In Detroit, houses cheaper than cars


Sep 22, 2004
gtc, it's not a black thing, it's an entitlement thing. If you think somebody owes you something, then you ipso facto don't believe you're responsible for getting it yourself. I'm not sure you can blame economics fifty years after the barriers to education, work, etc. were lifted. Feminism is younger than so-called civil rights, and yet far more successful, at least in terms of our economic and social liberation.

It's the same self-defeating spiral that kills natives living on reservations getting nothing but handouts. There is no pride in that, not individually or collectively.

Blacks would do well to tell the likes of Jesse Jackson to STFU.
Whatever the reasons the numbers don't stack up.
Whether it's in America where almost every ethnic minority has done well, and the joos have done AMAZINGLY well or its in Africa.

time after time after time, the returns look poor.

Triple digit silver kook
Mar 1, 2005
This will go further than most people have thought about this subject. It will also violate the defense mechanisms society has brainwashed to be unacceptable in our minds.

This is specifically about discussing race being a factor responsible for the decline of the Detroit area auto industry, other related industries, and many cities including Detroit.

I think we all agree (minus eek) and we have been taught that the unions and their failure to recognize that as employees their labor should produce products that provide the owners of capital a return on their investment helped to ruin the industry.

We have also been taught that management has failed to identify the major trends (also true), example: building hummers without seeing $3-5 gasoline and $100 + oil prices instead of planning ahead to build more fuel-efficient vehicles.

However, while the above reasons are certainly primary reasons the American auto industry has fallen apart, I believe there may be another reason, one that is seldomly discussed.

Has anyone ever thought about and/or discussed that maybe race had something to do with the decline of the Detroit auto industry? That possibly after the number of blacks working at the plants reached a certain level, is possibly correlated with the decline in the overall industry?

More specifically, that when the number of blacks with specific attitudes at auto plants reached a certain level, that this negative peer pressure (mentioned earlier in thread by poster punter) from a minority of blacks started breaking down the work ethic among the other blacks via the "to hell with the the white man and America, I aint filling his pockets via my production doing anything greater than the bare minimum. We put in our time as slaves and we are forever owed a free-ride on the white man's dime".

Keep in mind that in 1950-1970 and just prior to large # of blacks first being employed via Detroit auto industry, they hadnt been long away from working on plantations as sharecroppers and they left living under the Jim Crow segregation era in the former Confederacy.

As a result of this attitude, their white co-workers also developed their own attitudes such as, "if the darkies here are going to do as little as they can get away with, why should I bust my ass?", and an inch at a time, the American auto industry, what only a few decades prior was the model of greatness in the world, transformed into the bankrupt, inefficient, mess we see it being today.

To be continued....I want to see what the group here thinks about this. Especially posters from Michigan.

powdered milkman
Aug 4, 2006
This will go further than most people have thought about this subject. It will also violate the defense mechanisms society has brainwashed to be unacceptable in our minds.

This is specifically about discussing race being a factor responsible for the decline of the Detroit area auto industry, other related industries, and many cities including Detroit.

I think we all agree (minus eek) and we have been taught that the unions and their failure to recognize that as employees their labor should produce products that provide the owners of capital a return on their investment helped to ruin the industry.

We have also been taught that management has failed to identify the major trends (also true), example: building hummers without seeing $3-5 gasoline and $100 + oil prices instead of planning ahead to build more fuel-efficient vehicles.

However, while the above reasons are certainly primary reasons the American auto industry has fallen apart, I believe there may be another reason, one that is seldomly discussed.

Has anyone ever thought about and/or discussed that maybe race had something to do with the decline of the Detroit auto industry? That possibly after the number of blacks working at the plants reached a certain level, is possibly correlated with the decline in the overall industry?

More specifically, that when the number of blacks with specific attitudes at auto plants reached a certain level, that this negative peer pressure (mentioned earlier in thread by poster punter) from a minority of blacks started breaking down the work ethic among the other blacks via the "to hell with the the white man and America, I aint filling his pockets via my production doing anything greater than the bare minimum. We put in our time as slaves and we are forever owed a free-ride on the white man's dime".

Keep in mind that in 1950-1970 and just prior to large # of blacks first being employed via Detroit auto industry, they hadnt been long away from working on plantations as sharecroppers and they left living under the Jim Crow segregation era in the former Confederacy.

As a result of this attitude, their white co-workers also developed their own attitudes such as, "if the darkies here are going to do as little as they can get away with, why should I bust my ass?", and an inch at a time, the American auto industry, what only a few decades prior was the model of greatness in the world, transformed into the bankrupt, inefficient, mess we see it being today.

