Sports Have To Be Fixed.


New member
Sep 17, 2006
IAmTheSage said:
if ur implying that romo or glen intentionally fumbled the ball thats crazy. i dont care who u r, there is not enough money in the world to make some put themselves in a publicly humiliating situation and put a scar on their careers and on top of that, loose a game that would send them to the next round in the playoffs.
Im talking about some of the calls in the game and some of the play selections.

sarah palin enthusiast
Oct 14, 2006
SDubb said:
Quit crying and learn how to bet you degenerate gambler.

This is the correct answer.

Books make so much money off people like you they don't NEED to fix the games, it's more risk and and more work than it's worth.

Books shade lines quite often, thus accepted a minute amount of risk in exchange for a maximization of profit. Having equal action on both sides of a game guarantees zero risk, but the book can make more money by offering a worse line on the side they believe is going to win. Thus pointspreads and totals are not truly 50/50 propositions as they are purported to be, so from that perspective you could say it is 'fixed'. It's like flipping a slightly weighted coin.

The thing about conspiracy theories, though, is that they generally aren't true because a fundamental tenet of any conspiracy is that it requires a large group of people do both be smart and keep a secret for an extended period of time. People think the Bush administration was smart enough to stage 9/11, yet they couldn't figure out what was happening in New Orleans while it was on tv? Same thing goes with sports. For the fix to be in you need a TON of people to know about it: Books, players, management, and thousands of intermediaries, not to mention the people who would have to be betting 10s of millions (maybe even hundreds of millions) in order for it to even be worth fixing a game.

Not to mention that in several instances of fixed games (ie thrown boxing matches) it has been exposed, thus furthering the idea that this many people can not keep a secret for long.

There will always be people like you screaming "omg rigged!!!" every time they lose, but you're probably the same sort of person who, when they win 5 -EV bets in a row, think you're God's gift to the world and decide to go tout.

Sorry you lost your bet. After this thread, I hope you get used to it, because it will happen to you frequently based on your attitude. Good luck.

sarah palin enthusiast
Oct 14, 2006
heatohio said:
That may be true if I was simply saying that the players are just merely aware of the spread. That is not what I am saying. I feel that the books have a lot more pull in sports than people think. I've yet to see a response to my point that the books are on the winning side of a lopsided game 80% of the time. How did I make big money every week in football by simply fadeing the public? I brought up the example of the Bears/Cards game earlier this year on monday night. If you guys can't explain away my vaild points please quit replying.

Fading the consensus is generally a +EV strategy in efficient markets like the NFL and NBA. Of course, doing so blindly probably isn't a good idea, but then any blind gambling is probably a poor decision.

Do you understand math at all?

The books do not have an incentive to influence a game. They do have an incentive to offer +EV bets on unpopular sides in order to mitigate the risk on the side they believe is going to get more action.

Someone else who posted here was right, this "debate" (it's not actually a debate, you're just an idiot) could go on forever and everyone will continue to believe they are right (even though you're very, very wrong. Almost impossibly wrong, actually)

So, since you've "already said it", would you mind "repeating" why you would continue to bet on fixed games?:aktion033

sarah palin enthusiast
Oct 14, 2006
heatohio said:
Are you even aware of what the word ignorant means? By your use of the word I'd answer no. Please keep kids out of this thread.

"Mr. Simpson there is a difference between ignorance and stupidity."
"Not to me there isn't!"

New member
Jul 21, 2006
If I 'm playing a 2nd half with the sun and there blowing a team out and the total is anything over 100, i will take the under. the suns always seem to put in subs in the 4th, figure they score 55 in the 3rd, no way a side of reserves will score 45 in the 4th.

They're still scrapin him off my stucco.
Sep 24, 2005
heatohio said:
Who needs his shit talking? I'm responding to a little boy that could not back up word one of what he says on the internet. Try bitching at that asshole and not at me.

You call out people for badmouthing you on the internet as cowards and then what do you do? You badmouth them over the internet. Talk about hypocricy.

They're still scrapin him off my stucco.
Sep 24, 2005
heatohio said:
Yes, that ass put me in my place. I've answered that question if you were smart enough maybe you would have seen my answer and realized that he in fact did not put me in my place. It is really sad how all of the nerd population gangs up on people. Is this because in real life you guys are picked on so much?

Nerd population - an insult not even worthy of a middle school classroom.

I'll go ahead and sink to your level though. If you must know, actually it is the lone nerd that the rest of us are ganging up on.

Jan 28, 2006
ewitty said:
This is the correct answer.

Books make so much money off people like you they don't NEED to fix the games, it's more risk and and more work than it's worth.

Books shade lines quite often, thus accepted a minute amount of risk in exchange for a maximization of profit. Having equal action on both sides of a game guarantees zero risk, but the book can make more money by offering a worse line on the side they believe is going to win. Thus pointspreads and totals are not truly 50/50 propositions as they are purported to be, so from that perspective you could say it is 'fixed'. It's like flipping a slightly weighted coin.

