Important Virus Update


Jan 8, 2015
HAHAHAAAAAH!!! this clown is still going!!! What an awful 4th of July weekend for the USA!!! 130.000 deaths and counting!! An example to the world how NOT to handle this thing!!! Still 12% unemployed!!! And the trumpster fire gave another great speech, he's gonna get a garden going!!! Hahahaaaaah, what a joke!!!! No Clintons got arrested either!!! "Arrests are imminent, stay tuned!!!!!! He's been bleating that for months now!!!:):)
Aug 17, 2019
The bottom line is that you are a LIAR as I have shown and proven too many times to count, and also you and your QAnons are born lIARS and 100% FRAUDS!

Once again I suggest that you folks start randomly reading some of the failed to come true bullshit and FAILED time sensitive predictions in this thread,

as well as posts 1 and the two links posted in 68 of my QAnon Thread to see what this group is about.

Also, if you have time, go read my commentary/posts in the "Why Trump Loves Putin so Much Thread today, and you can judge for yourself

whether sbd is a liar and lives in fantasy world, and most importantly what it says about him whether he believes it or not, that Trump is going to

win the Election "in the biggest landslide in history."

ps I will let this response also serve as a response to what he says in post 2718, because it is essentiallt just the same "Q"UACKshit we are

accustomed to hearing every day!

Your are beyond delusional.

I pray for you every day.
Aug 17, 2019

>You have a .00625% chance of contracting the virus.

>The death rate is less than .4% and less than .2% if you do not count the nursing home murders committed by certain Dem Governors.

>Peer-review research reveals more than 99% of all COVID patients have at least one underlying medical condition and 50% have THREE or more.

>Recent rise in cases not a "second wave", simply a result of a dramatic increase in testing.

>Death count continues to drop significantly and virtually non-existent despite increase in cases from added testing.

>CDC now admits virus poses no greater risk than "influenza".

>W.H.O. now admits patients do not need to be isolated, quarantined or social distanced, and it cannot even transmit from one patient to another.

>Fauci states on record people should not be wearing masks.

>U.S. Surgeon General states on record masks do not protect you.

>W.H.O. states on record that only people treating patients with COVID should be wearing masks.

>100% of all science proves masks do not protect you - they are only symbolic of submission and slavery.

>Peer-review research proves Hydroxychloriquine is the most effective therapeutic and cure.

>Peer-review research proves Remdesivir is not a 'gamechanger' like Fauci stated.

>Peer-review research proves 20 minutes of sunlight a day dramatically reduces risk of getting COVID by more than 70%.

>Fauci, Birx and others at NIH proven to be heavily invested in Gates' vaccines, Wuhan lab where viruses created and Gilead, the maker of Remdesivir.


The scam has been fully exposed!

The only thing left are the arrests/trials of those who committed the nursing home murders and tyranny.
Aug 17, 2019
General Michael Flynn, Family and Friends Pledges Oath To QAnon

"Where We Go One We Go All"

MSM trying hard to brainwash the masses into believing Q-Anon is "conspiracy theory".

MSM has been challenged many times to ask POTUS "who" Q/Q-Anon is.

MSM has ignored the call.

MSM is afraid of the answer!

SOON they will be forced to address the truth of Q/Q-Anon!
Aug 17, 2019
Anti-police demonstrations may have sparked new coronavirus cases, some cities now acknowledge

Several big-city mayors and top officials are acknowledging that weeks of anti-police protests and riots may have contributed to surging coronavirus rates, weeks after Democrats and even some epidemiologists openly encouraged Black Lives Matter allies to demonstrate in the streets.

There are two parts to the "spike up" or "second wave":

1. The dramatic increase in testing POTUS and VP Pence told us would happen weeks before the "spike up" happened. This was a reflection "past" cases.

