Important Virus Update


Nov 11, 2007
Current figures show 1,239,380 cases of the Virus worldwide and 70,590 deaths.

In the US, there are 337,933 cases and 9,654 deaths.

Imo IF some of the mercenary and in some cass desperate Offshore Betting Establishments thought that there

would be sufficient interest to put out over/unders as to how many people would be infested or die on a daily or weekly basis

which would outweigh the overall disgust and repulsiveness of their clients and drive some folks away, they would put out betting props of this nature.

New member
Jan 11, 2008
Imagine going to Colombia to buy a whore and realizing thousands have already taken the trip before you and fucked these skanks? Yuck

Nov 11, 2007
Along with what I said in previous post, I can think at least several compulsive noteworthy gamblers at this forum and others who imo

are so desperate/dependent for betting action and/or related gambling activities, that they are "pulling their hair out"

because almost 100% of their daily existence is based upon it, and there really isn't all that much to wager on these days.
Aug 17, 2019
Aug 17, 2019
​"​T​he Deep State Fake Science Establishment led by Fauci cares ZERO about the Immune Health of the American People. To them every problem is an infectious disease - caronavirus - and every solution is a vaccine. Time to DESTROY Big Pharma."
- Dr. SHIVA Ayyadurai, World Renowned MIT PhD​ (4/5/20)

"We have been led down the path of corporate solutions - espoused by the likes of Dr. Fauci and his colleagues at CDC - that is not in the interest of the American people. Such policies have led America to the lowest longevity rate, and the highest infant mortality rates, in the western world." - Dr. SHIVA Ayyadurai, World Renowned MIT PhD​


Nov 11, 2007
​"​T​he Deep State Fake Science Establishment led by Fauci cares ZERO about the Immune Health of the American People. To them every problem is an infectious disease - caronavirus - and every solution is a vaccine. Time to DESTROY Big Pharma."
- Dr. SHIVA Ayyadurai, World Renowned MIT PhD​ (4/5/20)

"We have been led down the path of corporate solutions - espoused by the likes of Dr. Fauci and his colleagues at CDC - that is not in the interest of the American people. Such policies have led America to the lowest longevity rate, and the highest infant mortality rates, in the western world." - Dr. SHIVA Ayyadurai, World Renowned MIT PhD​

Don't forget to mention Dr. Levitt also, you know the the guy you referred to as the ultimate/ "renowned" expert in the immunology, so "all knowing/omniscient"

as I pointed out to you FOUR times in the last week with a link (which you not surprisingly never responded to which I asked you to do)

that this "genius" made a statement sometime in early March that the Virus would die out shortly and that he would be surprised if it turned out

that there were more than five people in Israel infected with the Virus.

Last time I looked over a couple of weeks ago there were 5000+ people already infested with the Virus-wonderful source!! lol

Thus, I will ask you for the FIFTH TIME what went wrong with YOUR assessment of this guy and the doctor himself?

But go ahead and keep posting your one way opinions based on your criterion and premises, and I will respond in kind.

On the other hand, why bother because by NEXT Sunday, which is Easter, your "divine forces" will surely reveal who the good and bad doctors are,

who the conspirators are and in general who the good guys and bad guys are.

Most importantly according to you, the World and its inhabitants will have a "Hollywood ending" where universal love and "we are all one"

will suddenly emerge/prevail ON EASTER, and all of the inherent evil things and people which currently afflict mankind will just suddenly vanish like someone

would do with a "magic wand."


Nov 11, 2007
​"​T​he Deep State Fake Science Establishment led by Fauci cares ZERO about the Immune Health of the American People. To them every problem is an infectious disease - caronavirus - and every solution is a vaccine. Time to DESTROY Big Pharma."
- Dr. SHIVA Ayyadurai, World Renowned MIT PhD​ (4/5/20)

"We have been led down the path of corporate solutions - espoused by the likes of Dr. Fauci and his colleagues at CDC - that is not in the interest of the American people. Such policies have led America to the lowest longevity rate, and the highest infant mortality rates, in the western world." - Dr. SHIVA Ayyadurai, World Renowned MIT PhD​

ps If you respond to my last post, don't expect me to respond to what you have to say until I hear what Governor Cuomo has to say today.

Imo comparing his leadership abilities, fairness, honesty, sincerity, the manner in which he deals with people and overall competence

to that of Trump is comparable to comparing a $500,000 or more piece of jewelry to use your wording, a "fake" one you can buy at Target for $2.99. lol

Jan 13, 2019
ps If you respond to my last post, don't expect me to respond to what you have to say until I hear what Governor Cuomo has to say today.

Imo comparing his leadership abilities, fairness, honesty, sincerity, the manner in which he deals with people and overall competence

to that of Trump is comparable to comparing a $500,000 or more piece of jewelry to use your wording, a "fake" one you can buy at Target for $2.99. lol

More stupidity from the local village idiot. Dont you ever run out of stupid things to say?

