Important Virus Update

Aug 17, 2019
Top Manhattan ER Doctor Commits Suicide After Treating Coronavirus Patients

In a shocking example of the psychic toll that those fighting on the front lines of the coronavirus outbreak endure, a top emergency room doctor who treated coronavirus patients at a hospital in Manhattan has committed suicide, the New York Times reports.

Dr. Lorna M. Breen, the medical director of the emergency department at New York-Presbyterian Allen Hospital, died in Virginia on Sunday, where she was staying with family, according to her father who discussed her death with the Times.

"She tried to do her job, and it killed her," he said.

Breen's father, also an MD, said his daughter had contracted the virus, but had gone back to work after recuperating for about a week and a half. Then, the hospital sent her home again, but at this point her family moved to bring her back to Charlottesville, Va.

Breen, 49, had no history of mental illness, but when she last spoke with her father, she reportedly described a horrifying onslaught of patients found DOA in ambulances, all of them COVID-19 patients.

Something doesn't feel right about this!

Perhaps it's somehow connected to this video that is going viral? (IT'S A MUST WATCH)


At the onset of this thread I stated that COVID was another "9/11".

I'm sure people laughed or even called me crazy but if you understand the bigger picture agendas then you might consider it as the reality.

As we moved through the reporting of this virus it became even more clear that something wasn't right with this story.

I maintained that the reported virus numbers were inflated and this proved true.

I also reported that hospitals were virtually empty and many healthcare workers started to come forward speaking their truth which supported my claim.

There was mass hysteria in NYC and Cuomo kept feeding it, however, he was caught in a lie about several thousand ventilators in a storage warehouse in New Jersey that he allegedly didn't know were delivered and then he never utilized USNS Mercy for all these alleged COVID patients after screaming publicly about his hospitals looking like "war zones".

This is starting to feel like another attempted "9/11" coverup.

This was was the comment of the OP of that video.

the_wake_up_q Top ER doctors are NOT killing them selves. Hundreds of natural health practitioners are not killing themselves! Wake up!

When health care professionals make discoveries or breakthroughs and they become vocal about it, [they] kill them. Plain and simple. Rather then being allowed to blow the whistle, they are silenced.

No longer will we buy the convenient narrative of people just offing themselves. Remember, Democrats LOVE open borders because MS-13 gang members can easily cross. MS-13 are literally the the deep states mercenary army. They can employ them to off whoever they need offed. Stage it as a suicide. The media runs the story and it’s done.

Information warfare.
Aug 17, 2019
Dipshit doesn't understand that his thread has become the rubber room comedy show. Nobody reads his dumb shit because it is hard to understand and his English SUCKS. The guy is 75 fuckin years old and he has no clue how to compose a paragraph so it can be read. Moron

His shit gets buried with comedy, cartoons and photos (wink,wink). The moron talks to himself as you can see because nobody else responds to his posts (lol)

I love the truth memes you post!

Stay awake brother and keep spreading the truth!
Aug 17, 2019
Hillary Clinton endorses Joe Biden: 'I am thrilled to be part of your campaign'

Hillary Clinton on Tuesday endorsed Joe Biden for president.

The former first lady, senator from New York, secretary of state, and 2016 Democratic presidential nominee backed Biden as she teamed up with the former vice president during a Biden campaign virtual town hall.

“I want to add my voice to the many who have endorsed you to be our president,” Clinton said.

“Just think of what a difference it would make right now if we had a president who not only listened to the science, put fact over fiction, but brought us together, showed the kind of compassion and caring that we need from our president and which Joe Biden has been exemplifying throughout his entire life,” Clinton emphasized.

Nothing to report here.

Just the Queen of Child Trafficking supporting one of the men that has enabled her and made it all possible.

I think she meant to say, "I am thrilled to be the head of your Child Trafficking campaign."

They will be great roommates at GITMO!

