Sports Have To Be Fixed.


New member
Sep 6, 2006
SkinsRaj28 said:
That's fine, maybe I'm naive.

But that doesn't pale in comparison to your stupidity. You KNOW sports are fixed, yet you still wager on them? How fucking retarded is that? That makes NO sense whatsoever.

If I believed that sports were fixed, I certainly wouldn't throw my money away.

Why are you? Just hoping you'll luckily pick the right side of a game that's fixed?

You might as well bet on heads/tails. Apparently your chances are the same, but maybe if you find someone to bet with, you won't have to pay the juice when you lose.

It amazes me that you KNOW games are fixed, yet still wager on them. You can call me stupid all you want; it doesn't get much more stupid than that.

Good post.

Triple digit silver kook
Mar 1, 2005
A fix thread has been running in rubber room for a while now.

We all have looked for reasons when we lose.

Raj, its nice to see you getting back into your old form.

Cavs games going under is nothing unusual.

Sundays Portland/Miami total was nearly the biggest over flop Ive ever watched. Ill never again even hint about a nba over bet being cashed at halftime.


Rx. Senior
Dec 8, 2006
OK....soif they r fixed, just figure out which is the fixed side and bet on it.....if they fixed the game and u realized u wereon the right side....u wouldnt complain for piggybacking the coatails of some mafia bigwig, who fixed sometotal would u?

so dont be shocked when ur on wrong side of a fixed game.....

ive always thought fixes existed....but that makes me wanna bet more....line moves,and actual lines r studies in reverse psychology.

line =too could to be true? u have to d ecide whether it s a mistake, or whether its a trap, usually a trap, like a low suns total is a trap!

New member
Oct 16, 2006
Mockler4 said:
Hi heat,

Can you answer the question that skins put your way .. as of now you have avoided it ..

If you KNOW sports are fixed .. why are you gambling on them?

He won't answer because there is no answer to that other than recognizing he is ignorant.

New member
Sep 4, 2006
Yes, I'm sure the NBA would but it's neck on the line to make money for the books. The sky isn't falling, you're just losing bets.

I need a new drug!
Sep 21, 2004
just fade that loser Heatohio. :puppy: nobody whines more than heat. Can't wait til he moves out ohio.

Jan 28, 2006
MonkeyMentos said:
No, most people here don't think you've provided anything but a tantrum and some pretty loopy, paranoid, conspiracy riddled arguments while avoiding great questions like why you wager on fixed games. But hey, have at it man, rail against that machine while you tilt at those windmills. Protect those precous bodily fluids, it's the flouride after all.

If you were smart enough you would do some research and see all of the arguements that I have made. I guess that is too much typing for your fat pudgy fingers to do.

Jan 28, 2006
jaxul said:
He won't answer because there is no answer to that other than recognizing he is ignorant.

Are you even aware of what the word ignorant means? By your use of the word I'd answer no. Please keep kids out of this thread.

Jan 28, 2006
MoneyShot said:
just fade that loser Heatohio. :puppy: nobody whines more than heat. Can't wait til he moves out ohio.

Before I leave we must get togther. It would be fun. That would give you a chance to say stuff to a person and not a computer screen. Or is that not your style pus*y boy? Fade away and lose money. Before this dreaded 3 day losing streak, I was making money left and right. In the NBA, NFL and bowl games. That is a fact. So please fade me, I'm not sure how you will pay your rent at the trailer this month. That is if you don't still live with mommy and daddy.

New member
Sep 4, 2006
heatohio said:
Before I leave we must get togther. It would be fun. That would give you a chance to say stuff to a person and not a computer screen. Or is that not your style pus*y boy? Fade away and lose money. Before this dreaded 3 day losing streak, I was making money left and right. In the NBA, NFL and bowl games. That is a fact. So please fade me, I'm not sure how you will pay your rent at the trailer this month. That is if you don't still live with mommy and daddy.


Homie Don't Play That
Sep 20, 2004
heatohio said:
This is the biggest incoherent ramble I have ever read. Please make a point instead of being an ass.

If you got off the crack pipe it wouldn't seem incoherent. Also your paranoia:youmad: would subside.

You would see that a fixing conspiracy is beyond the bounds of common sense and basic logic.

Delusions are a bitch.... real to only you. You're embarrassing yourself IF you are not on drugs. If you are on drugs, stop before you totally lose your mind.

