

Nov 1, 2004
There is a sharp post over there trying to get Jman to step back a bit and think about what he's doing and how he will more than likely look back at this and regret going on tilt.

Some posts that really bother me are the ones like "therx is going downhill fast" and stuff like people over there talking about how many posters are going to switch from therx to eog.

I think that is such bull shit. This whole thing won't have a significant effect on the number of posters at this forum or the fact that this is home for many internet forum posters. For the people that love to go across the street and bitch about this forum, why not just stay over there? Seriously?

I realize I am not privvy to inside information about forum politics or what people in the business actually think about rx management and all that as I know my assumptions may be incorrect. But the truth of the matter is, I'm glad I don't know any of that, I don't want to. I like therx, I like the posters here, and I like the way I am treated. Period.

powdered milkman
Aug 4, 2006
There is a sharp post over there trying to get Jman to step back a bit and think about what he's doing and how he will more than likely look back at this and regret going on tilt.

Some posts that really bother me are the ones like "therx is going downhill fast" and stuff like people over there talking about how many posters are going to switch from therx to eog.

I think that is such bull shit. This whole thing won't have a significant effect on the number of posters at this forum or the fact that this is home for many internet forum posters. For the people that love to go across the street and bitch about this forum, why not just stay over there? Seriously?

I realize I am not privvy to inside information about forum politics or what people in the business actually think about rx management and all that as I know my assumptions may be incorrect. But the truth of the matter is, I'm glad I don't know any of that, I don't want to. I like therx, I like the posters here, and I like the way I am treated. Period.
ya joeys post good advice.........but not on inet gambling forums:party:

New member
May 15, 2007
So, more importantly, do the Bears respond with Griese tomorrow?

Life goes on and these forums just let you lose perspective on what's really important, and i fall for it too.

I don't have to say much but Shrink and his co. are pieces of shit. EOG is scum of the internet gambling boards so take what they say with a grain of salt.

Shrink if you're reading this, i took your oddsmaker ad to wipe my ass this morning.

New member
Jun 2, 2006
J-Man, I hope you reconsider, if you don't, all the best.
Sep 21, 2004
Sad to hear, but unfortunately-the writing was on the wall & I had a gut feeling that it was only a matter of time. He’s done this for a long time, and it can really wear on you over the years-especially when you are as visible and vocal as he is.

I wish him the best in his future endeavors. People change jobs all the time in the “real world”. He obviously decided that this was his time to move on.
Last edited:

New member
Jul 20, 2002

Thanks for making sense out of what is a pretty sad situation.

The is doing just fine, we made a decision a long time ago to avoid this kind of drama a much as possible.

The very sad part it how much vitriolic hatred comes out when these things happen. The bottom line is there is little difference between the posters at any of these sites. We are all guys (mostly) that enjoy sports and making a wager on a game occasionally but you would think there has been some sort of actual crime or bodily harm being perpetrated against one another. Why hate and try to hurt one another?

Something I try to remember every morning is to try to work on a list of all the various persons I have harmed in my life and try to stay willing to make amends to all of them somehow. Not an easy thing to do but you have to try to remain true to yourself. Once in a while I am able to make some amends and that is what keeps me sane and able to say no to my demons.


New member
May 31, 2006
You'll certainly be missed around of luck in your next chapter!

powdered milkman
Aug 4, 2006
Sad to hear, but unfortunately-the writing was on the wall & I had a gut feeling that it was only a matter of time. He’s done this for a long time, and it can really wear on you over the years-especially when you are as visible and vocal as he is.
<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p>
I wish him the best in his future endeavors. People change jobs all the time in the “real world”. He obviously decided that this was his time to move on.
good to see someone tossed a cold bucket of water on TT passed out in the corner:party:


New member
Jan 20, 2000
Is it safe to assume the Journeyman may not get a good work reference from the Rx? He may be burning bridges when he tries to become head moderator of IBM.

