Important Virus Update

Aug 17, 2019
[h=1]Sen. Graham: Dems desire to destroy Trump is greater than its desire to destroy the virus[/h] [video][/video]
Aug 17, 2019
The words of a man who knew he was framed but also knew justice would be served!

It won't be long before he is freed!

Aug 17, 2019
Here is someone that knows "what's up"!


@BlayneLannan1 ·<time datetime="2020-04-21T23:22:45.000Z"> 12h</time>

The Rothschild family, The Vatican, and the House of Windsor have financed both sides of armed conflict since the Revolutionary War.

In 1910 the USA was sold to corrupt bankers, and we were debt slaves until about 2 weeks ago.

JFK was assassinated by the CIA, George HW Bush
Aug 17, 2019
What you most likely won't hear in MSM...

Dr. Birx says that the U.S. has one of the lowest coronavirus mortality rates in the world

But, instead, MSM will continue to shove the "death toll numbers" in your face because the numbers look far more dramatic than the reality of the mortality rate.

The mortality rate doesn't serve the FEAR narrative.

The mortality rate also reflects the reality that it's virtually the same as influenza and this would cause people to change their views and no longer be afraid of COVID-19.
Aug 17, 2019
the chief evil spirit; Satan.

a person who publicly supports or recommends a particular cause or policy.

Therefore, a "devil's advocate" is a public supporter of Satan's causes or policies.

People play "devil's advocate" when they are threatened by the truth and have to try to discredit it.

Truth always shows itself. Satan does too, usually in the final hours!

Truth is God and God always wins!

One member here openly admits he is the "devils advocate" and now he is using clickbait thread titles and sharing links from sources that have no credibility or integrity.

Advocates of Satan aren't interested in TRUTH they only look for ways to try to discredit it while trying to convince you that "God sent him".

Do your own research, use discernment and trust your intuition more than ever!
Aug 17, 2019
Democratic Georgia rep who endorsed Trump resigns after backlash

Georgia Democratic state Rep. Vernon Jones announced Tuesday he is resigning from his seat after last week endorsing President Trump's reelection -- a move that quickly earned him backlash from Georgia Democrats.

According to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Jones told The Rashad Richey Morning Show, a talk show in Atlanta, that despite his resignation he would not be leaving the Democratic Party because "somebody's got to be in there to hold them accountable -- hold them accountable to how they are treating black people [and] root out the bigotry."

"Turn the lights off, I have left the plantation," Jones said in a separate statement officially announcing his resignation, according to the Journal-Constitution. "Someone else can occupy that suite. Therefore, I intend not to complete my term effective April 22, 2020."
Vernon Jones

I’ve seen more Democrats attack me for my decision to endorse @realDonaldTrump than ask me why.

They’ve used and abused folks in my community for far too long, taking our votes for granted.

Black Americans are waking up. An uprising is near.

<time class="dt-updated" datetime="2020-04-21T23:58:36+0000" pubdate="" title="Time posted: April 21, 2020 23:58:36 (UTC)">7:58 PM - Apr 21, 2020</time>

"Black Americans are waking up. An uprising is near."


This is the Democrats worst nightmare!
Aug 17, 2019
CNN’s Chris Cuomo’s emergence from basement compared to infamous ‘Brian Williams Iraq moment’

Tucker exposes the scandal behind Chris Cuomo's quarantine

CNN host Chris Cuomo’s now-infamous video of his “official reentry” into normal society after recovering from coronavirus has been labeled his “Brian Williams Iraq moment” after critics claimed he wasn’t being truthful.

"Alright, here it is... the official reentry from the basement, cleared by the CDC," Cuomo narrated Monday as he walked upstairs to greet his family. "This is what I've been dreaming of, literally, for weeks… this is the dream, just to be back up here doing normal things."

But he wasn’t really stuck in his basement for weeks.

Cuomo previously admitted he was involved in a heated altercation that took place outside his second property, in completely different area of the Hamptons, over Easter weekend. A bicyclist – who filed a police complaint – claimed that the CNN anchor was violating quarantine guidelines enforced by his brother, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo. The CNN host confirmed an altercation took place on his radio show.

Gotta love FAKE NEWS Networks who get sloppy!

Jan 30, 2008
What you most likely won't hear in MSM...

Dr. Birx says that the U.S. has one of the lowest coronavirus mortality rates in the world

But, instead, MSM will continue to shove the "death toll numbers" in your face because the numbers look far more dramatic than the reality of the mortality rate.

The mortality rate doesn't serve the FEAR narrative.

The mortality rate also reflects the reality that it's virtually the same as influenza and this would cause people to change their views and no longer be afraid of COVID-19.

