MGM cut me off after 3 weeks of betting


Sep 21, 2004
All of these USA books are a joke and a complete embarrassment to the sportsbetting industry. They all advertise the opportunity to win money but they take it away from you if win. They don’t deliver on the one thing they are selling. Losers only allowed.

Funny thing is that two days after I started betting I was offered and accepted Bulls suite tickets. Now, the only reply from my host 3 weeks later after being limited to $300 bets is “sorry I can’t help your account.” What are the odds I get the Bulls tickets as promised? I bet they don’t even tell me I can’t have them. I bet they just act like we don’t have a date scheduled.

Is MGM a sponsor here? King of Sportsbooks my ass. Yeah I bet Jamie Foxx is hitting overs, unders, and covering the spread. What a bunch of pussy ass scumbags.
I would be shocked if you got the tixs. Around 1 percent chance there...You have probably already been deleted from their system.

MGM isn't truly a sponsor. They simply signed up as an affiliate with MGM and hang the banner for click throughs

Dec 3, 2017
At $300 maximum bet allowed, he could still produce a decent profit . But Michael777 says they cut his limit to $7 dollars... That for certain sounds like they want to close his account. One bet size is really limited, the other is beyond laughable.
Sep 21, 2004
This may be a stupid question, but I really don't get why books care if someone wins or loses, they should have their
vig built into the lines.

It seems to me to be akin to a poker room getting mad at someone for winning more than their share of poker hands,
even though they are raking 5% (or whatever their rake % is) on every hand.
Sep 21, 2004
This may be a stupid question, but I really don't get why books care if someone wins or loses, they should have their
vig built into the lines.

It seems to me to be akin to a poker room getting mad at someone for winning more than their share of poker hands,
even though they are raking 5% (or whatever their rake % is) on every hand.
I guess it's more that they don't want you to cash out once you have won, they just want you to keep your monies in your account, and keep betting until you have lost...

Dec 15, 2004
$300!! I was just betting boosts there at $25 and $30 a crack. They had a promotion on Twitter where if you retweet their site you could win $200 in Bonus Bets. I won. They were in $50 increments. I think I broke even but they had enough of me. They lowered my boosts to $5 and $10 then cut me off entirely. They restricted me to straight bets with a $15-$20 limit. By the way I did make an occasional straight bet there while I was betting boosts. The highest my balance ever was around $600. I think I closed account with around $500 which was what my initial deposit was. If you are running a risk analysis program was I a threat to their bottom line. After you cut off my ability to bet boosts you would think they would let me make straight bets at least for a few hundred. This is the sheer stupidity of the MGM. You don't even know if I'm a winning player. All you know is I bet mostly boosts. Forget about the $200 retweet promo I won. You received benefits by having your site retweeted. It's not relevant. PointsBet cut me off from boosts. I had made some large future bets there too and lost. But PointsBet will allow me to make straight bets there with no restrictions. When these NJ books opened up they took big money on boosts, often up to $200. Sugarhouse was crazy. I got in there late but I knew player who passed away and he won $40,000-$50,000 there. They were huge overlays. Often 100%-200%. You couldn't lose. Some people had a few accounts at each book. Yourself and a relative. Not one who live in a few mile radius but say 10 miles away and you just pounded boosts plus the initial sign up bonuses you could have easily made $200,000 with very little effort over 1 year to 1 1/2 years.

Those days are all over with. The best you are going to find now are boosts with a $50 limit if that. Most are $25 or $15 or $10 with a 20% overlay tops. It's fun for recreation. You grind out a small profit with very little fluctuation.
Dec 3, 2017
I appreciate your post Jack Straw 77. It's an eye opener. I never take any boosts or what have you's One of the major books offered me in an email some type of exclusive benefits as their player rep for my state.. I did not respond....One thing about MGM seems certain, they don't have much of a uniform policy with players accounts... I don't play there. The only book to boot me was Bet Rivers and for nothing except winning a small amount.