Rx. Senior
May 20, 2001
i never heard the pager story...what was it?

I would rather not mention that story too much. But there are PLENTY of threads about it. But here are some cliffnotes.

Well JMAN had a contest one time where he gave out a pager. Well I won the contest. He asked for my address and I sent it to him. Well after 2 weeks of no receipt of the pager. I emailed him about it. He was REALLY disrepectful in the emails, but he claimed that he mailed the pager. Well I waited another week and never received anything. Well then I asked him about it on the forum and he started bashing me saying that I was trying to steal from him. Well I already had 2 pagers at that time from, but I had promised this one to my dad I believe. Keep in mind that this was AT LEAST 3 years ago, because Shrink was still here.

Well I asked him to show me SOME receipt showing that he mailed the pager to my zip code. Well of course he could NOT produce said receipt. Well we argued about it for a few more weeks until I gave it up. I mean a $100 pager wasnt that big of a deal to me since I was betting 10x-20x that amount daily on baseball or more.

Well in the end, THE GENERAL emailed me and sent me $100 via neteller to make the whole thing go away.

So that is why I dont mention it much, but I was pissed for 2 years because EVERYONE took JMAN's side. He couldnt produce ANYTHING to show that he mailed anything to my house and sent a few threatening emails around that time. But who care about threats made by someone online anyway guys??

I am over it now, and the last 2 years were AT LEAST civil between me an him. Hell, like i mentioed earlier, he was the only mod who treated me with a great deal of respect over the past 2 years

New member
Apr 10, 2005
I am just coming back to this site after a 6 month lay off...havent read this whole thread but I am reacting to the title. J-man, I have known you for a few years now and enjoyed our conversations and our talks off this site...all the best!!

powdered milkman
Aug 4, 2006
I would rather not mention that story too much. But there are PLENTY of threads about it. But here are some cliffnotes.

Well JMAN had a contest one time where he gave out a pager. Well I won the contest. He asked for my address and I sent it to him. Well after 2 weeks of no receipt of the pager. I emailed him about it. He was REALLY disrepectful in the emails, but he claimed that he mailed the pager. Well I waited another week and never received anything. Well then I asked him about it on the forum and he started bashing me saying that I was trying to steal from him. Well I already had 2 pagers at that time from, but I had promised this one to my dad I believe. Keep in mind that this was AT LEAST 3 years ago, because Shrink was still here.

Well I asked him to show me SOME receipt showing that he mailed the pager to my zip code. Well of course he could NOT produce said receipt. Well we argued about it for a few more weeks until I gave it up. I mean a $100 pager wasnt that big of a deal to me since I was betting 10x-20x that amount daily on baseball or more.

Well in the end, THE GENERAL emailed me and sent me $100 via neteller to make the whole thing go away.

So that is why I dont mention it much, but I was pissed for 2 years because EVERYONE took JMAN's side. He couldnt produce ANYTHING to show that he mailed anything to my house and sent a few threatening emails around that time. But who care about threats made by someone online anyway guys??

I am over it now, and the last 2 years were AT LEAST civil between me an him. Hell, like i mentioed earlier, he was the only mod who treated me with a great deal of respect over the past 2 years
do me a favor look up facetious in the dictionary

powdered milkman
Aug 4, 2006
There is a sharp post over there trying to get Jman to step back a bit and think about what he's doing and how he will more than likely look back at this and regret going on tilt.

Some posts that really bother me are the ones like "therx is going downhill fast" and stuff like people over there talking about how many posters are going to switch from therx to eog.

I think that is such bull shit. This whole thing won't have a significant effect on the number of posters at this forum or the fact that this is home for many internet forum posters. For the people that love to go across the street and bitch about this forum, why not just stay over there? Seriously?

I realize I am not privvy to inside information about forum politics or what people in the business actually think about rx management and all that as I know my assumptions may be incorrect. But the truth of the matter is, I'm glad I don't know any of that, I don't want to. I like therx, I like the posters here, and I like the way I am treated. Period.
oops sharp post officially shit-canned..........identity agrees with it:nopityA:
Jan 17, 2007
Never thought I would see a Thread like this on here !!

