Important Virus Update

Aug 17, 2019
Also remember, there is a REASON why there has been a mass exodus of CEOs around the globe during this past year.

They knew their moment of truth was coming!
Aug 17, 2019
The German Minister of Finance committed suicide shortly after Chancellor Angela Markel was "quarantined" and PM Boris Johnson tested "positive" for the virus.

There is a REASON and it's NOT the "stress" from the virus situation like MSM tried to spoon feed you.

Nov 11, 2007
You seem to always focus on the political aspect so I assume you are deeply entrenched in your political views and beliefs.

As i have repeatedly said NONE of this is about politics.

You are going to see HUGE NAMES in both parties at all levels. You will also see HUGE NAMES in Religion, MSM, Hollywood, Corporations, Healthcare and Professional Sports.

Many names, possibly even one or more of those you mentioned in your response, will be exposed and held accountable for their actions.

This evil group has infiltrated all industries at all levels everywhere.

Expect the unexpected.

Well lets just say that i feel a little better now that you have stated that there are folks from both parties involved with this although you

have not cited any Republicans so far unless I missed something along the way.

Also imo you are incorrect in at least some of what you say about political affiliations-actually I consider myself and independent thinker and think and

vote accordingly.

For example most people attribute matters like acceptance of homosexuality, gay marriage and abortion rights to democrats whereas generally

speaking being against what I cited as being part of the republican point of view.

As stated many times, I believe 100% of what the republican point of view in this matter and will never vote for any candidate of either major

party or any other party at any level who does NOT share my spiritual reliefs and biblical teachings in this regard no matter how much I agree with their

other non related views.

Overall at this juncture and all things considered even with your clarification today, I would compare our beliefs to this:

Two folks are walking along the road having a discussion about a number of topics a lot of which they agree upon..

However, they come to a fork in the road and they diverge, with each going in a different direction taking a different road if you catch my drift and intent here.

Neither of the people know where their separate roads will end up, which could actually be at the same place where they could continue their walk together.

In this instance, until all the TRUTH is know and using my analogy, we will just have to wait and see whether the two separate roads come together

or they continue to in separate directions.

Nov 11, 2007
Also remember, there is a REASON why there has been a mass exodus of CEOs around the globe during this past year.

They knew their moment of truth was coming!

Time will tell and according to you very soon-thus why worry about it?

Nov 11, 2007
The German Minister of Finance committed suicide shortly after Chancellor Angela Markel was "quarantined" and PM Boris Johnson tested "positive" for the virus.

There is a REASON and it's NOT the "stress" from the virus situation like MSM tried to spoon feed you.

I say the same thing as in previous post.

Jan 13, 2019
In numerology 4/4/2020 is 4/4/4 (2+2)

I have posted many images, links and references.

I encourage you to do your own research based on my brief summary.

The collective projection we call "reality" is about to change for everyone.

I still dont see your basis for 444. although I dont believe in that new age religion crap anyway. 2020 is a number, just like 4 is. And even the way you are trying to slant it 20 + 20 = 40, not 4. Just basic mathmatics.
Aug 17, 2019
I still dont see your basis for 444. although I dont believe in that new age religion crap anyway. 2020 is a number, just like 4 is. And even the way you are trying to slant it 20 + 20 = 40, not 4. Just basic mathmatics.

There are many out there that would say "I don't believe that old age religion crap anyway".

It's because religion was used as part of the plan to control humans.

More religions created to add to confusion which ultimately led to a more divided humanity.

Most don't even understand that the basis of all religions come back to the same God, the one infinite creator.

Jan 13, 2019
There are many out there that would say "I don't believe that old age religion crap anyway".

It's because religion was used as part of the plan to control humans.

More religions created to add to confusion which ultimately led to a more divided humanity.

Most don't even understand that the basis of all religions come back to the same God, the one infinite creator.

Do you even realize that the New Age religion that you espouse is rooted in the occult and has always been the one world religion that the globalists want if they ever get the one world government they want. It has roots in the Lucis Trust of the United Nations in the early 20th century. Either you are knowingly promoting some evil bullshit or you are ignorant of the fact.
Aug 17, 2019
Do you even realize that the New Age religion that you espouse is rooted in the occult and has always been the one world religion that the globalists want if they ever get the one world government they want. It has roots in the Lucis Trust of the United Nations in the early 20th century. Either you are knowingly promoting some evil bullshit or you are ignorant of the fact.

As I mentioned in my summary this evil group has infiltrated all things including religion. This includes everything from Christianity to “New Age”.

I do not subscribe to anything “organized” especially religion and politics.
Aug 17, 2019
I still dont see your basis for 444. although I dont believe in that new age religion crap anyway. 2020 is a number, just like 4 is. And even the way you are trying to slant it 20 + 20 = 40, not 4. Just basic mathmatics.

One would need, at minimum, a basic understanding of numerology to understand this.

