Larry Ness' Weekly Wipeout Winner: 13-3 run
Larry's Wipeout Winners in MLB have been living up to their moniker these days, as going all the way back to June 17, he's 13-3 with these exclusive plays. His ASSAULT on MLB's moneyline continues with his latest Weekly Wipeout Winner in MLB, tonight. When Larry calls for a W-I-P-E-O-U-T, you want an invite to the party. RSVP now.
Detroit Tigers
Larry Ness' Las Vegas Insider (36-21 run)
Larry and his "unmatched" contacts have been combining to provide winning selections in all sports for years on the net. They won last night with the Yankees to make it a 10-4 run with MLB Insiders and going all the way back to May 26, Larry's MLB Insiders are now 36-21! "It pays to be on the inside with Larry." Want in?
Pittsburgh Pirates