2. BLM and anti-police protests. This was a reflection of "current and "new" cases.

Logical thinking.
Aug 17, 2019

Aug 17, 2019
Anti-police demonstrations may have sparked new coronavirus cases, some cities now acknowledge

Several big-city mayors and top officials are acknowledging that weeks of anti-police protests and riots may have contributed to surging coronavirus rates, weeks after Democrats and even some epidemiologists openly encouraged Black Lives Matter allies to demonstrate in the streets.

There are two parts to the "spike up" or "second wave":

1. The dramatic increase in testing POTUS and VP Pence told us would happen weeks before the "spike up" happened. This was a reflection "past" cases.

2. BLM and anti-police protests. This was a reflection of "current and "new" cases.

Logical thinking.

Black Lives Matter protests may be the largest in U.S. history as more than 26MILLION Americans have been at the more than 4,700 demonstrations around the country

Black Lives Matter protests that have erupted across the United States may be the largest demonstrations in the country's history, with upwards of 26million people participating.

The figures come from four recent polls - including one released by Civis Analytics - that found that 15 million people to 26 million people have been a part of demonstrations that spawned following the deaths of Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor and George Floyd.

'I've never seen self-reports of protest participation that high for a specific issue over such a short period,' Neal Caren, associate professor at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, explained to the New York Times.

This had nothing to do with the "spike up" in virus cases.

Let's blame POTUS and Republican Governors instead for opening the economy too soon.

Aug 17, 2019
EXCLUSIVE: 'She has copies of everything Epstein had.' Ghislaine Maxwell 'has secret stash of pedophile's sex tapes' that could implicate world's most powerful and 'will try to use them to save herself'

  • Ghislaine Maxwell, 58, has a secret stash of Jeffrey Epstein's twisted sex tapes, a former friend exclusively revealed to
  • When officials raided Epstein's NYC townhouse last July, they found thousands of graphic photos that included images of underage girls and a safe filled with compact discs labeled 'nude girls', according to authorities
  • The ex friend said: 'Not only did Epstein like to capture himself with underage girls – he wanted to make sure he had something to hold over the rich and powerful men who took advantage of his sick largesse'
  • They added: 'Ghislaine has always been as cunning as they come. She wasn't going to be with Epstein all those years and not have some insurance'
  • 'She has copies of everything Epstein had. They could implicate movers and shakers. If she goes down, she's going to take the whole lot of them with her'
  • The socialite is connected to some of the world's most influential people, including Prince Andrew, Bill Clinton and Donald Trump
  • She was arrested at her hideout in Bradford, New Hampshire last Thursday, charged with six federal crimes, including sex trafficking
Ghislaine Maxwell has a secret stash of Jeffrey Epstein's twisted sex tapes and will use the footage as an insurance policy to save herself, a former friend exclusively revealed to

Maxwell, 58, was arrested at her hideout in Bradford, New Hampshire last Thursday. She was charged with six federal crimes, including enticement of minors, sex trafficking and perjury.

The British socialite was arguably Epstein's closest friend and she is alleged to have acted as his madam, accused of securing underage girls for the multi-millionaire, who reportedly kept evidence of his perverted sex acts against the minors.

When officials raided Epstein's Manhattan townhouse after his arrest last July, they found thousands of graphic photos that included images of underage girls and a safe filled with compact discs labeled 'nude girls', according to authorities.



Aug 17, 2019
Judge Rules Virginia Giuffre's Lawyers Must 'Destroy' Jeffrey Epstein Files

Attorneys for Virginia Giuffre, who publicly accused Jeffrey Epstein of sex trafficking, must destroy files they obtained on Epstein after a Wednesday ruling by a federal judge.

Senior U.S. District Judge Loretta Preska ruled Wednesday that Giuffre's lawyers had come into possession of the documents improperly, noting that the protective order could only be enforced during the civil lawsuit proceedings which had already been settled. Preska wrote that all the materials in the files "shall be destroyed."

Preska also requested proof that the documentation had been destroyed. "Counsel shall submit an affidavit detailing the steps taken to do so," Preska's ruling added.