Jan 8, 2015
:):) Another productive week here!
1 million cases and counting, 58.000 deaths, more dead Americans than Vietnam!
Briefings are cancelled!!! Briefings are not cancelled!!! Wait, I'm making an ass of myself again, I'm cancelling briefings!!!
Hey, LOVE the comments on the Spanish flu.....@):mad:

What I'm not seeing though, is mass arrests, indictments, the 2nd coming or any of the moronic visions you've been prattling on about for 54 pages......
Aug 17, 2019
:):) Another productive week here!
1 million cases and counting, 58.000 deaths, more dead Americans than Vietnam!
Briefings are cancelled!!! Briefings are not cancelled!!! Wait, I'm making an ass of myself again, I'm cancelling briefings!!!
Hey, LOVE the comments on the Spanish flu.....@):mad:

What I'm not seeing though, is mass arrests, indictments, the 2nd coming or any of the moronic visions you've been prattling on about for 54 pages......

The following link might be more appropriate for you.

Active member
Nov 23, 2011
This was was the comment of the OP of that video.

the_wake_up_q Top ER doctors are NOT killing them selves. Hundreds of natural health practitioners are not killing themselves! Wake up!

When health care professionals make discoveries or breakthroughs and they become vocal about it, [they] kill them. Plain and simple. Rather then being allowed to blow the whistle, they are silenced.

No longer will we buy the convenient narrative of people just offing themselves. Remember, Democrats LOVE open borders because MS-13 gang members can easily cross. MS-13 are literally the the deep states mercenary army. They can employ them to off whoever they need offed. Stage it as a suicide. The media runs the story and it’s done.

Information warfare.

So u are saying the Virginia doctor was murdered?

Jan 8, 2015
The following link might be more appropriate for you.

Nah, those partisan screaming matches are boring as hell.
See, I develop my lofty opinion based on my above average intellect, my high quality education, my sound common sense, my rich life experience etc..
I despise trump not because he happens to be a Republican now, I despise him because he's an incompetent idiot with no redeeming qualities as a human being.
That said, I keep popping in here to make sure I don't miss you getting run over by the bus called reality, no matter how late it happens to arrive. w-thumbs!^
Aug 17, 2019
Gen. Flynn will be completely exonerated this week.

Then the pain begins for those who framed him!

Gen. Flynn can't get back the time or money lost or the heartaches it caused him and his family but he can and WILL get JUSTICE!

Framing Gen. Flynn was the biggest mistake ever!

The REAL Patriots of the U.S.A. have Gen. Flynn's back!

The same information being used to FREE Gen. Flynn is the same evidence being used to INDICT others by the Grand Jury.
Aug 17, 2019
It was almost a year ago that POTUS told the public what was coming.


Donald J. Trump

My Campaign for President was conclusively spied on. Nothing like this has ever happened in American Politics. A really bad situation.

TREASON means long jail sentences, and this was TREASON!

7:11 AM · May 17, 2019

The time is upon us and this is why COVID-19 showed up.

It was engineered and introduced according to the Dems plan to destroy the economy ahead of the election.

This is why the Dems are trying everything they can to keep you locked up inside and further delay the opening of the economy.

This is why MSM keeps pushing the fear narrative.

This is why MSM is banning anyone that challenges the COVID19 narrative.

This is why social media is deleting all posts that challenge the COVID19 narrative and banning accounts with large followings.

They are desperately trying to hijack the election to regain control before they all end up in GITMO.

Desperate times call for desperate measures.

But NOTHING, not even COVID19, will stop this!
Aug 17, 2019
Billionaire George Soros Invests $45 Million into Activision Blizzard

Reclaim the Net (citing Fintel) reports that Soros has purchased 758,000 shares for $45 million USD. Fintel states this occurred on February 14th.

Soros has been accused by some of using his fortune to manipulate international politics and economics. Soros is the founder of Open Society Foundations, and has also funded many efforts and organizations some deem to be liberal, Marxist, politically left, or globalist ideals.

These include accusations of aiding migrant and refugee caravans from Africa and the Middle East, supporting the US Democratic party during the 2016 US Presidential election, supporting pro-European Union efforts during the United Kingdom’s Brexit debates and elections, and supporting internet censorship under the guise of fighting hate speech.

