Important Virus Update

Aug 17, 2019
The words of a man who knew he was framed but also knew justice would be served!

It won't be long before he is freed!


<header class="entry-header"> Newly Filed Court Documents Include Exculpatory Evidence For Michael Flynn

</header> New documents filed under seal in federal court include exculpatory information about former White House National Security Adviser Michael Flynn, an FBI official told The Federalist on Friday.

April 24, 2020 By Sean Davis

New court documents filed under seal include significant exculpatory information about Michael Flynn, President Donald Trump’s former National Security Adviser, an FBI official familiar with the situation told The Federalist on Friday. The new documents, which were filed under seal by the Department of Justice Friday, allegedly include exonerating evidence about Flynn, who pleaded guilty to lying to federal investigators about his conversations with foreign diplomats as Trump’s top incoming foreign policy adviser and is currently attempting to withdraw his plea, as well as evidence of malfeasance by the FBI during its investigation of Flynn.

According to the FBI official who spoke to The Federalist, FBI general counsel Dana Boente led the charge internally against DOJ’s disclosure of the new materials. Boente, who briefly served as acting Attorney General after Trump became president, personally signed off on one of the federal spy warrants against former Trump campaign affiliate Carter Page. The new documents, which were filed under a protective order by DOJ on Friday, will reflect poorly on the FBI, the official told The Federalist. It is not clear when, or even if, those documents will be unsealed and made available to the public for review.

Because the documents were filed under seal, The Federalist has not been able to review them independently. Neither the Department of Justice nor the White House responded to requests for comment about the newly filed court documents or their legal or political implications. Trump has reportedly been weighing whether to issue a pardon for Flynn.

Powell tweeted last month that the FBI was “still hiding evidence of Flynn’s innocence” and has noted repeatedly that the FBI has failed to produce the original written FBI account, known as a 302, of its agents’ conversation with Flynn that led to charges against him.

My original post was on 4/22/20 and this story broke 2 days later.

At least one member here will just write it off as "coincidence" again.

This member apparently does not understand there is no such thing as "coincidence".
Aug 17, 2019
CNN finally covers Larry King clip in which Biden accuser's mother purportedly alludes to daughter's sexual assault

After criticism from media critics and the Republican National Committee (RNC), the liberal network CNN finally broke its silence on its own footage purportedly showing the mother of Tara Reade, who accused former Vice President Joe Biden of sexual assault, alluding to the alleged incident.

At 1:28 p.m. ET on Saturday, the network's website published an article on the issue. Prior to that, the story was missing from the network's coverage, including its "Reliable Sources" newsletter from CNN liberal anchor Brian Stelter, in what some critics are calling "journalistic misconduct". Yet and still, Stelter hasn't tweeted about the video even though he tweeted posts about Elmo and Big Bird. The broadcast programming spent some time on those characters as well, with "interviews" during "CNN Newsroom."

CNN 'Larry King' episode featuring Biden accuser's mother disappears from Google Play catalog

The 1993 episode of CNN's "Larry King Live" featuring an anonymous caller who was later identified as the mother of Biden accuser Tara Reade was no longer listed in Google Play's catalog late Saturday.

Twitter user J.L. Hamilton shared a screenshot showing the Aug. 11, 1993, broadcast of "Larry King Live" was no longer listed in the season three catalog of the iconic CNN talk show. Mysteriously, though, the Aug. 10 broadcast, which is listed as "Episode 154" is followed by the Aug. 12 broadcast, which is listed as "Episode 155," suggesting that episode and the ones that follow could be incorrectly listed and off by a number.

Of course it "vanished"!

It's just another example of the corrupt MSM helping out their corrupt Dems.
Aug 17, 2019
Pelosi Spreads Dangerous Misinformation Amid Coronavirus Pandemic: “The President is Asking People to Inject Lysol Into Their Lungs”

The liberal Trump-hating media, including the Drudge Report, is pushing the nonsense that President Trump proposed injecting Americans with disinfectant.

And House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Friday continued to spread the lie about President Trump amid the Coronavirus pandemic.

“The president is asking people to inject Lysol into their lungs and Mitch was saying that states should go bankrupt. It’s a clear, visible within 24 hours of how the Republicans reject science and reject governance,” Pelosi said spreading dangerous misinformation.