I do agree that "death toll numbers" are used for sensationalism. Would the mortality rate from Covid-19 be on par or higher with influenza if preventative measures (social distancing, travel ban, self quarantine, face masks) were not used in you opinion?
Aug 17, 2019
I do agree that "death toll numbers" are used for sensationalism. Would the mortality rate from Covid-19 be on par or higher with influenza if preventative measures (social distancing, travel ban, self quarantine, face masks) were not used in you opinion?

The fact that the U.S. has one of the lowest mortality rates is because the Administration acted quickly and shut down the borders to China when they did despite the advice received by the W.H.O. and other so-called experts.

It's not coincidence that those countries who listened to the W.H.O. have suffered a tremendous loss of life and some continue to struggle.

Because of the Administration's quick and aggressive actions we not only flattened the curve in a very short time but they saved a tremendous number of lives and put ourselves in a position to help these other nations.

Anyone who thinks the Administration failed at any level is simply delusional and/or trying to push alternative agendas.

Jan 8, 2015
:):)More comedyshow here. The only reason the USA and Canada dodged a ginormous bullet is because Covid acts differently in North America than it did in Europe, if it acted the same both countries would have 4 times as many deaths by now. Viruses mutate over time and act differently as the seasons change.
The record of how trump failed the US in regards to covid will never be erased, try as he may.
Seek help fast buddy, you're deteriorating more every day.
Aug 17, 2019
Texas judge’s 30-day coronavirus mask order blasted as 'ultimate government overreach'

A judge in Harris County, Texas, on Wednesday ordered residents to start wearing face masks in public for 30 days beginning next week — or possibly face a fine.

But Judge Lina Hidalgo’s action, which intended to help stem the spread of the coronavirus in the third most populous county in the U.S., drew immediate pushback — including from the state’s lieutenant governor, who called the move “the ultimate government overreach,” and Rep. Dan Crenshaw, who wrote that "commonsense guidelines" should never lead to "unjust tyranny."

Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick noted in a Twitter message that Hidalgo’s order – affecting some 4 million Texans in Houston and some nearby communities – was announced on the same day as plans surfaced for closing a costly temporary hospital “because it wasn’t needed.”

“These kind of confused government policies fuel public anger — and rightfully so,” wrote Patrick, who has been a vocal advocate for reopening the Texas economy and getting people back to work.

Crenshaw said health guidelines should be "emphatically promoted," but he objected to the punitive aspects of the judge's order.

Aside from Patrick and Crenshaw, Hidalgo’s order also drew backlash from a Houston police officers’ union, which called the order “draconian,” and said it was seeking guidance from the state attorney general’s office on whether the fine for offenders was legal, the Houston Chronicle reported.

“It is clear the so-called leader of Harris County lacks any critical thinking skills,” President Joe Gamaldi of Houston Police Officers’ Union Lodge 110 wrote in a statement. “But let me assure the public, our officers do!”

Hildalgo responded by saying the police were “entitled to their opinions." She added that she wasn’t looking to impose “a police state,” but rather was looking to slow the spread of the virus.


Tipping the hat to the Houston Police Officer's Union for taking a stand against excessive [illegal] laws that violate our constitutional rights!

"We draw the line at the draconian measures"

"We will continue to serve with honor, and respect our community, despite Hidalgo's best effort to erode that respect."

Our Police and Military have our backs! They know "what's up"!

Fear nothing brothers!
Aug 17, 2019
California lawmakers seek details on Newsom's $1 billion mask deal with Chinese manufacturer

California lawmakers on both sides of the aisle are requesting details from Gov. Gavin Newsom regarding a $1 billion deal to buy hundreds of millions of coronavirus protective masks from a Chinese manufacturer, according to a report.

Two weeks after announcing the plan on cable news, Newsom has given few details about the deal, which will cost taxpayers 30 percent more than the governor’s January budget allotted for infectious diseases for the whole fiscal year, The Los Angeles Times reported.

The governor is planning to buy 200 million masks per month from an American subsidiary of Chinese electric car company BYD, which are set to start arriving in early May.

The company said it would make 5 million masks a day, according to the Times, much more than American company 3M, which makes around 100 million a month.

The governor’s office has denied requests for more information about the deal, The Times reported and the state has already sent the first installment of $495 million to BYD.

Lawmakers have yet to see a copy of the contract that Newsom’s office signed with BYD.

“It would be great to get a heads-up directly from the governor’s office rather than watching it on national TV,” Democratic Assembly Budget Committee Phil Ting said in an interview Wednesday with the San Francisco Chronicle.

This is what corruption looks like!

"Secret" agreements that make no sense and bypass normal chains of communication/approval with quick large payments made to companies owned/controlled by evil people like Warren Buffet.

This is their way of stealing money from the American People, something they have done for decades!

