Important Virus Update

Aug 17, 2019
Imo The Fox Network hosts are composed of mean spirited/delusiona/hatefull folks who believe that Trump is GOD ALMIGHTY and that all folks/democrats

who disagree with this contention are stupid, clueless and whose motives are merely out to discredit Trump.

Keep it up, buddy-I will meet you every step of the way!!

Again, it's NOT about politics so put your political views away.

Journalism is sensationalism with hidden agendas and narratives.

At 75 years old I would hope, at minimum, you would understand this by now!

Nov 11, 2007
Remember, this fakenews has been going on forever.

Let's not forget 9/11 when MSM slipped up and reported the tower was hit 1 HOUR 23 MINS BEFORE it happened.

And then they came back and reported WTC 7 was demolished 26 MINS BEFORE it happened.

If people don't understand MSM is controlled by now and for specific narratives then I feel sorry for them.


You should have added that Trump said such things as the CV is nothing, will suddenly disappear, the stock market is fine, as well as a lot of

other arrogant, clueless and unfounded opinions which proved to be wrong!!

And now you know the rest of the story!!

Nov 11, 2007
Again, it's NOT about politics so put your political views away.

Journalism is sensationalism with hidden agendas and narratives.

At 75 years old I would hope, at minimum, you would understand this by now!

Until/if/when proven otherwise, you prediction of the Dawning of the Aquarius by Easter is also sensationalism and/or pure speculation/opinion!
Aug 17, 2019
You should have added that Trump said such things as the CV is nothing, will suddenly disappear, the stock market is fine, as well as a lot of

other arrogant, clueless and unfounded opinions which proved to be wrong!!

And now you know the rest of the story!!

Nothing has been proven YET because the "virus" hasn't "ended" yet but it will soon.

Nov 11, 2007
What I find amusing about this thread is that while it is obvious that while you have a lot of allies in this thread politically speaking, who agree with you in a sense

mostly by resorting to insults and name calling directed at me for eprssing differing views, I don't think I have seen anyone agree with you about

the Dawning of Aquarius by Easter.

In fact some people who agree with you politically by bashing me for expressing differing political opinions, have dissed your New World Order by Easter thinking

and/or at least are VERY skeptical.

You showed your true colors earlier today by stating that it was/is me who is the source of disrupting your precious thread(for simply stating my

God given right to state a political opinion) rather to and/or at least in addition to those who responded to me in such a vile manner.

If that type of behavior is part of your so called Dawning of the Age of Aquarius, I don't want any part of it.

It appears now that you since you fully realize that I am not going anywhere, you have decided to spew forth even more of your right

wing agenda in the hopes that those who agree with you/despise me will try to drown me out even more(and hopefully through some kind of osmosis

buy into the spiritual aspect of this thread).

I have no problem with that because I have the blinkers on and don't care what they say, which is name calling and insults only-in short it is

YOU and ONLY YOU I am responding to excepting of course fair minded people who come here and offer/ask some relevant points/questions

without the accompanying name calling and insults.

ps you talk about the "Final Battle" between the forces of Good and Evil.

That expression sure as Hell doesn't pertain to this thread as I will continue to express my opinions and thoughts as I see fit!

New member
Jan 11, 2008
Stfu dipshit. Go surf for some more whores on the internet. Maybe you can find someone to keep your wife company while you troll all day
Aug 17, 2019
What I find amusing about this thread is that while it is obvious that while you have a lot of allies in this thread politically speaking, who agree with you in a sense

mostly by resorting to insults and name calling directed at me for eprssing differing views, I don't think I have seen anyone agree with you about

the Dawning of Aquarius by Easter.

In fact some people who agree with you politically by bashing me for expressing differing political opinions, have dissed your New World Order by Easter thinking

and/or at least are VERY skeptical.

You showed your true colors earlier today by stating that it was/is me who is the source of disrupting your precious thread(for simply stating my

God given right to state a political opinion) rather to and/or at least in addition to those who responded to me in such a vile manner.

If that type of behavior is part of your so called Dawning of the Age of Aquarius, I don't want any part of it.