President Trump on Thursday during his presser was referring to discussions of testing ultraviolet light on patients and possibly using the light inside the body. “And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it [the virus] out in a minute. One minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside, or almost a cleaning, cause you see it gets in the lungs.”

So Pelosi and the liars in the media once again twisted President Trump words and took him out of context in order to attack him.

While they are mocking Trump for suggesting light therapy, bio-tech firm Aytu BioScience announced they are partnering with the FDA and Cedars-Sinai on a UV light treatment to kill the coronavirus in intubated patients.

The Dems continue their anti-Trump campaign with misinformation and lies.

The REAL reason they are twisting Pres. Trump's statements on chlorine dioxide is because they, along with their long-time corrupt Big Pharma partners, are threatened by the release of the truth because the truth leads you to CURES!

Here is what Pelosi and Big Pharma doesn't want you to know and has been hiding from you for decades.


Chlorine dioxide is the SAFE active ingredient in many household disinfectants and products.

It is very powerful in killing viruses and harmful bacteria.

It is also added to your water to make safe for drinking.

I stated in earlier posts of this thread "cures not vaccines" and certain people laughed and said "never".

As the old saying goes, "never say never".

Trump is about TRUTH, JUSTICE and FREEDOM.

Trump is about CURES, not vaccines!

Trump is using the buried truths, like this patent for chlorine dioxide, to expose the corruption with certain Dems, Fauci, Birx and Big Pharma.

This is also why Pres. Trump keeps reinforcing the "Private Sector" is working on the new vaccines and treatments.

Private Sector means NOT the corrupt Big Pharma.

During a visit to the CDC in Atlanta Pres. Trump talks about the virus and eludes to his uncle, Dr. John Trump, a super genius who taught at MIT for a record number of years.

Dr. Trump made several discoveries and inventions.

He was also a great friend to Nikola Tesla.

After Nikola Tesla was found dead (more like murdered) in January 1943 in his hotel room in New York City, representatives of the U.S. government’s Office of Alien Property seized many documents relating to the brilliant and prolific 86-year-old inventor’s work.

It was the height of World War II, and Tesla had claimed to have invented a powerful particle-beam weapon, known as the “Death Ray,” that could have proved invaluable in the ongoing conflict. So rather than risk Tesla’s technology falling into the hands of America’s enemies, the government swooped in and took possession of all the property and documents from his room at the New Yorker Hotel.
What happened to Tesla’s files from there, as well as what exactly was in those files, remains shrouded in mystery—and ripe for conspiracy theories. After years of fielding questions about possible cover-ups, the FBI finally declassified some 250 pages of Tesla-related documents under the Freedom of Information Act in 2016. The bureau followed up with two additional releases, the latest in March 2018. But even with the publication of these documents, many questions still remain unanswered—and some of Tesla’s files are still missing.

Three weeks after the Serbian-American inventor’s death, an electrical engineer from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) was tasked with evaluating his papers to determine whether they contained “any ideas of significant value.” According to the declassified files, Dr. John G. Trump reported that his analysis showed Tesla’s efforts to be “primarily of a speculative, philosophical and promotional character” and said the papers did “not include new sound, workable principles or methods for realizing such results.”

What most don't understand is that Dr. Trump was an American Patriot who loved his country.

He discredited Tesla's work and gave misinformation to the Feds because he wanted to protect Americans and humanity from Tesla's work being used against them as part of an evil agenda.

I think it's fair to say we know exactly where the truth of these works landed!

Perhaps this is why Pres. Trump, during his visit to the Atlanta CDC stated, "I have a real knack for this stuff".

Pres. Trump knows the cures for diseases exist and he knows these technologies and therapies have been suppressed for decades, all for an evil agenda.

What are the best cures for viruses and diseases?

1. Chlorine Dioxide
2. UV light
3. Ozone Therapy

These 3 items all have one thing in common, they are 2 or 3 parts oxygen.

OXYGEN kills viruses and diseases, this has been medically and scientifically proven many times.

The air we breathe is roughly 80% Nitrogen and only 20% Oxygen, or in compound terms 2 parts Nitrogen and 1 part Oxygen.

Disease forms because cells don't get enough oxygen.

Adding a compound that is 2 or 3 parts oxygen to the body nourishes the cells which, in turn, kills the disease.

