Important Virus Update

Aug 17, 2019
You always state that you do not follow new age religion yet you do base a lot of your gobbedity gook on things that are new age. Case in point....Numerology!

Numerology and astrology are independent of all "organized" religions including "new age".

However, all religious texts use metaphorical references that one can only understand if they understand astrology.

This is because our existence is intelligent design and all things are one with it.

This is where the term "it's in the stars" came from.

This is not belief or opinion, it's the universal truth of what is.

Most humans have not expanded their consciousness enough to understand and/or embrace certain universal truths yet.

This is changing as we speak and will only continue expand further until it encompasses all humans one day.

Nov 11, 2007
Numerology and astrology are independent of all "organized" religions including "new age".

However, all religious texts use metaphorical references that one can only understand if they understand astrology.

This is because our existence is intelligent design and all things are one with it.

This is where the term "it's in the stars" came from.

This is not belief or opinion, it's the universal truth of what is.

Most humans have not expanded their consciousness enough to understand and/or embrace certain universal truths yet.

This is changing as we speak and will only continue expand further until it encompasses all humans one day.

I agree with you on this and most importantly with the last sentence and ultimate outcome even if I am a bit skeptical that this will occur on

or before Easter of this year.

New member
Jan 11, 2008
I am not trying to pile onto you, it is obvious that you have plenty of issues but was just wondering if the bride you bought from a third world country was an underage lady boy? It would fit in with the mental instability you are showing here.

He is a typical liberal. A 80 year old crybaby in diapers. Total hypocrite that talks down to everyone around him for doing the same exact things he does. Nothing but a piece of shit really
Aug 17, 2019
Bill Gates IS part of the evil group.

He is the biggest advocate for global depopulation.

He already has the "vaccine" because he is the one responsible for COVID-19.

Remember how this works...

1. Create the problem (COVID-19)

2. Generate the fear (EVIL MSM)

3. Introduce the vaccine (MAJOR ROADBLOCK)

He was successful in #1 & #2 but it is going to be almost impossible to get his vaccine through the FDA and Trump Administration.

They already know what's in the vaccine and IT'S NOT GOOD!

This is why Trump went on record and said "we can't let the cure be worse than the problem itself".

There is NOTHING good about Gates' vaccine.

This might explain why they Gates is seen taking a "stroll in the park" with Fauci.

Fauci is his one and only chance.

Which side is Fauci on?

POTUS and his team already know... we will soon!


Jan 13, 2019
He is a typical liberal. A 80 year old crybaby in diapers. Total hypocrite that talks down to everyone around him for doing the same exact things he does. Nothing but a piece of shit really

Savage1 is by far the weirdest asshole I have seen on this site.

Nov 11, 2007
Bill Gates IS part of the evil group.

He is the biggest advocate for global depopulation.

He already has the "vaccine" because he is the one responsible for COVID-19.

Remember how this works...

1. Create the problem (COVID-19)

2. Generate the fear (EVIL MSM)

3. Introduce the vaccine (MAJOR ROADBLOCK)

He was successful in #1 & #2 but it is going to be almost impossible to get his vaccine through the FDA and Trump Administration.

They already know what's in the vaccine and IT'S NOT GOOD!

This is why Trump went on record and said "we can't let the cure be worse than the problem itself".

There is NOTHING good about Gates' vaccine.

This might explain why they Gates is seen taking a "stroll in the park" with Fauci.

Fauci is his one and only chance.

Which side is Fauci on?

POTUS and his team already know... we will soon!


Stay tuned, folks, and get out the popcorn, as according to you, the likes of Bill Gates, Dr. Fauci, etc. will soon be exposed(by Easter) to be the "evil folks"

they are as well as the "real heroes," of all this, most noteworthy Donald Trump.

Very few of you folks if any remember the tv show(series) The Invaders starring Roy Thinnes back in the late 60's.

The theme of the show was that a dying alien civilization was attempting to take over and relocate to Earth while destroying humanity in the process.