Soros has also been accused of organizing protesters- such as those against the US Supreme Court nomination of Brett Kavanaugh, and the extreme right-wing and white nationalist protesters during the Unite the Right rally.

These claims have been rejected by the mainstream media, claiming they are right-wing conspiracy theories- with some based around antisemitism. [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]. None of the accusations levied at Soros have resulted in legal charges or prosecution.

The DNC's "secure" communications (video games) have been exposed!

Soros is anti-American and the most evil man on this planet.

He provides a huge part of the financing for the evil world takeover agenda.

This evil group used gaming as a creative way to communicate "securely".

MSM supports the evil agenda with their controlled narratives.

MSM discounts any claims against Soros as "right wing conspiracy".

"Conspiracy" is another word for truth.

Truth always shows itself.

Video game chats prove many recent "false flag" events including the Capital Gazette Shootings and Toronto shootings in 2018 were staged by this evil group.

Aug 17, 2019

Twitter Support

We’re having some trouble delivering DMs right now. You may be getting DM notifications, but not seeing the messages that were sent. As soon as this is fixed, we’ll let you know!

7:57 PM · Apr 28, 2020


Aug 17, 2019

Mayor Bill de Blasio

My message to the Jewish community, and all communities, is this simple: the time for warnings has passed. I have instructed the NYPD to proceed immediately to summons or even arrest those who gather in large groups. This is about stopping this disease and saving lives. Period.

9:35 PM · Apr 28, 2020

Melissa A.

Replying to @NYCMayor

What these Dem tyrants are doing is illegal Supreme Court Ruling in Ex Parte Milligan still stands today: “Neither the legislature nor an executive or Judicial officer may disregard the provisions of the constitution in case of emergency..” Violation forfeits your office!


Of course it's illegal and a violation of our Constitutional Rights.

The problem is Americans have been dumbed down so much they don't even know or understand what their Constitutional Rights are!

Lucky for them Pres. Trump and his Administration DO!

And this is why they recently assigned Federal Prosecutors to oversee the State's activities around the handling of COVID19 and the re-opening of their economies!

This isn't about politics it's about protecting our freedom!
Aug 17, 2019
One member here thinks I am part of a right wing "conspiracy" cult.

This member spends way too much time trying to discredit me and what I share instead of trying to prove my information wrong.

This member is no better than the MSM and operates in the same way. (Fake news?)

This member is a self-proclaimed "spiritualist" and yet spends his days judging others. (hypocrisy?)

This member allegedly "purchased" his wife. (prostitution?)

I have a good understanding of all religious texts and, although some support "organized marriages", I can't recall one that supports "buying" a wife. (hypocrisy?)

Misinformation + Hypocrisy = Bad character
Aug 17, 2019
So u are saying the Virginia doctor was murdered?

I shared one man's perspective but consider this:

1. Almost 50% of the virus cases are in NYC which defies all laws of numbers and averages.
2. Many healthcare workers in NYC coming forward and starting to speak truth about the virus and the handling of it.
3. A video from an "inside whistlblower" goes viral and talks about how people are not dying but being murdered in NYC hospitals (I shared it here a few days ago).
4. New York Nurses Union recently filed a lawsuit against New York for lack of protective equipment.
5. New York received far more protective equipment than the rest of the nation and more than they ever needed which is very well documented.
6. Cuomo caught lying about thousands of respirators sitting in one of their storage facilities in New Jersey.
7. Feds raid Brooklyn warehouse storing excessive supplies.
8. Feeds raid another New Jersey warehouse with connections to NYC storing excessive supplies.
9. Cuomo's brother caught lying about his "quarantine".
10. USNS Comfort cleared to accept COVID19 overflow patients and virtually none were sent to them.
11. A well respected woman who runs the largest ER with no history of depression or mental illness all of a sudden decides to "commit suicide".
12. She "commits suicide" in the State of Virginia, the state run by a Governor who is close friends with the Clinton's.
13. A lot of people the Clinton's know have "committed suicide" over the last 20+ years including friends and employees.