I am not a scientist, physicist or medical professional but I do have a great understanding of how the body works and how to protect it from disease.

This is why I haven't even had a common cold during my entire adult life.
Aug 17, 2019
Former Clinton adviser calls on Biden to withdraw over assault allegations

Peter Dauo, a political activist and one-time fierce Hillary Clinton backer, urged former Vice President Joe Biden to end his presidential bid over new developments in the sexual assault allegation against him.

Dauo, who worked for Clinton during her first presidential bid and was a prominent defender of her in the 2016 cycle, took to Twitter Saturday morning to say "Biden should withdraw."

In a "difficult" Twitter thread, Daou said the new information emerging in support of Tara Reade's sexual assault allegation against Biden prompted his stance.

"Credible rape accusations are disqualifying or we have NO moral standards," Daou wrote.

While Daou was a major Clinton booster in 2016, he shifted this cycle to back one-time Clinton opponent, Bernie Sanders.

Dauo suggests Democrats should reboot the presidential primary.

Although I agree with the withdraw request I can't ignore the irony in this one!

We have Dauo, a "fierce Hillary Clinton backer", having no problem supporting the biggest and most corrupt politician America has ever seen and yet he calls for another politician to withdraw for rape allegations even though "rape", although major and sick by anyone's standards, is MINOR in comparison to the crimes committed by Hillary!

The Dems and their presidential election campaign has turned into a 3-ring circus and a bad one!

First, a gay man who surprises everyone when he apparently wins the first primary. Biden only secured 8-10% of the votes that night.

That didn't go the way the Dems wanted so enter the "technical voting glitch" that delayed "official" results.

Once that "glitch" was "fixed" Biden's vote percentage jumped to be more in line with what the DNC wanted.

And these "glitches" continued to happen along the way until Biden was "declared" the "official" Pres. nominee.

Cheating is what the Dems do best, well not really because they are even bad at that as evidenced by failing to win in 2016, BUT it created the illusion that Biden was "their man".

Now, even after cheating in the primaries and getting who they wanted we now learn the man is a "RAPIST" (and pedophile too which you will soon learn).

But not just a "rapist" but a rapist with "dimentia" who can't even put a sentence together.

Even better, this man has been endorsed by former Pres., and non-U.S. citizen, Obama and many evil and corrupt elites.

What does this say for their character?

Not much because most don't have any character, they are just as corrupt or even more corrupt (which you will find out soon) than Biden himself.

What do the Dems do now?

It won't matter because there won't be an election and even if there is it won't matter because we already know Trump won in a landslide.
Aug 17, 2019
Trump and Putin Issue Rare Joint Statement Promoting Cooperation

WASHINGTON—U.S. President Donald Trump and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin issued a rare joint statement on Saturday commemorating a 1945 World War Two link-up of U.S. and Soviet troops on their way to defeat Nazi Germany as an example of how their countries can cooperate.

The Wall Street Journal reported that the decision to issue the statement sparked debate within the Trump administration, with some officials worried it could undercut stern U.S. messages to Moscow on arms control and Russia’s intervention in Ukraine and Syria, among other issues.

The joint statement marked the anniversary of the April 25, 1945, meeting on a bridge over the Elbe River in Germany of Soviet soldiers advancing from the east and American troops moving from the West.

“This event heralded the decisive defeat of the Nazi regime,” the statement said.

Once again, the intentional timing of action or release of information.

This is significant because many don't understand that Nazi Germany wasn't totally abolished then, a big part of it, specifically the Nazi Intell (Scientists, Engineers etc.), was relocated to the U.S. and allowed to continue.

They are part of the "Deep State" ("Cabal", "Illuminati") group, the "invisible enemy", that is being taken down by the Administration and its allies, like Putin and Russia.

It was America and Russia then and it is America and Russia now.

Perhaps, now you will understand why the Dems created "Russia Spygate", the biggest scandal in American history. (arrests imminent)
Aug 17, 2019

Donald J. Trump
@realDonaldTrump ·<time datetime="2020-04-25T22:01:41.000Z"> 14h</time>

What is the purpose of having White House News Conferences when the Lamestream Media asks nothing but hostile questions, & then refuses to report the truth or facts accurately.

They get record ratings, & the American people get nothing but Fake News. Not worth the time & effort!

