As Red Eye already said, you are missing the point. No one is saying they won because of it. It's the mentality that they have to break some rules. It's mind-boggling.
arnie, all I am asking people to consider is which of these 2 is more likely:
A). Officials are unable, for some mystical reason,
to detect under-inflated footballs and another Premier QB speaks openly about using
over-inflated footballs basically DARING refs to crack down on him because he is an IDIOT who wants to get busted using improperly inflated footballs
B). its not a thing Refs & players, coaches and league office pay attention to because fudging a bit on psi UNder or OVer has gone on for as long as the NFL has been existed, by QBs who have a preference for slight improper inflation. Its not been considered a big deal.
Which of those 2 sounds more plausible?
B. seems more likely to be reality then there is a chance that Belichick wasn't "consciously cheating". Thats all I'm sayin.
Theres a very clear path that, if one looks at this objectively and with common sense, leads to a Longtime HC of a top-tier team NOT having premeditatedly "cheated" here.
At the very least were this a court case the judge would dismiss this crap in a heartbeat, "reasonable doubt" so much all over this it'd be a challenge to find even one thing that implicates belichick directly in taking air out the balls.
Except for that image that The Guesser found of Bill holding an air-pump and a football with Brady standing nest to him but other than that nothing whatsoever.