The aliens in human form in their efforts and at times it was difficult to distinguish who the good guys were and who the bad guys were.

One of the things though which distinguished the aliens is that in human form they had a noticeable very crooked finger on one of their hands.

At times the show would focus on this to let the viewers know someone who indeed was a bad guy.

Along the same lines, I wonder whether there is something similar along the same lines which will allow us all to know

who the good guys are and who the bad guys are re: the Coronavirus and any related conspiracies.

I guess according to sbd, by some undisclosed means, there will be some kind of divine transparency which will reveal all of this while at the same time auguring

in the "Dawning of the Age of Aquarius."

I sure hope he is right and that this is revealed very quickly as the states for the good of humanity!!

Mar 19, 2008
Savage1 is by far the weirdest asshole I have seen on this site.

I think I/Cheddar/PhilJr warned you about him 4 pages ago. He/Savvy just likes to hear himself, that is his modus operandi. It's nice/comforting/reassuring that he learned how to use the slash key.

Nov 11, 2007
I think I/Cheddar/PhilJr warned you about him 4 pages ago. He/Savvy just likes to hear himself, that is his modus operandi. It's nice/comforting/reassuring that he learned how to use the slash key.

Since as stated before, Cheddar/Phil Jr, unlike a few posters in here whom I consider to be figuratively speaking the human virulent form of

the Coronavirus, I consider you for now to be the milder form, I will respond to you.

You have a right to believe that I just like to hear myself talk.

From my perspective, the reason I write/talk is to express my thoughts, opinion and views, which sometimes cannot be expressed

simply in a "see Spot run" manner.

If you want to read between the lines, you can find the answer to why I do what do in this thread in the link in post 500.

If you believe that is, so be it.

I believe that God has instilled in me the abilities I have and to use them for a DIVINE PURPOSE AND REASON and I will

continue go carry out HIS MISSION!!

Mar 19, 2008
I believe that God has instilled in me the abilities I have and to use them for a DIVINE PURPOSE AND REASON and I will

continue go carry out HIS MISSION!!

If you honestly believe God wants to to carry out his mission on a random chat board, let alone in the rubber room, you do have serious issues. I like to carry out his mission in much more productive ways

Active member
Nov 23, 2011
If you honestly believe God wants to to carry out his mission on a random chat board, let alone in the rubber room, you do have serious issues. I like to carry out his mission in much more productive ways


Nov 11, 2007
If you honestly believe God wants to to carry out his mission on a random chat board, let alone in the rubber room, you do have serious issues. I like to carry out his mission in much more productive ways

I am essentially doing what sbd as far as his spiritual views are concerned.

I certainly hope you are in fact carrying out HIS mission in what you deem to be more productive ways whatever they are.

I take my marching orders of what to do ONLY from God!!

As far as your serious issues comment goes, I say this as far as the Bible goes(hold on as I have to copy and paste):

Mar 19, 2008
I take my marching orders of what to do ONLY from God!!

Did he tell you to buy a wife??
Did he tell you to argue on random chat boards??
Did he tell you not to pay your fine for running a red light in Texas??

Seriously, spend more time doing his mission and less time typing just to hear yourself/Savvy

Nov 11, 2007
Did he tell you to buy a wife??
Did he tell you to argue on random chat boards??
Did he tell you not to pay your fine for running a red light in Texas??

Seriously, spend more time doing his mission and less time typing just to hear yourself/Savvy

1) Don't show your ignorance.

Any person who has read my posts including the BC Thread back in 2005 knows that I spend an entire summer researching

the type of woman I wanted to meet.

I update my "I am going on a Romance Tour" regularly as things unfolded.

With God's help who led me to the Foreign Affair Agency, I met a wonderful totally lovely, loving, devoted Christian woman who was pursued

by quite a few other men.

