It's the hubris of the ruling British middle classes which causes these problems.
Over-educated and obsessed with their own incredibleness they ignore the blatantly obvious and stumble into disaster time after time, and they never learn because they are so incredible, and wonderful, and intelligent.
It's an extreme form of narcissism that blights the higher echelons of British management
anti-Iraq invasion protest in London was the biggest post WW2 demonstration ever held, by 10am the police were overwhelmed by the numbers arriving in the Capitol and gave up trying to manage the crowds.
Everyone knew the Invasion was bullshit, but the US and UK ruling classes went ahead with it
This Brexit thing was 25 years too late.
The Maastrict treaty happened in 1992 and no-one was allowed to vote on it until almost 25 years later.
So 25 years of old duffers had died and 25 years of clueless youngsters had arrived onto the electoral register.
Plus 5-10 million immigrants arrived who could also skew the voting for the remain side.
So loads of people were pretty fucking pissed by the time a vote was permitted by the ruling classes
You saw the propaganda yourself, remain was fabby, remain remain remain, bla bla bla. All the polling stuff published was remain, remain was a shoe-in.
All they needed was a sensible immigration policy and it would have been a doddle... but no, fuck you Britain.
Fuck-you Britain became Fuck-you right-back-at-you at the ballot box
A bit of sensible compromise on immigration... and none of this would ever have happened, but common bluddy sense is not something the ruling classes do very well. Hubris and Dogma are the religions of the western worlds ruling classes
If ordinary people ruled Britain the Iraq invasion would never have happened and neither would Brexit
These events are simply symptoms of the continuing failure of representative democracy and until we get direct democracy these failures will continue forever
Representative Democracy has reached the end of the road as a useful tool for the advancement of the human race