Important Virus Update

Aug 17, 2019
In essence all you did in this post rehash what you have said many times before and poisoned the well too many times to count by the insinuation that

you are POSITIVE that you and your sources are correct 100% of the time while mine are not trustworthy at all.

Re: this:

"Everything started on the Spring Solstice as expected and has been going exactly as planned."

Really?-tell me PRECISELY how with empirical evidence.

If you mean that it has started and/or that EVERYTHING will be revealed next Sunday, the on I guess-the proof will be in the pudding.

The fact that after now SIX REQUESTS, you won't admit the infallibility of Dr. Levitt nor yourself for using him to make a point and

to discredit imo speaks VOLUMES about your overall modus operandi, and to be kind, it leaves something the be desired.

I guess we will have until Easter to find out what you spew forth every day in different shapes, form and manners comes true or not.

ps to be clear, if what you purport DOES NOT come true, I won't accept your "it may come may with short-term growing pains bit in the end,"etc.

If Easter comes and goes, and nothing discernible happens with empirical evidence to support it, I will regard any excuses and/or

what I quoted on your end in previous sentence as a rationalization and/or a cop out.

As I stated also in a previous post along the way, Jehovas Witnesses have been predicitng the END of the world since I was a kid and last

I heard and felt, I along with the world is alive and existing.

In short you have set yourself up in a sense in a "talk the talk/walk the walk" manner and expect to be questioned about it and/or an explanation

if things don't pan out the way you see it by Easter.

I don’t need to defend Levitt, his credentials are impeccable and he’s a Nobel laureate.

And let me remind you it was YOU that said Fauci is the “Man of the Year” so I simply started to reveal the truth of who you were “voting” for.

And your reference to Jehovah’s and the end of the world isn’t even relevant to anything I have said.

And if you believe anything I am saying implies “end of the world” in a literal sense then you clearly don’t understand anything I say.

However, if you like music at all you could certainly listen to R.E.M.’s “end of the world” to gain broader understanding.

And as you listen make sure you don’t miss this line, “team by team, reporters baffled, trump, tethered crop.”

Then ask yourself, why the hell did a band who wrote a song in 1987 add the word “trump”?

And as you ask yourself the question play the twilight zone song....

Nov 11, 2007
I don’t need to defend Levitt, his credentials are impeccable and he’s a Nobel laureate.

And let me remind you it was YOU that said Fauci is the “Man of the Year” so I simply started to reveal the truth of who you were “voting” for.

And your reference to Jehovah’s and the end of the world isn’t even relevant to anything I have said.

And if you believe anything I am saying implies “end of the world” in a literal sense then you clearly don’t understand anything I say.

However, if you like music at all you could certainly listen to R.E.M.’s “end of the world” to gain broader understanding.

And as you listen make sure you don’t miss this line, “team by team, reporters baffled, trump, tethered crop.”

Then ask yourself, why the hell did a band who wrote a song in 1987 add the word “trump”?

And as you ask yourself the question play the twilight zone song....

Yes or no-was D. Levitt correct or even close to what was to transpire in Israel: re his predictions?

I don't need to defend Dr. Fauci either based on his overall documented credentials no matter how much you and others try to discredit him-the

same as you with Dr. Levitt.

Imo at this juncture Dr, Fauci's credentials are at worst just as good as those of of Dr. Levitt.

"What truth" exactly are you referring to-what your sources say about him with their obvious slanted criterion and standards which talk about only

that which they care to?-again the point is that he is not perfect, nor is Dr. Fauci..

For me the manner in which you and your "unbiased" sources present the "truth" remind me of the manner/"truth"

in which Phil Steele/NC present themselves(and lots of other sports services for that matter)-in short not in a fair and balanced manner.

The similarity as I see it is NC/Phil Steele,(who/which I have documented over the last four years with

undeniable FACTS based on their ACTUAL BIG TIME LOSING over the last four years,)

I have reported their REAL record each and every week as well s cumulatively for the season as well

how Ron(the comp. man for the most part) has presented it as well as commenting on their misleading, slick

and deceptive advertising, which is based upon their selective and misleading record keeping.

