Sean McVay is your typical lazy entitled millennial..


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
PatsFan keeps asking me why I care?

Because I root for certain players/coaches/organizations and against others.

"I love it when the Cowboys lose!"

It's not petty, it's fun. It's entertainment. It's a sports forum, and part of sports culture.

Some people just rub me the wrong way - Sean McVay is one of those people. I don't like his value system and the way he conducts his business.

Some are perfectly fine with what he's doing. I'm not.

I think he's a selfish superficial narcissistic quitter - not a team player. And I thought that back with how he used Goff as a scapegoat.


Jul 14, 2007
PatsFan keeps asking me why I care?

Because I root for certain players/coaches/organizations and against others.

"I love it when the Cowboys lose!"

It's not petty, it's fun. It's entertainment. It's a sports forum, and part of sports culture.

Some people just rub me the wrong way - Sean McVay is one of those people. I don't like his value system and the way he conducts his business.

Some are perfectly fine with what he's doing. I'm not.

I think he's a selfish superficial narcissistic quitter - not a team player. And I thought that back with how he treated Goff.


lol glad after 10 pages you pointed out it’s all in good fun

For a minute I was thinking fuck this guys needs some fresh air and to touch grass

I get that if people didn’t care about these people in a polarizing way then sports wouldn’t be big biz, I give the networks/leagues a lot of credit for getting people to be so emotionally invested in the success and failures of others. But it took me about 30 seconds to bet Steph Curry for finals mvp, I’m never going to compromise objectivity for laundry. Unless they give me an ownership stake on the cheap I suppose.

Jul 14, 2007
Also I’m not feeling bad for Jared Goff, he sucked his last 2 years with the Rams and his pocket presence was awful. This is the nfl, you don’t produce they find someone else, tough luck. He’ll be worth 9 figures before he’s 35, he’ll live.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Also I’m not feeling bad for Jared Goff, he sucked his last 2 years with the Rams and his pocket presence was awful. This is the nfl, you don’t produce they find someone else, tough luck. He’ll be worth 9 figures before he’s 35, he’ll live.

Everyone in the NFL is either a millionaire or billionaire, so comments like "I feel bad for..." should be taken in that context.

I'm aware the LA owner has a gazillion dollars and not going to be homeless as a result of his Rams sucking ass for the next few years.

I don't care for the LeBron "Dream Team" BS in the NBA either, and apparently I'm not alone...

"I love it when LeBron loses"

Heroes and villains...

All good.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
McVay's a millennial douche canoe.

And then there's the one and only Bill Belichick.

Two stories, both told by Peyton Manning:


Bill selected Long-Snapper David Binn to the Pro-Bowl because he was dating Pamela Anderson at the time and he thought players would like to see Pam's tits in the pool in Hawaii. She didn't come.

Bill to David: "Remind me why the fuck I invited you then?"



Then there's the story that Bill Belichick hated Art Modell so much that he added Peter Boulware to his Pro Bowl roster just to force Modell to pay Boulware's $1 million Pro Bowl bonus.


The one and only...The GOAT..

Jul 14, 2007
Lol no chance the long snapper is bringing Pam Anderson to the pro bowl (although I'd think she was a little past her prime at this point? Hence why the long snapper was able to fuck her in the first place perhaps)

That was around 2005 I think. Her peak of fame was definitely 90's.

Member Emeritus
Sep 21, 2004
Jared Goff, when rams were on hard knox, his rookie year, he didn't know in which direction the sun set. This, despite going to college at Berkley. I think Fischer, really set him back. I'm glad hes somewhere that wants him.

Member Emeritus
Sep 21, 2004
McVay tells rams hes coming back

My guess, owner forced decision.
Sep 12, 2022
By Andrew Anglin

Millennials are now approaching middle age, and they are the single most worthless generation in all of human history.

This is what the boomers have wrought.

Boomers were peasants who came into extreme wealth due to the way history flows towards the United States. Because they were genetic peasants, they had no idea how to deal with wealth, and they just became utterly self-absorbed psychos.

