Sad to hear, but unfortunately-the writing was on the wall & I had a gut feeling that it was only a matter of time. He’s done this for a long time, and it can really wear on you over the years-especially when you are as visible and vocal as he is.
I wish him the best in his future endeavors. People change jobs all the time in the “real world”. He obviously decided that this was his time to move on.
3. Regarding Rick telling mods to lie or promote bad books or do anything underhanded, that is total BS. We feel all of our sponsers are equally good because we are here to help any Rxer who has a problem with any of them.
ya sites would exist without sponsors....they all give us a place to share games or break balls.........EVERY SITE has to give in to sponsors on all levels....they pay the bills they deserve this lee-way........i liked jman...........but old dirty laundry is just that........ above and beyond me........FREE ROACHOy vay.
Is it possible that this is true?, that the things I have seen RX employees post about sponsoring sportsbooks comes from honest belief and not some puppet-master pulling the strings?
Honestly I'm not sure which scenario would be worse: honest ignorance or propaganda.
I don't know Journeyman from Adam - he's just one of these weirdos with a million posts that I scratch my head at. But he has certainly got a leg-up in any credibility discussion as it relates to this topic.
I would rather not mention that story too much. But there are PLENTY of threads about it. But here are some cliffnotes.
Well JMAN had a contest one time where he gave out a pager. Well I won the contest. He asked for my address and I sent it to him. Well after 2 weeks of no receipt of the pager. I emailed him about it. He was REALLY disrepectful in the emails, but he claimed that he mailed the pager. Well I waited another week and never received anything. Well then I asked him about it on the forum and he started bashing me saying that I was trying to steal from him. Well I already had 2 pagers at that time from, but I had promised this one to my dad I believe. Keep in mind that this was AT LEAST 3 years ago, because Shrink was still here.
Well I asked him to show me SOME receipt showing that he mailed the pager to my zip code. Well of course he could NOT produce said receipt. Well we argued about it for a few more weeks until I gave it up. I mean a $100 pager wasnt that big of a deal to me since I was betting 10x-20x that amount daily on baseball or more.
Well in the end, THE GENERAL emailed me and sent me $100 via neteller to make the whole thing go away.
So that is why I dont mention it much, but I was pissed for 2 years because EVERYONE took JMAN's side. He couldnt produce ANYTHING to show that he mailed anything to my house and sent a few threatening emails around that time. But who care about threats made by someone online anyway guys??
I am over it now, and the last 2 years were AT LEAST civil between me an him. Hell, like i mentioed earlier, he was the only mod who treated me with a great deal of respect over the past 2 years
ya sites would exist without sponsors....they all give us a place to share games or break balls.........EVERY SITE has to give in to sponsors on all levels....they pay the bills they deserve this lee-way........i liked jman...........but old dirty laundry is just that........ above and beyond me........FREE ROACH
FREE ROACH??:nopityA:It never ceases to amaze me how people cannot understand this, The advertisors make all of this possible, TheRX provides a means for posters to get quick resolutions for any problems they may have with sponsors.
Of course we advertise for our sponsors.
after all, isnt 2 + 2 = 4? :WTF:
why would you want to unban him? He's basically fueling the rat right now.
Journeyman is buying into it like he's his best friend, which is the best part about it. It's hilarious.
How anyone can trust Journeyman through friendship, financial matters, or employment again is beyond me. He just lost all credibility. He's a rat now which is one of the worst things you can be known for in life.