I have to stand by my decision to take insurance when dealer is showing an ace.Keep in mind, I'm talking about larger wagers.Would I take insurance on a $5 bet, no, I wouldn't, but $50 & Up, yes. One reason is, it doesn't happen that often. Usually if you hit blackjack, bam, your instantly paid the 3/2. There aren't too many occasions when you have blackjack and dealer is showing an ace, and this is the ONLY time I take insurance simply because your GUARANTEED money. Surely you guys have had many occasions where you've had blackjack, and turned down insurance, and the dealer had blackjack also, so instead of winning your wager, instead you push and win nothing. Well, try that on a $300 hand, and turn down insurance with the dealer hitting blackjack also.Doesn't make any sense to turn down a guaranteed $300.The problem here is most people get greedy. Instead of taking the guaranteed money, they see blackjack and want the bigger payoff. You simply have to look at it as winning a regular hand.