6:01 PM · Apr 25, 2020


Pres. Trump used the MSM to communicate with the public daily.

MSM had record ratings as a result.

Now he abruptly dumps them on their asses... why?

Because the American people have seen enough and now understand these networks are FAKE news.

POTUS used the networks long enough to expose the truth of their fake reporting and to put it in plain sight for Americans and the world to see.

Now that everyone has seen it with their own eyes he can hold the MSM criminals accountable!

Again, Pres. Trump is the master of getting people to expose themselves!
Aug 17, 2019
Democratic leaders in Congress remain mum on Biden sexual assault allegations despite mounting uproar from progressives

Democratic leaders in Congress continued on Sunday to remain quiet on the sexual assault allegations leveled against their party’s presumptive presidential nominee Joe Biden, even as anger over the accusations mounted from the party’s more progressive wing.

Neither House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., nor Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., have made any public comment about the allegations by Tara Reade, a staffer for Biden in 1993, that the then-senator from Delaware sexually assaulted her.

Pelosi and Schumer’s offices did not return Fox News request for comment.

There is growing anger from both progressive Democrats and supporters of the #MeToo movement about the lack of response from Democratic leaders toward the allegations.

Of course Pelosi and Schumer didn't return the call for comment!

These anti-Americans are, instead, trying to figure out how to make it Pres. Trump's fault or distract the public some other way!

These Dems are not only evil, they are incompetent and pathetic!
Aug 17, 2019

Donald Trump Jr.

What Nancy Pelosi is neglecting to tell you is that most of these people were American citizens stranded abroad!

Would be nice if CNN mentioned those minor details but we know that’s not happening.

Fitting for Nancy since she seems to fight for everyone but American citizens.

Quote Tweet

CNN Politics
@CNNPolitics · <time datetime="2020-04-26T13:20:59.000Z">4h</time>

Speaker Pelosi on Trump's China travel restriction: "Tens of thousands of people were still allowed in from China. It wasn't as it is described as this great moment. ...

If you're going to shut the door because you have an evaluation of an epidemic, then shut the door" #CNNSOTU


9:57 AM · Apr 26, 2020


Pelosi has no time to return calls for comment on Biden's sexual assault allegations BUT has plenty of time to lie to Americans on live TV about Trump shutting the door on China travel.

Trump Jr. said it best, "...she seems to fight for everyone but American citizens."

I'm willing to bet that Pelosi would have had no problem if those 10,000 people were illegal immigrants!

These anti-Americans are looking more and more like clowns in a circus!
Aug 17, 2019
USNS Comfort to leave NYC harbor soon after assisting in coronavirus relief

The Naval hospital ship USNS Comfort is discharging or transferring its remaining coronavirus patients before leaving New York City's harbor.

The Comfort and its sister ship, the Mercy, were deployed in late March to New York and California, respectively, to support efforts to combat the pandemic.

The Comfort, with 1,000 beds and about 1,000 medical personnel, docked in New York on March 30 as coronavirus cases were surging, but wound up being sparsely used.

Initially, neither hospital ship intended to accept coronavirus patients. However, a series of complications forced the Comfort to alter its mission.

So once the women and children were rescued from the underground bunkers used for trafficking they offered the ship to Cuomo for the alleged "overflow" of COVID19 patients.

The ship was barely used so they are leaving!

And yet Cuomo is still jumping up and down and kicking and screaming acting like it's still armageddon.

Get real! Just another fraud exposed!
Aug 17, 2019
A certain member here is worse than the FAKE News.

He continues to litter a worthless thread with gibberish and fake news links.

He not only stalks my posts but continues to obsess over the "4 dates" I stated/implied along the way.

Despite the evidence of what occurred on these dates, and the significance, he continues to twist and turn these dates in any way he can to discredit the truth.

Now he claims these 4 dates were connected to the "imminent arrests".

Like the Fake News he will soon be out of business once the 6 slots are filled with those arrests which will be sooner than he thinks but perhaps not as soon as the awakened ones want it to be, but soon nonetheless.
Aug 17, 2019

Donald J. Trump
@realDonaldTrump ·<time datetime="2020-04-26T18:37:00.000Z"> 56m
When will all of the “reporters” who have received Noble Prizes for their work on Russia, Russia, Russia, only to have been proven totally wrong (and, in fact, it was the other side who committed the crimes), be turning back their cherished “Nobles” so that they can be given.... the REAL REPORTERS & JOURNALISTS who got it right. I can give the Committee a very comprehensive list.