And let's illegally award this contract to CHINA, even in the midst of all the controversy around the virus and some of their defective products/supplies.

Newsom can get ready to punch his one way ticket to GITMO!
Aug 17, 2019
Gov. Cuomo hires McKinsey & Company to help reopen New York

Gov. Cuomo has decided he does not "trust" the Trump Administration's plan to come up with a safe and sensible plan to reopen New York

Tucker Carlson takes a close look at elite consulting firm McKinsey & Company and uncovers their extensive ties to CHINA!


This is what corruption looks like!

Contracts that make no sense, bypassing our own health experts and officials, our own economic advisors and pay absurd amounts of money to the most corrupt communist consulting firm in the world!

One member here called Cuomo a "Rock Star", even said he thinks he should be President!

Perhaps he needs a lesson in "corruption 101".

The Administration knows "what's up" and they continue to let the evil anti-Americans continue to show themselves and expose themselves.

Meanwhile, they already have one way tickets to GITMO waiting to be delivered!
Aug 17, 2019
Nearly all NY coronavirus patients suffered underlying health issue, study finds

A new study by a medical journal revealed that most of the people in New York City who were hospitalized due to coronavirus had one or more underlying health issues.

Health records from 5,700 patients hospitalized within the Northwell Health system -- which housed the most patients in the country throughout the pandemic -- showed that 94 percent of patients had more than one disease other than COVID-19, according to the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA).

“Having serious comorbidities increases your risk,” said Karina Davidson, one of the study’s authors and senior vice president for the Feinstein Institutes for Medical Research, which is part of the Northwell Health system, according to reports by Time.

“This is a very serious disease with a very poor outcome for those who have severe infections from it. We want patients with serious chronic disease to take a special precaution and to seek medical attention early, should they start showing signs and symptoms of being infected. That includes knowing that they’ve been exposed to someone who has this virus.”

I provided truth that the original COVID-19 test did not test for the virus itself.

I provided truth on why COVID-19 numbers were "inflated"

The chances are VERY good that these people died from their underlying diseases/illneses and being wrongfully reported since hospitals were directed to list COVID-19 as the reason.

When the dust settles people will realize this pandemic was a complete over-reaction and COVID-19 is nothing more than another "flu".

Jan 30, 2008
The fact that the U.S. has one of the lowest mortality rates is because the Administration acted quickly and shut down the borders to China when they did despite the advice received by the W.H.O. and other so-called experts.

It's not coincidence that those countries who listened to the W.H.O. have suffered a tremendous loss of life and some continue to struggle.

Because of the Administration's quick and aggressive actions we not only flattened the curve in a very short time but they saved a tremendous number of lives and put ourselves in a position to help these other nations.

Anyone who thinks the Administration failed at any level is simply delusional and/or trying to push alternative agendas.

You have stated that the Covid-19 mortality rate is similar to the influenza mortality rate. Do you feel that the Covid-19 mortality rate would be higher that the influenza mortality rate without the quick and aggressive actions of this Administration?
Aug 17, 2019
You have stated that the Covid-19 mortality rate is similar to the influenza mortality rate. Do you feel that the Covid-19 mortality rate would be higher that the influenza mortality rate without the quick and aggressive actions of this Administration?

Again, the quick response and aggressive actions by the Administration were instrumental in getting control over COVID-19 on many levels which ultimately saved lives.

Not listening to the W.H.O. proved to be the right move as evidenced by the mortality rates of other countries who chose to listen to them.

The decision to halt funding to the W.H.O. will also prove to one of the best decisions ever made by a President.

Jan 30, 2008
Not quite sure if that means yes or no. If you prefer to not answer, that's okay also.
Aug 17, 2019
Former CIA operative: China uses Dems as 'useful idiots' to spread propaganda, Biden 'in the tank' for Beijing

Former CIA operative Bryan Dean Wright reacted Thursday to a new report that China helped to spread misinformation about coronavirus, calling out Democrats - including former Vice President Joe Biden - for placing too much trust in Beijing's narratives...

In an interview on "Fox & Friends," Wright - a Democrat who supports President Trump - said the president should initially give President Xi Jinping the chance to "do the right thing" -- acknowledge a degree of culpability, and offer up a solution to all who have been devastated by the virus.

"And, if they don't -- which, by the way, I doubt that they will, having worked with these folks in the past -- we now have to then rally the troops. And not, of course, not just the American people here. I'm talking about a global alliance to tell President Xi that, in fact, he is culpable," he said.

Wright said China will "push back" and have already started to push their own narrative using "useful idiots in the Democratic Party" to blame Trump.

By now it should be no secret the anti-American communist Democrats have supported and been a part of CCP's plan to be the global power!

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