I won't dignify your notion of "buying a woman" any further because 1) the marriage has worked out well(we have been married happily for 14 years

and 2) Thousands upon thousands of other men have found lovely ladies all over the world in a similar manner.

If that constitutes "buying a wife," well lets just say that I hope that all married and unmarried men are as content as I am.

2) God directed me to first this very forum by a friend who is members of both CM and RX, who saw it as a marked improvement of the fascist/

Neo Nazi and intolerant manner in which the forum is run by one specific moderator(you know who) as well as the owner of the forum,

who obviously believes that the police state manner is ok and to snuff out dissenting opinions which don't agree with that of the moderator.

3) Re: the running the red light, you seem to have a selective manner.

I disagreed with the citation for reasons stated presented, appealed it with supporting evidence as well as contesting the accuracy of the red light itself.

I received threatening phone calls form their attorneys over their puny $70 fine(can't remember exactly how much) when I didn't pay it as well as

letters threatening to put a lien on my 500K home which was paid off in any event. lol

The bottom line is that after a while the notices stopped coming and I never paid.

Using the language of this thread, justice prevailed-it was/is a matter of principle and not the puny monetary amount of money involed
Regarding your last sentence, I will do and post as I see fit here and anywhere else where I am directed to go by GOD rather than any poster's opinion as

to what he thinks I should do.

I suggest that you do YOUR mission as directed by God while I allowing me to do mine in the same fashion.

Also if you think i just do this to hear myself talk, so be it.

Again I have a God given ability to express myself and am going to use it as GOD directs me and certainly not you or anyone else!!

New member
Jan 11, 2008
This dipshit crybaby hypocrite sits there hitting refresh 100 times an hour with a novel in que waiting to respond

What a fuckin scumbag. Buys a wife and asks people how trumps dick tastes and then talks about god like he is doing his work

Truly a vile piece of shit

Nov 11, 2007
Proverbs 13:20-21. He that walketh with wise men — That is, who keeps company, and commonly converses with them; shall be wise — Shall learn wisdom and goodness, both from their counsels and examples; but a companion of fools — But he who associates himself with the wicked; shall be destroyed — Shall be as certainly ruined as he will be unavoidably infected with their wickedness. Evil pursueth sinners — The evil of punishment, in proportion to their evil of sin, shall certainly, sooner or later, overtake them, although they may please themselves with hopes of impunity; but to the righteous good shall be repaid — The good which men, truly righteous, do, will infallibly return into their own bosoms, and reward them with many blessings.

New member
Jan 11, 2008
Proverbs 13:20-21. He that walketh with wise men — That is, who keeps company, and commonly converses with them; shall be wise — Shall learn wisdom and goodness, both from their counsels and examples; but a companion of fools — But he who associates himself with the wicked; shall be destroyed — Shall be as certainly ruined as he will be unavoidably infected with their wickedness. Evil pursueth sinners — The evil of punishment, in proportion to their evil of sin, shall certainly, sooner or later, overtake them, although they may please themselves with hopes of impunity; but to the righteous good shall be repaid — The good which men, truly righteous, do, will infallibly return into their own bosoms, and reward them with many blessings.

How does Trump's dick taste?

This is what a fuckin hypocrite looks like ^^^^^^
Aug 17, 2019
President Trump has been openly criticized by the MSM for his optimism around the virus despite comments by Dr. Fauci.

Have any of these people thought about the possibility that the Administration may be consulting with or relying on other Advisors?

Trump is known to work with only the best and brightest.

Perhaps he might prefer the insight of a Nobel laureate who has predicted the trends of the virus with incredible accuracy?

On 3/24/20 it was reported that the current Administration is growing very impatient with Dr. Fauci.

Maybe it's because Dr. Fauci's claims are not consistent with the evidence submitted by the most respected immunologist in the world.

Dr. Fauci has been spending time using certain media outlets to try to "correct" Trump on the virus.

Dr. Fauci has frequently squashed the White House’s attempts to advocate certain treatments for the novel virus, even those that have proven successful.