So, I have 2 Parts to my post..............

Part # 1 Jman sorry to hear that you are out of here ! GL ! will miss some of the Many Posts that you list here !

Part # 2

Can NOT believe that a person like yourself have made threats to call the FBI and local police on someone that You Owe Money too !!!!

As I don't know the Whole story !! It Really doesn't matter how small or Big the amount you owed...A Rat is a Rat ! Shouldn't even Kid around with stuff like that...

Even if the guy says to you, I'm going to break your legs !!
You can fight back, go kick his @ss ! whatever !! But to say something like that ! It's Soooo Wrong !

Plus it sounded like you had a Payment Plan going on ... What went wrong with that ???

I'm going to take a Shot here....This, and Maybe Others are the Reason you Don't Show up to Any of the Bashes !!

Because I am Guessing that there Might be More then One person you owe, and you Didn't want to Run into any of them ??

If True, I am Sorry to hear about your problems. But I am sure that someone could have Helped !
Things like this could have worked them selfs out, some way, some how !

Jan 28, 2007
This is terrible to hear, but if the allegations that you threatened to call the authorities are true, well then there is not much to say. You just don't do that man. It kind of scares me that if I were in the same position as the person you owe money to or whatever you would have probably threatened to do the same to me. Kind of makes me rethink posting on internet forums..

I hope none of this is true and everyone can come back to their senses and you come back as a mod. Since I joined, you and wilheim are the two mods that stood out the most to me, and both of you guys seemed to be great guys. Thanks for your contributions to the forum regardless.

Buried Alive after week 2 of the NFL
May 12, 2006
if this was directed at me go fuck your mother if it wasnt i apologize.......but this is funny stuff sorry if your sense of humor isnt the same as mine

No not directed at anyone, just the forum in general. Didn't even see any of your posts in this thread lol, so i dont know what you said.

New member
Sep 21, 2003
This is terrible to hear, but if the allegations that you threatened to call the authorities are true,

These are not "allegations" Jman himself as posted this at EOG tonight.

<TABLE class=tborder id=post885086 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=3 width="100%" align=center border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=thead style="BORDER-RIGHT: #2b295e 0px solid; BORDER-TOP: #2b295e 1px solid; FONT-WEIGHT: normal; BORDER-LEFT: #2b295e 1px solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: #2b295e 1px solid"> 09-29-07, 04:29 PM </TD><TD class=thead style="BORDER-RIGHT: #2b295e 1px solid; BORDER-TOP: #2b295e 1px solid; FONT-WEIGHT: normal; BORDER-LEFT: #2b295e 0px solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: #2b295e 1px solid" align=right> #45 (permalink) </TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD class=alt2 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #2b295e 1px solid; BORDER-TOP: #2b295e 0px solid; BORDER-LEFT: #2b295e 1px solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: #2b295e 0px solid" width=175><!-- google_ad_section_start(weight=ignore) -->JMan<!-- google_ad_section_end --><SCRIPT type=text/javascript> vbmenu_register("postmenu_885086", true); </SCRIPT>
EOG Enthusiast

Join Date: Aug 19, 2005
Posts: 159

</TD><TD class=alt1 id=td_post_885086 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #2b295e 1px solid">
<!-- google_ad_section_start -->Re: You can't keep me silent over here Rick Allec.<!-- google_ad_section_end -->
<HR style="COLOR: #2b295e" SIZE=1><!-- google_ad_section_start -->Cigarman the clown, fuck you, I won't dignify you with a response, you think you forced me out at theRx...I was quitting long before your little exploitation attempt occured...I can say what I want now, you can't call Allec up ...who ever heard of 6 point teasers losing if there was a tie?

Fuck you. ...the authorities have been contacted big mouth...keep harrassing me.

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