Important Virus Update


Jan 30, 2008
One thousand three hundred people died on Friday from the coronavirus in the United States. Donald Trump jokes about banging a model during a coronavirus press briefing on the same day. Do any of the things that the President does and say bother anyone down there? Maybe this could put it in perspective. The building you work in has just burned down. Five co-workers have perished. The mayor of your city or town is on the news describing the fire and jokes about banging some lady as your dead friends and co-workers are dragged from the building. That bother anyone?

Jan 30, 2008
Think of this from the standpoint of just being a citizen of the United States and not a Republican, Democrat, religious, non religious person etc. Is anyone down there okay with that?

Nov 11, 2007
One thousand three hundred people died on Friday from the coronavirus in the United States. Donald Trump jokes about banging a model during a coronavirus press briefing on the same day. Do any of the things that the President does and say bother anyone down there? Maybe this could put it in perspective. The building you work in has just burned down. Five co-workers have perished. The mayor of your city or town is on the news describing the fire and jokes about banging some lady as your dead friends and co-workers are dragged from the building. That bother anyone?

Not shocking and a nice analogy/comparison on your part.

Could you provide a link to this as I was unaware of this news and can't find it on the internet?

If it documented,I am sure a few folks will find a way to write it off as "fake news" or just ignore it as they do and/or give Trump

yet another free pass.

Active member
Nov 23, 2011
Not shocking and a nice analogy/comparison on your part.

Could you provide a link to this as I was unaware of this news and can't find it on the internet?

If it documented,I am sure a few folks will find a way to write it off as "fake news" or just ignore it as they do and/or give Trump

yet another free pass.

Lol, no wonder your mail order wife is out banging , you spend 24/7 here, plus at 80 u should be drinking geritol and getting to bed at 6:30
Aug 17, 2019
One thousand three hundred people died on Friday from the coronavirus in the United States. Donald Trump jokes about banging a model during a coronavirus press briefing on the same day. Do any of the things that the President does and say bother anyone down there? Maybe this could put it in perspective. The building you work in has just burned down. Five co-workers have perished. The mayor of your city or town is on the news describing the fire and jokes about banging some lady as your dead friends and co-workers are dragged from the building. That bother anyone?

Here are President Trump's exact words...

"The models show hundreds of thousands of people are going to die,” he said. “I want to come way under the models. The professionals did the models. I was never involved in a model. But – at least this kind of a model.”

How do you get "banging a model" out of this?

Did you ever to stop to think he may have been talking about "financial models" since those are the models he is accustomed to working with on a daily basis?

Or are you just buying into the sensationalism created by MSM?
Aug 17, 2019
About the virus....

277,577 "reported" CASES in the USA

Top 10 States account for 213,953 or 77%

8 of those 10 States are DEMOCRATIC

Those 8 States account for 193,283 of the 213,953 or 70%

7,403 "reported" DEATHS in the USA

Top 10 States account for 5,963 or 81%

8 of those 10 States are DEMOCRATIC

Those 8 States account for 5,601 of the 5,963, or 94%

Maybe it's time for the Democrats to stop making this about Politics and pointing the finger at Trump and start doing their jobs.

Maybe the Democrats should stop trying to block the cures just because Trump supports it.

And maybe it's time for the public to WAKE UP an stop buying into the "fear" narrative and sensationalism that is being spoon fed to them 24/7.

The truth is there are more than enough supplies to take care of those in need and there are more supplies than they will ever need in current production.
Aug 17, 2019
Soon you will understand this man LOVES America and the American PEOPLE more than anyone!

Aug 17, 2019
Remember, today is 4/4/2020 ("444") and is one of the most significant dates in our universe.

While the global alliance continues with their final stage of this operation myself, along with countless millions of people around the globe, will support them through nonstop meditation and prayer.

Feel free to join the collective in your own mediation and prayers. Pray for the safety of POTUS, our troops and the safe return of our children. Also pray for all those on the front line like doctors, nurses and more.

We are collectively on the verge of a brand new world.

Stand together in unity, peace, love, compassion and forgiveness.