Most of them got divorced, permanently crippling any ability their children would have to develop normal family relations. The ones who stayed married had weird, alienating relationships that most of their kids didn’t want to copy.

Basically, if you grow up with parents, you base your entire perception of what relationships are on them. (Unless of course something changes drastically, such as a situation that makes you an order of magnitude materially better off than your parents, which is what happened to the boomers, which is why they broke the line of normal sex relations.)

Millennials grew up in a situation where, for the first time, parents cared more about themselves and their “happiness” than their children’s wellbeing. Even pushing 40 and obese, millennials are still just broken little kids. So of course they’re not having kids.

New York Post:

The number of births in the US has continued to decline — repeating a decades-long trend — as nearly half of American women under 45 are childless, according to a new study.
About 52% of women between the ages of 15 to 44 gave birth between 2015 to 2019 — a drop from nearly 55% in the prior four-year period, according to the study published by the CDC’s National Center for Health Statistics Tuesday.
The number of biological fathers in the same age range also dipped. From 2015 to 2019, about 40% of men had fathered a child — compared to about 44% during 2011 to 2015.
The number of babies each woman is birthing decreased as well and more and more women are putting off childbearing to later in life.

On average, US women had only 1.3 children in 2019 — the latest year of data included in the report. For men, that number was just 0.9 kids.
The study’s authors credit several reasons for the trends, including women obtaining higher levels of education as well as greater and longer career paths. The authors cited changing family values, financial concerns, improved access to contraception and relationship instability as additional reasons.
The number of women who have their first child at age 35 or older increased in 2019 — continuing earlier trends. Between 1972 and 2021, the number rose nine-fold, according to the report.
It’s really pointless to blame boomers. It’s funny to talk about, but it’s not something a mature person could get mad about. They all did the exact same thing – lived like children, never really taking on adult responsibilities, and therefore being unable to actually care for their own children. But the fact that they all did the same thing means that they can’t all be personally responsible. Maybe they are responsible in the moral, Christian sense, but not in a practical sociological sense.

The average boomer peasant in America had more material wealth and comfort than European monarchs had had a couple centuries earlier. It’s understandable that it felt to them like life was just a big silly party, and that they then developed an ideology that said they had a “right to be happy” (something that does not exist in any religion, but was pushed by several religions the boomers created, including the new age, atheism, and evangelical Christianity, all of which actively promoted feminism and divorce).

This would have happened to any generation of peasants who happened to come into massive wealth. Their parents were really the ones who first acquired the wealth, but that World War II generation had grown up poor, and didn’t have the background on how to raise children alongside wealth.

Boomers didn’t have the background on how to live with wealth and they did exactly what you would expect peasants with a bunch of money to do. Instead of developing a taste for fine things, they were just vulgar. The most obvious example of the boomer mind is the McMansion.

People from old money do not live in mansions. When the real mansion was a thing, it was a time before electronic communications and fast travel. Entire delegations would go on trips to different cities for months or years. Therefore, the rich had very big houses where they could host guests. The reality is that there is only so much living space a person can use, and if you have too much space, it actually decreases comfort.

But instead of going for finer things, the boomers said “I can build a really BIG house! It’ll be as big as a BARN!” The houses were mostly made of plastic, all of the walls were white, and they hung offensive abstract modern art on the very white walls.

Economy: *exists*
— Andrew Anglin (@WorldWarWang) January 12, 2023

This kind of infantile idiocy represents the entire boomer paradigm, and it extended fully to the way they made decisions about family. Feminism was embraced under the slogan “if it feels good, do it.” This was the creed of the boomer. Of course their relationships failed universally. I’ve never heard of a “successful boomer couple.” In the very best of cases, the boomer male submitted completely to the boomer female to avoid the hassle. In any boomer relationship that did not end in divorce, the woman had total power over the man. There might be some exception that someone knows of from their personal life, but I’ve never heard of it.

