Important Virus Update

Aug 17, 2019
Stocks tank as oil falls below zero for first time ever

WTI oil plunged 305% to -$36.73 a barrel as demand remains scarce

U.S. equity markets tumbled on Monday as oil saw a historic hammering with prices turning negative for the first time in history.

Ongoing concerns over swelling oil inventories, with little demand to ease the pile up due to the ongoing fallout from the coronavirus, sent West Texas Intermediate crude for May delivery plunging 305 percent to a record low -$36.73 per barrel. At a price below zero, buyers would be paid to take delivery as there are costs associated with transportation and storage.

Early indicators show oil may slide deeper into negative territory.


The plunge in crude prices pressured oil majors Exxon Mobil and Chevron, which were the biggest decliners among Dow components.
Elsewhere in the space, oil services provider Halliburton lost $1.02 billion in the first quarter and said it would cut costs by $1 billion as the crash in oil prices has decimated investment. Those shares bucked the downtrend inching higher.


With oil plunging way below ZERO today a big part of the EVIL GROUP was just BANKRUPTED!

Drain that swamp baby!

"Debt reset"

"Currency reset"

Great things coming!

Stay calm, fear nothing, stay united!

Jan 30, 2008
If Trump can get rid of these types of charlatans then I'm all for this "silent war".

Aug 17, 2019

Indictment Placeholders (set 1)

Acts of Treason
Foreign Acts

Crossfire Hurricane - The Greatest Political Scam in American History

Late last week, Sen. Lindsey Graham announced a webpage dedicated to the Senate Judiciary Committee’s probe into the Crossfire Hurricane illicit investigation into the Donald Trump campaign. Graham’s staff uploaded the four Carter Page Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) applications, which were recently further declassified.

These de-classifications reveal more devastating details in the SpyGate saga.

Arrests are imminent.
Aug 17, 2019
It’s strange that in almost 4 years there’s never been one story that was “blown” in favor of Trump but only against him.

Here’s yet another shocking example!
<article id="post-802455" class="article-single post-802455 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-health-care category-media category-politics-policy tag-coronavirus tag-media tag-nrplus-member-articles section-article" data-component="articleView"><header class="article-header article-header--full" data-component="articleHeader">
How the Media Completely Blew the Trump Ventilator Story

</header></article> At a coronavirus-task-force briefing at the beginning of April, White House adviser Jared Kushner explained the approach that would — as events proved — get the country through its ventilator crisis. He was relentlessly pilloried, mocked, and distorted in the press for it.
After nearly four years of unrelieved Trump hysteria in the media, it’s hard to rank the worst journalistic outrages, but how Kushner’s remarks were misreported and misinterpreted belongs high on the list.
<aside class="ad-unit ad-unit--center ad-unit--inline">
</aside> Much of the press coverage and subsequent commentary focused on one sentence at that April 2 briefing: “The notion of the federal stockpile was it’s supposed to be our stockpile. It’s not supposed to be states’ stockpiles that they then use.”

Cue the outrage. As CNBC put it, correctly, in a headline, “Jared Kushner slammed for saying the federal medical supply stockpile isn’t meant for states.”...

...Last year, according to administration figures, the country produced 30,000 ventilators. This year, it’s going to produce something on the order of 200,000, and they are already coming in. “The balance now is growing daily,” the White House adviser says of the federal stockpile. “We are going to be swimming in ventilators.”

By any measure, that’s a success, certainly compared with where we thought we’d be less than a month ago. If the media weren’t so devoted to gotcha idiocy, more people might know about it.

The 4-year anti-Trump campaign has not only failed but is getting old, Americans are WAKING UP to it, and MSM's lies continue to be exposed because TRUTH ALWAYS SHOWS ITSELF!
Aug 17, 2019

Donald J. Trump
@realDonaldTrump ·<time datetime="2020-04-21T10:40:33.000Z"> 14m</time>

It is amazing that I became President of the United States with such a totally corrupt and dishonest Lamestream Media going after me all day, and all night. Either I’m really good, far better than the Fake News wants to admit, or they don’t have nearly the power as once thought!