It appears now that you since you fully realize that I am not going anywhere, you have decided to spew forth even more of your right

wing agenda in the hopes that those who agree with you/despise me will try to drown me out even more(and hopefully through some kind of osmosis

buy into the spiritual aspect of this thread).

I have no problem with that because I have the blinkers on and don't care what they say, which is name calling and insults only-in short it is

YOU and ONLY YOU I am responding to excepting of course fair minded people who come here and offer/ask some relevant points/questions

without the accompanying name calling and insults.

ps you talk about the "Final Battle" between the forces of Good and Evil.

That expression sure as Hell doesn't pertain to this thread as I will continue to express my opinions and thoughts as I see fit!

Again, you continue to drive home your "political" views and "opinions".


If you can understand this simple fact then you will stop trying to make it about politics.

I don't care about politics or religion... I care about JUSTICE AND FREEDOM.

Nov 11, 2007
Nothing has been proven YET because the "virus" hasn't "ended" yet but it will soon.

So now you want to choose self serving timelines to make your points rather than to admit to Trump's obvious mistakes/errors in retrospect.

This sort of reminds me in a sense of the old story of the severe drought of an Indian Tribe which lasted for many months.

The Indian Chief prayed and predicted that rain would fall shortly.

After many months of this drought, it finally rained.

There a mass gathering of Indians, and the Chief stood up to the multitude and proclaimed, "I told you I was right and it would rain."

Nov 11, 2007
Again, you continue to drive home your "political" views and "opinions".


If you can understand this simple fact then you will stop trying to make it about politics.

I don't care about politics or religion... I care about JUSTICE AND FREEDOM.

Rather then repeat myself, lets shorten my take on your post to MINUS 1.
Aug 17, 2019
As we approach tomorrow 4/4/2020, or '444', here is a brief summary.

For many millennia the earth and humanity has been under the control of extremely unimaginable evil, dark and nefarious beings that have kept humanity enslaved, disempowered and spiritually asleep.

These beings have been able to get away with this because of their connections to the highest echelons of political, governmental and religious power around the world, making it impossible for victims to come forward to share what has happened to them as every part of the system was designed to protect the abusers and ignore the victims.

This group of beings is a Satanic group of elites who control every aspect of society from MSM to religion to politics to our educational system and healthcare. You may know them as the "illuminati" (cabal). There is absolutely no aspect of society this evil doesn't control.

JFK publicly called out this group and put them on notice and was assassinated days later. Following his assissination a global alliance was secretly formed with a mission to take back control of our planet, freeing humanity from enslavement and control.

This alliance is composed of former high ranking illuminati members who left them and high level military members who have access to the highest level of secret information that the cabal had on humanity. With this information they will liberate humanity from the control of this evil force. These evil forces have perpetually been creating evil plans to harm and enslave humanity. The alliance also consists of many world leaders and galactic beings including the Pleiadians who are our cosmic cousins and possess certain technologies that have made this possible.

The COVID-19 pandemic was originally created by evil illuminati fractions who wanted to harm humanity using extremely advanced biological warfare. Their nefarious plans were abruptly halted by the global alliance who possess a very advanced technology that allows them to see into the future. By seeing this before it happened it allowed them to masterfully utilize this time to execute their plan to take down the cabal ("overlay"), the operation you are witnessing through the military's involvement with the "virus".

The alliance has secretly been rounding up and arresting the most evil people on this planet. This is why you are seeing so many elites test "positive" for the virus and being "quarantined". They have also begun rescuing countless thousands of children who have secretly been kept in underground bunkers and used for on-planet and off-planet trafficking and satanic child sacrifice.

The USNS Comfort and USNS Mercy are in NYC and L.A. because these cities are main hubs for the cabal. Under these cities are a complex system of bunkers and tunnels where these children are kept and these vessels are already starting to fill up with those the military has saved. Some of these people they are saving are also adults who haven't seen daylight since their childhood and have endured much pain, suffering and trauma.

