Sean McVay is your typical lazy entitled millennial..


Oct 12, 2008
Bottom line is you can find happiness with or without kids, married or single. Stats can be depressing. Find what works for you and pursue it. AND HAVE THE COURAGE TO ADMIT ITS NOT WORKING AND CHART A NEW COURSE.
yup. Loneliness is a killer , far worse than any current chronic disease . Unfortunately society has trended /is trending towards less social interaction

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
The reason people don't get married and have children anymore is because they can't afford it.

If you went back in time to the 1950s and showed the average person what today's single income family can afford, or what the average car cost, or what a credit card was, they would look at you like you were crazy and ask what the hell is wrong with the financial system in 2023...

And they would be right.
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Dec 13, 2007
The reason people don't get married and have children anymore is because they can't afford it.

If you went back in time to the 1950s and showed the average person what today's single income family can afford, or what the average car cost, or what a credit card was, they would look at you like you were crazy and ask what the hell is wrong with the financial system in 2023...

And they would be right.
1950's? try the early 80's....thank trickle down economics and Ronnie's the main reason corporations became the real rulers of the world

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
1950's? try the early 80's....thank trickle down economics and Ronnie's the main reason corporations became the real rulers of the world
Corporations don't have the power to print unlimited amounts of money out of thin air by simply pressing a button devaluing the currency and your overall net worth on everything.

I'm old enough to remember drinking Coke from glass bottles, instead of this cheap plastic crap. And everything was still "Made in America"

What happened? Costs went through the roof and "evil corporations" had to cut back... On everything just to compete.

Why did that happen? Because everything got too expensive.

Why did everything get so expensive? Because money isn't worth shit anymore.

I mean, think outside the box. Imagine explaining all this to someone OUTSIDE of "their" rigged corrupt system which you have been conditioned to believe as "normal" and break it down step by step.

It's not "normal". It's a giant scam designed to enrich themselves (the wealthy and powerful elite) at the expense of everyone else.

You can blame "Reagan" or whomever, but every other country with a central bank suffers from the same desease.

It's a RIGGED system.

The current Fed is our third central bank, and there's a very good reason why the first two were scrapped.

People were wiser back then.

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
Corporations don't have the power to print unlimited amounts of money out of thin air by simply pressing a button devaluing the currency and your overall net worth on everything.

I'm old enough to remember drinking Coke from glass bottles, instead of this cheap plastic crap. And everything was still "Made in America"

What happened? Costs went through the roof and "evil corporations" had to cut back... On everything just to compete.

Why did that happen? Because everything got too expensive.

Why did everything get so expensive? Because money isn't worth shit anymore.

I mean, think outside the box. Imagine explaining all this to someone OUTSIDE of "their" rigged corrupt system which you have been conditioned to believe as "normal" and break it down step by step.

It's not "normal". It's a giant scam designed to enrich themselves (the wealthy and powerful elite) at the expense of everyone else.

You can blame "Reagan" or whomever, but every other country with a central bank suffers from the same desease.

It's a RIGGED system.

The current Fed is our third central bank, and there's a very good reason why the first two were scrapped.

People were wiser back then.
God Bless Joe.....trying to explain shit to a literal Cabbage.


Oct 12, 2008
current conditions logically will put further pressure on family size going forward,region specific . Last few yrs dynamics has taken care of that- we dont see mortgage rates 2%ish for a long time.I dont expect to see that in my lifetime again. Slippery slope with the Central Banks-- squeeze homeowners too much and?...

going to have to crack up immigration or else ...see Japan

Obviously, govts dotn care of fiscal responsibility the ship sailed, but looking at the glass half full ; kudos to USA for starting to distance itself from China dependence. The Western world sold out to them a long long time ago. One aspect of current inflation /market conditions was supply chain issues. Bringing semiconductors home (TSM, INTC, Samsung all agreeing to build plants in N America) makes the world less reliant on those Commies (those nutters close shop if people start coughing ). And Japan has realized this as well. Adjusting on the fly , looks like protectionism /common sense has merits.

"Samsung recently announced plans for a $17 billion chip plant in Texas to open in 2024 with 2,000 high tech jobs"

of course going to need people to fill positions , lol

N American energy policy really hurt, imo. With that said USA/Canada will be beneficiaries of the Ukraine debacle. USA will be the NUMERO UNO exporter of LNG to Europe. Speaking of 'dependence' , hard lesson for Europe leaving it exposed to Russian energy dependence. The pivot is well underway

we reap what we sow
Sep 12, 2022
The reason people don't get married and have children anymore is because they can't afford it.

If you went back in time to the 1950s and showed the average person what today's single income family can afford, or what the average car cost, or what a credit card was, they would look at you like you were crazy and ask what the hell is wrong with the financial system in 2023...

And they would be right.


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
"govts don't care about fiscal responsibility" because...



Rothschild controlled Central Banks have been lowering the purchase power of currencies around the world for a century so their "little club" becomes more and more powerful.

But I'm sure you know all this.

Nov 8, 2012
I love the "RX Telephone game"

Started out that Sean McVay is quitting his job b/c he is a lazy millenial (even though this NEVER happened)

To why people cant afford a house and kids

Oct 12, 2008
repalce 'govt' with humans, Joe. Greed, greed...greed. Best ya can hope for is finding a land that has as many checks and balances, and respects freedom of choice

you know im a gross fiscal conservative Joe, ive thrown in the towel. You somehow after all these yrs, feel one side is better than the other regurading this policy point. I have more resoect for those that dont touch on fiscal issues and STILL get elected (speaks volumes about the general public) than those that promise on it , dont convert and actually do worse; charlatans :)

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
repalce 'govt' with humans, Joe. Greed, greed...greed. Best ya can hope for is finding a land that has as many checks and balances, and respects freedom of choice

you know im a gross fiscal conservative Joe, ive thrown in the towel. You somehow after all these yrs, feel one side is better than the other regurading this policy point. I have more resoect for those that dont touch on fiscal issues and STILL get elected (speaks volumes about the general public) than those that promise on it , dont convert and actually do worse; charlatans :)

Who audits where the money actually goes?
Who actually receives the money?

Who will end the madness?

Nov 8, 2012
I'm confused.

Did the Jan 7, 2018 Q Drop in the previous post have ANYTHING to do with Sean McVay?

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