It's BOTH!
Aug 17, 2019
UN aid workers raped 60,000 people as it’s claimed organization employs 3,300 pedophiles

The dossier claims United Nations aid workers have raped 60,000 people and estimate that the organization employs 3,300 pedophiles

The claim is in a bombshell dossier that former senior United Nations official Andrew Macleod handed over to DFID Secretary Priti Patel last year.

In it, Professor Macleod also estimated there are 3,300 pedophiles working for the world body’s various agencies alone.
Thousands more “predatory” sex abusers specifically target aid charity jobs to get close to vulnerable women and children.

And there has been an “endemic” cover-up of the sickening crimes for two decades, with those who attempt to blow the whistle just getting fired.

Sharing his dossier with The Sun, Prof MacLeod last night warned that the spiraling abuse scandal was on the same scale as the Catholic Church’s.

The World Health Organization (WHO) is part of the U.N.

Hollywood raised $150 million dollars for the WHO Sunday night in an online concert sponsored by the WHO

The TRUTH is starting you in the face!

Perhaps you can now start to understand why POTUS halted funding to the WHO and why he removed the UN's flag from the White House.

YES, he halted WHO funding because of their crimes in the mishandling of this virus but, like magic, there is ALWAYS more than meets the eye!
Aug 17, 2019
Trump to sign executive order temporarily banning immigration, draws ire from Dems

"In light of the attack from the Invisible Enemy, as well as the need to protect the jobs of our GREAT American Citizens, I will be signing an Executive Order to temporarily suspend immigration into the United States!" the president tweeted.

Another great move to protect Americans from the Dems plan to hijack the election with their ballot harvesting plan using illegal immigrants!

Another great move to protect our American children from the evil human trafficking activities of Pelosi and others.

Keep draining the swamp!
Aug 17, 2019
CNN avoids on-air coverage of Biden accuser Tara Reade nearly one month after making assault claim

CNN has continued its bizarre on-air blackout of Tara Reade nearly one month after she came forward accusing former Vice President Joe Biden, the Democrats' presumptive presidential nominee, of a sexual assault in 1993.

This is nothing more than one criminal protecting another criminal.

Imagine if it were Trump being accused. CNN and all of MSM would make the news bigger than the virus! It would dominate airwaves everywhere!

Thank God the days are numbered for these evil and corrupt people.
Aug 17, 2019
Another perfectly timed release of a documentary

New documentary reveals Bill Clinton kept CIA from killing bin Laden

A new documentary reveals that the U.S. had an opportunity to kill Usama bin Laden in the 1990s after tracking his location with the help of Afghan tribal informants, but were unable to do so because of an order signed by then-President Bill Clinton.

They always knew where he was and what he was doing but it was another case of one criminal protecting another criminal.

Another one way ticket to GITMO will be issued soon!

Jan 8, 2015
I'm starting to get real worried about you. Nobody's getting arrested and none of the delusional nonsense you've been promoting for 51 pages is happening.
You're obviously already past the deep end. What will happen when reality finally bodyslams you?
Have yourself committed I'd say, probably the best for you at this point. popcorn-eatinggif

Jan 13, 2019
I'm starting to get real worried about you. Nobody's getting arrested and none of the delusional nonsense you've been promoting for 51 pages is happening.
You're obviously already past the deep end. What will happen when reality finally bodyslams you?
Have yourself committed I'd say, probably the best for you at this point. popcorn-eatinggif

You should take your own advice Mr. lefty fucktard. Liberalism is a mental disorder, ya dumbfuck!

Jan 8, 2015
You should take your own advice Mr. lefty fucktard. Liberalism is a mental disorder, ya dumbfuck!

Always an eloquent quality post from you. You seem real unhappy. Are you physically unattractive and do the ladies shun you like the plague? Try and be a better person, Texas deserves better from you.

Jan 13, 2019
Always an eloquent quality post from you. You seem real unhappy. Are you physically unattractive and do the ladies shun you like the plague? Try and be a better person, Texas deserves better from you.

Dont worry your low IQ little head about me, Hamburger, I have no problem keeping female companionship. Once again I say you should take your own advice. You can start with being a better person, but as an idiot Canadian liberal I doubt that you have it in you.

Jan 30, 2008
Another perfectly timed release of a documentary

New documentary reveals Bill Clinton kept CIA from killing bin Laden

A new documentary reveals that the U.S. had an opportunity to kill Usama bin Laden in the 1990s after tracking his location with the help of Afghan tribal informants, but were unable to do so because of an order signed by then-President Bill Clinton.