Remember, "as above so below". Where you see one world another always exists above it and below it. Also remember, the Administration made it very clear that Comfort and Mercy would be used for non-COVID-19 patients with serious conditions and other things. They are using military ships to protect them. It might also make sense to you why some crazed conductor intentionally derailed his train as an attempt to crash into the USNS Mercy. Clearly that was a "false flag" attempt to derail the operation that is underway.

The "earthquakes' in unsuspecting places are part of the operation where other underground bunkers and tunnel systems are located and are blown up after the children are rescued. Most are on the west coast because of the easy access to Mexico. This is the real reason why the Administration is building the wall, to PROTECT our children from evil.

The main control center for the cabal is in Europe, thus the real reason for the military "exercise" known as Defender 20 Europe, the largest (secret) deployment in over 25 years.

The COVID pandemic has proven to be highly effective for the global alliance whose #1 priority is to keep humans safe. They were able to use the "fear" narrative by the MSM to keep people home while the evil members are arrested.

Military prison ships were secretly deployed to NYC and LA, amongst other places, to house those they arrest. Most will be sent to GITMO (remember the $200million renovations) where they will face trial and spend the their remaining days reflecting on their crimes against humanity and how they preyed on the most vulnerable beings in the universe, our children, who were stolen from their families or part of the foster care program. How they set up "charities" as a front to steal children from underprivileged territories like Haiti and Africa, sacrificing them during Satanic rituals. There are over 160,000 sealed indictments that will be unsealed soon. While some names will be obvious many will not. Expect the unexpected.

Shortly after the Epstein arrest the House voted to allow GITMO trials to be broadcasted online. This move was made as a part of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). The measure authorizes military judges at Guantanamo Bay “to order arrangements for remote public viewing of the proceedings via the internet”. The timing was not coincidence and would prove critical in serving undeniable truth to the world. Epstein was also the first major move of the operation by the global alliance, Weinstein second. Epstein Island was the main center for these Satanic sacrifice rituals.

COVID-19 is a biological weapon created by the evil fractions and was supposed to be the next "plague", used to depopulate humanity while further enslaving those who survived. Their plan has failed and their game is over.

The best part about this is it was us, HUMANITY, that paved the way for the alliance's masterful operation. In the last decade many humans began to "wake up" and start to demand truth and transparency. This has been acknowledged as "The Great Awakening" which is real and not some "spiritual fad" like the secret members of the cabal trying to trick you into believing through media and religious brainwashing. The elites understand consciousness more than anyone, they know an AWAKENED human is the most powerful human and their biggest threat. The more that awaken the harder it is for them to control you and survive. So while the global alliance prepared for this moment the collective of awakened souls did too by spending a great deal of time together in prayer and meditation focusing on a peaceful ending and a better world for all.

This is undoubtedly a horror movie you are watching but it has an incredibly happy ending. It has nothing to do with politics, religion or anything other belief systems that have kept us divided. It is truly about JUSTICE and FREEDOM FOR ALL across the globe.

You, or many people you know, may be experiencing fear due to the MSM narrative involving the virus. Please know, and let them know, that humanity is safe now.

Again, tomorrow is 4/4/2020 ("444") and is one of the most significant dates in our universe. While the global alliance enters their final stage of this operation myself, along with countless millions of people around the globe, will support them through nonstop meditation and prayer. Feel free to join the collective in your own mediation and prayers. Pray for the safety of POTUS, our troops and the safe return of our children. Also pray for all those on the front line like doctors, nurses and more.

We are collectively on the verge of a brand new world. Stand together in unity, peace, love, compassion and forgiveness. WE ARE ONE!

By sharing this, it is not my intention to violate any of your personal beliefs or opinions. My only intention is to help prepare those who read this for what's coming. Consider it the "sneak preview" for a major disclosure event (the "mic drop"), that will hopefully soften the blow as they say. I encourage you to only take what resonates with you and discard the rest. I also encourage you to your own research, use discernment and trust your intuition more than ever.

Jun 4, 2018
Remember, this fakenews has been going on forever.

