Tebow will play in the NFL. For a long time.


Sep 22, 2007
I love it when somebody is wrong, irrational, and/or dishonest and shows this in their own words, but are oblivious to the fact that they'd done so. For example:

"This 4 year old thread was 100% correct. I said he'd play in the NFL for a long time, and he will."

Tebow has played for 2 years, and that isn't a long time, even in the NFL. Therefore, the statement ""This 4 year old thread was 100% correct." is incorrect and/or a lie. It may some day prove correct-I wouldn't count on it-but it is NOT correct, and, even, more incorrectly, it certain "was" not 100% correct. But, the Clueless One rambles on that his prediction has already been proven right-after two "long" years. Unbelievable...

Sep 21, 2004
Illini, it was fun but let's be honest - Tebow didn't take this team to anything - he deserves credit for nothing - it's all on his teammates and staff who found ways to win without a QB - he will never play never down in the NFL after this weekend - he is a major distraction for any team because he is an attention whore the likes we have never seen - everything is about his antics

I thought it was his football? Sounds like you really don't like the kid. I wonder why.

Sep 21, 2004
I love it when somebody is wrong, irrational, and/or dishonest and shows this in their own words, but are oblivious to the fact that they'd done so. For example:

"This 4 year old thread was 100% correct. I said he'd play in the NFL for a long time, and he will."

Tebow has played for 2 years, and that isn't a long time, even in the NFL. Therefore, the statement ""This 4 year old thread was 100% correct." is incorrect and/or a lie. It may some day prove correct-I wouldn't count on it-but it is NOT correct, and, even, more incorrectly, it certain "was" not 100% correct. But, the Clueless One rambles on that his prediction has already been proven right-after two "long" years. Unbelievable...

You would be awesome working for the city. That way you could hand out fines to everyone whose grass was 1/16 of an inch too long. You are so anal and frankly, crazy.

Sep 21, 2004
I love it when somebody is wrong, irrational, and/or dishonest and shows this in their own words, but are oblivious to the fact that they'd done so. For example:
"This 4 year old thread was 100% correct. I said he'd play in the NFL for a long time, and he will."

Tebow has played for 2 years, and that isn't a long time, even in the NFL. Therefore, the statement ""This 4 year old thread was 100% correct." is incorrect and/or a lie. It may some day prove correct-I wouldn't count on it-but it is NOT correct, and, even, more incorrectly, it certain "was" not 100% correct. But, the Clueless One rambles on that his prediction has already been proven right-after two "long" years. Unbelievable...
I guess that makes you a liar. You said I'm wrong but so far none of my predictions have been proven false in 4 years. You dishonest, malicious liar.

New member
Mar 2, 2006
I wasn't wrong about anything. This 4 year old thread was 100% correct. I said he'd play in the NFL for a long time, and he will. I said I didn't know if it would be at QB, but that he would get a shot at QB. So far I've been spot on.

As for your other comments, I have no idea what you're talking about. I've had a lot of fun with this thread but I didn't call anyone an idiot. A guy that nobody thought would take a snap won 6 games in a row and took a 1-4 team to the playoffs. That is fun stuff.

Big10 is an asshole and I went back and forth with him. My bad if you are looking for me to live a perfect life like Jesus did.

Listen you fat fuck, continue to alternate sucking on your mom's titty and Tebow's nutsack... and lose some wait while you are it you fat ass.
Sep 19, 2009
They've looked horrible the entire time - they stole the Dolphins game, one game came on a fumble, one game came on 110 yards of field goals on 2 kicks in the waning moments - every win was basically a joke - even the Jets win came on a pick 6 by Sanchez - they were due to lose a lot in a row

Nah. They looked horrible the first 3 quarters the entire time and usually pretty great in the 4th.
now instead of patching up those first 3 they suck the entire game

Where Taconite Is Just A Low Grade Ore
Aug 20, 2000
ANYONE who thinks St. Timmy has what it takes to be an NFL QB, in a passing league, is completely clueless. To use your faith as a "look at me" agenda, is bush. WTF has religeon have to do w/the ability to throw a football. Comparing #7 in any way to this joke of a QB, is insane. The guy is a terrible passer, face it. Pitt. is not at full strength, so I don't see the "side" as an L, but the total & TT for Den. to go under are great possibilities. The league has now figured out the D needed to stop this "Mickey Mouse" BS. even w/o Clark, Broncos may not score 10.

Sep 22, 2007
I guess that makes you a liar. You said I'm wrong but so far none of my predictions have been proven false in 4 years. You dishonest, malicious liar.

ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!! What's the matter, your widdle dinosaur brain can only fart out one thought at a time, so you have to strain to get an idea, then copy and paste the same post when another one forms 7 minutes later? If you're too stupid to realize that 2 years is not a long time, well, there's no hope for you-but we already knew that, didn't we? And, based on the results of the last 3 weeks, I would dispute your contention that " none of my predictions have been proven false in 4 years." which is ridiculous in and of itself. And, btw, you've shown yourself to be a liar, yet again, you said you wouldn't address me directly, Scumbag, what happened to that pledge?:lolBIG::dancefool:lol:!~))!:finger::laugh::tongue2::fckmad:

Sep 22, 2007
One of the annoying things about that 7-1 run Tebow had is that he always seemed to be facing either a shit quarterback, or one not 100%, which, of course, is the case here. Steelers haven't exactly been an offensive juggernaut since Big Ben got hurt, now they're missing Mendenhall, and, more importantly IMO, their starting center. Turnovers can even out almost any match up, and if the Broncos recover a mishandled snap or two, and Big Ben not able to sidestep or shrug off rushing lineman like he so often does, who knows what can happen?

Active member
Oct 20, 1999
I find it hilarious so many think Tebow can play a variety of positions in the NFL...................from TE, to FB, to QB.

Where Taconite Is Just A Low Grade Ore
Aug 20, 2000
One of the annoying things about that 7-1 run Tebow had is that he always seemed to be facing either a shit quarterback, or one not 100%, which, of course, is the case here. Steelers haven't exactly been an offensive juggernaut since Big Ben got hurt, now they're missing Mendenhall, and, more importantly IMO, their starting center. Turnovers can even out almost any match up, and if the Broncos recover a mishandled snap or two, and Big Ben not able to sidestep or shrug off rushing lineman like he so often does, who knows what can happen?

Very good post! Don't like either "side" here, on the Under 35, got it early & B 1/2! Now 33- WA. Denver TT 13, may also play that U! BOL to all. I just pray to all that's Holy Broncs don't W, and have to listen to that pompous asshole Bayless for a WK!!

Active member
Oct 20, 1999
Illini, what is your prediction for your boy TEBONE tommorrow..................let's hear it now before the game is over.

By the way, never ever seen you on tilt like this.

Sep 20, 2006
Going to interesting now with Quinn taking first team snaps.
It appears the leash is very short for Tebow on Sunday.
Pittsburgh by 14+

Active member
Oct 20, 1999
Going to interesting now with Quinn taking first team snaps.
It appears the leash is very short for Tebow on Sunday.
Pittsburgh by 14+

Maybe he will play a little fullback or tightend......................LMFAO.

Illini- WAKEUP, it's Saturday.

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