Master Tiger Woods Thread - All Tiger Threads Merged into this one.


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New member
Sep 21, 2004
The woman, Rachel Uchitel, denied having an affair with Woods when contacted by The Associated Press.

Los Angeles attorney Gloria Allred confirmed she was representing Uchitel when she was reached by the AP on Sunday.

"She is with me in L.A.," Allred said later in an e-mail to the AP. "We plan to meet and then we'll decide on the next step, which we do not plan to announce to the press."

Uchitel arrived at Los Angeles International Airport late Sunday morning, where she was met by Allred and escorted out of the baggage claim area and into a black car. Uchitel did not speak to reporters except to ask that she be left alone.

this just gets more and more interesting....

Dec 12, 2006
Nobody in this thread wears white to a gambling forum get together...Tiger is just a human being that has done more good(his foundation) than bad...

Just a domestic fight that all of us have been involved with either a girlfriend or spouse...

No weapons were involved and he wasn't drunk...

Agree mostly, but there's more to this than what you've written. I've never had my wife busting out my car windows with a golf club. I would also consider a golf club a weapon.

What actually happened may not ever be known. I agree though, it's in the news because it's Tiger.

Dec 12, 2006
The woman, Rachel Uchitel, denied having an affair with Woods when contacted by The Associated Press.

Los Angeles attorney Gloria Allred confirmed she was representing Uchitel when she was reached by the AP on Sunday.

"She is with me in L.A.," Allred said later in an e-mail to the AP. "We plan to meet and then we'll decide on the next step, which we do not plan to announce to the press."

Uchitel arrived at Los Angeles International Airport late Sunday morning, where she was met by Allred and escorted out of the baggage claim area and into a black car. Uchitel did not speak to reporters except to ask that she be left alone.

this just gets more and more interesting....

Yeah, sounds like an "undisclosed" settlement maybe forthcoming to keep this woman quiet.

Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
The fact is in the past 24 hours his dignity just fell 3-fold..............

I told Billsey it is going to be interesting to see if he mans up and tells the truth or lies............he chose the latter.


I am sure that perceptions of Woods's actions will vary across the board.

I myself believe that if it's clear a man has not committed a crime against another person that he's very wise to not say anything at all to police. There is absolutely nothing to be gained in doing so. There's only a chance of causing yourself more problems.

Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
*...... the point that I was trying to make is that if this is a criminal investigation (domestic battery), then they could formally ask to speak with him and at that time his attorney could say that Tiger wishes to exercise his 5th amendment rights.

*Usually a person does not turn the Police away 3 times at their door.

*If and when it becomes a criminal investigation, the police still cannot compel either Woods or his wife to "speak with them".

They need not even phrase their response to such a request in any kind of grandiose, "I'm exercising my 5th Amendment rights!" All they have to do is say, "No thanks, I've got nothing to say to you, nor am I interested in answering any of your questions."

And they don't need an attorney to deliver that message, though since I'm sure they can afford a good one, they likely employ one for just such a mission.

*That may well be true. But a prudent individual would be wise to ALWAYS turn the police away from their door unless they have themselves called and requested their (police) presence.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
look for gloria and this whore to be on larry king in the next day or 2

Dec 12, 2006
*If and when it becomes a criminal investigation, the police cannot compel either Woods or his wife to "speak with them".

And they don't need an attorney to deliver that message, though since I'm sure they can afford a good one, they likely employ one for just such a mission.

*That may well be true. But a prudent individual would be wise to ALWAYS turn the police away from their door unless they have themselves called and requested their (police) presence.

Well, in a domestic dispute, at least here in Texas, you don't need the cooperation of either party to file charges. This was done when the woman/man became scared to testify so the state just does with or without them.

That's why the police are investigating. Were the injuries to Tiger a result of the car crash or perhaps something else? In this case though, like many others, those with deep pockets can pretty much buy justice.

Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
Well, in a domestic dispute, at least here in Texas, you don't need the cooperation of either party to file charges. This was done when the woman/man became scared to testify so the state just does with or without them.

That's why the police are investigating. Were the injuries to Tiger a result of the car crash or perhaps something else? In this case though, like many others, those with deep pockets can pretty much buy justice.

That's the way it is here in Florida as well, which I addressed in an earlier post (I realize it's been a busy thread)

The state retains the right to file criminal charges against the alleged batterer (in this example, Mrs Woods). But they would still have to be able to prove she inflicted the cited injuries, so such charges are very unlikely to proceed in this example. Additionally, at least some history of complaints and alleged physical abuse by - in this example, Mrs Woods - would have to be demonstrated before any prosecutor would ever try and file such a case.

