Bought DGP @ 28.58.
Gold had a healthy correction recently. It seems to still be healthy and shows signs of strength.
Decided to sell and take a profit. I'll post the end of the day price as my sell point which was 29.20.
1 DGP 25.00 25.25 1.00 +1.00% +1.00%
2 DZZ 14.13 13.50 1.00 -4.46% -4.46%
3a NXY 22.16 22.84 0.50 +1.03% +0.51%
3b ECA 32.16 33.89 0.50 +1.05% +0.52%
4 DGP 27.65 28.12 1.00 +1.70% +1.70%
5 FAS 107.40 114.10 1.00 +6.24% +6.24%
6 DGP 28.58 29.20 1.00 +2.17% +2.17%
Total net so far: +7.68% <!-- / message -->