Nov 11, 2007
Re: Dr. Levitt's crystal ball abilities:

I guess the crystal ball Dr/ Levitt used must have been broken on the day he made the prediction about Israel was sabotaged and/or put out of commission

by the likes of Dr. Fauci, Bill Gates or other members of the "Satanic Left Wing" of this country in order to discredit him!

COVID-19 Predictions[edit]

Levitt has made unusually optimistic public statements regarding the 2020 corona virus disease outbreak in Israel. On 18 March 2020 he said: "I will be surprised if the number of deaths in Israel surpasses ten, and even five now with the restrictions." [SUP][41][/SUP] By March 31st, 20 people in Israel had died having tested positive for COVID-19, with more than 5,000 infected and hundreds of new confirmed cases every day.[SUP][42][/SUP]

For those of you who didn't see this re: the so called the "Guru" of immunology, Dr. Levitt, as touted by sbd and my response, here

it is once again above along with current figures as of today.

You decide for yourself how in touch Dr. Levit is with the coronavirus.

Here you go:

ps to be fair, in error I originally said that he said 5 cases in Israel whereas he said 5 deaths.

That doesn't however detract from main point here.

New member
Jan 11, 2008
More stupidity from the local village idiot. Dont you ever run out of stupid things to say?

Unfortunately not. It is the reason why he was banned at 2 other forums. Everyone hated him and they couldn't take it anymore. And he runs to the mods crying like the little bitch he is.

The guy buys a whore and slaps a wife label on her forehead. He then proceeds to post bible scriptures and talk about Trump and his transgressions. He might be the biggest scumbag hypocrite on the internet

Jan 13, 2019
Unfortunately not. It is the reason why he was banned at 2 other forums. Everyone hated him and they couldn't take it anymore. And he runs to the mods crying like the little bitch he is.

The guy buys a whore and slaps a wife label on her forehead. He then proceeds to post bible scriptures and talk about Trump and his transgressions. He might be the biggest scumbag hypocrite on the internet

Savage1 is obviously one of those stupid assholes that is too stupid to know how stupid he really is. It is no wonder that he gets banned from other forums.

Nov 11, 2007
​"​T​he Deep State Fake Science Establishment led by Fauci cares ZERO about the Immune Health of the American People. To them every problem is an infectious disease - caronavirus - and every solution is a vaccine. Time to DESTROY Big Pharma."
- Dr. SHIVA Ayyadurai, World Renowned MIT PhD​ (4/5/20)

"We have been led down the path of corporate solutions - espoused by the likes of Dr. Fauci and his colleagues at CDC - that is not in the interest of the American people. Such policies have led America to the lowest longevity rate, and the highest infant mortality rates, in the western world." - Dr. SHIVA Ayyadurai, World Renowned MIT PhD​

I will exchange tit for tat until at least Easter, when according to sbd the "TRUTH" will be revealed to all.
Aug 17, 2019

I will exchange tit for tat until at least Easter, when according to sbd the "TRUTH" will be revealed to all.

This is about as elementary as it gets.

You throw worthless links out that are not even credible or relevant.

You have every chance to prove my information wrong and you haven't because you can't.

For me it's not about politics, religion or being "right".


A simple concept you can't seem to understand or grasp.


New member
Jan 11, 2008
The dumb fuck has zero ability to think for himself. If savage didn’t have google to find links he would be a mute

Fuckin hypocrite

Nov 11, 2007
This is about as elementary as it gets.

You throw worthless links out that are not even credible or relevant.

You have every chance to prove my information wrong and you haven't because you can't.

For me it's not about politics, religion or being "right".


A simple concept you can't seem to understand or grasp.


My "worthless links" pal are every bit as good as your own worthless links until/if/proven otherwise, which is EASTER AND NO LATER!!

I haven't proven your information wrong and neither have you mine.

For that matter, and this applies to both of us, neither of us have PROVEN our information is right either if we define the definition of "right"

as to the actual empirical outcome as to all of this plays out, which will be again this coming Easter Sunday according to you.

Actually I have at least proven one of your bits of information wrong and/or one sided/questionable as I did earlier today with my comments about

Dr. Levitt, which you haven't responded to FIVE TIMES because you obviously have no answer to it-please correct me if I am wrong!

Re; Your truth, justice, freedom, mantra which you repeat over and over again, once more lets see if you are right on this Easter Sunday when all of your

conspiracy and spiritual revelations will come to pass and revealed by I assume God and/or one of his messengers(perhaps Donald Trump lol).

Just keep trying to poison the well and relying your "infallible" sources though for the "real facts" most of which are based on hearsay and

circumstantial evidence and tabloid sensationalism at best.

Easter?-how about the spring solstice which you originally said all of this would start-with the latter it appears that our sources missed and/or

you read the "tea leaves" incorrectly.

Nov 11, 2007
Hmm-I see yet one more "stfu" just posted today as well as another insult in same post.