Along the same lines imo you call what you say "facts, which are based on hearsay, non sequiturs reasoning, poisoning the well,

questionable circumstantial evidence, drawing unproven conclusions from YOUR SELECTIVE SOURCES, and like Phil Steele/NC simply

state that which and ONLY what fits your agenda to make your case.

To the point, re; this comparison, how can you say with certainty that folks like Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, etc are evil and that folks like

Dr. Fauci, Dr. Gupta, Dr. Birx, etc. along the same lines have some kind of agenda and are simply contributing to as you call it a "narrative?"

It is your right of course to say and believe as you wish-the same for me.

However for me the operating words are "OPINION ONLY" until PROVEN otherwise, which again you have stated to be Easter.

Also I disagree with what you said about Jehovas Witnesses being irrelevant.

For me there is a strong similarity as it applied to me in that as a kid back in the fifties about their assertions that the End of the World being

imminent and saying the same thing today roughly 70 years later.

As it applies to you, you clearly stated that everything you will say will occur re: your conspiracy theories and the wonderful New Age will begin by Easter.

Thus if your predictions don't come true by Easter, I see the word "accountability" being the operative word as it applies to you.

I am not sure what you mean by REM as it applies here-I am not all that familiar with their music but will play the song it later on youtube if I can find it.

Thus at this point I have no idea why the word "'trump" was added in any event and probably won't after listening to the song.

That said, I don't quite understand why you singled out one song from them.

I and you could cite a zillion songs over the years with both clear meanings and ones not so clear.

However imo to try to use a given word in any kind of song and to draw inferences from it such as the word in this case "trump" is interesting

but doesn't mean anything until the meaning of it is proven-in this case using the word "Trump," nothing has been PROVEN one way or the other

YET, meaning at this particular juncture one's interpretation of the meaning doesn't mean anything.

Also and pardon my ignorance but back in the 80's or whenever the song was written, did song did anyone in the group state

what they meant by the use of the word Trump-that is what matters rather than drawing conclusions or making inferences many years later?

In any case it proves nothing until/if/when your scenario, which we all know plays out by Easter.

Back to your post, I have played the Twilight Zone tune many times and thus the lead-in music as I watched the show, and in fact went on a binge

about a year or so and watched every single of the original episodes I hasn't watched previously back in the fifties and early sixties as well

as the ones I had forgotten-it was quite enjoyable.

It was by far my favorite tv show back then.

Nov 11, 2007
I don’t need to defend Levitt, his credentials are impeccable and he’s a Nobel laureate.

And let me remind you it was YOU that said Fauci is the “Man of the Year” so I simply started to reveal the truth of who you were “voting” for.

And your reference to Jehovah’s and the end of the world isn’t even relevant to anything I have said.

And if you believe anything I am saying implies “end of the world” in a literal sense then you clearly don’t understand anything I say.

However, if you like music at all you could certainly listen to R.E.M.’s “end of the world” to gain broader understanding.

And as you listen make sure you don’t miss this line, “team by team, reporters baffled, trump, tethered crop.”

Then ask yourself, why the hell did a band who wrote a song in 1987 add the word “trump”?

And as you ask yourself the question play the twilight zone song....

Ok-I did a search of the REM song "End of the world" and its lyrics and found it.

Here is the link of the world by rem&sc=1-33&sk=&cvid=B2AA4AE

What stands out most notably here is that in your post, you say word the "trump" is used.

Actually and VERY IMPORTANTLY if you click on the link and scroll down, you will say that actual word "trumped" is used which

is the past tense of the verb, "trump."

There is a HUGE and huge difference here for obvious reasons, most notably that the present or past tense of the verb "trump" has a

far different meaning than the noun "trump" which could refer to a card definition or to the current POTUS back in 1987.

Imo to conclude that the meaning of the word referred to in song as the future President is to be kind pretty far fetched and even more

so inasmuch because as stated before, the word as used is the past tense of the verb "trump."

Here is the definition of the word "trump" as a verb.