PS. We fixed the Boston/Toronto game tonight all set for a backdoor cover by Boston. We own Bosh.:coke: This reply is encrypted. All others see nothing

Jan 28, 2006
~Falco~ said:
If you got off the crack pipe it wouldn't seem incoherent. Also your paranoia:youmad: would subside.

You would see that a fixing conspiracy is beyond the bounds of common sense and basic logic.

Delusions are a bitch.... real to only you. You're embarrassing yourself IF you are not on drugs. If you are on drugs, stop before you totally lose your mind.

PS. We fixed the Boston/Toronto game tonight all set for a backdoor cover by Boston. We own Bosh.:coke: This reply is encrypted. All others see nothing

Your post made no sense what so every. You rambled about god knows what. How is fixing beyond the bounds of common sense. Did you not read the post by the guy who saw Bibby mention "9" to a teammate at the free throw line when the line was at 9 for the night? Get your head out of your ass and wake the fuck up, money controls everything. And making myself look stupid amongst a bunch of fat losers is not my concern. You guys make your judgments, it has 0 baring on my real life.

Jan 28, 2006
junglekyle said:


I'd say little men with big mouths over the internet is more of a reason to puke. Let me guess, you have never said shit to a man standing in front of your face. Everyone has heard of liquid courage, now a days people have cyber courage. It really makes me sick.

I'm all about low expectations
Feb 3, 2006
So why are you gambling on these games if they're fixed? Did you ever answer that?

Jan 28, 2006
royboy_3831 said:
So why are you gambling on these games if they're fixed? Did you ever answer that?

Because I usually do pretty well at it and it is fun to do. The big misconception is that I was only saying this because I lost. Sure I was annoyed that I lost but I have said that sports are fixed for a long time.

New member
Sep 4, 2006
heatohio said:
I'd say little men with big mouths over the internet is more of a reason to puke. Let me guess, you have never said shit to a man standing in front of your face. Everyone has heard of liquid courage, now a days people have cyber courage. It really makes me sick.
THIS is exactly why you're previous post led me to the "puke" response. I just can't stand it when I see the "ooooh you talk tough to a computer screen, but I can beat you up". Yet how could you expect people on a forum like this, people who dedicate time every day to try to gain an edge on these sports, to agree with your statements?? Someone disagrees with you, and your response that the person must be scared to say it to your face:realtongu

I'm all about low expectations
Feb 3, 2006
It makes me laugh when a lot of guys claim a game is fixed after a real heartbreaking loss where the fg kicker hits the uprights or a 3 point shot goes in and out. Do these guys actually believe a kicker is good enough to miss a fg on purpose yet still hit the upright, same thing with a 3 point shot. I mean give me a fkn break.

Nov 23, 2004
I've seen you around the forums quite a bit and though I've never deliberately followed you, have been the same plays as you. You seem like a decent guy to me but I don't quite understand the recent name calling or whining about games being fixed. I was on a 8 day winning streek last week--lost a bundle on Philly/NY (35% of my bankroll). I didn't shout "FIX" or blame anyone--I sucked it up, sucked down a cold one-- and had a walk. Now, I've all but made up for my losses (only down about 4 units)... with action tonight and a refreshed (and CAUTIOUS) attitude toward the coming weekend.

Seriously, who needs the "you live in a trailer park" talk? We're all mature adults (mostly) and don't need to blame others that we follow or tin-foil conspiracies.

To quote Lemy: "You know i'm going to lose,.. and gamblin's for fools.. BUT THATS THE WAY I LIKE IT BABY! I DON'T WANNA LIVE FOREVER!" :suomi:

New member
Dec 22, 2006
Thinking sports are fixed is retarded, when athletes are playing they are playing to win, they are professional athletes because they have that drive in them, when they play a one on one game for fun they will still play all out. I am very athletic and playy bball and other sports with the guys throughout the week and even though we are playing for fun, we still all play hard and have a natural drive. An entire NBA team collectively isnt goin to pitch the game away without it being blatenly obvious. Also, how can u explain the sudden turn ups in scores? When its a fast paced game up and down the court and each side just drains the 3 ball, as good as you are, both sides cant just turn it up when they want and start draining 3s. If sports were run by money, the games would not be as emotionally played as they are. just a ridiculous thought.

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