When will the Noble Committee DEMAND the Prizes back, especially since they were gotten under fraud?

The reporters and Lamestream Media knew the truth all along....

...Lawsuits should be brought against all, including the Fake News Organizations, to rectify this terrible injustice.

For all of the great lawyers out there, do we have any takers?

When will the Noble Committee Act? Better be fast!
2:37 PM · Apr 26, 2020


FAKE Nobles to FAKE News journalists to try to create "credibility".

Just another thing that backfired on the lame-ass media and Dems who tried so desperately to cover up their crimes!

Like Pres. Trump said, "Better be fast!"

And for good reason!

Tick Tock....
Aug 17, 2019
The words of a man who knew he was framed but also knew justice would be served!

It won't be long before he is freed!


<header class="entry-header"> Newly Filed Court Documents Include Exculpatory Evidence For Michael Flynn

</header> New documents filed under seal in federal court include exculpatory information about former White House National Security Adviser Michael Flynn, an FBI official told The Federalist on Friday.

April 24, 2020 By Sean Davis

New court documents filed under seal include significant exculpatory information about Michael Flynn, President Donald Trump’s former National Security Adviser, an FBI official familiar with the situation told The Federalist on Friday. The new documents, which were filed under seal by the Department of Justice Friday, allegedly include exonerating evidence about Flynn, who pleaded guilty to lying to federal investigators about his conversations with foreign diplomats as Trump’s top incoming foreign policy adviser and is currently attempting to withdraw his plea, as well as evidence of malfeasance by the FBI during its investigation of Flynn.

According to the FBI official who spoke to The Federalist, FBI general counsel Dana Boente led the charge internally against DOJ’s disclosure of the new materials. Boente, who briefly served as acting Attorney General after Trump became president, personally signed off on one of the federal spy warrants against former Trump campaign affiliate Carter Page. The new documents, which were filed under a protective order by DOJ on Friday, will reflect poorly on the FBI, the official told The Federalist. It is not clear when, or even if, those documents will be unsealed and made available to the public for review.

Because the documents were filed under seal, The Federalist has not been able to review them independently. Neither the Department of Justice nor the White House responded to requests for comment about the newly filed court documents or their legal or political implications. Trump has reportedly been weighing whether to issue a pardon for Flynn.

Powell tweeted last month that the FBI was “still hiding evidence of Flynn’s innocence” and has noted repeatedly that the FBI has failed to produce the original written FBI account, known as a 302, of its agents’ conversation with Flynn that led to charges against him.

My original post was on 4/22/20 and this story broke 2 days later.

At least one member here will just write it off as "coincidence" again.

This member apparently does not understand there is no such thing as "coincidence".

Gen. Flynn will be completely exonerated this week.

Then the pain begins for those who framed him!

Gen. Flynn can't get back the time or money lost or the heartaches it caused him and his family but he can and WILL get JUSTICE!

Framing Gen. Flynn was the biggest mistake ever!

The REAL Patriots of the U.S.A. have Gen. Flynn's back!
Aug 17, 2019
Schiff Blocks Release Of Declassified Russia Probe Transcripts, Keeping Americans In The Dark

Why is he sitting on declassified interviews in the collusion probe?

The Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee Rep. Adam Schiff is keeping the truth from the American people. He doesn’t want anyone – beyond those in Congress and the Intelligence Community – to have access to the closed door transcripts of witnesses that have been already been declassified regarding the FBI’s Russia probe.Frustration is mounting against Schiff, D-CA, and so is patience among those in the administration, Congressional lawmakers and intelligence community who believe the American people have a right to see for themselves the testimony given by 53 witnesses behind closed doors during Congressional investigations into the FBI’s questionable actions and malfeasance during its investigation.

There’s a reason Schiff is fighting back, despite the unanimous bipartisan vote to release the transcripts in the fall of 2018. Schiff doesn’t want you to know the truth. The truth will destroy his credibility and the deceitful disinformation campaign he worked so hard to spread against President Donald Trump and his administration for years. This is the major reason why he has fought so diligently against his own committee’s vote and why he has scrambled behind the scenes on Capitol Hill to keep the documents, which should have been made public within weeks or months of the vote, from every seeing the light of day.
Many sources in the administration, who are familiar with the process, have said the same.