Is any of this in NY starting to look like corruption or a cover up?

Seems like a fair question...
Aug 17, 2019
Foreign Affair
"Foreign Women Seeking American Men"

Sounds like a creative way to say "Foreign Women Seeking U.S. Green Cards"

"Free Will"

To each his own.
Aug 17, 2019

Donald J. Trump

45th President of the United States of America
Joined March 2009


Joe Biden

Senator, Vice President, 2020 candidate for President of the United States, husband to @DrBiden, proud father & grandfather. Loves ice cream, aviators & @Amtrak
Wilmington, DE
Joined March 2007



It would be mathematically impossible for Biden to win the election based on these numbers alone.
Aug 17, 2019
I live in a state with a Democratic Governor.

The state I live in is also one of the most diverse in the nation.

I have spoken to THOUSANDS of people over the past few weeks, all ages and races, and NOT ONE PERSON has said they are voting for Biden.

I can honestly say in all my years on this planet I have NEVER seen such an overwhelming support for a current President and his Administration.

Cars and trucks driving around with American Flags and Trump signs and stickers on cars and front lawns everywhere.

Genuine Patriotism at its highest level ever.

People in communities more unified than ever rallying together and helping each other!

It's truly a beautiful thing!

All of this contradicts the FAKE Polls the MSM wants you to believe.

There is ZERO CHANCE Biden is "ahead" in any poll and ZERO CHANCE he wins this election.

Again, this is isn't about politics it's about the truth that is everywhere around us!

It's tangible!

You can see it, hear it and feel it!



Aug 17, 2019
It was almost a year ago that POTUS told the public what was coming.


Donald J. Trump

My Campaign for President was conclusively spied on. Nothing like this has ever happened in American Politics. A really bad situation.

TREASON means long jail sentences, and this was TREASON!

7:11 AM · May 17, 2019

The time is upon us and this is why COVID-19 showed up.

It was engineered and introduced according to the Dems plan to destroy the economy ahead of the election.

This is why the Dems are trying everything they can to keep you locked up inside and further delay the opening of the economy.

This is why MSM keeps pushing the fear narrative.

This is why MSM is banning anyone that challenges the COVID19 narrative.

This is why social media is deleting all posts that challenge the COVID19 narrative and banning accounts with large followings.

They are desperately trying to hijack the election to regain control before they all end up in GITMO.

Desperate times call for desperate measures.

But NOTHING, not even COVID19, will stop this!

[h=1]Twitter bans Joe Biden's critics—including journalists[/h]Twitter is enforcing a one-sided policy that favors presidential candidate Joe Biden.

Twitter is enforcing a one-sided policy that favors presidential candidate Joe Biden. Memes that cast the Democratic nominee have been declared verboten, with Twitter coming down hard on users who mock the probably senile and not-all-there octogenarian with fake campaign ads.

The Post Millennial contributor and reporter Anna Slatz was among thousands of users suspended for sharing an image meme that mocked Biden. The ad, which was widely shared by numerous high-profile accounts from across the political aisle—from shoe0nhead on the left, to Mindy Robinson on the right, reads: “His brain? No, his heart.” Those sharing the image wondered, some genuinely, if the ad was in fact real. It wasn’t produced by the Biden campaign, but it certainly looked real enough. Either way, Twitter (and presumably the Biden campaign) didn’t much like this ad and banned users for sharing it.

Just Twitter blocking and banning anyone who goes against the COVID19 narrative or shows any support of Pres. Trump.

People aren't dumb, most get it by now!
Aug 17, 2019

Democrats announced that they are launching ANOTHER investigation into President Trump This time for de-funding the WHO.

The foreign affairs committee began their probe yesterday.

Why aren't they probing China instead of President Trump?


Just another investigation by the desperate evil Dems to waste the Americans time and taxpayer dollars.

It will only lead them to ANOTHER DEAD END!

And this bogus investigation further proves they are anti-American and only care about supporting the most evil organization in the world, one they have collaborated with for decades to keep humans enslaved in disease, vaccines and Big Pharma.

Their game is old and it's OVER!

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