Important Virus Update

Aug 17, 2019
Jonathan Sackler, Co-Owner of OxyContin Maker Purdue Pharma, Dies

Jonathan Sackler's company is seeking bankruptcy protection as part of an effort to settle nearly 3,000 lawsuits brought against it by state and local governments that blame the company for sparking the opioid crisis that has killed more than 400,000 Americans since 2000

The company's settlement plan calls for the family, which has been listed among America's wealthiest, to pay at least $3 billion and give up ownership of Purdue.

Dies of "cancer" and yet no talk of his diagnosis or "battle" with it?
Aug 17, 2019
Fauci warns US is ‘knee-deep’ in first wave of coronavirus as new cases hit record numbers in some states

'We went up, never came down to baseline, and now we're surging back up,' Fauci said

The U.S. is still "knee-deep" in the first wave of the coronavirus pandemic, as officials continue to announce record-breaking surges of new cases in some parts of the country, Dr. Anthony Fauci said Monday.

Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said the resurgence in places like Texas, Florida, Arizona and California, where cases have skyrocketed at an alarming pace over the last few weeks, "would not be considered a wave."

More Fauci fear porn.

His only goal is micro-chipping and mass vaccinations.

He stands to make millions with his vested interest in Gates, Wuhan lab and Gilead.

His plan will fail.

America and the rest of the world know "what's up".

This is why people like Gates and Soros have literally been banned from many countries.

It will be a great day for America and the rest of the world when these clowns are taken out in cuffs.
Aug 17, 2019

This is what happens when you've been BUSTED for nursing home murders!

So how do you combat this?

Push fear porn again hyping the "spike up" in CASES even though DEATHS ARE WAY DOWN (virtually non-existent).
Aug 17, 2019
Dutch arrests after discovery of 'torture chamber' in sea containers

Dutch police have arrested six men after discovering sea containers that had been converted into a makeshift prison and sound-proofed “torture chamber” complete with a dentist’s chair, tools including pliers and scalpels and handcuffs, a high-ranking officer announced.

Authorities said police conducted the raid before the converted containers could be used and alerted potential victims, who went into hiding.

The discovery was made last month by officers investigating leads generated by data from encrypted phones used by criminals that were cracked recently by French police. Detectives in the UK and the Netherlands have arrested hundreds of suspects based on the encrypted messages.

Tuesday’s announcement gave a chilling insight into the increasingly violent Dutch criminal underworld, which is involved in the large-scale production and trafficking of drugs.

Another disclosure seed for the masses.

Just wait until the public learns that Hillary's code name is 'EVERGREEN'.

And just wait until they find out why and what's in them.

Aug 17, 2019
Ghislaine Maxwell founded TERRAMAR Project, was funded by the Clinton Foundation, lived in a home owned by Lynn De Rothschild - the base of the TerraMar Project.

The TerraMar Project was non-profit company that Ghislaine Maxwell started in 2012. Jeffrey Epstein and various other high power financiers funded the venture.

The company described itself as an ocean conservation group but it shut down by 2019 over sex trafficking crimes stemming from Epstein’s arrest.

It was only six days after Jeffrey Epstein was brought into custody that the firm announced it was shutting down permanently.

TerraMar didn’t last long but it’s short life was full of suspicious activity. The company had immediate support from globalist organizations including the Clinton Foundation. Maxwell attended multiple United Nations (UN) meetings and even spoke the council as the founder of TerraMar. Ghislaine and another man from the company’s Board of Directors, Scott Borgerson, spoke in Washington DC at a special event sponsored by the Council on Foreign Relations.

The elites have long used "charities" as fronts for their human/child/sex trafficking rings.

The Clinton Foundation is the biggest.
Aug 17, 2019
Bill and Hillary Clinton have a long history and deeps ties to Ghislaine Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein

Epstein and Maxwell donated $10K to refurbish the Oval Office and “certain areas” of the Executive Residence.

Bill and Hillary have big problems.

1993 White House Historical Association letter acknowledging "donation".

Aug 17, 2019
Trump administration begins formal withdraw of U.S. from W.H.O.

The White House has officially moved to withdraw the United States from the World Health Organization (WHO), a senior administration official confirmed Tuesday, breaking ties with a global public health body in the middle of the coronavirus pandemic.

The U.S. has submitted its withdrawal notification to the United Nations secretary-general, the official said. Withdrawal requires a year's notice, so it will not go into effect until July 6, 2021, raising the possibility the decision could be reversed.