Let's not forget 9/11 when MSM slipped up and reported the tower was hit 1 HOUR 23 MINS BEFORE it happened.

And then they came back and reported WTC 7 was demolished 26 MINS BEFORE it happened.

If people don't understand MSM is controlled by now and for specific narratives then I feel sorry for them.

WTF ! ....... reminds me when that blonde texas tv reporter on air reported a second shooting at an area Wal-Mart near else Paso then looked down at her report & looked at the clock & said ...... OH WAIT , IT HASNT HAPPENED YET ( they called off the second wal Mart shooting ) because of her fuck up on air
Aug 17, 2019
I want everyone to ask yourself an honest question....

WHY would a billionaire who has it all (fame, fortune, a warm and loving family and friends and more) want to endanger himself and his family by becoming POTUS?

WHY would he want to target himself and those he cares about?

Think about this....

It's a fair and honest question and has NOTHING to do with politics.

Jan 13, 2019
As we approach tomorrow 4/4/2020, or '444', here is a brief summary.

For many millennia the earth and humanity has been under the control of extremely unimaginable evil, dark and nefarious beings that have kept humanity enslaved, disempowered and spiritually asleep.

These beings have been able to get away with this because of their connections to the highest echelons of political, governmental and religious power around the world, making it impossible for victims to come forward to share what has happened to them as every part of the system was designed to protect the abusers and ignore the victims.

This group of beings is a Satanic group of elites who control every aspect of society from MSM to religion to politics to our educational system and healthcare. You may know them as the "illuminati" (cabal). There is absolutely no aspect of society this evil doesn't control.

JFK publicly called out this group and put them on notice and was assassinated days later. Following his assissination a global alliance was secretly formed with a mission to take back control of our planet, freeing humanity from enslavement and control.

This alliance is composed of former high ranking illuminati members who left them and high level military members who have access to the highest level of secret information that the cabal had on humanity. With this information they will liberate humanity from the control of this evil force. These evil forces have perpetually been creating evil plans to harm and enslave humanity. The alliance also consists of many world leaders and galactic beings including the Pleiadians who are our cosmic cousins and possess certain technologies that have made this possible.

The COVID-19 pandemic was originally created by evil illuminati fractions who wanted to harm humanity using extremely advanced biological warfare. Their nefarious plans were abruptly halted by the global alliance who possess a very advanced technology that allows them to see into the future. By seeing this before it happened it allowed them to masterfully utilize this time to execute their plan to take down the cabal ("overlay"), the operation you are witnessing through the military's involvement with the "virus".

The alliance has secretly been rounding up and arresting the most evil people on this planet. This is why you are seeing so many elites test "positive" for the virus and being "quarantined". They have also begun rescuing countless thousands of children who have secretly been kept in underground bunkers and used for on-planet and off-planet trafficking and satanic child sacrifice.

The USNS Comfort and USNS Mercy are in NYC and L.A. because these cities are main hubs for the cabal. Under these cities are a complex system of bunkers and tunnels where these children are kept and these vessels are already starting to fill up with those the military has saved. Some of these people they are saving are also adults who haven't seen daylight since their childhood and have endured much pain, suffering and trauma.

Remember, "as above so below". Where you see one world another always exists above it and below it. Also remember, the Administration made it very clear that Comfort and Mercy would be used for non-COVID-19 patients with serious conditions and other things. They are using military ships to protect them. It might also make sense to you why some crazed conductor intentionally derailed his train as an attempt to crash into the USNS Mercy. Clearly that was a "false flag" attempt to derail the operation that is underway.

The "earthquakes' in unsuspecting places are part of the operation where other underground bunkers and tunnel systems are located and are blown up after the children are rescued. Most are on the west coast because of the easy access to Mexico. This is the real reason why the Administration is building the wall, to PROTECT our children from evil.

The main control center for the cabal is in Europe, thus the real reason for the military "exercise" known as Defender 20 Europe, the largest (secret) deployment in over 25 years.

