thru somebody yet does not mean it was peaceful
very cool, that was an impressive showing by the locals and speaks a lot about the community there. That hate rally was a hostile group, weaponized and most of them trash with nothing to lose just looking for their fight, for the counter group to show up took serious stones. Good on them to largely hold themselves in check and letting the garbage reveal who they really are for the world to see.
Did they harass churches today?
Yes, as disgusting as it sounds, racist chants are allowed buddy.
Torches? Like the tiki torches they were carrying? Those torches?
Safe spaces? Fucking just stop it already.
BLM was founded after Ferguson because of an unfounded belief blacks are targeted unlawfully by police which is pure bullshit and the stats bear that out. There is not statistical data whatsoever you can point to to show blacks are treated unfairly by cops or white people.
By all means, provide your statistics if you have some.
Did they harass churches today?
Yes, as disgusting as it sounds, racist chants are allowed buddy.
Torches? Like the tiki torches they were carrying? Those torches?
Safe spaces? Fucking just stop it already.
Why are you fighting for them?
THEY CAME TO MAKE TROUBLE. They walked on campus of UVA to target college kids with intimidation and violence.
It was a surreal experience. On friday, we have this outdoor walking mall right near my office and near the scene of these protest, there were signs every saying "if diversity makes you uncomfortable, this isn't the place for you"... another saying " If diversity makes you uncomfortable, lets talk about it -we love everyone". The rally was called "Unite the Right" And Unite Cville posters were everywhere. There was an uneasiness in the air, everyone was overly nice before. Several businesses closed on a Saturday worried that this would escalate