woofdaddy, how do you know so much about detroit. do you live near there?
Thankfully, I live 50 miles and seemingly a world away from the shithole aka Detroit.
However, my grandparents, great aunts and uncles all lived in Detroit, but they moved to the suburbs before the bottom fell out of the city and all the whites were chased out of the city.
My father spent alot of time in Detroit as a kid and young man. I remember riding through parts of the city as a kid going to family gatherings in the car listening to stories about the area and how quickly it changed.
Some of my family members tell the same stories about what happened here in Toledo once significant # of blacks moved here in the 1950s.
Basically, white people couldnt sell their homes once the blacks moved on the street. Some of the more radical blacks would sit up all night, radios blaring, drinking and carrying on, presumably to send whites the idea its time to leave whitey.
Whites during that time sometimes would just abandon their homes without even selling them.
Again, before you go into a fit calling me or anyone else racist, all blacks were not and are not at all that way. However, blacks had and still have among themselves plenty of radical-racist-assholes.