Peace brothers!

New member
Jan 11, 2008
One thousand three hundred people died on Friday from the coronavirus in the United States. Donald Trump jokes about banging a model during a coronavirus press briefing on the same day. Do any of the things that the President does and say bother anyone down there? Maybe this could put it in perspective. The building you work in has just burned down. Five co-workers have perished. The mayor of your city or town is on the news describing the fire and jokes about banging some lady as your dead friends and co-workers are dragged from the building. That bother anyone?

Not shocking and a nice analogy/comparison on your part.

Could you provide a link to this as I was unaware of this news and can't find it on the internet?

If it documented,I am sure a few folks will find a way to write it off as "fake news" or just ignore it as they do and/or give Trump

yet another free pass.

Banging a model? It does not get any fuckin dumber than you two

Nov 11, 2007
Re: Dr. Levitt's crystal ball abilities:

I guess the crystal ball Dr/ Levitt used must have been broken on the day he made the prediction about Israel was sabotaged and/or put out of commission

by the likes of Dr. Fauci, Bill Gates or other members of the "Satanic Left Wing" of this country in order to discredit him!

COVID-19 Predictions[edit]

Levitt has made unusually optimistic public statements regarding the 2020 corona virus disease outbreak in Israel. On 18 March 2020 he said: "I will be surprised if the number of deaths in Israel surpasses ten, and even five now with the restrictions." [SUP][41][/SUP] By March 31st, 20 people in Israel had died having tested positive for COVID-19, with more than 5,000 infected and hundreds of new confirmed cases every day.[SUP][42][/SUP]

Three things for now:

1) how about addressing this and what you said about Dr. Levitt?

2) You want to pump Dr. Levitt and disparage Dr. Fauci and consider him to be one of the leading culprits in you right wing conspiracy theories, go ahead.

Like the Newton's Law of Physics, which applies to politics also,namely that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.

3) What I don't get is why do you keep pumping your conspiracy theories day after day when according to each and everyone of the good guys and bad

guys will become obvious to all of us by Easter with the Dawning of Aquarius?

Is what you are posting each and every day in this regard supposed to be some kind of "Coming Attractions" that one sees in movie theaters(ie before

they were rightfully shut down because of the Virus?).

Anyways here is the "opposite reaction" or if you like the "Other Side of the Story" of dr. Fauci:

Nov 11, 2007
Remember, today is 4/4/2020 ("444") and is one of the most significant dates in our universe.

While the global alliance continues with their final stage of this operation myself, along with countless millions of people around the globe, will support them through nonstop meditation and prayer.

Feel free to join the collective in your own mediation and prayers. Pray for the safety of POTUS, our troops and the safe return of our children. Also pray for all those on the front line like doctors, nurses and more.

We are collectively on the verge of a brand new world.

Stand together in unity, peace, love, compassion and forgiveness.


Peace brothers!

No problem with this other than imo one should pray and every day during this crisis for what you cite and not just on this one day whether it has significance

or not.

Nov 11, 2007
Soon you will understand this man LOVES America and the American PEOPLE more than anyone!


The proof will be in your Easter Scenario.

Lets not forget also (and I can find the post if you like) that you made or implied some of this good stuff would happen

during the spring solstice on March 19.

By my standards, none of it came true and the situation is worse.

We will know in about a week if these newest predictions like this one come true or not.

New member
Jan 11, 2008
typical piece of shit liberal. One of them makes up a story and another jumps on it like it is gold.

When it becomes clear that it was once again fake fuckin news, brush it under the rug and move on to the next one.

savage is nothing but a crybaby and a piece of shit hypocrite. He fits the mold to a tee

Nov 11, 2007
As I write this, there are a documented 1,097,909 cases of the Virus worldwide.

There have been 59, 131 deaths.

In the US there have been 278,458 cases and 7,159 deaths.

Most importantly the prediction of the POTUS about a month or so about the Virus "just disappearing" and the stock market being "just fine"

did not "quite occur."

Also I NEVER said the part about Trump's banging a model was true and asked for documentation.