The COVID pandemic has proven to be highly effective for the global alliance whose #1 priority is to keep humans safe. They were able to use the "fear" narrative by the MSM to keep people home while the evil members are arrested.

Military prison ships were secretly deployed to NYC and LA, amongst other places, to house those they arrest. Most will be sent to GITMO (remember the $200million renovations) where they will face trial and spend the their remaining days reflecting on their crimes against humanity and how they preyed on the most vulnerable beings in the universe, our children, who were stolen from their families or part of the foster care program. How they set up "charities" as a front to steal children from underprivileged territories like Haiti and Africa, sacrificing them during Satanic rituals. There are over 160,000 sealed indictments that will be unsealed soon. While some names will be obvious many will not. Expect the unexpected.

Shortly after the Epstein arrest the House voted to allow GITMO trials to be broadcasted online. This move was made as a part of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). The measure authorizes military judges at Guantanamo Bay “to order arrangements for remote public viewing of the proceedings via the internet”. The timing was not coincidence and would prove critical in serving undeniable truth to the world. Epstein was also the first major move of the operation by the global alliance, Weinstein second. Epstein Island was the main center for these Satanic sacrifice rituals.

COVID-19 is a biological weapon created by the evil fractions and was supposed to be the next "plague", used to depopulate humanity while further enslaving those who survived. Their plan has failed and their game is over.

The best part about this is it was us, HUMANITY, that paved the way for the alliance's masterful operation. In the last decade many humans began to "wake up" and start to demand truth and transparency. This has been acknowledged as "The Great Awakening" which is real and not some "spiritual fad" like the secret members of the cabal trying to trick you into believing through media and religious brainwashing. The elites understand consciousness more than anyone, they know an AWAKENED human is the most powerful human and their biggest threat. The more that awaken the harder it is for them to control you and survive. So while the global alliance prepared for this moment the collective of awakened souls did too by spending a great deal of time together in prayer and meditation focusing on a peaceful ending and a better world for all.

This is undoubtedly a horror movie you are watching but it has an incredibly happy ending. It has nothing to do with politics, religion or anything other belief systems that have kept us divided. It is truly about JUSTICE and FREEDOM FOR ALL across the globe.

You, or many people you know, may be experiencing fear due to the MSM narrative involving the virus. Please know, and let them know, that humanity is safe now.

Again, tomorrow is 4/4/2020 ("444") and is one of the most significant dates in our universe. While the global alliance enters their final stage of this operation myself, along with countless millions of people around the globe, will support them through nonstop meditation and prayer. Feel free to join the collective in your own mediation and prayers. Pray for the safety of POTUS, our troops and the safe return of our children. Also pray for all those on the front line like doctors, nurses and more.

We are collectively on the verge of a brand new world. Stand together in unity, peace, love, compassion and forgiveness. WE ARE ONE!

By sharing this, it is not my intention to violate any of your personal beliefs or opinions. My only intention is to help prepare those who read this for what's coming. Consider it the "sneak preview" for a major disclosure event (the "mic drop"), that will hopefully soften the blow as they say. I encourage you to only take what resonates with you and discard the rest. I also encourage you to your own research, use discernment and trust your intuition more than ever.

Although I know tomorrow is gonna be just another day in this mess, I again ask where do you get the 444 from. Tomorrow is 4/4/20. It has nothing to do with 444, even if it did it wouldnt matter. Also you talk about sharing reports, photos and links from your sources yet I have never seen you post any of them, especially in this thread. Not that it matters, Personally I am grounded in reality.
Aug 17, 2019
Although I know tomorrow is gonna be just another day in this mess, I again ask where do you get the 444 from. Tomorrow is 4/4/20. It has nothing to do with 444, even if it did it wouldnt matter. Also you talk about sharing reports, photos and links from your sources yet I have never seen you post any of them, especially in this thread. Not that it matters, Personally I am grounded in reality.

In numerology 4/4/2020 is 4/4/4 (2+2)

I have posted many images, links and references.

I encourage you to do your own research based on my brief summary.

The collective projection we call "reality" is about to change for everyone.