Dec 12, 2006
That's the way it is here in Florida as well, which I addressed in an earlier post (I realize it's been a busy thread)

The state retains the right to file criminal charges against the alleged batterer (in this example, Mrs Woods). But they would still have to be able to prove she inflicted the cited injuries, so such charges are very unlikely to proceed in this example. Additionally, at least some history of complaints and alleged physical abuse by - in this example, Mrs Woods - would have to be demonstrated before any prosecutor would ever try and file such a case.

Ok, I didn't read the entire thread, too long. I seriously doubt anything will come of this unless one of them comes forward to make an allegation. This case is pretty much closed I would guess.

Oh boy!
Mar 21, 2004
Ok, I didn't read the entire thread, too long. I seriously doubt anything will come of this unless one of them comes forward to make an allegation. This case is pretty much closed I would guess.

Not if you're TMZ:

We're told authorities believe they can show probable cause a crime was committed, a necessary step in obtaining a warrant.

One big piece of evidence showing probable cause ... sources tell us Tiger's wife, Elin Nordegren told FHP troopers she went looking for Tiger in a golf cart, came upon the accident and then used a golf club to break the window to gain entry. That's a very different story from what she first told Windemere cops shortly after the accident -- she never mentioned a golf cart. Nordegren told Windemere police she had walked out of her house, saw the crash, went back inside to get a golf club and returned to the vehicle. has reviewed 21 photos from the scene -- no sign of any golf cart.

And there's more ... although alcohol was not involved, Tiger was in and out of consciousness and TMZ has already reported Tiger told a friend he was taking prescription meds for pain, which could be evidence of DUI. This, too, could constitute probable cause to obtain a warrant.


Dec 12, 2006
Not if you're TMZ:

We're told authorities believe they can show probable cause a crime was committed, a necessary step in obtaining a warrant.

One big piece of evidence showing probable cause ... sources tell us Tiger's wife, Elin Nordegren told FHP troopers she went looking for Tiger in a golf cart, came upon the accident and then used a golf club to break the window to gain entry. That's a very different story from what she first told Windemere cops shortly after the accident -- she never mentioned a golf cart. Nordegren told Windemere police she had walked out of her house, saw the crash, went back inside to get a golf club and returned to the vehicle.

TMZ has reviewed 21 photos from the scene -- no sign of any golf cart.​

And there's more ... although alcohol was not involved, Tiger was in and out of consciousness and TMZ has already reported Tiger told a friend he was taking prescription meds for pain, which could be evidence of DUI. This, too, could constitute probable cause to obtain a warrant.​

Well, TMZ is just reporting what they've been told. There's only two people who really know what happened and apparently their not talking.

Like I said earlier, those with money aren't usually bothered with stuff like this. Tiger can afford the best attorney money can buy, and therefore the best justice money can buy.

Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
Ok, I didn't read the entire thread, too long. I seriously doubt anything will come of this unless one of them comes forward to make an allegation. This case is pretty much closed I would guess.

Yep...unless Woods refuses to pay for the fire hydrant damage...heh

Oh boy!
Mar 21, 2004
Well, TMZ is just reporting what they've been told. There's only two people who really know what happened and apparently their not talking.

Like I said earlier, those with money aren't usually bothered with stuff like this. Tiger can afford the best attorney money can buy, and therefore the best justice money can buy.

I agree with you about the best attorney money can buy. My point was with your statement that this would be case closed. As you well know, law enforcement could continue to pursue this with probable cause.

Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
No way that a DUI can be successfully prosecuted - and therefore would never even be charged against someone with obviously competent defense attorneys - unless there's either a blood test taken at the time of the event and/or Woods agreed to undergo a "field sobriety" test at the scene and failed that test.

Oh boy!
Mar 21, 2004
No way that a DUI can be successfully prosecuted - and therefore would never even be charged against someone with obviously competent defense attorneys - unless there's either a blood test taken at the time of the event and/or Woods agreed to undergo a "field sobriety" test at the scene and failed that test.

True. DUI cannot be prosecuted since a blood test was not taken. However, Tiger's condition at the time of the accident (in and out of consciousness) could be used as probable cause for a search.
Sep 21, 2004
I am curious as hell to know what happened. I think I know, but would like to hear exactly how it played out. But that's just me wanting to know the drama. Drama which is actually none of my business.

Barman is absolutely correct, and the fact that people are arguing with him is sad. Sad that we as Americans don't fully know and appreciate just how free of a country we live in. You don't have to talk to police, ever. It's your constitutional right. If you're walking down the street and a cop thinks you look suspicious and asks for ID, you can politely decline and keep walking. If you get pulled over and have been drinking, there is absolutely no way that you can get a DUI if you know your rights. If a cop comes to your door and asks if he can have a look inside, you can tell him to go to hell, unless he has a warrant.

