We complain about 1 instance where 9 people were killed... but lets not forget about the mass killings in Chicago.
June to Date
Shot & Killed: 29
Shot & Wounded: 143
Total Shot: 172
Total Homicides: 31
Week in Progress (6/14 – 6/20)
Shot & Killed: 10
Shot & Wounded: 42
Total Shot: 52
Total Homicides: 11
Year To Date
Shot & Killed: 175
Shot & Wounded: 988
Total Shot: 1163
Total Homicides: 203
Forget about complaining and reporting and fixing the cancer eating you alive... lets focus on the ingrown hair.
It started early here. First the tragedy was because of liberal policies and then it turned into an Obama bashing thread. SadHere was my reaction at first reading the thread title 'Nine killed at South Carolina church' before knowing anything about this event.
"Oh that's horrible. What a tragedy. Those poor people. Those poor families!"
There was nothing in the first minutes that entered my mind about who did it, his reasons, or his weapon. I just knew that some evil or unstable person decided to murder a bunch of innocent people. I put the blame where it belonged.
There is something wrong with people who instinctively -- before absorbing the tragedy and before the bodies are cold -- jump to conclusions like "If guns were illegal this would not have happened," and "Gaystream Media." It's all just so fucking stupid.
The first thing I think about are the survivors and their loss due to this horrible tragedy. Not some tripe I'm going to parrot so I can win a flame war. How the Fuck does 'Nine killed at South Carolina church' turn into a flame war among normal people?
Here was my reaction at first reading the thread title 'Nine killed at South Carolina church' before knowing anything about this event.
"Oh that's horrible. What a tragedy. Those poor people. Those poor families!"
There was nothing in the first minutes that entered my mind about who did it, his reasons, or his weapon. I just knew that some evil or unstable person decided to murder a bunch of innocent people. I put the blame where it belonged.
There is something wrong with people who instinctively -- before absorbing the tragedy and before the bodies are cold -- jump to conclusions like "If guns were illegal this would not have happened," and "Gaystream Media." It's all just so fucking stupid.
The first thing I think about are the survivors and their loss due to this horrible tragedy. Not some tripe I'm going to parrot so I can win a flame war. How the Fuck does 'Nine killed at South Carolina church' turn into a flame war among normal people?
What the fuck are you babbling about? He said this stuff doesn't happen with the frequency....why do you guys just make shit up?In my opinion, it all starts at the top.
We all know how Reagan would have handled this tragedy. Ditto for the Bushes.
"This stuff doesn't happen in advanced societies" -- Obama
Really? The society that gave humanity the train, plane, smart phone, Internet etc...not to mention walked on the freakin moon, isn't an "advanced society"?
I swear this anti-American Kenyan asshole would throw his own mother under the bus if it advanced his political agenda. Oh, wait... face)(*^%
What the fuck are you babbling about? He said this stuff doesn't happen with the frequency....why do you guys just make shit up?
Zzzzzzzz....can you wake me when you have something interesting to say? Give some risk assessment advice or something....because you add less than Russ.Hey man, I hate to interrupt you but between innings do you mind giving me an update on the Phils game? I am having trouble with my ESPN ap and can't get any scores so a live update from the field would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance
"But let’s be clear: At some point, we as a country will have to reckon with the fact that this type of mass violence does not happen in other advanced countries"
The DNC hack is fortunate the Mentally Retarded Drunk Alaskan makes him look sane. :laughingb
Zzzzzzzzz. Another nitwit who runs for the hills and gives my favorite excuse when I offer a bet to prove what I have " the bet couldn't happen"Never mind, I called my uncle, Mike Schmidt and he updated me. I told him where you were seated so he and my other uncle Ryan Howard are going to stop by and buy you a beer.
Zzzzzzzzz. Another nitwit who runs for the hills and gives my favorite excuse when I offer a bet to prove what I have " the bet couldn't happen"
if you're gonna try to be funny.....come up with something that's actually funny. You will get a laugh from the fringe but normal people will think it's weak.
Do you find it odd that in your short posting life here....a huge percentage of them are about me or akp?