Nov 11, 2007
About the virus....

277,577 "reported" CASES in the USA

Top 10 States account for 213,953 or 77%

8 of those 10 States are DEMOCRATIC

Those 8 States account for 193,283 of the 213,953 or 70%

7,403 "reported" DEATHS in the USA

Top 10 States account for 5,963 or 81%

8 of those 10 States are DEMOCRATIC

Those 8 States account for 5,601 of the 5,963, or 94%

Maybe it's time for the Democrats to stop making this about Politics and pointing the finger at Trump and start doing their jobs.

Maybe the Democrats should stop trying to block the cures just because Trump supports it.

And maybe it's time for the public to WAKE UP an stop buying into the "fear" narrative and sensationalism that is being spoon fed to them 24/7.

The truth is there are more than enough supplies to take care of those in need and there are more supplies than they will ever need in current production.

If any of you folks out there believe what is stated in this post about the 10 states cited having made-up figures re: being invested/dying IS TRUE

with the Virus and happen to live in one of those states, then I suggest that you go to a crowded supermarket in middle of day,

DON'T use social distancing, DON'T use any kind of masks and/or walk into one of your local hospitals, which I am sure will be deserted with doctors,

nurses and hospital staff so bored that they are playing cards and other activities to pass the time of day.

Yeah I know-none of what we see and hear with the interviews each day with patients, doctors, hospital staff, etc. is true, and of course

the tears and fear we see in their eyes is all made-up and being done by actors and actresses to try to instill fear

into the public with the ultimate goal of all these "ruses" to be to discredit Donald Trump so that he will not be re-elected.

Nov 11, 2007
So God directed you to a gambling forum to start a thread on Northcoast sports? He does work in mysterious ways


One of my many God felt missions in life is to in my own way bring truth and TRUTH IN ADVERTISING both to someone perpetrating it,

in this instance Phil Steele and Northcoast as well as more importantly to the potential consumer who might buy into the slick

advertising, lies/half truths and overall deceptions if there weren't folks like me around to expose them.

The big difference in the NC Thread and this one is that at the NC Forum EVERY SINGLE thing about their REAL and ENTIRE record is 100% true

and documented by me as opposed to the selective only all one way deceptive garbage and lies and half truths they spew forth every day.

On the other hand, in this thread until/if/when proven otherwise, imo all sbd does is present HIS own political opinions and facts, "facts" which for the most

part which come from sources with a pro trump/ anti democratic agenda and a lot of which is based on at best circumstantial evidence.

I choose to believe the documentation re: the Virus that I see presented each day and the proof/documentation that I see with interviews

from respected doctors, nurses, health care workers and on and on at the actual scene as well as the likes of Dr. Fauci, Dr. Birx, Dr Gupta and other highly

respected people in this field.

New member
Jan 11, 2008
Most importantly the prediction of the POTUS about a month or so about the Virus "just disappearing" and the stock market being "just fine"

did not "quite occur."

This shows just how fucking dumb you are. You suck Fauci's balls and treat him like he should be the man of the year

This dumb fuck said this on January 21st

“This is not a major threat to the people of the United States and this is not something that the citizens of the United States should be worried about right now,” Dr. Fauci told Newsmax’s Greg Kelly on January 21

January 23rd

In a Jan. 23 Journal of the American Medical Association podcast, Dr. Fauci repeatedly downplayed the virus’ potential impact on the U.S

Asked whether the U.S. might contemplate city-wide shutdowns like those China was enacting at the time, Fauci replied, “There's no chance in the world that we could do that to Chicago or to New York or to San Francisco, but they're doing it. So, let's see what happens.”

January 31st

Fauci repeated in a Jan. 31 White House briefing that “we still have a low risk to the American public,”

February 18th

Weeks later, Fauci was still downplaying the risks, saying on Feb. 18 that the “hypothetical danger of coronavirus” to America was “just minuscule” compared to the “real and present danger” of the seasonal flu. Days later he finally changed his views and, in the process, was on his way to becoming a media star.

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