The thing about conspiracy theories, though, is that they generally aren't true because a fundamental tenet of any conspiracy is that it requires a large group of people do both be smart and keep a secret for an extended period of time. People think the Bush administration was smart enough to stage 9/11, yet they couldn't figure out what was happening in New Orleans while it was on tv? Same thing goes with sports. For the fix to be in you need a TON of people to know about it: Books, players, management, and thousands of intermediaries, not to mention the people who would have to be betting 10s of millions (maybe even hundreds of millions) in order for it to even be worth fixing a game.

Not to mention that in several instances of fixed games (ie thrown boxing matches) it has been exposed, thus furthering the idea that this many people can not keep a secret for long.

There will always be people like you screaming "omg rigged!!!" every time they lose, but you're probably the same sort of person who, when they win 5 -EV bets in a row, think you're God's gift to the world and decide to go tout.

Sorry you lost your bet. After this thread, I hope you get used to it, because it will happen to you frequently based on your attitude. Good luck.

People like me???? You mean people that make more money than they lose? How in the world do they make money from people who win? Maybe you meant to say people like you.

Jan 28, 2006
ewitty said:
"Mr. Simpson there is a difference between ignorance and stupidity."
"Not to me there isn't!"

Ignorance is being unaware of an issue. What am I unaware about? Please think before you type.

Jan 28, 2006
ewitty said:
Fading the consensus is generally a +EV strategy in efficient markets like the NFL and NBA. Of course, doing so blindly probably isn't a good idea, but then any blind gambling is probably a poor decision.

Do you understand math at all?

The books do not have an incentive to influence a game. They do have an incentive to offer +EV bets on unpopular sides in order to mitigate the risk on the side they believe is going to get more action.

Someone else who posted here was right, this "debate" (it's not actually a debate, you're just an idiot) could go on forever and everyone will continue to believe they are right (even though you're very, very wrong. Almost impossibly wrong, actually)

So, since you've "already said it", would you mind "repeating" why you would continue to bet on fixed games?:aktion033

Well I guess you set it straight, you are very right and I'm very wrong.:monsters-

Jan 28, 2006
Joe_Hallenbeck said:
You call out people for badmouthing you on the internet as cowards and then what do you do? You badmouth them over the internet. Talk about hypocricy.

You are sort of correct here. It is in a way hypocritical of me but keep in mind that I was really talking about one particular pus*y, I mean person. You see he lives in Cleveland and I live in Cleveland so there is no reason he can't say this to my face. The difference is that 90% of the people on here would not talk like this to a real person. I'm not like that, I'll say over the net what I would say to someones face. If you are willing to back up your position than go ahead and talk but if you are not, then shut up and be nice. Simple as that.

sarah palin enthusiast
Oct 14, 2006
heatohio said:
You see he lives in Cleveland and I live in Cleveland so there is no reason he can't say this to my face.


u r a qt

Kids, this is what happens when you mix medications

Jan 28, 2006
ewitty said:

u r a qt

Kids, this is what happens when you mix medications

I'm so sorry that I'm not satisified with talking shit over the internet and being happy with that. The fact is that people get "cyber courage" just like drunk people get liquid courage. This kid is like the annoying kid that would say somthing to you and run to the teacher when you confronted him. I'm not on here starting shit, I post plays and threads talking about subjects that I feel deserve talking about and others are the ones who start talking shit. When I do it back or give someone a chance to back up their words I'm in the wrong. You little kids don't know what the real world was like before the internet was your only social life. I feel sorry for all of you.

sarah palin enthusiast
Oct 14, 2006
K dude, listen, this thread looks like it needs to be moved to the rubber room. What is your problem? "Say it to my face?" WTF is wrong with you. Either grow up, don't post shit threads about how it'fixed without having anything to back it up. Then anyone who calls you on it you start flaming them.

You think it's a fucking coincidence that everyone here is against you? Yes, there have been a *few* people who expressed skepticism, but none of them believe there is a conspiracy that's fixing games left and right, and that the book is always buying off players or teams or whatever in oirder to steal your measly 1 unit.

There have been cases of games being rigged due to gambling in general. The mafia being involved and whatnot. You can read about them readily on wikipedia. But the people responsible were always caught, at least eventually. And you know why? Because people can't keep a secret for as long as you seem to think they can. See, your problem isn't that you don't give people enough credit; it's that you give people too much credit.

Why am I even bothering? You'll only hear what you want to hear and flame some more and then get defensive about it. I hope you get banned. I feel sorry for anyone who posts in this thread.

Jan 28, 2006
ewitty said:
K dude, listen, this thread looks like it needs to be moved to the rubber room. What is your problem? "Say it to my face?" WTF is wrong with you. Either grow up, don't post shit threads about how it'fixed without having anything to back it up. Then anyone who calls you on it you start flaming them.

You think it's a fucking coincidence that everyone here is against you? Yes, there have been a *few* people who expressed skepticism, but none of them believe there is a conspiracy that's fixing games left and right, and that the book is always buying off players or teams or whatever in oirder to steal your measly 1 unit.