I invite any objective person to decide whether the intended meaning in the song written in 1987e refers to Trump/the POTUS

or whether it meant something else.
Aug 17, 2019
Ok-I did a search of the REM song "End of the world" and its lyrics and found it.

Here is the link of the world by rem&sc=1-33&sk=&cvid=B2AA4AE

What stands out most notably here is that in your post, you say word the "trump" is used.

Actually and VERY IMPORTANTLY if you click on the link and scroll down, you will say that actual word "trumped" is used which

is the past tense of the verb, "trump."

There is a HUGE and huge difference here for obvious reasons, most notably that the present or past tense of the verb "trump" has a

far different meaning than the noun "trump" which could refer to a card definition or to the current POTUS back in 1987.

Imo to conclude that the meaning of the word referred to in song as the future President is to be kind pretty far fetched and even more

so inasmuch because as stated before, the word as used is the past tense of the verb "trump."

Here is the definition of the word "trump" as a verb.

I invite any objective person to decide whether the intended meaning in the song written in 1987e refers to Trump/the POTUS

or whether it meant something else.

The past, present and future all exist simultaneously.

Thus, the word trump and trumped are really the same thing.

I wouldn't expect for you to understand this universal truth.
Aug 17, 2019
"Red Pill"

4/6/20 COVID-19 Press conference at 7:01pm

Reporter: " it beyond narcotics? Are there are other illicit activities?"

President: "There are the activities of human trafficking, and especially with respect to women... it's a horrible thing, horrible thing... this is all over the world but in this country they are coming mostly through the southern border but we are hitting them very hard... they have tremendous illegal trafficking in women and children... it's illegal and it's horrible and it's disgraceful and I have seen things that are an absolute disgrace.. and we're trying to knock them out and we're knocking them out hard... and I really want to thank the President of Mexico because he has really stepped up to the plate... 27,000 soldiers."

[see Post #471]

"The alliance has secretly been rounding up and arresting the most evil people on this planet. This is why you are seeing so many elites test "positive" for the virus and being "quarantined". They have also begun rescuing countless thousands of children who have secretly been kept in underground bunkers and used for on-planet and off-planet trafficking and satanic child sacrifice."

"The "earthquakes' in unsuspecting places are part of the operation where other underground bunkers and tunnel systems are located and are blown up after the children are rescued. Most are on the west coast because of the easy access to Mexico. This is the real reason why the Administration is building the wall, to PROTECT our children from evil."

Anyone want to guess who are two of the biggest heads of these trafficking operations?
Aug 17, 2019
Say hello to your former President who attended an illuminati-themed wedding on 10/29/17 for a very famous person dressed as Moloch, also spelled Molech, the Canaanite King of Child Sacrifice.

Aug 17, 2019
“Every patient I've prescribed it to has been very, very ill and within 8 to 12 hours, they were basically symptom-free," Dr. Anthony Cardillo told Eyewitness News in Los Angeles. "So clinically I am seeing a resolution."

Cardillo is the CEO of Mend Urgent Care, which has locations in Sherman Oaks, Van Nuys and Burbank.

He said he has found it only works if combined with zinc. The drug, he said, opens a channel for the zinc to enter the cell and block virus replication.

He added that the drug should not be prescribed for those who are presenting only mild symptoms, as there are concerns about shortages for patients with other conditions who need to take the drug on a regular basis.

"We have to be cautious and mindful that we don't prescribe it for patients who have COVID who are well," Cardillo said. "It should be reserved for people who are really sick, in the hospital or at home very sick, who need that medication. Otherwise we're going to blow through our supply for patients that take it regularly for other disease processes."

YES, of course many of us including Trump already knows it works but certain Politicians are trying to block it because it prevents them from approving Gates' vaccine!
Aug 17, 2019
A Democratic state representative from Detroit is crediting hydroxychloroquine — and Republican President Donald Trump who touted the drug — for saving her in her battle with the coronavirus.