“It’s really concerning Adam Schiff is negating the bipartisan vote to release these transcripts to the public,” said an administration official, with knowledge of the declassification process. “He’s even going against his own prior statements about transparency. Schiff obviously wants to control what people see in a desperate bid to keep the discredited Russia collusion narrative alive.”

Schiff’s narrative, which is already laden with holes, will completely fall apart if the transcripts of the 53 witnesses in the FBI’s ‘so-called’ Russia collusion probe go public. According to sources, 43 of the transcripts have already been declassified. Ranking Republican member Devin Nunes has pointed the finger at Schiff, saying he is acting as a blockade in preventing the release of the documents. Nunes, who was a guest on the Sara Carter Show last month, also stressed the importance of making public the secret testimony of former Intelligence Community Inspector General Michael Atkinson, in which he discussed his controversial handling of the so-called whistleblower complaint regarding Trump and Ukraine. Nunes said, like the transcripts regarding the Russia hoax, Schiff is fighting to keep Atkinson’s testimony secret. Nunes, along with other senior Republican lawmakers, have an ongoing investigation into Atkinson. Without sharing details, Nunes said Atkinson either lied to members of Congress or he needed to ‘seriously’ clarify his statements.

Some of the testimony being kept from the public includes former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, longtime Trump friend Roger Stone, as well as former Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta. There’s also testimony of former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe and Perkins Coie lawyers Michael Sussman, a former DOJ lawyer who passed along alleged details about Russian interference to former FBI general counsel James Baker. Moreover, there is Don Jr’s testimony, former White House aide Hope Hicks and Marc Elias, the chairman who was the Clinton campaign’s general counsel that hired the embattled research firm Fusion GPS to investigate the debunked theory that Trump conspired with Russia.

Those transcripts have been kept from the public by Schiff, D-CA, because it is damaging to their “impeachment scam,” said Nunes on the podcast.

But pressure is mounting and more and more against Schiff.

Last week, John Solomon with Just The News, published a letter Schiff sent in 2019 to then DNI Dan Coats.

The letter specifically ordered that the witness transcripts not be shared with President Trump, nor the White House lawyers. He made this clear, even if the declassification process required sharing, Solomon noted.

“Under no circumstances shall ODNI, or any other element of the Intelligence Community (IC), share any HPSCI transcripts with the White House, President Trump or any persons associated with the White House or the President,” Schiff wrote in a March 26, 2019 letter to then-Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats.

“Such transcripts remain the sole property of HPSCI, and were transmitted to ODNI for the limited purpose of enabling a classification review by IC elements and the Department of Justice,” Schiff added.
On Friday, a senior intelligence official told the The Washington Examiner that “Schiff is thwarting the will of the House Intelligence Committee as expressed in the bipartisan vote in September 2018 to make these transcripts public. He has appointed himself arbiter of what the public should see and has refused to allow the White House to review its own equities, making declassification of 10 of the transcripts impossible. It’s difficult to imagine any motive other than Schiff is still trying to control the narrative on Russia collusion.”

The People will know the TRUTH soon!

Anti-American Schiff has a one-way ticket punched to GITMO!
Aug 17, 2019
The case against Ilhan Omar, part 1 — 2018 Ilhan Omar documentary prints her father’s name as ‘Nur Said’ — three times

Finally, some 'Nur Said' evidence that Rep. Omar can't purge from social media.

The legal case against Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) may seem difficult to follow, but the facts are actually clear and compelling. As Rep. Omar campaigns for her third election, TheBlaze will be publishing exclusive new evidence while getting readers up to speed on the four years of already-public facts.

First, learn the simple heart of the case: During her 2009-17 marriage, Omar seemed to have a father AND a father-in-law named Nur Said — a name so rare that in the U.S./U.K. only one man alive seems to fit both descriptions.

Rep. Omar has likely committed the most extensive spree of federal and state felonies by an elected official in American history. It may also be the most well-documented.

Several dozen pieces of verified evidence support the case against her. None support her defense. And unlike, for example, the complex case against the Steele dossier's legitimacy, the facts implicating Rep. Omar are clear, accessible, and seemingly beyond a reasonable doubt.