There have been cases of games being rigged due to gambling in general. The mafia being involved and whatnot. You can read about them readily on wikipedia. But the people responsible were always caught, at least eventually. And you know why? Because people can't keep a secret for as long as you seem to think they can. See, your problem isn't that you don't give people enough credit; it's that you give people too much credit.

Why am I even bothering? You'll only hear what you want to hear and flame some more and then get defensive about it. I hope you get banned. I feel sorry for anyone who posts in this thread.

Listen newb, I'm not going to get banned because I defend myself. I know someone with a brain is quite intimidating to most people but deal with it, we are out here. Most people are against me because they are not willing to admit that the outcomes in the WWE are more real than in these games. I'm not saying EVERY SINGLE GAME OF EVERY SINGLE SPORT is fixed. It does not work like that. Like I have said before, the NFL, NBA, MLB and the NHL owe sports betting and the people responsible for it, a big favor. I'd say a large portion of their revenue is due to peoples interest simply because they are betting on the game. Do you think the Super Bowl would have this many viewers if not for gambling? More viewers more money per second for the commercials. If a point needs to be shaved or a last minute needless foul needs to be commited, they will do it to ensure the books make their money. You scratch my back and I'll scratch yours. There are no sacks of money with a $ sign on it being handed to a player to fake an injury or miss shot after shot, it is big business and big business controls everything. Period.

Rx. Junior
Nov 3, 2006
Yes its true that right after a tough loss, people tend to think the games are fixed. But that is not always the case. Right here on this very board I have said games were fixed and then proceeded to pick games based on this premise. I am getting better at it every year. Christ, I have lost money this year when I didn't select games based on that point of view, because I tend to try and keep it balanced

The NBA and in particular college basketball games have been rigged for years and that is documented. I personally do not bet on Totals in the NBA for this reason. I have the utmost respect for guys who can cap totals in the NBA because believe you me when I say the deck is stacked....especially with teams like the Suns, Mavericks, Heat and just isn't wise dealing with Totals with those teams...

I myself am jaded I guess because I have had access to inside knowledge from inside sources for a few years now. Childhood friend of mine, and had no idea he was mobbed up...until I was about 27 now...I always knew some aspects of sports were rigged but never took it seriously...cuz I played sports and collected cards...etc...but then one day you meet a guy who knows a guy who tells you something you suspected for years. Jordan didn't want to play baseball, the guy committed the cardinal sin of betting on his own sport and lost his father in the process because of it....

The reason why players are forbidden to bet on their own sports has nothing to do with morals or because its wrong in the leagues eyes. Dont fall for that company line crap....the mob, the CIA, and the Masons control that racket...its their own private money making scam, and they are not in the business of letting some punk athlete make money off their enterprise....especially when atheletes are already making shytloads of money in the first place plus endorsements. While these CIA/Mob fucks take all the risks....Now you can understand why a guy like Jordan...who is already filthy rich was hated by the wise guys who still have to hustle to make a living...for gambling away money like a fool....its disrespectful.......

Jan 28, 2006
Loren78 said:
Yes its true that right after a tough loss, people tend to think the games are fixed. But that is not always the case. Right here on this very board I have said games were fixed and then proceeded to pick games based on this premise. I am getting better at it every year. Christ, I have lost money this year when I didn't select games based on that point of view, because I tend to try and keep it balanced

The NBA and in particular college basketball games have been rigged for years and that is documented. I personally do not bet on Totals in the NBA for this reason. I have the utmost respect for guys who can cap totals in the NBA because believe you me when I say the deck is stacked....especially with teams like the Suns, Mavericks, Heat and just isn't wise dealing with Totals with those teams...

I myself am jaded I guess because I have had access to inside knowledge from inside sources for a few years now. Childhood friend of mine, and had no idea he was mobbed up...until I was about 27 now...I always knew some aspects of sports were rigged but never took it seriously...cuz I played sports and collected cards...etc...but then one day you meet a guy who knows a guy who tells you something you suspected for years. Jordan didn't want to play baseball, the guy committed the cardinal sin of betting on his own sport and lost his father in the process because of it....

The reason why players are forbidden to bet on their own sports has nothing to do with morals or because its wrong in the leagues eyes. Dont fall for that company line crap....the mob, the CIA, and the Masons control that racket...its their own private money making scam, and they are not in the business of letting some punk athlete make money off their enterprise....especially when atheletes are already making shytloads of money in the first place plus endorsements. While these CIA/Mob fucks take all the risks....Now you can understand why a guy like Jordan...who is already filthy rich was hated by the wise guys who still have to hustle to make a living...for gambling away money like a fool....its disrespectful.......

People are not prone to excepting new ideas into their heads, that is why they must attack what they don't understand. Everytime a new idea is introduced, the first ones to except it are ridiculed. The sheep soon follow after it hits the mainstream and is deemed exceptable to think like this. Free thinkers are always and will always be put down by the part of society not smart enough to stay ahead of the mainstream.

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