State Rep. Karen Whitsett, who learned Monday she has tested positive for COVID-19, said she started taking hydroxychloroquine on March 31, prescribed by her doctor, after both she and her husband sought treatment for a range of symptoms on March 18.

"It was less than two hours" before she started to feel relief, said Whitsett, who had experienced shortness of breath, swollen lymph nodes, and what felt like a sinus infection. She is still experiencing headaches, she said.
<aside itemprop="associatedMedia" itemscope="" itemtype="" class="single-photo float">
Whitsett said she was familiar with "the wonders" of hydroxychloroquine from an earlier bout with Lyme disease, but does not believe she would have thought to ask for it, or her doctor would have prescribed it, had Trump not been touting it as a possible treatment for COVID-19.

YES, of course many of us including Trump already knows it works but certain Politicians are trying to block it because it prevents them from approving Gates' vaccine!

And having this come from a Democrat really shuts those Politicians up because most are Democrats.
Aug 17, 2019
Dr. Fauci warns of second cycle of coronavirus, stresses importance of vaccine

Fauci told reporters that it’s important for scientists to develop a vaccine quickly.

“What we’re starting to see in the Southern Hemisphere of Southern Africa and the Southern Hemisphere countries, is that we’re having cases that are appearing as they go into their winter season,” he said. “If they have a substantial outbreak, it will be inevitable that we need to be prepared that we’ll get a cycle a second time.”

YES, of course you're pushing the vaccine and let me guess, you already know someone who has the vaccine? (Your good friend Bill Gates)
Aug 17, 2019
Prime Minister Boris Johnson receives oxygen support in ICU.

Hey Boris, take hydroxychloroquine. It's not rocket science. And surely you have enough money and the contacts to get it!

Unless, of course, there's more to the story....

Nov 11, 2007
The past, present and future all exist simultaneously.

Thus, the word trump and trumped are really the same thing.

I wouldn't expect for you to understand this universal truth.

Lets just say that AT BEST, your "explanation"is a rationalization.

Until if prove otherwise, imo your contention that the lyrics of the word which uses Trump the noun as oppsed to trumped and to try to say

that there is not difference between that word and the verb, which was used in the past sentence in the song is a cop-out at best and a delusion at worst.

Imo the "universal aspect" you cite is flimsy/unproven and based on how YOUR and sources define the word.

In short you can try to turn the tables all you wish about the similarity of the words trump as a noun referring to Trump the Potus and the past

tense of the verb "trump" as meaning Trump also in a song written in 1987-I don't buy it and imo lots of others do not either.

Unlike others in here I won't resort to name calling or insults, but again would rather let this Easter Sunday speak as to whether the word

"trump" as a noun means the same as the same as "trumped" as a verb.

Imo in any event the fact that you did not quote the lyrics as they existed by using" trump" as opposed to "trumped" is either in error or by design

should not be taken lightly!

Nov 11, 2007
"Red Pill"

4/6/20 COVID-19 Press conference at 7:01pm

Reporter: " it beyond narcotics? Are there are other illicit activities?"

President: "There are the activities of human trafficking, and especially with respect to women... it's a horrible thing, horrible thing... this is all over the world but in this country they are coming mostly through the southern border but we are hitting them very hard... they have tremendous illegal trafficking in women and children... it's illegal and it's horrible and it's disgraceful and I have seen things that are an absolute disgrace.. and we're trying to knock them out and we're knocking them out hard... and I really want to thank the President of Mexico because he has really stepped up to the plate... 27,000 soldiers."

[see Post #471]

"The alliance has secretly been rounding up and arresting the most evil people on this planet. This is why you are seeing so many elites test "positive" for the virus and being "quarantined". They have also begun rescuing countless thousands of children who have secretly been kept in underground bunkers and used for on-planet and off-planet trafficking and satanic child sacrifice."

"The "earthquakes' in unsuspecting places are part of the operation where other underground bunkers and tunnel systems are located and are blown up after the children are rescued. Most are on the west coast because of the easy access to Mexico. This is the real reason why the Administration is building the wall, to PROTECT our children from evil."

