

powdered milkman
Aug 4, 2006
Journeyman is buying into it like he's his best friend, which is the best part about it. It's hilarious.

How anyone can trust Journeyman through friendship, financial matters, or employment again is beyond me. He just lost all credibility. He's a rat now which is one of the worst things you can be known for in life.
BUT THE key is comedy purpose for forums
Aug 31, 2001
It's funny because then this pyro guy posts in the EOG thread about how the Rx is going down because of drama, when they're the ones who parade and encourage the drama like a circus and the Mods here have stopped posting about it.

They hate Journeyman a few weeks ago and make fun of him because they think he's gay and shit, and then they embrace him now. It's called AGENDA and drama brings ratings especially when it's against the Rx.

Pretty much what i was thinking... Read 3 or 4 posts there, saw where it was headed, and lost interest.

The hypocrisy is hilarious though, from all angles.

I've been in Jmans shoes though, i can see how things can blow up...Especially considering how long he was here.

One thing i can see has never changed though.... Jman still seems to think he is bigger than any forum he is involved with.

JMan is a good guy imo, and pretty entertaining, but, no 1 poster has made any of these forums a success or a failure.

As far as ken latching onto to JMan, that had to be expected... Having the same 4 or 5 people posting 100 times a day may fool a few sponsors once in awhile, but, it ain't gonna do much for real business.

Hell, this is the biggest thing thats ever happened over there really. They gotta be loving the attention it's bringing, although, i doubt it will have much of a lasting effect.

Hopefully, this all blows over soon, and everyone just moves on..... I'm sure JMan will be o.k. wherever he winds up.

Best wishes to all involved...:toast:

2009 RX Death Pool Champion
Apr 3, 2005
gotta throw in a little VH seeing as how they are out on tour and all this drama has unfolded

<object width="425" height="353"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="353"></embed></object>

New member
Jul 20, 2002
For the record

TTP can come back if he wants too, all he has to do is email me

apparently he didnt want too.
<!-- / message --><!-- sig -->

TTP is not banned or on post review and hasn't been since the day of an incident that I can't even remember what it was about anymore..

He is like any other registered poster free to post whenever he cares to. No one is stopping him except himself, which is his perogative.


The Straightshooter
Sep 20, 2004
Just wanted to say in my last post, "thanks for the memories", not all good, but mainly good....The past few months have not been fun, I always said "if I it wasn't fun any longer, I would quit" doing whatever it was I was doing...and this is no longer fun.

I had a free reign to do what I wanted here for years, that is no longer the case.... To all the Rx Mods who I consider my online friends, Wil, TT, SS, Rob, Xpanda and Dante , you guys do a great job and I wish you all the best...and thanks for always being there.

To the many many poster I have talked to over the years, you guys know who you are, thanks for sharing your thoughts with me over the past 5 + years.... It is no longer fun for me though...this was a great job, I was paid pretty nicely for doing what I did.

I would also like to thank The Shrink who gave me the chance about this time 5 years ago...without his generosity I would not have gotten to this point.

I won't get all too deep into why I am done posting... I guess when you are as visable as I have been here, people feel they can take shots at you and for the most part they can, and there's not much I can do about it....I don't need the headache anymore of the dealing with those types....being exploited because I am 'Journeyman' from The Rx ,but getting death threats, I take very seriously and when I complain to those who could make a difference and they look the other way, well, that is enough for me.

I had been considering leaving for the past month or so, but didn't have anything special written, so this will have to do.

I wish all my friends here the best and good luck in whatever you do.

Take care.:103631605

It started off well anyways

Wonder how much meat money Shrink is paying J Man to spill his guts???
And you have to wonder how much is fabricated considering how big an axe these guys have to grind with the current RX bosses


head turd in the outhouse
Sep 13, 2005
am i the only one bothered by J-Man discussing personal issue's such as pay and how the rx mod team supposedly feels about certain posters? seem's like in addition to dropping a dime on a bookie he owes money to, he is in effect trying to turn posters against each other and the mod team as well.

in your heart, you know i'm right
Mar 21, 2002
am i the only one bothered by J-Man discussing personal issue's such as pay and how the rx mod team supposedly feels about certain posters? seem's like in addition to dropping a dime on a bookie he owes money to, he is in effect trying to turn posters against each other and the mod team as well.

i know rob funk likes me and, that's all that matters.

good night all.

New member
May 31, 2006
am i the only one bothered by J-Man discussing personal issue's such as pay and how the rx mod team supposedly feels about certain posters? seem's like in addition to dropping a dime on a bookie he owes money to, he is in effect trying to turn posters against each other and the mod team as well.

He was obviously pretty heated for a while, and the atmosphere over there certainly didn't help. It seems like he has calmed down, so hopefully he's come to his senses a bit.

powdered milkman
Aug 4, 2006
am i the only one bothered by J-Man discussing personal issue's such as pay and how the rx mod team supposedly feels about certain posters? seem's like in addition to dropping a dime on a bookie he owes money to, he is in effect trying to turn posters against each other and the mod team as well.
no u arent

The Straightshooter
Sep 20, 2004
am i the only one bothered by J-Man discussing personal issue's such as pay and how the rx mod team supposedly feels about certain posters? seem's like in addition to dropping a dime on a bookie he owes money to, he is in effect trying to turn posters against each other and the mod team as well.

VERY classless

Just now going thru the thread at EOG, and it's scripted worse than professional wrestling the way Shrink and General are "asking questions"

I bet they've been on IM the whole time shaping this thing the way they want it to go


head turd in the outhouse
Sep 13, 2005
so that makes it ok? there are certain lines we shouldn't ever cross, he went well past several of those.

Rx. Junior
Dec 31, 2006
am i the only one bothered by J-Man discussing personal issue's such as pay and how the rx mod team supposedly feels about certain posters? seem's like in addition to dropping a dime on a bookie he owes money to, he is in effect trying to turn posters against each other and the mod team as well.

if even 50% of the stuff he has said is true than I dont blame him 1 bit

The Straightshooter
Sep 20, 2004
He was obviously pretty heated for a while, and the atmosphere over there certainly didn't help. It seems like he has calmed down, so hopefully he's come to his senses a bit.

Nope, it's called "Following a script" and "trying to milk it for all it's worth"

Those who know Ken atleast "somewhat" should see how cheesy, scripted and contrived the whole thing is

head turd in the outhouse
Sep 13, 2005
if even 50% of the stuff he has said is true than I dont blame him 1 bit

so it only takes 50% of the truth for you to validate what he did? i don't give a shit what goes on if you owe a book pay the man his money, don't threaten to call the fcuking cops and then turn on people you've worked with for years.

Official Rx music critic and beer snob
Jun 21, 2003
am i the only one bothered by J-Man discussing personal issue's such as pay and how the rx mod team supposedly feels about certain posters? seem's like in addition to dropping a dime on a bookie he owes money to, he is in effect trying to turn posters against each other and the mod team as well.

Very bothered by this too.

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