Jan 5, 2008
Yet somehow these books take 1.5 million dollar live bets and crazy parlay winners and tout n flood social media of these hypnotizing wagers.
Sep 21, 2004
My VIP host informed me that the “trading team” changed my status and I’m no longer in the VIP program and no longer eligible for the tickets that were promised to me and that I accepted and locked in. She then promptly blocked me and is no longer reachable. My limits were also dropped to $11.

MGM, the King of Sportsbooks.
Sep 21, 2004
This may be a stupid question, but I really don't get why books care if someone wins or loses, they should have their
vig built into the lines.

It seems to me to be akin to a poker room getting mad at someone for winning more than their share of poker hands,
even though they are raking 5% (or whatever their rake % is) on every hand.
They aren’t real bookmakers. They have no fucking idea what they are doing and have no interest in taking the info that sharp bettors provide and learning the business. They just advertise and assume everyone is going to lose and then if they get beaten they just cut you off and quit and like a bunch of pussies. Here, come win some money like Jamie Foxx and Kevin Garnett. It’s easy, you just go with your gut. Lol.

When the regulators allow you to only book losers, what we have here is theft of the public. It’s nothing short of robbery. They will take a million on a game from a loser but $11 from a winner. It’s very sick and twisted.
Sep 21, 2004
Hey MGM,
Thanks for the $71K.
Suck that VIP dick at the Bulls game tomorrow and keep pretending to be a legitimate book.
Fuck you,

Oct 31, 2004
Hey Illini .
I want MGM to cut me off can you PM me your picks ?

I will make money and you can help ms extract funds from mgm. Win/win

Sep 21, 2004
You aren't special.

This happens to everyone that wins in games in which you can flip the odds in your favor.

Look at the shit that happens to this guy.

Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
This was a common issue with offshore as long as I can remember. I was banned altogether at 3-4 establishments , reduced at others.. " we don't like catering to your kind of player " was the common theme.
I wasn't anywhere close to the biggest winners out there either.
Steady withdrawals and no deposits will standout.

Sep 20, 2017
This was a common issue with offshore as long as I can remember. I was banned altogether at 3-4 establishments , reduced at others.. " we don't like catering to your kind of player " was the common theme.
I wasn't anywhere close to the biggest winners out there either.
Steady withdrawals and no deposits will standout.
It is all bullshit but offshore is different
Backed and benefited and legalized by the governement no one should be banned or limited
Basically you have no right to benefit but the book demands a guarantee right to profit
They love word games but there is no entertainment without a chance to win
Put up a number and adjust. May the best man win
If you can't hang you go out of busines

Home of the Cincinnati Criminals.
Sep 20, 2004
They never bothered me when I was playing bonuses years ago. $5-$10k bets didn’t blink and paid like clock work, most did. Some of the small shit shops they would fuck with me some. But I was running 15 accounts. Oh the good ole days. How I miss them. Lol

Jan 30, 2023
Would think with legalization, they have to be so liquid with action, this wouldn't be a problem anymore. Tons of people betting out there that just figured what "ATS" meant this week.

Probably over a billion will be bet on the Super Bowl alone.

Sep 21, 2004
It is all bullshit but offshore is different
Backed and benefited and legalized by the governement no one should be banned or limited
Basically you have no right to benefit but the book demands a guarantee right to profit
They love word games but there is no entertainment without a chance to win
Put up a number and adjust. May the best man win
If you can't hang you go out of busines
They have every right to ban you.

Just like you don't have to bet with them they don't have to bet with you...

Not hard too understand.

Some Offshore books would be complete douche bags and either purposely slow pay you or pay you in increments over time after informing you of not wanting your action. This is bullshit.

But if they pay you out and tell you they no longer want your action---well that's their right.

They are in this to make money. Period. Not to be your friend. There is nothing for free in this life.

Take ur id. Go into your paint program change the letters in ur last name around---change ur address. I have been doing this since I was 17.

Go to the store buy a $200 laptop, buy a new modem. On the new laptop go into chrome---then go into incognito web browsing. Make a new account. You're in....not hard.

Jeesh. Amateurs here. ;)

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