Nov 11, 2007
In numerology 4/4/2020 is 4/4/4 (2+2)

I have posted many images, links and references.

I encourage you to do your own research based on my brief summary.

The collective projection we call "reality" is about to change for everyone.

I found the article interesting and will reserve judgment on its contents until/if/when something between now and around Easter give or take a few days(your

time frame).

However, to Play Devils Advocate, even if somehow any of this or all comes true, I find it hard to believe that Democrats only are the

evil ones according to the people you have cited and ZERO Republicans.

You know even before this thread was started, I believed and still that there are worldwide Illuminati forces which control and manipulate such things as the stock

market fluctuations in both directions, which seem fake and which are NOT based on simple supply and demands.

Imo these movements are designed to benefit a relative few financially rather than the masses.

At times based on many years of both watching and participating in the stock market, from my perspective there are at times when at times

there is a "pro wrestling aspect" attached to these suspicious stock market movements.

I will go so far as to say that it may actually be true that the coronavirus is genetic in nature as a further attempt to control world markets.

for financial gain.

I could cite lots of other examples in many aspects of everyday life besides the stock market where there are controlling forces which rule.

However, that said at this time, I simply do NOT believe such notions with certain aspects of the Virus, such as you

cite such as the daily number statistics given out are false, that there is NOT a huge crisis with lack of doctors, hospital staff

and the daily interview showing that things are dire at their political hospital.

Along the same lines I DO believe in the sincerity of the likes of Dr. Fauci, Dr. Gupta, Governor Cuomo and many others who are honestly expressing their

opinions based on their knowledge and who are NOT part of this Illuminati.

If these folks are as you say "part of the narrative," along with the other folks(democrats) you have cited, then I actually we will simply

have to wait for the next week or so leading up to Easter according to your thesis to see if it is true and have the former exposed for

who and what they are.

Apr 29, 2019
Savage, take that BIBLE, turn that sun of a bitch sides and stick it up your ASS.
Aug 17, 2019
I found the article interesting and will reserve judgment on its contents until/if/when something between now and around Easter give or take a few days(your

time frame).

However, to Play Devils Advocate, even if somehow any of this or all comes true, I find it hard to believe that Democrats only are the

evil ones according to the people you have cited and ZERO Republicans.

You know even before this thread was started, I believed and still that there are worldwide Illuminati forces which control and manipulate such things as the stock

market fluctuations in both directions, which seem fake and which are NOT based on simple supply and demands.

Imo these movements are designed to benefit a relative few financially rather than the masses.

At times based on many years of both watching and participating in the stock market, from my perspective there are at times when at times

there is a "pro wrestling aspect" attached to these suspicious stock market movements.

I will go so far as to say that it may actually be true that the coronavirus is genetic in nature as a further attempt to control world markets.

for financial gain.

I could cite lots of other examples in many aspects of everyday life besides the stock market where there are controlling forces which rule.

However, that said at this time, I simply do NOT believe such notions with certain aspects of the Virus, such as you

cite such as the daily number statistics given out are false, that there is NOT a huge crisis with lack of doctors, hospital staff

and the daily interview showing that things are dire at their political hospital.

Along the same lines I DO believe in the sincerity of the likes of Dr. Fauci, Dr. Gupta, Governor Cuomo and many others who are honestly expressing their

opinions based on their knowledge and who are NOT part of this Illuminati.

If these folks are as you say "part of the narrative," along with the other folks(democrats) you have cited, then I actually we will simply

have to wait for the next week or so leading up to Easter according to your thesis to see if it is true and have the former exposed for

who and what they are.

You seem to always focus on the political aspect so I assume you are deeply entrenched in your political views and beliefs.

As i have repeatedly said NONE of this is about politics.

You are going to see HUGE NAMES in both parties at all levels. You will also see HUGE NAMES in Religion, MSM, Hollywood, Corporations, Healthcare and Professional Sports.

Many names, possibly even one or more of those you mentioned in your response, will be exposed and held accountable for their actions.

This evil group has infiltrated all industries at all levels everywhere.

Expect the unexpected.

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