Gold is money. All other currencies evolve their value from gold, not the reverse as people today believe.
The prices of commodities are rising for us govt is printing too much money.
Thats being done for alot of reasons, but mostly so guys like you dont actually "lose" any money if the "price" of your homes and stocks "decreases".
You personally have done well owning particular stocks, but honestly people owning a s/p or dow jones index fund have lost their shirts during the recent inflation.
Another major reason commodities are rising are that 3 billion people in Asia, most of whom have been living very modestly are now starting to buy things such as cars, computers, refrigerators, clothes, and eating more than rice and papayas.
A third major reason commodities are rising is that for 25 years there hasnt been much interest, little investment in infracture, which in turn has now caused a shortage of supply. This shortage of supply and increased demand ALONE minus the other major reasons would alone be enough reason to send commodities through the roof.
You see, the same things happened during early 1970s with govt printing alot of money and commodities went through the roof, but your uncle george and aunt bessie didnt buy any gold, oil, or soybeans until the top in 1980. So, they probably lost their ass and now and forever will swear things like gold, oil, and soybeans are too risky and only for kooks and speculators.
People will want gold as protection from govt printing presses. You cant eat it, you cant live in it, it doesnt pay any dividends, yes Ive heard all these things 100k times and Ill probably hear it another million before I die.
You also cannot eat a dollar bill, you cant live in it, its dividend now doesnt even equal current inflation, and eventually, actually right now as I type this, the world is awakening to the fact the dollar is a piece of paper, nothing more, backed by a thieving governments' promises, again backed by nothing.
Eventually, the world will no longer want these dollars and in fact they have massive piles of them they will all be trying to sell simultaneously and there will not be enough buyers if any.
You see, they (govt) will print (steal) as money as they can get away with. This is nothing new, in fact its a very old game and it doesnt end well for those that are without gold.
Good luck to those on the other side of this gold are going to need more than luck.