One of the most torturous things you can do to yourself is listen to 'progressives' offering their "solutions to problems"
"It is in our power to do something about it" - Obama
Well, no.
For one, your 'something is ILLEGAL, you commie prick!
That's right, ANY gun restrictions violate the Second Amendment ("shall not be infringed").
That argument aside, banning or severely restricting firearms will do nothing except explode an already expanding black gun market and DOUBLE the number of prisons for the new offenses which will require a new army of enforcement officers, lawyers and judges to handle the new workload. What could go wrong?
Wait...more racist white cops assaulting innocent black folks ("the community")? I thought 'progressives' were against that sort of thing? face)(*^%
Oh, and get ready for more taxes to pay for this bureaucratic madness - just like every other useless govt dept like the IRS, EPA, Social Security, Medicare etc.
In short, a War on Guns would end up like Prohibition and the War on Drugs.
About the only positive thing it might bring is a full out insurrection the first time the govt draws blood trying to enforce their newest vision of Utopia.
You can't parody how stupid these people are.