The move was cheered by conservatives who had accused the WHO of harboring pro-China bias and argued the global body was not a productive use of funds.

Critics of the WHO have pointed to its initial assertion that the coronavirus could not be spread via human-to-human transmission, and Trump has harped on the organization's opposition to travel bans after he imposed one on China.

Trump and his allies have also lashed out at the WHO for failing to stop early warning signs of the outbreak.

One major step towards real freedom!

Next up, the U.N.

Expect major backlash by the Dems as this move goes against, and threatens, their anti-American agenda and mass vaccination agendas.
Aug 17, 2019

Joe Biden

Americans are safer when America is engaged in strengthening global health.

On my first day as President, I will rejoin the @WHO and restore our leadership on the world stage.

4:44 PM · Jul 7, 2020


Aug 17, 2019
BREAKING: DOJ Gives Flynn More Documents ‘Exonerating’ Him of ‘Knowing False Statement’

Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, former adviser to President Donald Trump, has obtained several documents from the Justice Department (DOJ) that further prove his innocence, said his lawyer, former federal prosecutor Sidney Powell.

The documents include the handwritten notes of former Deputy Assistant Attorney General Tashina Gauhar from a Jan. 25, 2017, meeting, former FBI Deputy Assistant Director Peter Strzok’s notes from that same meeting, an internal DOJ document dated Jan. 30, 2017, and then-Acting Attorney General Dana Boente’s handwritten notes, dated March 30, 2017, according to a notice filed by the DOJ with the federal court in the District of Columbia on July 7.

The documents, not released publicly due to the court’s protective order, were discovered by U.S. Attorney Jeffrey Jensen, who was tasked in January by Attorney General William Barr to review the Flynn case.
“The new production by Mr. Jensen includes 14 pages of notes and portions of a draft DOJ document—further exonerating General Flynn not only on the point of materiality but also of any intent to deceive or knowing false statement,” Powell told The Epoch Times via email.

“It corroborates some information we already had—but from new sources—and it reveals some new information that has been withheld for three years.”


Again, Flynn was framed inside one of the biggest scandals in history!

Proving his innocence is the key to Obamagate and FISAgate and what paves the way for the mass arrests.

Judge Sullivan knew it which is why he tried to block the case dismissal.

Aug 17, 2019

Donald J. Trump

I disagree with @CDCgov on their very tough & expensive guidelines for opening schools.

While they want them open, they are asking schools to do very impractical things.

I will be meeting with them!!!

9:33 AM · Jul 8, 2020


"Game Over" for Fauci and the CDC.

All he has done is undermine POTUS during this scamdemic, all while being 100% wrong!

A person has a .00625% chance of contracting COVID.

Children have virtually a 0% chance.

And yet Fauci and the CDC are going beyond ridiculousness to allow schools to reopen.

Fauci's only goal is to generate enough fear to pave the way for mass vaccinations.

ZERO chance it happens!
Aug 17, 2019
BREAKING: Trump has repeatedly amplified QAnon Twitter accounts. The FBI has linked the conspiracy theory to domestic terror

As of July 7, Trump has amplified QAnon Twitter accounts at least 185 times

As of July 7, 2020, President Donald Trump has amplified tweets from accounts promoting the QAnon conspiracy theory at least 185 times via at least 114 individual accounts, some of them more than once. (Since the novel coronavirus pandemic began in the United States, he has amplified QAnon Twitter accounts at least 90 times via 49 individual accounts.) Additionally, members of Trump's family, his personal attorney, current and former campaign staffers, and even some current and former Trump administration officials have also repeatedly amplified QAnon supporters and their content.

The QAnon conspiracy theory has been tied to acts of violence, used by anti-government groups, and was flagged as a potential domestic terror threat by the FBI. The QAnon conspiracy theory began in October 2017 on oooo, a site connected to white nationalists, with an account called “Q” claiming that Trump was working with special counsel Robert Mueller to take down the president’s perceived enemies and the “deep state.” The conspiracy theory then moved to 8chan, another message board tied to white nationalists and mass shooters which recently went offline, and it has also spread elsewhere online among Trump supporters.

If QAnon is just "conspiracy" why is MSM working overtime trying to discredit them.

It's because the lefts are in PANIC MODE!

Flynn's case dismissal.

Maxwell's arrest.

They know she is talking and cutting deals.

The walls are closing in on them fast.

The swamp goes deep.

QAnon are their biggest threat right now.

QAnons are spreading truth at incredible rates and faster than MSM can even react.