Not shocking considering the source, who sadly does not have the mental skills to actually debate anything of merit civilly relative to the actual topic at hand.
Aug 17, 2019
My "worthless links" pal are every bit as good as your own worthless links until/if/proven otherwise, which is EASTER AND NO LATER!!

I haven't proven your information wrong and neither have you mine.

For that matter, and this applies to both of us, neither of us have PROVEN our information is right either if we define the definition of "right"

as to the actual empirical outcome as to all of this plays out, which will be again this coming Easter Sunday according to you.

Actually I have at least proven one of your bits of information wrong and/or one sided/questionable as I did earlier today with my comments about

Dr. Levitt, which you haven't responded to FIVE TIMES because you obviously have no answer to it-please correct me if I am wrong!

Re; Your truth, justice, freedom, mantra which you repeat over and over again, once more lets see if you are right on this Easter Sunday when all of your

conspiracy and spiritual revelations will come to pass and revealed by I assume God and/or one of his messengers(perhaps Donald Trump lol).

Just keep trying to poison the well and relying your "infallible" sources though for the "real facts" most of which are based on hearsay and

circumstantial evidence and tabloid sensationalism at best.

Easter?-how about the spring solstice which you originally said all of this would start-with the latter it appears that our sources missed and/or

you read the "tea leaves" incorrectly.

Your links haven't proven anything except that you don't really know where to find real credible information.

Sorry brother, it's true. I have given you links to sources that could never be denied as being true.

I even gave you a copy of an actual court document which, again, can't be disputed. And this isn't the only one in my possession.

Your response to the court document was odd, making reference to "democrats", proving you did not even understand the basis of the suit, who it was actually filed by and why.

Instead, you made it about "politics" (like always).

Everything started on the Spring Solstice as expected and has been going exactly as planned.

Unfortunately, you are so blinded by your "beliefs", opinions and obsession over "being right", that you don't even understand or can't see it.

Because you are "blind" or don't understand you've needed to resort the "conspiracy theory" that most people like you do.

Again, this comes from lack of understanding and/or having personal belief systems threatened.

It's okay brother, you have nothing to fear!

I promise you a happy ending to this story.

It may come with short-term "growing pains" but in the end you are going to be so grateful for the coordinated global efforts of the ones who made this possible.

They are the new heroes and none are doing it for ego, money or recognition, they are doing it because they LOVE their country and humanity.


Nov 11, 2007
Your links haven't proven anything except that you don't really know where to find real credible information.

Sorry brother, it's true. I have given you links to sources that could never be denied as being true.

I even gave you a copy of an actual court document which, again, can't be disputed. And this isn't the only one in my possession.

Your response to the court document was odd, making reference to "democrats", proving you did not even understand the basis of the suit,

who it was actually filed by and why.

Instead, you made it about "politics" (like always).

Everything started on the Spring Solstice as expected and has been going exactly as planned.

Unfortunately, you are so blinded by your "beliefs", opinions and obsession over "being right", that you don't even understand or can't see it.

Because you are "blind" or don't understand you've needed to resort the "conspiracy theory" that most people like you do.

Again, this comes from lack of understanding and/or having personal belief systems threatened.

It's okay brother, you have nothing to fear!

I promise you a happy ending to this story.

It may come with short-term "growing pains" but in the end you are going to be so grateful for the coordinated global efforts of the ones who made this possible.

They are the new heroes and none are doing it for ego, money or recognition, they are doing it because they LOVE their country and humanity.


In essence all you did in this post rehash what you have said many times before and poisoned the well too many times to count by the insinuation that

you are POSITIVE that you and your sources are correct 100% of the time while mine are not trustworthy at all.

Re: this:

"Everything started on the Spring Solstice as expected and has been going exactly as planned."

Really?-tell me PRECISELY how with empirical evidence.

If you mean that it has started and/or that EVERYTHING will be revealed next Sunday, the on I guess-the proof will be in the pudding.

The fact that after now SIX REQUESTS, you won't admit the infallibility of Dr. Levitt nor yourself for using him to make a point and

to discredit imo speaks VOLUMES about your overall modus operandi, and to be kind, it leaves something the be desired.

I guess we will have until Easter to find out what you spew forth every day in different shapes, form and manners comes true or not.

ps to be clear, if what you purport DOES NOT come true, I won't accept your "it may come may with short-term growing pains bit in the end,"etc.

If Easter comes and goes, and nothing discernible happens with empirical evidence to support it, I will regard any excuses and/or

what I quoted on your end in previous sentence as a rationalization and/or a cop out.

As I stated also in a previous post along the way, Jehovas Witnesses have been predicitng the END of the world since I was a kid and last

I heard and felt, I along with the world is alive and existing.

In short you have set yourself up in a sense in a "talk the talk/walk the walk" manner and expect to be questioned about it and/or an explanation

if things don't pan out the way you see it by Easter.


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