They always knew where he was and what he was doing but it was another case of one criminal protecting another criminal.

Another one way ticket to GITMO will be issued soon!

I'm assuming you're not just figuring out that Bill Clinton is a criminal? Right?
Aug 17, 2019
I'm assuming you're not just figuring out that Bill Clinton is a criminal? Right?

I will assume you are just kidding?

I knew Bill was a criminal before he even became President.

Focus on the documentary.

It's timing was orchestrated as a form a public disclosure.
Aug 17, 2019
Gov. Whitmer was taking advantage of of the COVID-19 until she got caught

Awarded contract to Dem consultant who said Trump should 'get coronavirus ASAP'

Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer cancels contracts with two Democratic firms to track the virus after facing criticism; reaction from Judge Jeanine Pirro, host of "Justice with Judge Jeanine".

Whitmer is an extremist who wants Michiganders to be quiet and subservient or be arrested.

Judge Jeanine says she is either "tone-deaf or stupid" and is essentially creating a house arrest for Michiganders.

Judge Jeanine further states, "she is a Political Leftist Operative taking advantage, until she caught, of the biggest pandemic that this country has ever seen. This woman does not belong in office. She is corrupt, she is tone-deaf and she has no idea what the people of Michigan want and every day her poll numbers go down and yet she think she's auditioning to be Vice-President with Joe Biden."

Gov. Whitmer awarded coronavirus response contracts to partisan Democrat operatives.

One is the data services provider for the entire Democrat Party.

Another, Mike Kolehouse, received $500k for work with the Michigan Democrat Party in 2018.


"This is who Gov. Whitmer is giving state contracts to?" asked GOP chairwoman Ronna McDaniel.

“I want to know how Gov. Whitmer’s administration decided to hire this company without a competitive bid process, or letting the Legislature — charged with ensuring accountability within state government — know about it,” wrote GOP state Rep. Shane Hernandez in a letter to Whitmer that was first reported by The Detroit News. “I want to know what safeguards the governor has in place to ensure the information gathered during this COVID-19 response doesn’t wind up in the hands of any campaigns."

If you haven't figured it out yet Whitmer is anti-American and evil.

Like Pelosi, Whitmer will soon receive her one way ticket to GITMO!
Aug 17, 2019

Donald J. Trump
@realDonaldTrump ·<time datetime="2020-04-21T20:33:35.000Z">14h</time>

Great new book just out by the Former Director of Ice, Tom Homan: “Defend the Border and Save Lives: Solving Our Most Important Humanitarian and Security Crisis.” Great guy, get your copy today!


Published 3/31/20, this is another perfectly timed release book.

The books and documentaries I share are truth and the timing of their releases are orchestrated as forms of public disclosure.

Yesterday morning POTUS states he will be signing an Executive Order to stop immigration, last night he tweets the book, this morning he already tweets that he IS signing the Executive Order today.

Do you see the chain of events?

First, he tells you what he intends to do, then he shows the book that discloses the truth, then he signs the order.

None of this is "coincidence".
Aug 17, 2019
Trump to sign executive order temporarily banning immigration, draws ire from Dems

"In light of the attack from the Invisible Enemy, as well as the need to protect the jobs of our GREAT American Citizens, I will be signing an Executive Order to temporarily suspend immigration into the United States!" the president tweeted.

Another great move to protect Americans from the Dems plan to hijack the election with their ballot harvesting plan using illegal immigrants!

Another great move to protect our American children from the evil human trafficking activities of Pelosi and others.

Keep draining the swamp!


Donald J. Trump
@realDonaldTrump ·<time datetime="2020-04-22T11:00:16.000Z"> 30m</time>

I will be signing my Executive Order prohibiting immigration into our Country today. In the meantime, even without this order, our Southern Border, aided substantially by the 170 miles of new Border Wall & 27,000 Mexican soldiers, is very tight - including for human trafficking!


I know at least one person in this forum who will claim this is just "another coincidence" but soon even he will be forced to see and accept the TRUTH of what's really going on!

Again, what I share has nothing to do with politics, religion, opinions or beliefs.

I'm just trying to help some brothers gain broader perspective and understand there's a bigger picture in play.

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