QAnons are the real media now.

They are the fasting growing network on the world.

MSM has been challenged to ask POTUS who Q/QAnon is.

They won't do it.

They fear the answer.

POTUS is amplifying QAnon tweets to let them know who they are!

QAnon is real, they are not conspiracy.

They are the Dems/Lefts worst nightmare.

Tick Tock Tick Tock.......
Aug 17, 2019
Media Matters Founder Accused Of Illegally Profiting From Progressive Nonprofit Group

Media Matters for America founder David Brock reaped illegal profits through the transfer of millions from a nonprofit he founded to a for-profit entity under his control, according to an IRS complaint filed by a conservative watchdog group. The complaint detailed how Brock’s nonprofit group American Bridge Foundation (AB Foundation) transferred $2.7 million in tax-exempt assets to True Blue Media, a for-profit company owned by Brock that is the parent company of ShareBlue, a for-profit media company now known as The American Independent. The transfers violated IRS rules that prohibit nonprofit organizations from using their tax-exempt resources to pay personal or private expenses of any key figures connected to the nonprofit, the complaint stated.

AB Foundation’s transfers to True Blue Media were disclosed in the nonprofit’s Form 990s filed to the IRS in 2017 and 2018.

AB Foundation’s sister super PAC, AB PAC, announced plans in March to spend $50 million on ads targeting President Donald Trump. AB PAC also reportedly brokered an alliance in March with another super PAC, Unite the Country, which supports former Vice President Joe Biden’s presidential bid.

“David Brock, a leading leftwing political consultant, raises millions of dollars every year to influence the media, politics, and campaigns,” said Craig Robinson, the president of the Iowa-based Patriots Foundation that filed the complaint. “Behind the scenes, his network of organizations have engaged in very troubling behavior that warrants serious investigation.”

Now we understand why Media Matters wrote the fake news article about QAnon!

Just another fake not-for-profit organization with a hidden agenda.

Just another leftist who's been busted!

QAnons are his worst nightmare!
Aug 17, 2019
BREAKING: Supreme Court rules in favor of Little Sisters of the Poor in ObamaCare contraception case

The court ruled 7-2 in favor of the Trump administration and the Catholic charity

The Supreme Court ruled Wednesday that the Trump administration acted within its authority when it expanded exemptions to the Affordable Care Act’s (ACA) requirement for employers to provide insurance coverage that includes contraception -- in a victory for Little Sisters of the Poor, the Catholic group that has been at the center of the national debate over the mandate.

The court ruled 7-2 in favor of the Trump administration and the Catholic charity that cares for the elderly in two related disputes against Pennsylvania, which sued over the validity of a rule from the Trump administration that allowed religious-affiliated groups and some for-profit companies to opt-out of providing contraception coverage to employees.

Another win for POTUS and his Administration.

Aug 17, 2019
Alexander Vindman, Trump impeachment witness, retires from military

Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, a key impeachment witness against President Trump, retired from the Army Wednesday, with his lawyer citing "a campaign of bullying, intimidation and retaliation" for cutting short his military career.

Vindman marked his retirement by tweeting a picture of himself in a rumpled plaid shirt working on a laptop -- a stark contrast to the many photos of him in uniform.

"Today I officially requested retirement from the US Army, an organization I love. My family and I look forward to the next chapter of our lives," Vindman posted.

Vindman already was fired in February from the National Security Council and escorted off the White House grounds two days after the Senate acquitted Trump in his impeachment trial. His twin brother, Lt. Col. Yevgeny Vindman, was also ousted from the NSC at the same time.

Fired for "Trump's bullying"? [laughing]

Had nothing to do with being a TRAITOR!

Or the fact that justice is coming for all those involved in the Russiagate!
Aug 17, 2019
Horowitz: Asian-American, VP of Research, fired from Michigan State University for advancing FACTS and TRUTH about police shootings

The entire purpose of academic research is to discover the truth about vexing scientific and societal questions through the use of research and data. However, if the truth refutes a sacred political agenda, you can no longer publish such research or even cite it. The latest victim of this reverse Jim Crow witch hunt against truth in data and academic research is Stephen Hsu, vice president for research at Michigan State University.

On June 2, I cited a study from researchers at the Michigan State and the University of Maryland that concludes, “We did not find evidence for anti-Black or anti-Hispanic disparity in police use of force across all shootings, and, if anything, found anti-White disparities when controlling for race-specific crime.” This study analyzed 917 officer-involved fatal shootings and found that that “per capita racial disparity in fatal shootings is explained by non-White people’s greater exposure to the police through crime.” The study was published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences last year.