The only power that cops have over society is the power that we give them. 95% of people don't know their rights, though, and allow themselves to be bullied by cops. Tiger is being smart, because there is absolutely no reason to cooperate with them. He does have a lot to hide, and it's none of their business. He would be a fool to let them interview him.

Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
True. DUI cannot be prosecuted since a blood test was not taken. However, Tiger's condition at the time of the accident (in and out of consciousness) could be used as probable cause for a search.

Search of what, and for what?

Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
A+ for ILLINI with his stating in under 200 words what it took me about a dozen posts to try and say.

New member
Jul 20, 2002
If it's not about golf, Tiger Woods owes us no explanation

This is not in the Bill of Rights, but I think all Americans have a right to screw up their own marriages. I don't know if Tiger Woods has exercised that right or not. We might never know. It is, frankly, not our business.

By now, you have surely heard the story: Woods backed out of his driveway late at night, hit a fire hydrant and a tree, and ended up in the hospital. He has facial lacerations that seem to be incongruous for a low-speed accident, unless Tiger is in the habit of shaving after 2 a.m. while backing out of his driveway.

The National Enquirer is reporting that Woods has had some weekend pairings with a woman other than his wife Elin. Tiger and Elin have declined repeated requests to talk to the police.

Woods released a statement on his Web site -- his preferred method of communication, which read, in part: "This situation is my fault, and it's obviously embarrassing to my family and me. I'm human and I'm not perfect. I will certainly make sure this doesn't happen again."

It was a clever piece of writing by somebody -- a public-relations flak, a lawyer, maybe both. Woods never really said what the "situation" was. It was a pretty heavy apology for backing into a fire hydrant. Maybe Woods is implying that yes, he did indeed cheat on his wife ... or maybe he isn't. Maybe he hasn't decided what to say.

Let's face it: if you get into a one-car accident outside your house, and you were sober and nobody got seriously injured, there is no reason to avoid the police for three days and tell the world you are "not perfect" and "will certainly make sure this doesn't happen again."

It was half apology, half plea to butt out of his business. And really, it is all that Woods owes the public. Anything else he did (or didn't do) is between him and his family.

You can say that Tiger Woods owes the public an explanation and an apology, since he has sold himself as a family man. But has he, really? His wife never gives interviews. Once in a while, you'll see him give Elin a kiss after he wins a tournament, or you'll see his daughter run on to the 18th green.

Sometimes Tiger will release a family photo or two on his Web site, but he seems to do that mostly to keep the paparazzi at bay. He does not want to create an environment where pictures of his family are so rare that there is a tabloid bidding war for them.

He does not lecture the media about how family is more important than golf. He does not respond to criticism by saying, "Hey, I'm a wonderful father and husband -- why don't you write that?"

He does not tell anybody else how to live. Derek Jeter wrote an inspirational book called "The Life You Imagine." Rick Pitino wrote the self-help book "Success Is A Choice: Ten Steps To Overachieving in Business and Life."
Tiger Woods called his best-selling book "How I Play Golf."

Early in Tiger's career, his father Earl hinted that he was some sort of religious figure, chosen to change the world. But Tiger has never claimed to be anything besides a golfer.

I have followed Woods from inside the ropes for at least a dozen rounds in his career. (It's a tough job, but somebody has to do it.) People shout his name and he doesn't even twitch. They ask for autographs and he does not even shake his head no -- he just keeps walking.

If people have decided that Tiger Woods is a wonderful human being, it is mostly because he has given them no reason to think otherwise.

Mostly, Tiger Woods just wants to win every tournament he plays, make all the money that goes with it, then live as privately (and luxuriously) as he can. You can wonder if he is a good husband. You can wonder what happened in his house this weekend. You can wonder if the National Enquirer is right. Or you can think about the only thing that Tiger Woods has ever really cared to show the world: how he plays golf.

Detroit Free Press

Where Taconite Is Just A Low Grade Ore
Aug 20, 2000

I've been saying he is a phony since he left Stanford.

Ca't stand the little prick. And NO this won't die. It's way too big of a story for all of the rags. They'll keep digging until they can prove something. If he did go to Australia w/this fine young woman@):), then they will find the proof. As it's out there, and will make someone's career! Hope they do, then watch the sponsore start dropping like flies, and Jesse & Al will come out of the woodwork. This will be a circus for months. Hope it knocks him off his "high horse".

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