Preska's ruling came after a request by attorney Alan Dershowitz to gain access to the documents. Giuffre has claimed that Dershowitz was one of the men Epstein forced her to have sex with. In response, Dershowitz sued Giuffre for defamation in 2019. Dershowitz claimed that obtaining the Epstein files would be an asset to his defense.

Judge orders this one day before Maxwell arrested.

No coincidences here.

Judge Preska sits in the Southern District of NY.

No coincidences here.

The well runs VERY deep and everyone will do what they can to try to shield each other.
Aug 17, 2019
Steve Bing, producer and philanthropist, dies in fall from building

Steve Bing, the film producer and wealthy financier who fathered a child with actress Elizabeth Hurley, died in a fall from his posh Century City, Los Angeles, apartment building Monday, reports said.

At the age of 18, Bing inherited an estimated $600 million from his grandfather, Leo S. Bing, a real estate developer, which led him to drop out of Stanford University and use the money to invest in Hollywood.

Bing was the ex of actress Elizabeth Hurley and father her son, Damian, based on a 2002 DNA test, which he denied at the time, according to PEOPLE. He had another child, Kira, born to professional tennis player Lisa Bonder.

Isn't it amazing HOW MANY friends the Clinton's lose to "suicide"?


Clinton loved Bing but perhaps he loved his bank account more?


And isn't it amazing how somehow Bill Gates' name shows up too? And as BENEFICIARY OF HIS WEALTH!

Let's face it, it's not every day a billionaire kills himself.

Foul play?

Clearly Bing was "in bed" with many controversial names/organizations.

He had deep ties to the Clinton's and others like Gates and Buffet.

The Clinton Foundation is a front for human/child trafficking (pizzagate).

Hillary's email trial is fast approaching.

Key witness?

Is it possible he "knew" something or too much.

Key witnesses always seem to commit "suicide" just before big trials?

Sources say that NINE Hollywood producers/directors were arrested at the same time that this happened.

Being told the names are big and will be released when the timing is right.
Aug 17, 2019
Biden-founded law firm, as well as a company tied to Pelosi, received PPP funds, docs show

A prominent Delaware law firm founded by presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden received a Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loan for between $150,000 and $350,000, according to records released Monday by the Treasury Department and the Small Business Administration.

The Trump campaign told Fox News that the records conflict with recent messaging from the Biden campaign that the PPP is both ineffective and a vehicle to reward Trump "cronies."

The law firm that received the big payout was originally founded as Biden and Walsh and is now known as Monzack Mersky McLaughlin and Browder; Biden currently has no financial interest in the firm.

However, firm co-founder and partner Melvyn Monzack, whom Biden called one of his "great friends" in 2017, has maintained close ties to the former vice president. He served as Biden's 2002 Senate reelection treasurer, as well as the treasurer for Biden's 2008 presidential run.

Last week, the Biden campaign released a video that included a small business owner saying the Trump administration had done nothing to help her; the advertisement did not disclose that the business owner received thousands in federal relief money. Biden and his allies have also stepped up their attacks on what they call President Trump's cronyism in the distribution of stimulus money.

Meanwhile, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's team is rejecting reports that a business connected to her husband received big money under the government's emergency coronavirus relief program — arguing that his connection to the company is minimial.

The company, EDI Associates in San Rafael, California, has 52 employees and says it's in the "full-service restaurant business," government documents show. The company received between $350,000 and $1 million in Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) money.

“He’s an investor," Pelosi spokesperson Drew Hammill told Fox News. "He wasn’t involved in the application for the loan nor was he aware of it.”

The Washington Post and Bloomberg reported that EDI Associates is identified in Pelosi's disclosure forms "as a limited partnership with an investment in the El Dorado Hotel. ... The value of the asset on the form -- identified as belonging to Pelosi’s spouse -- is listed as between $250,001 and $500,000."

Biden and Pelosi are not only bad actors and criminals but they are hypocrites too.