Only then could one understand the significance of this number.

Nov 11, 2007
One would need, at minimum, a basic understanding of numerology to understand this.

Only then could one understand the significance of this number.

All I a going to say is that I agree with you based on own personal experiences without going into detail that numerology is important.

As I said previously, a number of years back the numbers 33 and 33 appeared on my watch, clock, license plate numbers, addresses I passed

while traveling just as i happened to look up from driving, on the internet, way too much to be coincidence.

Sbm in one of his posts pointed out the positive significance of these numbers.

Lets just say that in general things weren't going all that well for me before I started seeing those numbers repeatedly but improved

greatly after that.

As I said previously after a long hiatus, these numbers are reappearing once again a lot more than just be coincidence.

I hope and pray that these numbers are again ones of goodness not only for me and family but for the country and world!
Oct 10, 2017
I just know one thing every politician in office 20 yrs or more should be hanged! Don't care if their an R or D ...these fucks and their families have amassed a fortune and sold China our most valuable industries. A book called " Year of the Rat " authors Triplett and Timperlake go back to the 90's and it's appalling ! The days of citizens coming together are over, these politicians and their media outlets who provide cover and give you talking points have us squabbling each other to keep the what they've done hidden. President Trump no matter what you think was not part of plan, without him coming along China would be top dog right now. I'm lucky I'll be dead around the time his 2nd term is over, for you guys in your 20's and 30's you are going to live through some serious shit when the system gets back on track.

Jan 13, 2019
I just know one thing every politician in office 20 yrs or more should be hanged! Don't care if their an R or D ...these fucks and their families have amassed a fortune and sold China our most valuable industries. A book called " Year of the Rat " authors Triplett and Timperlake go back to the 90's and it's appalling ! The days of citizens coming together are over, these politicians and their media outlets who provide cover and give you talking points have us squabbling each other to keep the what they've done hidden. President Trump no matter what you think was not part of plan, without him coming along China would be top dog right now. I'm lucky I'll be dead around the time his 2nd term is over, for you guys in your 20's and 30's you are going to live through some serious shit when the system gets back on track.

I agree with what you said about politicians. They are almost all self serving scum. The China sell out began with Bill Clinton giving China most favored nation trade status allowing them to enter our markets unfettered. Trump threw a big monkey wrench into the plans of the powers that be and the globalists. He is the real deal and he is a true patriot despite what the brainwashed masses think.

Jan 13, 2019
All I a going to say is that I agree with you based on own personal experiences without going into detail that numerology is important.

As I said previously, a number of years back the numbers 33 and 33 appeared on my watch, clock, license plate numbers, addresses I passed

while traveling just as i happened to look up from driving, on the internet, way too much to be coincidence.

Sbm in one of his posts pointed out the positive significance of these numbers.

Lets just say that in general things weren't going all that well for me before I started seeing those numbers repeatedly but improved

greatly after that.

As I said previously after a long hiatus, these numbers are reappearing once again a lot more than just be coincidence.

I hope and pray that these numbers are again ones of goodness not only for me and family but for the country and world!

That comes as no big suprise to anyone here that has seen your idiocy. It is obvious that you are a few beers short of a six pack mentally!

Jan 13, 2019
One would need, at minimum, a basic understanding of numerology to understand this.

Only then could one understand the significance of this number.

You always state that you do not follow new age religion yet you do base a lot of your gobbedity gook on things that are new age. Case in point....Numerology!

Nov 11, 2007
I find it sad but not surprising that there are still several individuals in here who when someone like myself expresses an opinion which differs from their

own(not sbd for sure who is mature and very tolerant of differing views) and resort to their usual name calling and insults.

Thank God that while I still read their "responses," I now have the inner strengths to regard their immature/gutter responses, which says a lot

about themselves and in some cases their upbringing or better, lack of it!

New member
Jan 11, 2008
I find it sad but not surprising that there are still several individuals in here who when someone like myself expresses an opinion which differs from their

own(not sbd for sure who is mature and very tolerant of differing views) and resort to their usual name calling and insults.

Thank God that while I still read their "responses," I now have the inner strengths to regard their immature/gutter responses, which says a lot

about themselves and in some cases their upbringing or better, lack of it!

How does Trump's dick taste?

In Jesus name, amen dipshit

Stfu crybaby. Nobody cares

Jan 13, 2019
I find it sad but not surprising that there are still several individuals in here who when someone like myself expresses an opinion which differs from their

own(not sbd for sure who is mature and very tolerant of differing views) and resort to their usual name calling and insults.

Thank God that while I still read their "responses," I now have the inner strengths to regard their immature/gutter responses, which says a lot

about themselves and in some cases their upbringing or better, lack of it!

I am not trying to pile onto you, it is obvious that you have plenty of issues but was just wondering if the bride you bought from a third world country was an underage lady boy? It would fit in with the mental instability you are showing here.

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