Tucker Carlson mentioned this study on his show later that evening, and it has since gained more notoriety. Naturally, one would expect those who believe in the “systemic racism in policing” blood libel to cite evidence why this study is wrong and to provide counter-evidence that supports their position. But debate is not their strong suit, just censorship.

The College Fix reports that Stephen Hsu was fired from Michigan State University for citing this study and posting an interview of one of its authors, Michigan State colleague Joe Cesario, on his blog. He posted the interview with Cesario on June 2, the same day I cited the study.

How do you control the evil anti-American narrative?

FIRE anyone who speaks truth even if the research is conclusive!
Aug 17, 2019
Daily Caller News Foundation, Judicial Watch sue University of Delaware for access to Biden's Senate records

The university says the records are sealed until two years after Biden leaves public life

The Daily Caller News Foundation (DCNF) and Judicial Watch announced on Wednesday that it is suing the University of Delaware for access to Joe Biden's Senate records.

According to DCNF, Judicial Watch filed the joint lawsuit in the Superior Court of Delaware related to Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests both groups made back in April in hopes of obtaining documents from Biden's decades-long career as the Delaware senator as well as any logs of those "who have visited the location where the records are stored."

The lawsuit comes after the Delaware Department of Justice denied DCNF's appeal on July 1 when its FOIA request was previously denied.

Biden says he does not want University of Delaware records searched amid Tara Reade allegations

Joe Biden argues searching the university's Senate records could expose past political positions that can be taken out of context during the campaign; Peter Doocy reports.

“The University of Delaware should stop protecting Joe Biden and provide the public access to his public records, as Delaware law requires," Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton similarly stated.

I think it's fair to say that what anti-American Pedo Biden fears the most is it will expose his entire corrupt history with foreign entities and further validate Reade's allegations.
Aug 17, 2019
EXCLUSIVE: DOJ and FBI Claim They Cannot Provide Documents Related to Seth Rich and Clinton Emails Until After 2020 Election

CIA Involvement in the Creation of the Russia Hack and Seth Rich Cover-up is now the focus of Group requesting the truth behind Trump-Russia collusion sham.

In June 2016, Ellen Nakashima, a Deep State favorite from the Washington Post, released a report that the Democrat National Committee (DNC) had been hacked by Russia. The firm that validated this was Crowdstrike and its President Shawn Henry confirmed the claims. In December 2016, Ms. Nakashima followed up her reporting with the outlandish claim that the CIA had determined that Russia hacked the DNC because Russia wanted Trump to win the election. Nakashima also reported that the the Intel Community had determined that Russia also sent the emails to WikiLeaks. This position was reinforced by the Mueller gang in their efforts to have President Trump removed from office.

WikiLeaks did release DNC emails related to John Podesta, Hillary Clinton’s Campaign Manager, in the months before the 2016 Presidential election which showed massive corruption combined with an elitist attitude from members of the Hillary Clinton team – all willing to do whatever it took to win the election.

The Trump – Russia sounded fraudulent from the start and even preposterous.

Many people suspected that in 2016 a young man working for the DNC by the name of Seth Rich, copied emails from the DNC and shared them with WikiLeaks. Mr. Rich was murdered in Washington D.C. in July 2016 and it was labeled a robbery, but his wallet, phone and watch were found on his person when the police arrived at the scene. We reported numerous oddities surrounding his death.

For years the Seth Rich story has been covered up and labeled a conspiracy. However, we reported numerous incidents and activities within the Deep State related to covering up the Seth Rich story. We recently reported that Judicial Watch released documents obtained in a FOIA request. These emails revealed that corrupt cops Peter Strzok and Jonathan Moffa were copied in an email regarding a report from Daily Mail where ex-Brit Craig Murray claimed he traveled to Washington DC and obtained Clinton emails in an exchange in a wooded area near American University.



The TRUTH of Seth Rich and WikiLeaks will be released.

WHEN the records show Seth Rich provided emails to WikiLeaks it will prove:

1. Special Counsel Robert Mueller's entire investigation of Pres. Trump was premised on a fraud, and

2. current FBI and DOJ officials aided and abetted that fraud.

Attorney Ty Clevinger asserts the DNI has been covering this up for 4 years but NOBODY is Government wants Clevenger and the American People to know the TRUTH.

This is about to change!

Justice is coming!

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