Why do we allow this guy to post here?
tada.........Posts like the one you cite (wherein Mark L/JoeC states his approval for someone choosing to kill a doctor who performs a legal abortion) are the reason we can state with confidence that Mark is easily the biggest coward we have frequenting our normally friendly PoliticoPub.
Stating approval for the murder of doctors is the kind of insanity that no person would say if they had to do it with their real name or face behind it.
Thus we can all realize that there's pretty much nothing posted by Mark/Joe that is honest or sincere. It's all silly hyperbolic bullshit. Realize he's a cartoon fool and he's a bit easier to overlook.
My point is that Palin's daugther is about as relevant as Obama's whore mommy who fucked the world.
You must have downs also, Sarah Palin raised her daughter while imposing her morals on her and you compare that to decisions Obama's mother made even before he was conceived. Thanks for teeing that one up you ignorant repugtard.
quit with the banning crap........do it another thread too........it is like you're retarded kid they put in to foul the other teams best guy or hurt him and get him out of the game.........key word retardedIf you do not agree with each others politics or religious beliefs there is no need to call each other names.
WOW You post some stupid shit but this is the alltime most idiotic shit you have ever posted.
Just get out already please leave my country.
To compare people to terrorist is just dumb. But I would expect nothing else from you.
I am not going to tolerate that kind of poster to poster abuse. Violators (that I discover) will be excused from the debate here in Politcs and World Events.
Please email me personally if you feel another poster has violated this policy against you at:
quit with the banning crap........do it another thread too........it is like you're retarded kid they put in to foul the other teams best guy or hurt him and get him out of the game.........key word retarded
Encouraged... no no no, I didn't encourage what she did.
It is far from the typical path one should take for the best life.
I find it highly hypocritical that Baby Hussein Obama is born when his whore mom got knocked up at 17 by an african muslim, but when Sarah Palin's daugther... not sarah Palin has that happend to her, the Liberals are running around like flies around shit.
Who cares if Pallin's daughter is pregnant? A 17 year old is a little distant from the president. Besides Obama launched his political carreer with a known terrorist that has never been charged.. He was 9 years old when this happened.. So we going to hold Obama to that? Plus obama's mom was a teen when she had him..
Barrack Hussein Obama isn't going to win.. McCain knew what he was doing when he selected a woman to be his VP.. Taking all the hilary die hards and handing their votes to him.. Kiss Token good by not this time either.