To be continued....I want to see what the group here thinks about this. Especially posters from Michigan.
not bad woofy....proverbial chip on the black you stated though not that far removed from plantatiion days also........not to mention the general stubborness of the american car makers not to pattern their plants and car models after the japanese......i still own toyotas(lexus) and had hondas through the 90's........but you have a legit point........but the demise was in the cards without a better product......but this escalated it

New member
Jul 21, 2006
woof, i think you blow up race too much. all goes back to family for me on the decline of the country. from the single parent households to the 2 parent family households where they just forget about the kid, family is absent.

a typical 4 person american family(man wife 2 kid) eat in 4 different rooms these days. wife in living room, man in basement, kid in room, other kid in room. these parents allow there kids to be influenced by outside forces.

ill still maintain no family, no country. and there is no family in the us

New member
Sep 21, 2004
I worked at the Chrysler Maching plant every summer of the early 70's, while I was in college; the union wages were about 3 times the minimum wage, and about twice a beginning teacher's salary. There was a real "attitude" in that plant; the union was too strong; and on top of that the black workers would complain about racism if asked to do any work..The quality was so poor; workers openly laughed about how doors would not close on new Chrysler cars; and no one that I know who worked there owned a Chrysler auto; even though they would get a nice employee discount; anf preferential parking at work..

Then there was the Iaccocoa "miracle"; but the Japanese imports were so much better built; and after the oil crisis of 1973; so much better fuel economy than U.S. built cars that even hard core union workers in Ohio would buy Hondas. Go back to Consumer Reports of the 70's and 80's; just about every General Motors car was designated a poor buy due to it's poor reliability and gas guzzling. But nobody really did anything; and market share kept slipping. until..>>>>

The Japanese even started building cars in U.S.A.; but were not stupid enough to build them in Detroit; they went places where they would not be stuck with "the entitlement generation; and too many blacks,"; there even was a prominent Japanese leader quoted as saying U.S.A. was at a disadvantage due to the inferiority of Blacks...

So; it's not a new idea; it's the truth, but; hey; just take your unemployment; then Disability; Blacks actually state the reason they have more disability is because they are discriminated against; not that there whole culture is designed to get a check for nothing..

jmho..>>but do not get caught saying these things openly; you'll get pushed into a corner..


New member
Sep 20, 2004
Here is one of the gems I like to reference every now and then -- a wise black woman's take on the state of black America:

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
This will go further than most people have thought about this subject. It will also violate the defense mechanisms society has brainwashed to be unacceptable in our minds.

This is specifically about discussing race being a factor responsible for the decline of the Detroit area auto industry, other related industries, and many cities including Detroit.

I think we all agree (minus eek) and we have been taught that the unions and their failure to recognize that as employees their labor should produce products that provide the owners of capital a return on their investment helped to ruin the industry.

We have also been taught that management has failed to identify the major trends (also true), example: building hummers without seeing $3-5 gasoline and $100 + oil prices instead of planning ahead to build more fuel-efficient vehicles.

However, while the above reasons are certainly primary reasons the American auto industry has fallen apart, I believe there may be another reason, one that is seldomly discussed.

Has anyone ever thought about and/or discussed that maybe race had something to do with the decline of the Detroit auto industry? That possibly after the number of blacks working at the plants reached a certain level, is possibly correlated with the decline in the overall industry?

More specifically, that when the number of blacks with specific attitudes at auto plants reached a certain level, that this negative peer pressure (mentioned earlier in thread by poster punter) from a minority of blacks started breaking down the work ethic among the other blacks via the "to hell with the the white man and America, I aint filling his pockets via my production doing anything greater than the bare minimum. We put in our time as slaves and we are forever owed a free-ride on the white man's dime".

Keep in mind that in 1950-1970 and just prior to large # of blacks first being employed via Detroit auto industry, they hadnt been long away from working on plantations as sharecroppers and they left living under the Jim Crow segregation era in the former Confederacy.

As a result of this attitude, their white co-workers also developed their own attitudes such as, "if the darkies here are going to do as little as they can get away with, why should I bust my ass?", and an inch at a time, the American auto industry, what only a few decades prior was the model of greatness in the world, transformed into the bankrupt, inefficient, mess we see it being today.

To be continued....I want to see what the group here thinks about this. Especially posters from Michigan.

Agree with everything you said. Most here are afraid to admit the truth.