And where is Hunter Biden hiding all of a sudden?
Aug 17, 2019
Senator Kennedy speaks out about Biden's Destructive Agenda

The Honorable Senator John Kennedy here correctly states what an unmitigated disaster and horrendous loss to all Americans that a Joe Biden presidency would bring upon us.

"If he [Biden] wins build a fallout shelter, you will need it."

Some will call this political, it's not, it's a whole lot of TRUTH!
Aug 17, 2019
Ex-Reddit CEO Says She ‘Knew’ Ghislaine Maxwell Was Trafficking Underage Girls, Attended Party With Al Gore, Facebook AND Amazon Execs

Pao – a lawyer who founded a “diversity consulting non profit” – said on Twitter that Maxwell was a guest at a super exclusive Kleiner Perkins Holiday party in 2011.


She shockingly added that she had no desire to take a photo with Maxwell as “we knew about her supplying underage girls for sex, but I guess that was fine with the ‘cool’ people who managed the tightly controlled guest list”.

Pao has since removed the tweet and made her profile private.

The National Pulse understands from a 2011 list of guests from the party that the following high profile individuals were also in attendance alongside Pao and Maxwell:

  • Former Vice President of the United States, Al Gore
  • Former Chair of the US President’s Council of Economic Advisers under President Clinton, Laura Tyson
  • Current Facebook VP, Mike Abbot
  • Former Amazon Director, Bing Gordon
  • Former Myspace CEO, Owen Van Natta
  • Former Hewlett Packard Chairman, Ray Lane
  • Chime Founder, Jared Morgenstern
  • Former Hulu Executive, Eric Feng

I suspect we are going to see a lot more "saving my ass" stories like this.

Notice how many say "Former".

Perhaps now you can understand why the mass exodus of CEOs I referred to many times in this thread.

As the Pedo attack (Pizzagate, Epstein arrest, Weinstein arrest) heated up they all ran!
Aug 17, 2019
WHO alters timeline to indicate it first learned of coronavirus from Internet, not Chinese officials

The credibility of the World Health Organization (WHO) and its dealings with the Chinese government in the early days of the pandemic have once again come under scrutiny following revelations that the U.N.-backed global health body tacitly changed its coronavirus timeline to disclose that it initially heard about the novel virus outbreak from the Internet, not Beijing officials as it has long insisted.

According to multiple reports, the revisions were made on the WHO website on June 29, adding fuel to the fire that the Chinese leadership long purported to cover up the new virus, formally termed COVID-19, and that the WHO assisted them in doing so.

A spokesperson for the WHO did not immediately respond to a request for comment to clarify the timeline change and why it was enhanced more than six months after the initial findings.

But the latest narrative change is one of just many in recent months pertaining to how much the WHO knew and its questionable relationship with Chinese officials.

Furthermore, on Feb. 3, several weeks after scores of countries – including the United States – had confirmed cases of the new illness, WHO's Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus proclaimed that "the spread to other countries is minimal and slow," and the virus could be "contained easily" as a result of China's "strategy and efforts."

People around the world are starting to see the truth and understand they have been lied to.

COVID is an unnatural virus used as a "biological" weapon for the purpose of destroying America.

From COVID to George Floyd to BLM, it was all coordinated as part of the their "Plan".

The evil participants have shown themselves.

They have failed.

Justice is coming!
Aug 17, 2019

PHILADELPHIA -- A total of 34 people were shot over the holiday weekend, and nine died.

ATLANTA -- A total of 31 people were shot over the holiday weekend, and five died.


Once again, ALL Democratic mayors.

And these anti-American Dems want to defund the police.

How delusional and evil are they?

Active member
Nov 23, 2011

PHILADELPHIA -- A total of 34 people were shot over the holiday weekend, and nine died.

ATLANTA -- A total of 31 people were shot over the holiday weekend, and five died.


Once again, ALL Democratic mayors.

And these anti-American Dems want to defund the police.

How delusional and evil are they?

Add Chicago and NY to that

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