Anyone want to guess who are two of the biggest heads of these trafficking operations?

Simple response here-wait until Easter Sunday for the "revelation" to find out if all of this is true.

The only other comment is that Donald Trump shouldn't be using the words "respect" for women as he very little especially with those

in high political positions who dare to express an opinion which differs from his own.

I won't bother to elaborate on the respect for women as it applies to his wife as evidenced by cheating on his wives, Stormy Daniels, etc.

Nov 11, 2007

Nov 11, 2007
“Every patient I've prescribed it to has been very, very ill and within 8 to 12 hours, they were basically symptom-free," Dr. Anthony Cardillo told Eyewitness News in Los Angeles. "So clinically I am seeing a resolution."

Cardillo is the CEO of Mend Urgent Care, which has locations in Sherman Oaks, Van Nuys and Burbank.

He said he has found it only works if combined with zinc. The drug, he said, opens a channel for the zinc to enter the cell and block virus replication.

He added that the drug should not be prescribed for those who are presenting only mild symptoms, as there are concerns about shortages for patients with other conditions who need to take the drug on a regular basis.

"We have to be cautious and mindful that we don't prescribe it for patients who have COVID who are well," Cardillo said. "It should be reserved for people who are really sick, in the hospital or at home very sick, who need that medication. Otherwise we're going to blow through our supply for patients that take it regularly for other disease processes."

YES, of course many of us including Trump already knows it works but certain Politicians are trying to block it because it prevents them from approving Gates' vaccine!

What is not mentioned here is that some highly respected cardiologists have stated that that the malaria drug(I am not sure if that is the one referred to here)

if not tested properly could cause death because of its possible effect on the heart.

To be fair I did state somewhere in the last week or so that if I at the Virus and was at death's doorstep with the only hope being the malaria drug(don't

want to look up the spelling) or some other medication not fully tested, I would go for it.

Nov 11, 2007
YES, of course many of us including Trump already knows it works but certain Politicians are trying to block it because it prevents them from approving Gates' vaccine!

!) For me by implication, this means that God told him this, and thus knows better than anyone else and especially so than lots of doctors

who disagree.

For that matter why don't also take the advice of the likes of "dead man walking" Rush Limbaugh because though he knew more than

the medical community about the perils of smoking, Laura Ingraham, Sean Hannity and other Fox "experts."

Nov 11, 2007
Prime Minister Boris Johnson receives oxygen support in ICU.

Hey Boris, take hydroxychloroquine. It's not rocket science. And surely you have enough money and the contacts to get it!

Unless, of course, there's more to the story....

Actually I have no problem with this post if the situation is really that dire.

New member
Jan 11, 2008
To be fair I did buy a whore and i am a total hypocrite. I also am an idiot for judging Trump for listening to the guy i called man of the year. Again, i am nothing more than a hypocrite when i say all these things. I am not sure why i am such an asshole. I have no answers for that. It could be because my wife used me for a green card or something else. Maybe it is just who i am

1st truth you have spoken

Nov 11, 2007
I want to sum up my overall feelings as to how I view just how I view practically all of which I consider sbd's posts.

For me whether he wants to admit it or not, his posts point fingers at democrats only.

Worse, he and his sources' related conspiracy theories are based on one sided statements saying this democrat did this or that and then trying to draw conclusions

from them.

Thus as I have stated previously, imo the conclusions he draws are based at best on circumstantial "evidence"(and the word is in quotes for a reason)

as well as laughable non sequiturs.

Here is a rough sports analogy/question, which is not perfect, but which imo makes the point as to how I feel about sbd's posts at least until Easter Sunday.

I will let you decide what the correct answer is to this because my answer is quite obvious.

Lets leave out the gambling aspect if this re: point spreads, money lines, injuries, etc.

Anyways lets say that sometime in the season in any sport, Team A decisively defeats Team B.

In the very next week Team B decisively defeats Team C.

In the upcoming week, Team A is scheduled to play Team C.

Should we concluded that because team A soundly defeated Team B and since team B soundly defeated Team C, that Team A should annihilate Team C?

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