New member
Jul 21, 2006
a couple of these responses is exactly what i mean when i talk about the degredation of the country. we like to blame everybody else for our problems, but fail to look at ourselves. its easy for me to blame somebody else for whats wrong, without looking at myself and holding myself accountable.

that is the main problem in households, especially school related. parents will chew out these high school teachers and not hold there kid accountable for getting bad grades.

the typical american likes to pass blame, but is unable to really look at themselves and admit there shortcomings. any society like that is bound to crumble, and crumble it is.

New member
Sep 20, 2004
Woof, I don't have nearly as much personal experience as you on the subject, but your last post looks like a reasonable assessment to me.

Virtus Junxit Mors Non Separabit
Nov 17, 2005
put your hands in the air and follow me 3...1...3


Virtus Junxit Mors Non Separabit
Nov 17, 2005
a couple of these responses is exactly what i mean when i talk about the degredation of the country. we like to blame everybody else for our problems, but fail to look at ourselves. its easy for me to blame somebody else for whats wrong, without looking at myself and holding myself accountable.

this coming from the nanny state socialist:lolBIG:

New member
Sep 20, 2004
this coming from the nanny state socialist:lolBIG:

Very true...gtc...personal responsibility and family values are two of the cornerstones of hardcore conservatism, not to be confused with the stuff that's going on in Canada these days. You might want to rethink where you want to move.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
a couple of these responses is exactly what i mean when i talk about the degredation of the country. we like to blame everybody else for our problems, but fail to look at ourselves. its easy for me to blame somebody else for whats wrong, without looking at myself and holding myself accountable.

that is the main problem in households, especially school related. parents will chew out these high school teachers and not hold there kid accountable for getting bad grades.

the typical american likes to pass blame, but is unable to really look at themselves and admit there shortcomings. any society like that is bound to crumble, and crumble it is.

You're right - I am in some way responsible for whats going on in my city and my neighborhood. And guess who is responsible for whats going on in detroit?

Militant Birther
Nov 29, 2005
Welcome to Barack Obama's America.

His district on Chicago's south side is almost identical to the neighborhoods in Woof's posts. Check it out.

Bottom line: this is what happens when the do-gooders take over and the entitlement mentality takes root and metastasizes. Woof, I don't agree that it's a race issue because what happened in Michigan is happening all across the country, i.e. FORMER great states like California.

Wherever DemocRATS solidify their power, government inevitably expands resulting in high taxes, high regulation, disproportionate power to unions, more corruption, less accountability etc. at which point the engines of prosperity break down, while the sharp money heads for greener pastures.

Folks, recently, the King of Beers Anheuser-Busch was bought out by InBev, a Belgian brewery. Why? The corp tax rate in Belgium is 20% vs 38% in the USA (second highest in the world). American companies can no longer compete. But don't tell that to Democrats who are obsessed with DIVIDING THE PIE rather than growing it.

The USA is hemorrhaging alarming massive amounts of capital, but Democrats don't care. The only thing that matters to them is winning elections by catering to their endless list of special interests and divisive multiple brand of identity politics: race, class, gender.

What government do for ME? ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! I'm voting for the messiah!

To hell with everyone else! To hell with economic growth and prosperity! To hell with YOU the honest, hardworking American.

These leftwing parasite unions would sooner see a company go bankrupt than help restructure the work force to help it remain competitive. A union will defend it's most lethargic, useless high-on-drugs members ahead of the best interest of the corporation they work for.

Teachers unions have destroyed our education system just as the auto unions destroyed GM, Ford and Chrysler.

It's left wing unions and left wing taxes and left wing regulations and left wing corruption and left wing entitlements that ruined the Motor City.

And if Americans are stupid enough to elect Barack Obama, many other jurisdictions across this beautiful country will suffer a similar fate.

John McCain will LOWER the corp tax rate to 25% bringing it in line with the world's average. The Pelosi-Reid-Obama Democrats want to raise these economically-illiterate Marxists are obsessed with "soaking the rich."

The Pelosi-Reid-Obama Democrats want to raise the capital gains tax 10 points which most economists estimate to be worth about 2 percentage points in economic growth annually over a 10 year period.

If you want "hope" and "change" vote for the same brand of con artists that managed to turn the once proud and prosperous industrial sector of Detroit into a wasteland.

If you want Morning in America -- Ronald Reagan's America: unlimited opportunity and prosperity for ALL Americans -- vote for John McCain. :103631605

New member
Sep 20, 2004
Hey Joe, people are writing their own individual original thoughts here, so please take your transparent partisan propaganda and ...


Militant Birther
Nov 29, 2005
Hey Darryl,


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