Dr. Fauci now seen taking a stroll with Gates, the evil man responsible for the virus who is desperately trying to get his vaccine pushed through.

Dr. Fauci has been at the forefront of the explosion of vaccines over the last 35 years.

So a fair question for all...

WHO is a VERY SMART man going to listen to?

1. The most respected immunologist in the world, a Nobel laureate, who has predicted the recovery of the virus with pinpoint accuracy?


2. An immunologist who has been at the forefront of the vaccine movement for the past 35 years?

Jan 13, 2019
President Trump has been openly criticized by the MSM for his optimism around the virus despite comments by Dr. Fauci.

Have any of these people thought about the possibility that the Administration may be consulting with or relying on other Advisors?

Trump is known to work with only the best and brightest.

Perhaps he might prefer the insight of a Nobel laureate who has predicted the trends of the virus with incredible accuracy?

On 3/24/20 it was reported that the current Administration is growing very impatient with Dr. Fauci.

Maybe it's because Dr. Fauci's claims are not consistent with the evidence submitted by the most respected immunologist in the world.

Dr. Fauci has been spending time using certain media outlets to try to "correct" Trump on the virus.

Dr. Fauci has frequently squashed the White House’s attempts to advocate certain treatments for the novel virus, even those that have proven successful.

Dr. Fauci now seen taking a stroll with Gates, the evil man responsible for the virus who is desperately trying to get his vaccine pushed through.

Dr. Fauci has been at the forefront of the explosion of vaccines over the last 35 years.

So a fair question for all...

WHO is a VERY SMART man going to listen to?

1. The most respected immunologist in the world, a Nobel laureate, who has predicted the recovery of the virus with pinpoint accuracy?


2. An immunologist who has been at the forefront of the vaccine movement for the past 35 years?

The article does not even consider the probability that the Chinese are lying about how many cases of covid 19 that they really have.

Nov 11, 2007
President Trump has been openly criticized by the MSM for his optimism around the virus despite comments by Dr. Fauci.

Have any of these people thought about the possibility that the Administration may be consulting with or relying on other Advisors?

Trump is known to work with only the best and brightest.

Perhaps he might prefer the insight of a Nobel laureate who has predicted the trends of the virus with incredible accuracy?

On 3/24/20 it was reported that the current Administration is growing very impatient with Dr. Fauci.

Maybe it's because Dr. Fauci's claims are not consistent with the evidence submitted by the most respected immunologist in the world.

Dr. Fauci has been spending time using certain media outlets to try to "correct" Trump on the virus.

Dr. Fauci has frequently squashed the White House’s attempts to advocate certain treatments for the novel virus, even those that have proven successful.

Dr. Fauci now seen taking a stroll with Gates, the evil man responsible for the virus who is desperately trying to get his vaccine pushed through.

Dr. Fauci has been at the forefront of the explosion of vaccines over the last 35 years.

So a fair question for all...

WHO is a VERY SMART man going to listen to?

1. The most respected immunologist in the world, a Nobel laureate, who has predicted the recovery of the virus with pinpoint accuracy?


2. An immunologist who has been at the forefront of the vaccine movement for the past 35 years?

Re: Dr. Levitt's crystal ball abilities:

I guess the crystal ball Dr/ Levitt used must have been broken on the day he made the prediction about Israel was sabotaged and/or put out of commission

by the likes of Dr. Fauci, Bill Gates or other members of the "Satanic Left Wing" of this country in order to discredit him!

COVID-19 Predictions[edit]

Levitt has made unusually optimistic public statements regarding the 2020 corona virus disease outbreak in Israel. On 18 March 2020 he said: "I will be surprised if the number of deaths in Israel surpasses ten, and even five now with the restrictions." [SUP][41][/SUP] By March 31st, 20 people in Israel had died having tested positive for COVID-19, with more than 5,000 infected and hundreds of new confirmed cases every day.[SUP][42][/SUP]

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