Basically, in the 1960s, men – probably understandably – thought that “free love” would lead to unlimited sex, so they encouraged these women to go totally off the reservation. It was then impossible to put that genie back in the bottle. The entire society became monomaniacally fixated on expanding female power.

Of course, we can talk about “millennials,” but what we’re really talking about is women, because it’s women’s choice whether to have children. Women can convince men to have children or they can just stop taking birth control and tell the man to ejaculate inside of them.

There is nothing more cancerous than the boomer slogan: “there are good girls out there.”
Women are not good or bad. Their behavior is entirely based on the environment.
There are no “traditional” women in America, just as there are no liberated women in Afghanistan.
— Andrew Anglin (@WorldWarWang) January 12, 2023

Millennial men didn’t go out of their way to have children, but it probably wouldn’t have mattered if they had. Millennial women are about six million times worse than their mothers when it comes to just totally unhinged hysteria. A woman’s life only has order equivalent to the amount of male authority in their lives. Boomer men never developed authority (that train left the station during Pussy Quest 1969), but boomer females still had the influence of their fathers.

Millennials didn’t ever even know the concept of male authority, so the women are wrecking balls that destroy everything around them. There is an ideology built up around this, but as with all ideologies, it’s just an explanation for something that is already happening due to material factors.


New member
Dec 31, 2022
Rams did have the most fortunate SB run of all time last year probably.

Still a horrible take calling Sean Mcvay “lazy.” What in the hell. I guess the silver lining is I thought you would only used that word for blacks in the hood. But good to know.


Jan 15, 2005

Mortgages his franchise to win, then cuts and runs at the first sign of hardship leaving behind a dumpster fire!

It doesn't get any more millennial than that!

Meanwhile, old school cats like Belichick and Tomlin keep plugging away no matter what. No excuses, no short cuts.

The Rams are a train wreck for the foreseeable future. Whoever comes in will probably have to trade Darnold, Ramsey and maybe even my boy Cooper Kupp to try and recoup some higher picks.

Where's Millennial McVay going to end up? Dallas? LMFAO!
Good call

Active member
Jun 18, 2007

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
The phrase conspiracy theory is just an easy out or cop out for most, or they simply aren't bright enough to think deeper

If something suspicious happen, the odds are there's a lot more behind it
There are NO coincidences in politics........

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Entire premise of thread based on something that never happened. ?
So many whispers and rumors both this year and last.

Obviously he's half assing it and halfway out the door already, and his team's poor record this season reflects that.

Member Emeritus
Sep 21, 2004
By Andrew Anglin

Millennials are now approaching middle age, and they are the single most worthless generation in all of human history.

This is what the boomers have wrought.

Boomers were peasants who came into extreme wealth due to the way history flows towards the United States. Because they were genetic peasants, they had no idea how to deal with wealth, and they just became utterly self-absorbed psychos.

Most of them got divorced, permanently crippling any ability their children would have to develop normal family relations. The ones who stayed married had weird, alienating relationships that most of their kids didn’t want to copy.

Basically, if you grow up with parents, you base your entire perception of what relationships are on them. (Unless of course something changes drastically, such as a situation that makes you an order of magnitude materially better off than your parents, which is what happened to the boomers, which is why they broke the line of normal sex relations.)

Millennials grew up in a situation where, for the first time, parents cared more about themselves and their “happiness” than their children’s wellbeing. Even pushing 40 and obese, millennials are still just broken little kids. So of course they’re not having kids.

New York Post:
It’s really point

It’s really pointless to blame boomers. It’s funny to talk about, but it’s not something a mature person could get mad about. They all did the exact same thing – lived like children, never really taking on adult responsibilities, and therefore being unable to actually care for their own children. But the fact that they all did the same thing means that they can’t all be personally responsible. Maybe they are responsible in the moral, Christian sense, but not in a practical sociological sense.

The average boomer peasant in America had more material wealth and comfort than European monarchs had had a couple centuries earlier. It’s understandable that it felt to them like life was just a big silly party, and that they then developed an ideology that said they had a “right to be happy” (something that does not exist in any religion, but was pushed by several religions the boomers created, including the new age, atheism, and evangelical Christianity, all of which actively promoted feminism and divorce).

