Jack Winningham


Oct 11, 2019

Great night on Monday! Went 2-1 but a huge money line upset win on the Ottawa Senators vs the Boston Bruins! That was a HUGE win. Hit on the Iowa hoops play too! Onto tonight!

Winnipeg -239 vs Detroit

Detroit has lost ELEVEN STRAIGHT. The Hockeytown Era is a distant memory, and the new Dead Wing Era is upon us. This is a TERRIBLE hockey team. Years away from contending. They have the first of a home/home set vs Winnipeg tonight – this one at the Jets. The Wings are 3-12 on the road. Do I really need to get into this? We’re fading these Dingaling Wings until the win. And maybe even then! The Jets are missing some guys, but with no Jimmy Howard and no Mantha, the Wings have next to no chance tonight.

LA Kings -123 vs NY Rangers
This is a system play against the Rangers. They are on their West Coast swing, which rarely is good news for East Coast clubs. The Rangers are an average club, but the Kings actually sport a winning record at home. They’ve been doing some losing lately, but haven’t been getting blown out. The Rangers come in from a big win at Vegas. I expect some of the “Vegas Flu” to be at work tonight.

Louisville -6 vs Texas Tech

Another road test for the Cardinals. They have 3 straight ATS wins, and are facing a lesser team in TTech who has dropped 3 in a row and 4 straight ATS. TT has only one cover all season, vs Eastern Illinois. Louisville will take care of business tonight.

Oct 11, 2019
December 11, 2019

Another winning day as we go 2-1, including 2-0 in, what else? HOCKEY! Nobody calls the NHL better than I do! Doubt me? SHOW ME SOMEONE!

Anyway, today is a light day. There’s not a lot I like out there, so I’m going with my strongest play.

Get to www.JackWinningham.com for the FREE pick!

Oct 11, 2019
Another Winning Day!

We went 2-0.

Money won is twice as good as Money earned!

Today we have 3 NHL plays, and an NBA game.

Get to
www.JackWinningham.com for the
Free plays.

You have Nothing To Lose!



Oct 11, 2019

December 15, 2019

Well, it was bound to happen. A bad day. Nobody wins EVERY day, and we took it on the chin yesterday. So today we do NOT chase. We do NOT double down. We DIAL down. Go with a play that gives us the best shot at a win, and that we can hedge to protect against further losses to insulate our bankroll so it’s intact when I get hot again. No NHL today. It’s a limited schedule and none of the games match any criteria I look for. Same for NBA and NCAA. Today, a single Time Zone 10 Point Triple Dip/Teaser. Hedging is recommended on one or both of the 4pm games.

NFL – 10 Point Time Zone Triple Dip

Leg One – 1PM - Seattle +4 vs Carolina. (I like this game giving 6. I LOVE it to start our teaser at +4. Teams are either getting better, or getting worse in December. The Panthers are moving in the wrong direction and look like a team that has quit. Seattle NEEDS to win to keep its playoff position intact.)

Leg Two – 4PM - Oakland +3.5 vs Jacksonville. (Raiders are primed for their farewell game in Oakland. Jacksonville is primed for….well….nothing.)

Leg Three - 4PM - LA Rams +9 vs Dallas. (Dallas is a mess. They can’t score. Their defense is ATROCIOUS. They tackle like mummies. Garrett has lost the locker room. Jones is bitching up a storm. The team is pointing fingers and bickering. Enter a focused Rams team in a must win situation. And NINE POINTS? Thank you very much books – for creating teasers!)

I’d put a small 25% hedge on each 4PM game. Protect against losses, and see if we can hit another middle like we’ve done a few times lately.

Oct 11, 2019

December 22, 2019

The Indiana game was a tough beat. I’m counting it as a loss here, though I was able to get the play at -2 at the last moment and managed a push. Hope you all got the -2 line too. Those ½ points matter sometimes!

Today we are going to finish off the Triple Teaser with a hedge to guarantee us more cash.

We already won the first two Legs of the Teaser, and have Leg 3 as Denver +3 vs the Lions. That’s a GOOD Leg 3 for our Triple Teaser. Here are some hedging options. TAKE ONE OF THEM AND GUARANTEE A PROFT – or ride out the dip and risk losing everything like a dope. Your choice. These numbers all suppose the original Triple Teaser was for $100, and you are going to hedge $50 on the Lions. You can adjust the math based on what your actual original wager was on the Triple Teaser, and/or how much you want to hedge.

Hedge #1 – an ATS hedge on Detroit.
Take Detroit +7.5 (that’s the new Sunday line – even +8 at some books).
If Denver wins the game, but by 7 points or less – you win the Triple Teaser – AND the hedge. That’s a profit of $150.
If Denver loses by 1 or 2 points – you win the Trip Teaser AND win the hedge. You win $150.
If Denver loses by 3 or more, you lose the Trip Teaser, but win the hedge, and instead of losing $110, you now lose $60. You’ve saved yourself $50.
If Denver wins, but by MORE than 7.5 points, you win the Triple Teaser, but lose the ATS hedge. Your profit is now $45.
Using this hedge philosophy, your options are to win $150, or win $45. But you’ve changed your maximum loss from $110 to $60. If you can’t understand this – graph it out – put it in an Excel formula. This is a way to MINIMIZE losses, while still having a shot to maximize profit beyond what you originally wagered.

Hedge #2 – the Money Line Hedge on Detroit +280
Take Detroit +280 on the ML for a $50 play to win $140
If Denver wins the game, you win the Trip Teaser but lose the ML Hedge. Your profit is $50.
If Denver loses the game, therefore Detroit wins, you end up with a profit of $30. This is my favorite way to hedge a teaser like this – because once you do this – you GUARENTEE you win money. It just ends up being a question of how much. Now, this does lower your original profit POTENTIAL, but again, it GUARENTEES you do not lose ANYTHING. If you don’t see the value in this – I can’t help you.

To say it again, HOW YOU MANAGE YOUR MONEY AND BANKROLL is JUST AS IMPORTANT as who you wager on. Learn this. Live this. Love this. If you do, you will NEVER bury yourself in gambling debt. Don’t want to do it? Look in the mirror when you’re eating crackers and croutons for dinner because you gave your paycheck to the casino or to your local sports bookie.

I am 8-5 this week. I’m ending this weekend with a guarantee profit. I hope you do the same.

Oct 11, 2019
Well, we had a great winning week and finished it up with a winning night on NHL Hockey.


Tonight there are no NBA or NHL games, and only a single game for College Football and College Hoops. Neither are games I'd bet on if there were a full slate of games to choose from. The WORST reason to bet on a game is because it's the only one that day, or is on TV. Those are NOT reasons to gamble. Seriously - if the game is one you'd pass on if it was one of many on the schedule, why the hell would you bet on it now? As in everything else in life, we need to gamble responsibly.

Wagering on a game that is a toss up or a bad play, just to gamble, is akin to the guy who goes "All In" on the last hand of the night at a poker game. It's NUTS. And it's one of the quickest ways to lose money. I maximize my profits by not playing fast and loose with my bankroll. I want MORE money available for the games I feel are my BEST plays. So - if you haven't already guessed, I'm not making any plays tonight.
Everyone have a Very Merry Christmas, and I'll be looking for some value on Christmas Day, as we have a few more games on the docket.

Stay safe, eat, drink, and be MERRY!




Oct 11, 2019
Another slow day of sports. Jack Winningham does NOT bet just to bet.

With only a couple of options today - I say
pass and wait for some value Sports Picks tomorrow.



has what to pick if you MUST make a play - but it's not an officially endorsed play.


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