If someone says 2+2=5 will you continue a discussion about algebra with them? No.
You simply don't get it and that's why the world is leaving you and your views behind.
Here's the guy y'all defending, maybe he was just drunk driving though, and accidentally ran over, over a dozen people seriously injuring 9, and killing 1.
Do you agree if people didn't show up to confront these wackos, the violence today wouldn't have been as extreme?
Not one person here defended this young man's actions today. Nobody said that at all.
Don't get into this idiots way of thinking...
young man....
Imagine what Enfuego would have said if roles were reversed a black guy drove into the Alt Right. It wouldn't have been young man.
How many here are too cowardly to just say you support these Atl-Right Protestors. Fucking own your beliefs. Cowards.
You are not even close to me intellectually, everyone is aware of your stances on these type of issues. And you aren't alone in your thinking here at the RX. The same guys whining about Obama not calling things by what they are, are now skirting, and "lets be careful not to assume" when it was on video and everyone saw it. No one was jumping to anything, we all saw it, and we all know what we saw happen.
If he's guilty, I hope he doesn't either.
My man! Exactly so many here are Alt/Right and are afraid to admit it. At least Buster owns that shit. I can respect that.