This would have happened to any generation of peasants who happened to come into massive wealth. Their parents were really the ones who first acquired the wealth, but that World War II generation had grown up poor, and didn’t have the background on how to raise children alongside wealth.

Boomers didn’t have the background on how to live with wealth and they did exactly what you would expect peasants with a bunch of money to do. Instead of developing a taste for fine things, they were just vulgar. The most obvious example of the boomer mind is the McMansion.

People from old money do not live in mansions. When the real mansion was a thing, it was a time before electronic communications and fast travel. Entire delegations would go on trips to different cities for months or years. Therefore, the rich had very big houses where they could host guests. The reality is that there is only so much living space a person can use, and if you have too much space, it actually decreases comfort.

But instead of going for finer things, the boomers said “I can build a really BIG house! It’ll be as big as a BARN!” The houses were mostly made of plastic, all of the walls were white, and they hung offensive abstract modern art on the very white walls.

This kind of infantile idiocy represents the entire boomer paradigm, and it extended fully to the way they made decisions about family. Feminism was embraced under the slogan “if it feels good, do it.” This was the creed of the boomer. Of course their relationships failed universally. I’ve never heard of a “successful boomer couple.” In the very best of cases, the boomer male submitted completely to the boomer female to avoid the hassle. In any boomer relationship that did not end in divorce, the woman had total power over the man. There might be some exception that someone knows of from their personal life, but I’ve never heard of it.

Basically, in the 1960s, men – probably understandably – thought that “free love” would lead to unlimited sex, so they encouraged these women to go totally off the reservation. It was then impossible to put that genie back in the bottle. The entire society became monomaniacally fixated on expanding female power.

Of course, we can talk about “millennials,” but what we’re really talking about is women, because it’s women’s choice whether to have children. Women can convince men to have children or they can just stop taking birth control and tell the man to ejaculate inside of them.

Millennial men didn’t go out of their way to have children, but it probably wouldn’t have mattered if they had. Millennial women are about six million times worse than their mothers when it comes to just totally unhinged hysteria. A woman’s life only has order equivalent to the amount of male authority in their lives. Boomer men never developed authority (that train left the station during Pussy Quest 1969), but boomer females still had the influence of their fathers.

Millennials didn’t ever even know the concept of male authority, so the women are wrecking balls that destroy everything around them. There is an ideology built up around this, but as with all ideologies, it’s just an explanation for something that is already happening due to material factors.


Member Emeritus
Sep 21, 2004
Doc, I'm guessing you are a sociologist. In the last 60 years, our society has undergone a massive upheavel. Women working in the home, where broods of 6-8 kids were the norm, divorces were rare, there was a form of security. Then Madison Ave jumped in with a full court press, things like "I am woman" I can go out and earn the money, bring it home and fry it up in a pan."

Up jumped womens discontent. The message being only a real loser would stay home and run a free day care. Women sensed they wanted more. So did husbands. Divorce laws change, no more 6 week trips to Reno.

Superimposed on all of this, the cold war threat on inhialation......and worst of all thc, coke, speed, crack crank and heroin. Now little Billie was robbing you to pay for drugs, and/or od'ing.
For the first time the scales tipped and statistically couples with children were no happier than those that passed.

Parents bringing kids to shrinks, and asking they be fixed (at 26-30 mind you). To undo the nature/nurture of 25 years of sociopathy and in a few sessions create an entirely new mental styate.

Lastly, and my mea culpa for the tons of typos, (2 glasses of brandy)....we get to the rising incidence of kids murdering their parents. Obviously its a mixed bag. A righteous set of trade offs, featuring a not to subtle variant of "you get what you pay for"

Bottom line is you can find happiness with or without kids, married or single. Stats can be depressing. Find what works for you and pursue it. AND HAVE THE COURAGE TO ADMIT ITS NOT WORKING AND CHART A NEW COURSE.

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