What's this?

Just another Democrat committing crimes at the highest level!

And they will go to any extreme to fill their agendas, like marrying your own BROTHER in this case!

Again, this isn't about politics it's about criminals who just so happen to almost always be democrats!
Aug 17, 2019
Pelosi endorses Joe Biden for president, amid development in sexual assault claim

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., endorsed Joe Biden for president on Monday morning, becoming yet another high-profile Democrat to publicly back the party's presumptive nominee amid claims he sexually assaulted an aide in the 1990s. Biden's campaign has denied the claim.

"I'm proud to endorse Joe Biden for president of the United States because he will be an extraordinary president," Pelosi said in the video. "He knows how to get the job done."

Pelosi touted Biden's work in various policy areas, his relationship with former President Barack Obama and his behind-the-scenes personality and demeanor.

This endorsement shouldn't surprise anyone!

It's only reasonable to expect one of the most evil anti-Americans who is one of the biggest "child traffickers" to support another evil anti-American who is a "rapist".

"He knows how to get the job done."

Joe can't even put a complete sentence together, how on earth could he ever run a country!

And like this endorsement even matters!

Both will be in GITMO before the election anyway!
Aug 17, 2019
Former VP Gore endorses former VP Biden for president

Former Vice President Al Gore – a global leader in the fight to combat climate change – pointed to the environment on Wednesday as he backed former Vice President Joe Biden’s White House bid.

Gore said that supporting the presumptive Democratic nominee over President Trump is “not rocket science.”

“This is the clearest most definitive choice in a national election that the United States of American has ever faced, especially for people who care about the climate,” Gore said in an interview with The Associated Press.

“If there is any person in America who cares about the climate crisis and has any doubt whatsoever about the importance of voting for Joe Biden this November, I want to emphasize to that person in as strong a way as I possibly can: This is not complicated,” Gore added. “This is not rocket science. This is not a close call."

Gore won a Fake Nobel Prize for his Fake work involving "Global Warming", one of the biggest scams ever!

So again, it is only reasonable to see one criminal endorse another!

"If there is any person in America who cares about the climate crisis..."

Biden cares so much of the environment he is still taking money from the oil industry!

Despite fossil fuel pledge, Biden still taking money linked to oil industry

A board member of the petrochemical giant Phillips 66 with ties to Joe Biden has donated the maximum allowable amount to his presidential campaign, and Biden's campaign recently paid $85,000 to a travel company linked to the donor, Federal Election Commission (FEC) filings from April show -- despite Biden's pledge "not to take contributions over $200 from oil, gas, and coal industry executives, lobbyists, and PACs."

For Biden, who has repeatedly suggested that some fossil fuel executives should be jailed, the revelation again threatened to undercut his messaging on climate change -- which has earned him recent endorsements from fellow former VP Al Gore, Washington Gov. Jay Inslee and others. Earlier this year, though, Biden told an anti-pipeline activist to "go vote for someone else," in a dispute caught on camera. And, environmentalists sounded the alarm last year when Biden attended a high-dollar fundraiser hosted by the co-founder of a liquefied natural gas-related company.

No SANE person would ever vote for this clown!

Thank GOD Americans are WAKING UP!
Aug 17, 2019
De Blasio appoints wife to head coronavirus racial inequality task force

Mayor de Blasio isn’t letting the controversy surrounding his wife’s embattled billion-dollar mental-health initiative stop him from appointing her to head a new coronavirus recovery task force.

Citing her work with the ThriveNYC initiative, de Blasio revealed on Sunday that First Lady Chirlane McCray, a rumored contender for Brooklyn borough president, would co-chair a Task Force on Racial Inclusion and Equity as the city plans its eventual reopening.

“The economic and racial disparities that have been made so clear by this crisis, we knew about them before,” said de Blasio, who was elected six years ago on a pledge to make the city more equitable and eliminate its “tale of two cities.” “A powerful, painful exclamation point has been put on them by this crisis.”

New York’s poorest ZIP codes have been hardest hit by pandemic, city data show, and minorities — many among the city’s essential workers — have died at disproportionately high rates.

De Blasio said he formed the task force to ensure New York’s underdogs aren’t left behind in the recovery.


Just someone trying to cover up all the corruption around the handling of COVID19.

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